freya-duke · 7 months
love when bonnie does the thing
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freya-duke · 7 months
forehead kisses are so healing i need a million
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freya-duke · 7 months
No noise November. Everybody shut up.
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freya-duke · 7 months
My Tree
Its mark had been left there, but only at night, during the day everything was just as normal as it could be. But during the night, everything changed.
The branches hung low, they hung low from people being strung with rope on them. The sounds of choking could be heard all around the tree. They would try over and over again to get the rope from around their necks, those who made it that far that is. Being high up there was nothing for the 10 of them to keep footing on, their necks snapped like thin twigs, their bodies swinging back and forth. Those six who had footing would scratch at the rope, breaking their nails, blood gushing from the small beds.
As soon as they broke free from the rope, they were unbalanced, 3 lost their footing, hitting their heads on the thick and thin branches, cracks being heard as they fell and landed head first on the ground. But those who managed to keep footing, oh they hung on for dear life. The last three who kept their footing wear usually by the trunk of the tree, digging their nails into the hard wood when there were no knots around to hold onto. Slowly and steadily the select three who had been lucky enough to make it this far had started to descend down the tree and safely as possible. They tried their best to keep away from thin branches knowing that as soon as they stepped on the wrong one they would be done for. But sooner or later they would slip up, and soon two ended up stepping on the wrong branch. The branches cracked underneath them, both trying their best to grab something to hold onto yet failing miserably, as if the branches were moving away from them. Soon the two ended up on the ground, skull cracked and dyed red as they bled out from the head wound.
Then there was one, one last person, one last survivor. This survivor just stared in horror as they watched their friends fall to their death, hearing the loud crack as they landed head first. Shivers ran down their spine as tears flew down their face. Slowly they made their way down the tree, careful not to step on the thin branches worried that if they did their fate would be the same as the others who had the curse of being a part of this.
Soon the final survivor made it to the bottom of the tree, trying their best to avoid the bodies that surrounded them. Looking around them, they were surrounded by their friends, their family. Their little sister and brother.
He failed them as their older brother. He failed his friends. Now he had to live with that failure. Teary eyed he took a step forward and turned around, turned to the tree that cursed him, the tree that took away what he had. At that moment in time he heard a crunch type of sound, turning back around in a flash he saw a figure out in the distance. The figure looked dark and shadowed. It came running at full speed, pinning the boy to the tree, the figure's arm on the boy's neck, softly choking him as he put more pressure on his neck. The boy's face started turning pale as gurgled noises came out his throat before a small snap was heard. The figure dropped the boy's limp body to the floor.
Snarling was heard throughout the forest as the sun rose. The corpses of those who hung on or layed under the tree were left to rot, not being found until a couple days later by a couple of hikers. Different law enforcement were brought to the scene and the day was spent carrying all the bodies out in body bags, no survivors.
They hired an arborist to cut down the tree, yet the next day when law enforcement came to check on the tree and it was still there. It was upsetting and this was seen as a disappointment to the community, they wanted the tree gone and yet it was as if never cut. Calling the arborist, the mayor forced him to return back to the horrid tree, though the arborist claimed it was cut and that he didn't know what happend.
“Well then cut it again because it’s still fucking there, we don’t need this horrid thing here. It's a disgrace and unruly reminder of many unfortunate passings''
“I really don’t know what to tell you, I swear I cut it down”
The mayor and arborist went back and forth with each other, both getting mildly frustrated. Foul language was thrown around and bystanders were soon involved.
“You know what fuck it leave, me and the other grieving families can’t and won’t deal with this. I’m just going to hire a different arborist.”
“Then do that! I’m out.”
As the arborist walked away the mayor looked at the crowd, worried and angered voices flooded his ears.
Frustrated, the mayor looked at the crowd. All that he could see was a frustrated and upset look on everyone's face in the crowd. Sighing, the mayor spoke up.
“Alright everyone go home! I'll take care of this myself. We are all very tired and upset and I understand that but please just one more day and I promise you all that it will be gone by tomorrow.”
The crowd looked relieved and slowly started to disperse, leaving the mayor behind to take care of the burden, the curse that hurt everyone. The sun soon set and everyone was gone. Gone for the night only to come back the next day.
The mayor soon got to work, cutting and cutting, hour by hour sawing through the tree.
By morning time The same crowd from yesterday had returned, a smile on their faces as they thought that the tree was finally gone, their burden, the thing that cursed their town, their own mayor had taken care of.
One by one everyone made their way to the tree, and one by one everyone had stopped short. They couldn’t believe it. Why was this happening? Why to them? Why to him?
The crowd was horrified by what they had just seen. The tree was still standing, and on one of the branches hung the mayor and under him was something burned into the ground.
It was a message and it read, “My Tree”
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freya-duke · 7 months
A Killing Melody
A soft song was heard in the depths of the woods, it was heard each and every night, it was light and soft, as if the song that was sung was a lullaby. The woods are never to be entered as long as that soft song goes on, everyone always says, “No matter how sweet the melody, it’s deadly, it’s a killing melody and you are never permitted to enter these woods.”. No one can understand why or how such a sweet song can have such a tragic end. No one but some dumb teens, some dumb teens that seem to not know that actions always have a consequence. ————————————————————————————————————
“You guys I really don’t think we should- What about the warning, I don’t think we should honestly…”
“You’re being a wuss, now shut up and either follow us or stay, we don't need you complaining about how quiet we should be or where we should step. If you are so worried about what your “precious mommy” would say then stay behind.”
“Ash- stop being rude-”
“Oh shut up Richie- I wouldn’t be so rude if he wasn't such a “Mama’s boy” all the fucking time.”
By this time Ash had hopped over the small wooden fence that covered the woods, Richie hopping the fence, following behind. Richie looked back towards Ellijah, expecting to see him walking away or gone, but he wasn't walking away nor did he leave, Ellijah had hopped the fence to follow the other two boys and he was next to Ash.
A loud smack rang throughout the forest, Ellijah had hit Ash. His face was red with the imprint of a hand, he looked stunned that Ellijah had the guts, the courage, to actually hit him. Richie didn’t know how to react, just standing there in disbelief that Ellijah, the same Ellijah that was just complaining about going in the forest, the same Ellijah that never stood up for himself, had hit Ash.
“Don’t you dare call me that, I am not a “mama's boy”, and don't you even think about saying anything else about my mother, no “precious mommy” or shit like that you hear me”
Ellijah’s voice deepened, his voice laced with anger, his face darkened. Mumbling something under his breath we walked away from the two boys, reaching and hopping the fence once more, disappearing into the dark, leaving the two alone.
“What a dick, let's go Richie, find out where that shitty melody is coming from.”
Richie just nodded his head, following after Ash, leading the two deeper into the forest.
Half an hour later, the two boys were deep into the forest, far away from the small wooden fence that should have held them back yet didn't. Huffing the boys sat down under a big looming tree, taking a break from their walk.
“When is that dumb fucking melody gonna start, its been 30 minutes already and that shit hasn’t been sung once.”
“Maybe it just needs more ti-”
Stopping mid sentence, Richie and Ash looked at one another, the song had started. It was odd to them hearing it, something that they were only able to hear from a distance seemed so close now. The two looked at each other, gasping in awe, rising from their resting spot the boys looked around trying to find the direction the melody came from yet it seemed to come from all around.
The wind had picked up tremendously, tearing off the leaves from branches and bushes that were planted in the forest ground. The wind was gushing, switching from left to right, leaving the boys to shut their eyes to keep dirt from getting in.
After a couple minutes of the wind blowing and gushing it soon died down, leaving the boys stunned by the sudden wind.
“The FUCK was that”
“How should I know! I’m just as confused as you are Ash”
“Confused my ass, fuck this shit. I ain’t getting caught up in some freaky fucking storm.”
“Hold up dude! Our shit we can’t just leave it-”
“Fuck that, grab it if you want but im out”
Ash started walking away, not looking back, just looking forward.
“Ash wait- please”
“I told you, come with me now or grab the shit and get left behi-”
Looking back toward Richie who was grabbing the items that had been dropped, Ash saw a blinding light behind him. He stopped in his tracks, gasping as he shielded his eyes from the blinding light.
“There’s some sort of fucking light behind you richie, be careful”
“What are you even talking about- it’s almost pitch black out here-”
Screaming, Richie was pulled back,,pulled into the white light, pulled into the tree, everything being dropped and scattered.
Ash ran towards the tree, kicking and hitting it, he screamed and screamed, yelling to whatever took his friend to give him back. His knuckles were bruised and bloody at this point, his feet were aching, his head pounding. He then just stopped, tears streaming down his face, wiping his face with his bloodied hands, he fell to the ground.
“Richie… I'm sorry man. I’m sorry I dragged you out here with me, I should have listened to him..”
Quickly turning, he looked behind him, yet seeing nothing.
“Is someone there? Richie is that you-”
“He’s dead Ash. You killed him. I warned you, I told you it was dangerous coming out here. But did you listen? No- because you NEVER FUCKING LISTEN”
“You? What are you doing here- What do you mean he’s dead- he can't be.. Wait- how did you find me? I thought you left. Why are you here Ellijah..?”
Ellijah looked at Ash, walking towards him a twisted smile came across his face. Ash started scooting back, trying to escape the boy yet to no avail soon hitting the tree with his back. Looking up to Ellijah, he covered his head with his arms, waiting to be striked yet it never happened.
The wind started blowing harshly once more, that white light returned, lighting brighter than before. The song also had started once more, Ash was confused, he looked in every direction yet couldn't see anything, he went into sensory overload, he couldn’t see anything but white, he couldn’t hear anything but that song and couldn’t feel anything but the dirt that was underneath him.
Minutes after it all had stopped, Ash opened his eyes and stood up. He saw Ellijah and a tall woman in white standing next to him. They looked like each other, same hair, same eyes, same face.
Looking at Ellijah, Ash’s face turned white, his mind wandered back to the beginning, back to the fence.
‘Mumbling something under his breath we walked away from the two boys, reaching and hopping the fence once more, disappearing into the dark, leaving the two alone.’
“I warned you Ash and you didn't listen and you know what, maybe you're right Ash, maybe I am a ‘Mama’s boy’.
The song started once more, but this time Ash was able to see where it was coming from. It was coming from the women in white. Everything went pitch black, and the only thing that was heard was the screams of Ash, who had been pulled back into the tree.
The melody had then continued, soon not being sung by one person but now by two…
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freya-duke · 7 months
Happy Camping
Walking around camp,the ten who had left to find the counselors were lost. But how was that possible, they had been at the camp for days, weeks, months even. They knew where everything was at the camp and who everyone was. They didn’t know what was going on. Soon after wondering for a bit they heard screams close to them, very close to them. Looking around they saw the big bunker that they had left only a few minutes ago. Walking inside they were confused and scared. They looked at those who had stayed behind, trying to wake up those who had slept. Horror was laid upon the faces of those who were with the four who laid still.
Screams were heard all throughout the cabin as four bodies fell to the ground with a loud thud, blood splattering as their dead bodies landed on the ground head first. Their skulls cracked as blood pools from their bodies and those who were living huddled in the center and corners of the room. Suddenly a loud snarl was heard outside the cabin and the lights bursted into millions of small shards of glass. The room now a dimmed black, the lighting from outside suddenly gone as though day never existed. Pleads, cries and soft whimpering was the only thing that was heard before it went quiet.
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freya-duke · 8 months
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an angel that’s an animal
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freya-duke · 8 months
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freya-duke · 8 months
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freya-duke · 8 months
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favourite house episodes→ 4.16 “Wilson’s Heart”
Am I dead? Not Yet. I should be. Why? Because life shouldn’t be random. Because lonely, misanthropic drug addicts should die in bus crashes, and young do-gooders in love who get dragged out of their apartment in the middle of the night should walk away clean.
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freya-duke · 8 months
no I’m not okay. house’s expression when wilson chooses amber’s life over his is the most devastated I’ve ever seen somebody look. wilson is the only person house has ever openly cared about and wilson asks him to die for someone he cares about more than house. house wouldn’t just sacrifice his life for wilson to continue living, he would commit suicide if it meant wilson was happier. the man who said he wouldn’t sacrifice himself for anything, chooses the one thing he WOULD sacrifice himself for.
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freya-duke · 1 year
Villain x love interest 2
He wondered how it came to be like this. How his wife was found by the villains side, hand in hand as the city behind them was in panic. This time, the villain was unmasked and he could now see her honey brown eyes. He shuddered at how they stared at each other. Love and compassion filled their eyes. How did this happen? Why did this happen? He couldn’t wrap his head around this at all.
“You forgot about her. That’s how this happened. You forgot your vows and forgot how important she was meant to be.”
He looked up, only now realizing that he said it all out loud. Tears threatened to spill from his eyes as he racked his brain trying to remember when. He turned to face the woman he once knew, as if silently asking her when, when he left her behind, when he forgot about her. Then it hit him, when was the last time he saw her? Was it last week or maybe the week before?
“I- Im sorry darling please- I can do better just don't-”
“You can’t do better, you made your choice, you chose them over me. I was the one you married but it seems like you married the city before me. We said till death do us part and I meant that whole-heartedly but you didn’t. You didn't notice that I was gone, I waited for you to find me, to save me, I had hoped for days on end that you would come and find me and take me back home, but you never came and I lost all hope in you.”
His mind was racing and it seemed like everything was spinning, those words echoed in his head, he failed- he failed her, he couldn’t retaliate her words even if he wanted to, because they were true. Over the years he cared more for the city than the one he married, then the one he claimed as the love of his life, the one he said till death do us part to. He failed her and now she has become this. She has become part of the problem, because of him, she is now a villain who is filled with hurt and it was because of him.
“I’m sorry- i’m so so sorry, please forgive me, let me try again- just- just dont become this, someone who is part of the prob-”
“PART OF THE PROBLEM? YOU’RE THE PROBLEM, YOU ACT ALL HIGH AND MIGHTY THINKING THAT EVERYONE SHOULD WORSHIP YOU! YOU- you don’t deserve it, I am not the problem, i’m like this because of you, you’re to blame, you’re the reason and in the end you are the problem. It’s people like you that cause such mayhem in the world, you work from behind the scenes, you cause all the pain and you make the villains who they are today.”
Tears ran down her face as she spoke to her past lover, as she gave him the truth of the world, of himself. She let herself shed a few tears of her hurt, of her pain before feeling the villain's hand interlock with hers. She was embraced by the villain, her head in their chest and her arm wrapped around her waist.
“She’s right, you think you deserve all of the statues, awards and praise you get, but how would they feel when they find out your part of the actual problem? How would they feel knowing that your the reason that villains exist in their city, that your behind the scenes cruelness caused them and their city so much pain. How about it? Brother”
In that moment his world stopped as he heard explosions, screams of pain and terror rang in his ears. He was too focused on the two of them talking that he wasn’t focused on their movements. He looked around and then he noticed it, his darling, held a remote, thumb pressed on the bright red button. He couldn’t believe it. He couldn’t move, everything was just too much, too many noises that rang throughout his ears. The explosions, the screams and the laughing- why was there laughing?
“It’s- it’s so funny, you’re in such despair, you’re hurting so much. Now you feel my pain, our pain.”
“You will live to see the end of it all, the end of the precious city you tried so hard to protect. You failed me, you failed her, you failed your city. You’re nothing but a failure who hurt anyone and everyone to prove your worth. You didn’t love her, and you sure as hell didn’t love me. Only you stupid city. So in return to the pain you caused us we will return it-”
They both looked up at the hero that stood still, he remained speechless as he stared them down, tears threatening to spill from his eyes. His eyes darted around as he saw them take something out their pockets. A small item remained in the palm of their hands as they both unclasped the fingers that now used to cuddle the item. Remotes. They held a remote in their hands, their fingers both reaching to press the button-
In that moment they pressed the buttons and more explosions tore up the city, bigger this time, debris flew through the air as well as bits of limbs from those who suffered an unfortunate fate. The hero fell to his knees as he finally let the tears that settled in the corner of his eyes spill, they fell down his face, never ending. He stayed there, still, crying and speechless. The sound of heels and boots clicking against the concrete surrounded him, the two different shoes appeared in front of him, he heard whispering above him but he didn’t care. He was too wrapped in his head to care.
“Look at us”
Not wanting to comply he kept his head down, staring at the concrete floor that was stained with his tears. He heard a sigh from above him as the two crouched down to his level.
“What do you want”
“Stand up and we’ll show you”
“And why should I?”
“Do it willingly or we will force you to stand”
“Then I suppose force will need to be used”
And with that the two gripped his arms while they heaved him up, they turned themselves around and started walking, right towards the ledge of the building they stood on.
“What are you doing- that’s a ledge, what do you plan on dropping me off the ledge?”
“No, well- yes but we plan on dropping ourselves with you”
“We made peace with our death, with our end. We destroyed the whole city, killed a bunch of people in the process. There is nothing left for us and we made peace with that.”
With that said, they reached the ledge, the two women looked at eachother, love once again filled their eyes and they smiled at each other. They were surprised at the fact that the hero took the first step on the ledge.
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freya-duke · 1 year
Villain x Love intrest
i saw a scenario on instagram about the villain kidnapping the heros lover snd the hero forgetting about them so i wrote and it yep here it is
“Seems like you’re not as important to him as i thought you were”
She kept her head down as the tears fell from her eyes, the sound of heels clicking against the marbled floors flooded her ears along with a soft ringing. She wanted to be free, to find him and yell at him, tell him how long she waited, how her hope in him had dwindled and how her love for him was sadly still there. The rope that held her captive burned on her wrist and ankles but she didn't care, she didn’t care about the obnoxious burn that sizzled on her skin, she didn’t care about the red that it would leave, she just didn’t care anymore.
“Stay still, I’ll set you free”
She didn’t expect that. She thought it was a trick but the villain was nothing but kind to her during her stay, no, not kind, pity. Pity is the word she would use to describe how the villain felt. They pitied her because she was forgotten about, because he didn’t notice if she was there or not. Was it really pity then? How do villains become villains? Most act the way they act because they were forgotten about. So then maybe it wasn’t pity, maybe it was empathy, maybe they felt bad that she was experiencing the same as them- but maybe just maybe a bit worse.
“I was there you know”, before she could recognize what was happening the rope that burned her was off and the villain was in front of her crouching down to be at her eye level. “I was at your wedding, it was beautiful, you were beautiful.” She felt a hand settle on her cheek, her mind told her to pull away but her heart told her to stay, that it was safe, as much as she wanted to question it herself at the same time she didn’t, she felt safe, comfortable, maybe even possibly cherished. The way they spoke, their voice was calming and addictive, soothing and mellowed.
“I saw you in white and I was mesmerized. I was held in a trance by how brightly you shined, you lit up his world that day and you knew it, but at the same time you unknowingly lit up mine, anything I did I made sure you were safe. You didn’t know me, you only knew of me, of the crimes I have committed and of the hurt that I have caused.”
Her thoughts were racing at this point, the villain's expression was unreadable, the mask that stayed latched over their face restricted the view. All she could do was look away, feeling the heat rising in her face but also the tears starting to swell up in her eyes. She heard the villain sigh and then after a small click was heard.
“I want you to trust me, I know you don’t know me but I know you. I know that you love the beach at night but hate it in the day, I know you love and prefer the spicy over the savory, I could go on for hours. I know nearly every detail of you and your life. He forgot about you, but I didn’t, I never did. You blessed me that day and ever since you have been my every thought, you have been in my dreams and in my heart, no matter where I go you're always there. I see you everywhere, I hear your voice no matter where I go. I became this way because I was ignored and forgotten, but now I found you, I found a reason to do this, selfish it may be but it’s still a reason. You’re my reason, I want to do this for you, whether you're by my side or not I will do anything for you. I will love and cherish you, I will never forget you. I shall admire you, from afar or from up close. I will worship you like the goddess you are. I won’t say I do and leave you be, you’re already my every thought.”
She couldn’t believe her ears, what she was hearing. The tears in her eyes went away as she wrapped her head around what was just said. This- this was a love confession, someone who was meant to be cruel and uncaring loved her? To hear it all felt like a dream, she feels as though she should be freaking out but she isn’t. Why is that? Why does she feel as though maybe this is what’s right- better than what is- no, what was.
“I’ll do it, i’ll stay by your side, i’ll help you with whatever is needed, but you have to stay true to your word.” She looked up and was faced with honey brown eyes, the mask was off and the villain was revealed and she was gorgeous. Honey brown, something that would forever now be associated with her. A smile lined the villain's face as she stood up. Eyes followed her every move until the two met eye to eye. The villain's hand extended out to the girl and without hesitation she reached out for it with a small smile on her face, she was pulled from the chair and into the villains arms. Arms wrapped around her waist as the villain's face nuzzled into the crook of her neck.
“I promise, that I mean it when I say ‘till death do us part.”
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