freakblr-lore · 1 month
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Blog Name: Freakblr Lore
Username: @freakblr-lore
Aliases: No known ones
Type of Blog: Archive Blog
Date created: 10/13/23
Reason Created: To catalog freak or Lore (after the creation of, “the iceberg”)
Last Active: 05/06/24; still active
Identity: @cringelordofchaos
The Freakblr Lore blog is what I consider to be an "archive blog." It hosts information about Freakblr. All of our lore is stored there.
This blog was created on October Thirteenth of Twenty-twenty-three, after Freakblr Original user @strawberry-pretzels made a joke and mentioned of how vast the "lore" of Freakblr is, how one could make an infamous "fandom iceberg" from it.. This prompted The Freakblr Lore blog to create said iceberg. Upon the icebergs creation, containing several inside jokes and events in Freakblr history. Freakblr Original user, @sobeksewerrat said that an entire blog could be created based off of Freakblr lore.
And thus, the Freakblr Lore blog was created. Originally it was named Tmf-Lore, but was changed to be more fitting. A name the accompanied the entirety of the blogs contents. To accurately sum up what the blog is.
Over the course the Freakblr iceburg was updated several times, each new version posted on the Freakblr Lore blog. Eventually, it's most recent version was posted, pinned on their blog. You can also find two other Freakblr related icebergs on their main blog, @cringelordofchaos.
This time, the iceberg was accompanied with an explanation for each of the items contained on it. A total of about forty items. Even I do not understand all of them, so the several pages of explanation come in handy.
Overall, this blog is quite helpful for newcomers in the fandom. It allows them to be able to catch up on a lot of the inside jokes in the fandom, to be able to feel more included with their new knowledge. It makes Freakblr as a whole more accessible to TMF fans migrating here from the toxicity of Tiktok and Pintrest.
When asking about blogs of note, I was not told of anyone in particular. But I will note Freakblr Original user's @sobeksewerrat, and @strawberry-pretzels because they were so intertwined with the blogs origins.
When asked about their time on Freakblr, they had this too say:
"I was pushed into the most chaotic, yet wonderful disaster, and I do not wish to ever leave."
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freakblr-lore · 1 month
Hello, I am the @freakblrbookkeeperofficial
I am doing a post about all the prominent blogs of freckle, in order to… well… bookkeep.
In the interest of keeping clean and thorough records I would like to ask you a couple of questions. You may message me the answers or post them publicly through this ask. Whatever would make you most comfortable. In fact, if you'd prefer not to, you need not respond at all. This is simply a request to, as I said, keep accurate records.
What was the date you created this blog?
What, would you say, is the motive behind this blogs existence?
Any blogs of note that you've interacted with? Allies? Enemies?
A quote from you to sum up your time on freakblr.
If you so chose, thank you for the response either publicly or privately. If you would prefer not to respond you can message me letting me know. I will completely understand.
Oooo!!! Ok
My sincerest apologies for responding so late, I was out in the woods the whole week, no internet or anything, I hope I am not too late. (Same applies for many of my other freakblr RP blogs)
October 13th, the year of 2023, upon me creating a 'freakblr iceberg' (which is SO behind at this point)(you can find the iceberg on my main blog, @cringelordofchaos , just search up "freakblr iceberg" you should be able to find it)
It was honestly made cuz, at one point strawberry-pretzels?I think? Joked about how someone could make a whole iceberg on freakblr, due to how many inside jokes came to be, so I tried making it myself, someone then (I think eara'as? (sobeksewerrat)) said in a reblog of said iceberg that a whole blog should be made on freakblr lore, so I did it. It was actually originally called "tmf-lore", but I quickly changed it to a more suiting name. So while I have neglected the blog ... QUITE A BIT lately, I intend to come back to it so I can keep track of all the frealblr lore, seeing as a LOT has happened recently. But basically, the motive was to keep track of all the freakblr lore, as the url suggests
Nah not really
I was pushed into the most chaotic, yet wonderful disaster, and I do not wish to ever leave.
Side note I'm kinda scared of your blog but it looks pretty cool !! Wish you luck uncovering this hellhole !!
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freakblr-lore · 2 months
Like if you’re a #this is so fucking cool fan, reblog if you’re a #tmf religious lore fan.
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freakblr-lore · 4 months
It's complicated in many ways unfathomable but In short he's a god and has led and started multiple wars in the past, in regards to the small humble community known as Freakblr. He wouldn't be the only one to claim to be a god, as there are others who have tried to be on as well in the past, and not much has been resolved from that. Battles almost emerged between these gods but many have been avoided in some way, while the residents of Freakblr hope for peace, which is almost impossible due to the chaotic nature of Freakbeller Gods. (But I'm on your side Eara'as)
Adam, my guy, you gotta be more obvious with this idiot (Oliver). Be more direct.
❓: *shrugs*
❕: About what?
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freakblr-lore · 5 months
Figured I should make an introductory post
Hello, this blog is specifically about imaginary TMF and freakblr lore. Most of it is simply reblogging stuff about our community and some headcanons
My main account is @cringelordofchaos
General tags:
tmf lore
freakblr lore
freakblr iceberg
tmf rp blog lore
self rb
not freakblr lore
Current iceberg:
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explanations of (most) stuff here: (I might write it down later I'm too tired right now)
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You can send TMF/Freakblr posts for me to reblog by reblogging those posts and tagging me! This includes rp blog posts, any source of lore, etc
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freakblr-lore · 5 months
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freakblr-lore · 5 months
Ok so first.
There's the fucking freekbeller. time traveler, agent, and also god but that one isn't that new (?).
also Jake is fucking dead ??
Oh man I haven't updated the freakblr lore iceberg in ages there is so much to add
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freakblr-lore · 6 months
Oh man I haven't updated the freakblr lore iceberg in ages there is so much to add
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freakblr-lore · 6 months
is it too late (now to say sorry..?) to add freakblr god, freakblr agent, and freakblr time traveller to the lore?
te. the Freakblr time what now
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freakblr-lore · 6 months
If u guys and girls and everything in between and out of it get this post to 11k before newyears eve i shall treat myself
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freakblr-lore · 6 months
If u guys and girls and everything in between and out of it get this post to 11k before newyears eve i shall treat myself
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freakblr-lore · 6 months
If u guys and girls and everything in between and out of it get this post to 11k before newyears eve i shall treat myself
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freakblr-lore · 7 months
I like any and all TMF posts.
OOC: ive barely touched this blog in two weeks damn
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freakblr-lore · 7 months
Ok is it too early to add @all-hail-freakblr-god to Freakblr lore? Doesn't matter cuz I'm doing it anyway
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freakblr-lore · 7 months
Ok!! I dojt think I've EVER seen anyone ship ziam outside of freakblr so I would definitely call it a part of freakblr culture
But uh is it bad that I'm SLIGHTLY giving up on the iceberg (since I'm too lazy to edit the iceberg I just write down stuff in a Google document)
confession #295
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ZIAM ZIAM ZIAM ZIAM ZIAM !!! use a liam screencap. use a liam screencap.
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freakblr-lore · 7 months
I divorced Mathew btw (it's complicated, don't ask)
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freakblr-lore · 7 months
Arab Freaks add Au
Edit tmf x ace attorney to Freak attorney
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