frank-aaa · 1 month
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Ten Rules for a Successful Mistress
Control the orgasm, and you control the male.
To make any fantasy work, you must build suspense in your submissive.
Stimulation plus frustration equals service and submission.
Every submissive will try to test the limits of your Rule.  Never let him get away with anything.  He needs you to be both firm and consistent.
Physical pain alone cannot satisfy a submissive (a masochist, yes).
The more aroused your submissive is, the more pain he can take.
The more effective your psychological Dominance, the less pain you will need to inflict to control and satisfy your submissive.
All punishment is a balance between intensity and duration.  More intense pain should last less time.  If you want to prolong the punishment, the less intense the stimulation.
Submission increases with time.  As long as you maintain firm control, the longer a session lasts, the more thoroughly submissive your male will become.
Your control and pleasure are inextricably intertwined with the submission and pleasure.
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frank-aaa · 2 months
Femdom Punishment Ideas...
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By Mistress Kylie,
This post contains all of the ideas I have been able to come up with or find on the internet for female-dominant, male-submissive scenes…
You’ll probably notice that a lot of the ideas are designed for use over many days and are associated with orgasm control. This theme emerged over time because orgasm control is so effective at heightening male desire. We use this list in a very simple framework when setting up scenes. First she picks one or more of the ideas below (either by hand or randomly) and makes rules and tasks out of them. Then, after a few days of suffering through them and pushing me to peak sensitivity, the frequency of rules and tasks increases (over a weekend, for example) and she adapts punishments from the list (or comes up with them on her own) to achieve a good, intense session.
So anyway, I hope you enjoy them and they inspire ideas of your own! Please note, though, that we haven’t tried all of them. Some of them may not be practical.
1) Hold Pennies Against the Wall
This task is very hard: have him hold pennies against the wall using only his fingertips — one penny per finger. Depending on how you position his arms, this can be easy or extremely difficult. Arms spread wide apart forces him to get his face very close to the wall and will tire his arms quickly. Same with his hands being very high up.
For every penny that drops, punish him. Keep the punishments severe enough that he really fears dropping a penny.
You can also make him hold a penny against the wall using his erect cock. This will force him to keep himself hard.
2) Controlled Orgasms
Rules that control his orgasms are the most effective and psychologically impactful rules you can impose. These rules also become good excuses for torment and punishment. The mix of wanting to orgasm and facing big punishments feels very exciting.
Ideas for Normal Situations
He has to earn orgasms –> After you have had five orgasms, he gets one. –> He chooses to undergo a punishment or humiliation in order to flip a coin. Heads grants him an orgasm. Tails gets him another punishment or humiliation –> He earns points toward his next orgasm by acting the role of the “perfect slave.” These can only be earned by doing things for you without being asked, and acting the part perfectly. 20 points per orgasm.
He must ask permission prior to orgasm.
He is allowed to orgasm, but doing so carries an automatic set of punishments or humiliations.
Every time he orgasms, he owes you a favor.
You pretend to believe that he will take any opportunity to have an orgasm, and go to great lengths to prevent it (chastity belt, lots of restraints, careful supervision).
After every orgasm, he must collect his semen and do something embarrassing with it.
Come up with a “training regimen” to teach him to resist orgasm. He wears a chastity belt until he can resist your best efforts to get him to come while you reach two or three orgasms.
He is forbidden to clean up his own semen if it lands on him.
He gets a very short window every day to bring himself to orgasm while you watch. The chastity belt goes back on at the end whether he succeeds or not.
He gets a set limit of orgasms per week, which he can trade like currency. (His limit could be one. Or one every two weeks. Just because he can trade doesn’t mean he needs a lot of them.)
When a Slave’s Been Bad
Instead of a promised orgasm, he has to edge instead and thank you at the end as if he had an orgasm.
Lengthen the time he has to wear the chastity belt.
Treat pre-cum as orgasms for punishment purposes.
Warn him about a severe punishment if he orgasms, then tie him down and ride him until he does.
During the time when he is permitted to orgasm, position his body so that he can’t prevent himself from coming on himself.–>Make him put his knees on the wall behind him so that his cock points toward his face
If you are on top and he comes, keep going. The sensory overload is really overpowering. Even though it feels great, it’s a good “mean” thing to do to him.
Punishment Ideas
Remember that if your slave just had an orgasm without permission, he’s less in the mood than he was before. So instead of a regular punishment, pick one that is more severe, and execute it after he’s back in the mood (possibly the next day).
Make him write out a coupon for a certain number of days spent in a chastity belt. Spend it whenever you like. If he picks a number that is lower than what you picked, make him choose again and double his next result. (You can choose to have him give you a number of orgasms instead of a number of days.)
If he comes inside of you, sit on his chest while his semen drains out of you. Tie him up until it dries.
Chain a heavy weight to his chastity belt for a while, giving him something he either has to drag by his balls or deal with as he does other tasks for you.
3) Edging
Edging is the practice of bringing someone very close to the point of orgasm and then baking off. It’s usually done repeatedly, which both increases sexual need and results in the closest thing to multiple orgasms for a man. You can force your Slave to edge himself a few times to increase his sexual need. Or, you can do it to him and punish him if he orgasms. This will force him to resist orgasm.
4) Must Volunteer Information
This is similar to the “Must Not Lie” rule, but forces him to give you extra details whenever he’s answering a question. It can be very useful, because he has to actively think about what other secrets he can divulge. Use it to force him to keep you aware of the things he’s thinking about.
Ideas for Normal Situations
He must tell you when he’s horny
He must go into detail about what he wants sexually and why
Whenever he’s asked a question, he has to answer it, and then say “Also…” and add more details.
He must try to help you come up with more effective punishments, more humiliating tasks, and tell you how he might try to get out of obeying you
When a Slave’s Been Bad
Since you can’t read his mind, there’s no way to know if he’s holding something back. Rely on punishments if you find out that he didn’t tell you something.
Punishment Ideas
This is a rule that focuses on helplessness and humiliation. It’s also oral, since he has to tell you things. If you catch him leaving something out, punish him accordingly.
Make him write out several punishments and rank them according to desirability. Pick one or more for him to go through.
Make him tell you the most humiliating punishment he can think of. If he disobeys again, he has to go through with it.
Take away his right to speak for a while. Use a ball gag or tape if necessary.
Tell him to apologize. Don’t accept his apology until he recommends a good physical punishment or humiliation for you to employ.
5) Must Keep Legs Spread
Here is a very simple rule that is designed to keep things awkward for him and emphasize that his cock and balls belong to you. Usually the rule is that his legs can’t touch his cock or balls while you are in the room. Tell him that you want to see his balls hanging down.
Ideas for Normal Situations
He must keep his legs spread whenever you are within reach of his genitals
He must spread his legs on command
When a Slave’s Been Bad
He must keep his legs spread at all times, just in case.
Tie his legs up by the knees and spread them out. Then tease him by doing things to him that would make him want to close his legs
Punishment Ideas
Breaking this rule is all about not giving you access to his cock and balls, or about him not putting them on display for you. Punish him accordingly.
Tie his ankles to his wrists. Then tie his elbows to his knees. Last, pull his cock and balls behind his legs and tie his legs together so that they are trapped down by his butt. Now he gets to keep his legs closed, but you have full access to the genitals. Torture them for a while until he becomes more compliant.
Since he won’t put his genitals on display on his own, take away all his clothes and tie him up in a full-body rope harness. That way he can stay on display for you until you get tired of him.
6) Must Obey
Make it unconditional that he has to obey you, or anyone you specify, and punish him if he doesn’t do it promptly or well. This is one of those rules that you’ll talk about a lot, bringing it up to him to remind him that he doesn’t have a choice (or that you’ll punish him severely) if he doesn’t obey.
Ideas for Normal Situations
Have him acknowledge every command with “yes ma’am,” “yes, mistress,” or similar.
Give him a time limit to obey. For example, he might get punished for not jumping to do what you say within three seconds.
If he’s being forced to obey someone else, have him ask that person to give you an evaluation of how well he did.
Test him by giving him a list of things to do while you are away. Demand proof that he did them.
Come up with a word you can use to tell him that you are giving him an order while he’s in public so that others aren’t aware that you’re giving him a command to obey.
When a Slave’s Been Bad
Dramatically increase the number of things he has to do so that he’s kept very busy
Use toys, locks, and complicated tasks to make obeying very hard, such as –> Blindfolding him, then telling him to get a specific item that can only be identified by sight –> Chaining up his hands and then giving him something to type (with his tongue?) –> Give him an enema, and tell him he can’t release it until a task is done.
Give him tedious tasks, like writing out a sentence fifty times.
Punishment Ideas
Failure to obey you should carry the harshest punishments. The point of this game is to use punishments to force him to obey you. Therefore, the punishments have to be intense enough that doing humiliating and painful tasks is less miserable than going through with the punishments. Generally, you want to pick very painful or very humiliating punishments for this kind of error. Try to get him to call out in pain several times. He’s got a safe-word if you go too far.
Chain him up so he is completely immobile, then leave him like that for a while, maybe periodically torturing him.
Take away a sense or a privilege for a long time, such as use of his hands for 24 hours.
Add a couple extra rules to his list of rules
Make him pick a few punishments he would rather not be forced to undergo and then draw one randomly
Add a few days of slavery to his sentence
7) Must Become Hard
With this rule, the slave must force himself to become hard. This usually carries a time-limit, or is just a way for you to keep his hands on his cock, constantly fumbling with it. This has more to do with him having to make himself hard with you watching than it does with him getting hard. He is putting himself on display. Keep that in mind and see if you can think of ways to change things up.
Consider making him exaggerate the process so that it’s extra disruptive. Some ideas are to have him stretch out his cock, or use both hands, or kneel until it’s done.
This rule can be fun if he can’t use his hands to make himself hard. He’ll be left humping you or the furniture to comply.
Ideas for Normal Situations
When Mistress enters the room, slave has a certain amount of time to make himself hard.
On a schedule, such as once every three hours, slave has to make himself hard and present his cock for your inspection. If it’s not hard enough, or if it offends you in any way, he can be punished.
When seeing something arbitrary, such as a high heel, he has to become hard –> You might say, “You like skirts so much? Well, you’re going to show it!” And have him make himself hard every time he sees one on TV.
Upon hearing an arbitrary word, such as “songbird,” he has to make himself hard.
When a Slave’s Been Bad
Instead of just making himself hard once, he has to become hard, become soft, and become hard again –> Add a time-limit to complete this task to make it harder.
Make it more uncomfortable for him by keeping him from freeing his cock from his clothes or adjusting it while it’s getting hard.
Forbid him to use his hands to make himself hard or simply tie his hands out of reach of his cock. This will make it much tougher, but still possible.
Make him stay hard for five minutes before he can let go of his cock or stop stimulating it.
Punishment Ideas
If he fails to become hard for you in time (or if he forgets), change the rule so that he isn’t allowed to become hard for a day. See if you can catch him breaking that rule and slap a chastity belt on him.
The next time he has to be hard on command, put him in a lot of pain by slapping at his balls with a ruler or squeezing them (or similar) while he is trying to get hard.
Make him get hard without physical contact on his cock of any kind. (This might be very difficult.) Tie him up to be sure that he can’t move, of course.
8) Must Use Specific Names
This is a rule in every slave contract: that he must refer to you by a name of your choice. You can extend this to involve other women or other people. Common examples are:
My Lady
Ideas for Normal Situations
He isn’t allowed to use your name.
He has to answer “yes, <special name>” whenever you give a command
Must call other men and women “sir” or “ma’am,” even if he knows their names.
Must be sure to state your special name before asking any question
When a Slave’s Been Bad
Once again, this rule is so common that it’s almost always in a contract. I can’t think of tougher ways to implement it.
Punishment Ideas
This rule is a vocal one, so punishments can involve the mouth or speech. But don’t let that stop you from popping him in the testicles for forgetting to say your name before a question. Just be sure to catch him every time.
Make him wear a ball gag for thirty minutes every time he forgets
Tape his mouth shut when he forgets
Make him eat or drink something (like alcohol?) every time he messes up.
Place a clothes pin on his tongue for a while
Make him hold something with his mouth
9) Must Kiss
Slave must kiss some part of Mistress under some conditions. Type of kiss, duration, and number of kisses are up to you. You could, for example, make him practice kissing until he gets it exactly right.
Body Parts to Kiss
Ideas for Normal Situations
You can assign different body parts to kiss under different situations. If he forgets or gets one wrong, he gets punished. For example –> He must kiss a chosen body part when you enter the room –> He must kiss your clitoris after you orgasm –> When Waking –> Before Bed –> While showering, he must constantly kiss your vagina –> When seeing something arbitrary, such as a high heel –> Upon hearing an arbitrary word, such as “songbird.”
When a Slave’s Been Bad
He must practice kissing the chosen body part. The more disobedient he has been, the longer he has to practice.
Instead of a simple kiss, you can make a complicated series of kisses that he has to get right every time.
You can put a blindfold on him before he kisses. If he misses the spot, he gets punished.
Punishment Ideas
Kissing is an oral act, so you might want punishments to involve the mouth. Here are some ideas.
Leave him in a ball gag for a period of time for every mistake he makes with this rule.
Force him to wear bright red lipstick and gloss (make his lips kissable) to remind him what his duty is.
Take away the use of his hands (using ropes or chains) and let him use his mouth as hands for a while. When he has had enough, give him a test to see if he has learned his lesson.
10) Must Wear Collar and/or Cuffs
You require your slave to wear a collar, wrist cuffs, or ankle cuffs, or any combination both as a symbol that you own him and so that you can quickly restrain him at any time.
Since the collar and cuffs can’t be ignored, it will force him to remember the situation he’s in. You might want to avoid making him wear a collar while he sleeps, but that is the only one you need to be careful about. Cuffs while sleeping are just fine.
Ideas for Normal Situations
When he gets up or gets home from work, he must lock a collar and cuffs on himself. Only you can unlock them.
He has to lock chains that hang freely from his collar and/or cuffs.
He has to sleep with wrist and/or leg cuffs on.
He has to lock himself to the bed when he goes to sleep.
He has to lock something embarrassing to his collar.
When a Slave’s Been Bad
Not only does he have to lock cuffs on himself when he gets home, he has to lock his wrists together and his ankles together. You unlock him when you get home or by telling him where the key is by phone.
He must lock something very heavy to his ankle cuff. Like a locked bag of bricks, or a suitcase full of heavy items.
Make him lock himself to the toilet or to some other immovable object by running a chain behind it.
Punishment Ideas
Usually, the punishment comes from him unlocking the cuffs ahead of schedule. Sometimes this is necessary for safety or for other reasons (like a friend comes by), but you can still punish him for it. Simple restraint is perfect for that.
Run a rope or chain over a beam in the roof and raise his wrists as high as possible, maybe even making him stand on his toes. Tie it off so that he has to stand like that. Torture as desired. He won’t be able to stop you.
Before he goes to bed, make him wear short chains that either link his wrists, his ankles, or link a wrist to an ankle. You can also lock his wrists to a bondage belt.
Tie him in the frogtie and the chicken-wing tie at the same time. Torture him, make him walk on his knees and elbows, or just leave him stuck on the ground for a while.
Tie him spread-eagled on the bed. Use your imagination after that.
11) Flexibility, Strength, and Weight
I’ve combined three rules into one here. You can force him to reach (or maintain) a specific weight, achieve a certain degree of flexibility, or force him to gain strength. All of these require a test after a long period of time to see if he meets the goal. Failure needs to have a significant-enough punishment that it will push him to exercise and stretch for so many days to try to reach the goal.
It also gives you a convenient way to punish him in a way that will hurt for a long time. You can force him to do 100 situps, for example, and his ab muscles will ache for days. However, this can interfere with other games where you are pushing his body to its limits.
Ideas for Normal Situations
He has to lose a certain number of pounds by a certain date.
He has to become flexible enough to perform yoga moves of your choosing
He must become strong enough to hold something heavy for a period of time
When a Slave’s Been Bad
Force him to exercise in a tedious and very challenging way, such as crawling to every room in the house fifty times.
Force him to exercise until he is too exhausted to stop you from overpowering him
Punishment Ideas
These rules require him to exercise so often and for so long that you need to have punishments that will motivate him to work through the pain and boringness of exercise over a period of weeks. Pick punishments that make him pale, or that are worse than the exercise itself.
Add a period of slavery for every pound he fails to lose by the deadline, maybe a week per pound.
Put together a list of extreme hard labor that he must do if he fails to make his goal. Make him do the work naked, in chains, or while wearing uncomfortable toys like a large butt-plug.
12) May Not Flinch
Slave is punished for flinching. Pulling away counts as resistance, just like saying “no.” You have free reign over the slave’s body. You can even make him act like he is happy when you touch him. But he can never show you the disrespect of moving away when you want to touch him.
Ideas for Normal Situations
Once he realizes what you’re reaching for, he must try hard to put that body part in your easy reach, either by moving closer, removing clothes, or assuming an agreed-upon position (like putting his hands behind his head).
When a Slave’s Been Bad
Add a line in your notes or itinerary to try to get him to flinch a certain number of times each day. Once he passes the test, this rule can be dropped. But be convincing!
Tie his hands behind his back, and tie those ropes around his balls. Then try to get him to flinch. If he moves, he will yank on his balls. Train him to hold very still by trying to get him to flinch.
Add extra physical punishments or humiliation if you catch him flinching. (Two punishments instead of one, etc.)
Punishment Ideas
Tie his hands and legs very securely so that he can’t flinch. Then give him several reasons to flinch while he’s unable to. That way, he can tell the difference between when it is appropriate to flinch and when it isn’t.
Tie or wrap his hands (which are primarily used to protect body parts) in very awkward orientations so that they are not only useless, but uncomfortable or awkward. For example, tape his thumbs together and secure them to the back of his collar with a short rope.
13) May not Say a certain word
This is both a teasing rule and a very serious one. Consider these two situations:
He is not allowed to say “no” to anyone.
He is not allowed to say the word “is.”
In the first example, you make it clear that he’s expected to do whatever anyone asks. This is a straight-forward and common rule.
In the second example, you pick a common word and wait for him to forget the rule, giving you frequent opportunities to punish him.
Ideas for Normal Situations
He may not use the word “no.”
He may not use personal pronouns (me, my, our) and instead has to substitute “the slave” for them.
He may not speak unless addressed by someone (asked a question, etc.)
You force him to use an embarrassing word for his cock.
When a Slave’s Been Bad
He has a limit of words (or sentences) that he can say, after which he must be absolutely silent. (If you have a hard time keeping track, just count the number of times he starts talking.
He may only speak while wearing a gag or with something held in his mouth.
Punishment Ideas
This is simple: if he speaks out of turn, focus on oral punishments. Bad tastes, gags, extremely hot foods, and so on.
Gag him for a while, possibly sacrificing a meal.
Make him hold something in his mouth. (Your freshly-worn panties, a jalapeno, or a piece of soap.
Make him conduct a complicated task with his mouth (such as sorting the sex toys, sorting your panties by color, and so on.
Thanks to Mistress Kylie, Her slave & femaledomination
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frank-aaa · 2 months
Femdom Punishment Ideas...
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By Mistress Kylie,
This post contains all of the ideas I have been able to come up with or find on the internet for female-dominant, male-submissive scenes…
You’ll probably notice that a lot of the ideas are designed for use over many days and are associated with orgasm control. This theme emerged over time because orgasm control is so effective at heightening male desire. We use this list in a very simple framework when setting up scenes. First she picks one or more of the ideas below (either by hand or randomly) and makes rules and tasks out of them. Then, after a few days of suffering through them and pushing me to peak sensitivity, the frequency of rules and tasks increases (over a weekend, for example) and she adapts punishments from the list (or comes up with them on her own) to achieve a good, intense session.
So anyway, I hope you enjoy them and they inspire ideas of your own! Please note, though, that we haven’t tried all of them. Some of them may not be practical.
1) Hold Pennies Against the Wall
This task is very hard: have him hold pennies against the wall using only his fingertips — one penny per finger. Depending on how you position his arms, this can be easy or extremely difficult. Arms spread wide apart forces him to get his face very close to the wall and will tire his arms quickly. Same with his hands being very high up.
For every penny that drops, punish him. Keep the punishments severe enough that he really fears dropping a penny.
You can also make him hold a penny against the wall using his erect cock. This will force him to keep himself hard.
2) Controlled Orgasms
Rules that control his orgasms are the most effective and psychologically impactful rules you can impose. These rules also become good excuses for torment and punishment. The mix of wanting to orgasm and facing big punishments feels very exciting.
Ideas for Normal Situations
He has to earn orgasms –> After you have had five orgasms, he gets one. –> He chooses to undergo a punishment or humiliation in order to flip a coin. Heads grants him an orgasm. Tails gets him another punishment or humiliation –> He earns points toward his next orgasm by acting the role of the “perfect slave.” These can only be earned by doing things for you without being asked, and acting the part perfectly. 20 points per orgasm.
He must ask permission prior to orgasm.
He is allowed to orgasm, but doing so carries an automatic set of punishments or humiliations.
Every time he orgasms, he owes you a favor.
You pretend to believe that he will take any opportunity to have an orgasm, and go to great lengths to prevent it (chastity belt, lots of restraints, careful supervision).
After every orgasm, he must collect his semen and do something embarrassing with it.
Come up with a “training regimen” to teach him to resist orgasm. He wears a chastity belt until he can resist your best efforts to get him to come while you reach two or three orgasms.
He is forbidden to clean up his own semen if it lands on him.
He gets a very short window every day to bring himself to orgasm while you watch. The chastity belt goes back on at the end whether he succeeds or not.
He gets a set limit of orgasms per week, which he can trade like currency. (His limit could be one. Or one every two weeks. Just because he can trade doesn’t mean he needs a lot of them.)
When a Slave’s Been Bad
Instead of a promised orgasm, he has to edge instead and thank you at the end as if he had an orgasm.
Lengthen the time he has to wear the chastity belt.
Treat pre-cum as orgasms for punishment purposes.
Warn him about a severe punishment if he orgasms, then tie him down and ride him until he does.
During the time when he is permitted to orgasm, position his body so that he can’t prevent himself from coming on himself.–>Make him put his knees on the wall behind him so that his cock points toward his face
If you are on top and he comes, keep going. The sensory overload is really overpowering. Even though it feels great, it’s a good “mean” thing to do to him.
Punishment Ideas
Remember that if your slave just had an orgasm without permission, he’s less in the mood than he was before. So instead of a regular punishment, pick one that is more severe, and execute it after he’s back in the mood (possibly the next day).
Make him write out a coupon for a certain number of days spent in a chastity belt. Spend it whenever you like. If he picks a number that is lower than what you picked, make him choose again and double his next result. (You can choose to have him give you a number of orgasms instead of a number of days.)
If he comes inside of you, sit on his chest while his semen drains out of you. Tie him up until it dries.
Chain a heavy weight to his chastity belt for a while, giving him something he either has to drag by his balls or deal with as he does other tasks for you.
3) Edging
Edging is the practice of bringing someone very close to the point of orgasm and then baking off. It’s usually done repeatedly, which both increases sexual need and results in the closest thing to multiple orgasms for a man. You can force your Slave to edge himself a few times to increase his sexual need. Or, you can do it to him and punish him if he orgasms. This will force him to resist orgasm.
4) Must Volunteer Information
This is similar to the “Must Not Lie” rule, but forces him to give you extra details whenever he’s answering a question. It can be very useful, because he has to actively think about what other secrets he can divulge. Use it to force him to keep you aware of the things he’s thinking about.
Ideas for Normal Situations
He must tell you when he’s horny
He must go into detail about what he wants sexually and why
Whenever he’s asked a question, he has to answer it, and then say “Also…” and add more details.
He must try to help you come up with more effective punishments, more humiliating tasks, and tell you how he might try to get out of obeying you
When a Slave’s Been Bad
Since you can’t read his mind, there’s no way to know if he’s holding something back. Rely on punishments if you find out that he didn’t tell you something.
Punishment Ideas
This is a rule that focuses on helplessness and humiliation. It’s also oral, since he has to tell you things. If you catch him leaving something out, punish him accordingly.
Make him write out several punishments and rank them according to desirability. Pick one or more for him to go through.
Make him tell you the most humiliating punishment he can think of. If he disobeys again, he has to go through with it.
Take away his right to speak for a while. Use a ball gag or tape if necessary.
Tell him to apologize. Don’t accept his apology until he recommends a good physical punishment or humiliation for you to employ.
5) Must Keep Legs Spread
Here is a very simple rule that is designed to keep things awkward for him and emphasize that his cock and balls belong to you. Usually the rule is that his legs can’t touch his cock or balls while you are in the room. Tell him that you want to see his balls hanging down.
Ideas for Normal Situations
He must keep his legs spread whenever you are within reach of his genitals
He must spread his legs on command
When a Slave’s Been Bad
He must keep his legs spread at all times, just in case.
Tie his legs up by the knees and spread them out. Then tease him by doing things to him that would make him want to close his legs
Punishment Ideas
Breaking this rule is all about not giving you access to his cock and balls, or about him not putting them on display for you. Punish him accordingly.
Tie his ankles to his wrists. Then tie his elbows to his knees. Last, pull his cock and balls behind his legs and tie his legs together so that they are trapped down by his butt. Now he gets to keep his legs closed, but you have full access to the genitals. Torture them for a while until he becomes more compliant.
Since he won’t put his genitals on display on his own, take away all his clothes and tie him up in a full-body rope harness. That way he can stay on display for you until you get tired of him.
6) Must Obey
Make it unconditional that he has to obey you, or anyone you specify, and punish him if he doesn’t do it promptly or well. This is one of those rules that you’ll talk about a lot, bringing it up to him to remind him that he doesn’t have a choice (or that you’ll punish him severely) if he doesn’t obey.
Ideas for Normal Situations
Have him acknowledge every command with “yes ma’am,” “yes, mistress,” or similar.
Give him a time limit to obey. For example, he might get punished for not jumping to do what you say within three seconds.
If he’s being forced to obey someone else, have him ask that person to give you an evaluation of how well he did.
Test him by giving him a list of things to do while you are away. Demand proof that he did them.
Come up with a word you can use to tell him that you are giving him an order while he’s in public so that others aren’t aware that you’re giving him a command to obey.
When a Slave’s Been Bad
Dramatically increase the number of things he has to do so that he’s kept very busy
Use toys, locks, and complicated tasks to make obeying very hard, such as –> Blindfolding him, then telling him to get a specific item that can only be identified by sight –> Chaining up his hands and then giving him something to type (with his tongue?) –> Give him an enema, and tell him he can’t release it until a task is done.
Give him tedious tasks, like writing out a sentence fifty times.
Punishment Ideas
Failure to obey you should carry the harshest punishments. The point of this game is to use punishments to force him to obey you. Therefore, the punishments have to be intense enough that doing humiliating and painful tasks is less miserable than going through with the punishments. Generally, you want to pick very painful or very humiliating punishments for this kind of error. Try to get him to call out in pain several times. He’s got a safe-word if you go too far.
Chain him up so he is completely immobile, then leave him like that for a while, maybe periodically torturing him.
Take away a sense or a privilege for a long time, such as use of his hands for 24 hours.
Add a couple extra rules to his list of rules
Make him pick a few punishments he would rather not be forced to undergo and then draw one randomly
Add a few days of slavery to his sentence
7) Must Become Hard
With this rule, the slave must force himself to become hard. This usually carries a time-limit, or is just a way for you to keep his hands on his cock, constantly fumbling with it. This has more to do with him having to make himself hard with you watching than it does with him getting hard. He is putting himself on display. Keep that in mind and see if you can think of ways to change things up.
Consider making him exaggerate the process so that it’s extra disruptive. Some ideas are to have him stretch out his cock, or use both hands, or kneel until it’s done.
This rule can be fun if he can’t use his hands to make himself hard. He’ll be left humping you or the furniture to comply.
Ideas for Normal Situations
When Mistress enters the room, slave has a certain amount of time to make himself hard.
On a schedule, such as once every three hours, slave has to make himself hard and present his cock for your inspection. If it’s not hard enough, or if it offends you in any way, he can be punished.
When seeing something arbitrary, such as a high heel, he has to become hard –> You might say, “You like skirts so much? Well, you’re going to show it!” And have him make himself hard every time he sees one on TV.
Upon hearing an arbitrary word, such as “songbird,” he has to make himself hard.
When a Slave’s Been Bad
Instead of just making himself hard once, he has to become hard, become soft, and become hard again –> Add a time-limit to complete this task to make it harder.
Make it more uncomfortable for him by keeping him from freeing his cock from his clothes or adjusting it while it’s getting hard.
Forbid him to use his hands to make himself hard or simply tie his hands out of reach of his cock. This will make it much tougher, but still possible.
Make him stay hard for five minutes before he can let go of his cock or stop stimulating it.
Punishment Ideas
If he fails to become hard for you in time (or if he forgets), change the rule so that he isn’t allowed to become hard for a day. See if you can catch him breaking that rule and slap a chastity belt on him.
The next time he has to be hard on command, put him in a lot of pain by slapping at his balls with a ruler or squeezing them (or similar) while he is trying to get hard.
Make him get hard without physical contact on his cock of any kind. (This might be very difficult.) Tie him up to be sure that he can’t move, of course.
8) Must Use Specific Names
This is a rule in every slave contract: that he must refer to you by a name of your choice. You can extend this to involve other women or other people. Common examples are:
My Lady
Ideas for Normal Situations
He isn’t allowed to use your name.
He has to answer “yes, <special name>” whenever you give a command
Must call other men and women “sir” or “ma’am,” even if he knows their names.
Must be sure to state your special name before asking any question
When a Slave’s Been Bad
Once again, this rule is so common that it’s almost always in a contract. I can’t think of tougher ways to implement it.
Punishment Ideas
This rule is a vocal one, so punishments can involve the mouth or speech. But don’t let that stop you from popping him in the testicles for forgetting to say your name before a question. Just be sure to catch him every time.
Make him wear a ball gag for thirty minutes every time he forgets
Tape his mouth shut when he forgets
Make him eat or drink something (like alcohol?) every time he messes up.
Place a clothes pin on his tongue for a while
Make him hold something with his mouth
9) Must Kiss
Slave must kiss some part of Mistress under some conditions. Type of kiss, duration, and number of kisses are up to you. You could, for example, make him practice kissing until he gets it exactly right.
Body Parts to Kiss
Ideas for Normal Situations
You can assign different body parts to kiss under different situations. If he forgets or gets one wrong, he gets punished. For example –> He must kiss a chosen body part when you enter the room –> He must kiss your clitoris after you orgasm –> When Waking –> Before Bed –> While showering, he must constantly kiss your vagina –> When seeing something arbitrary, such as a high heel –> Upon hearing an arbitrary word, such as “songbird.”
When a Slave’s Been Bad
He must practice kissing the chosen body part. The more disobedient he has been, the longer he has to practice.
Instead of a simple kiss, you can make a complicated series of kisses that he has to get right every time.
You can put a blindfold on him before he kisses. If he misses the spot, he gets punished.
Punishment Ideas
Kissing is an oral act, so you might want punishments to involve the mouth. Here are some ideas.
Leave him in a ball gag for a period of time for every mistake he makes with this rule.
Force him to wear bright red lipstick and gloss (make his lips kissable) to remind him what his duty is.
Take away the use of his hands (using ropes or chains) and let him use his mouth as hands for a while. When he has had enough, give him a test to see if he has learned his lesson.
10) Must Wear Collar and/or Cuffs
You require your slave to wear a collar, wrist cuffs, or ankle cuffs, or any combination both as a symbol that you own him and so that you can quickly restrain him at any time.
Since the collar and cuffs can’t be ignored, it will force him to remember the situation he’s in. You might want to avoid making him wear a collar while he sleeps, but that is the only one you need to be careful about. Cuffs while sleeping are just fine.
Ideas for Normal Situations
When he gets up or gets home from work, he must lock a collar and cuffs on himself. Only you can unlock them.
He has to lock chains that hang freely from his collar and/or cuffs.
He has to sleep with wrist and/or leg cuffs on.
He has to lock himself to the bed when he goes to sleep.
He has to lock something embarrassing to his collar.
When a Slave’s Been Bad
Not only does he have to lock cuffs on himself when he gets home, he has to lock his wrists together and his ankles together. You unlock him when you get home or by telling him where the key is by phone.
He must lock something very heavy to his ankle cuff. Like a locked bag of bricks, or a suitcase full of heavy items.
Make him lock himself to the toilet or to some other immovable object by running a chain behind it.
Punishment Ideas
Usually, the punishment comes from him unlocking the cuffs ahead of schedule. Sometimes this is necessary for safety or for other reasons (like a friend comes by), but you can still punish him for it. Simple restraint is perfect for that.
Run a rope or chain over a beam in the roof and raise his wrists as high as possible, maybe even making him stand on his toes. Tie it off so that he has to stand like that. Torture as desired. He won’t be able to stop you.
Before he goes to bed, make him wear short chains that either link his wrists, his ankles, or link a wrist to an ankle. You can also lock his wrists to a bondage belt.
Tie him in the frogtie and the chicken-wing tie at the same time. Torture him, make him walk on his knees and elbows, or just leave him stuck on the ground for a while.
Tie him spread-eagled on the bed. Use your imagination after that.
11) Flexibility, Strength, and Weight
I’ve combined three rules into one here. You can force him to reach (or maintain) a specific weight, achieve a certain degree of flexibility, or force him to gain strength. All of these require a test after a long period of time to see if he meets the goal. Failure needs to have a significant-enough punishment that it will push him to exercise and stretch for so many days to try to reach the goal.
It also gives you a convenient way to punish him in a way that will hurt for a long time. You can force him to do 100 situps, for example, and his ab muscles will ache for days. However, this can interfere with other games where you are pushing his body to its limits.
Ideas for Normal Situations
He has to lose a certain number of pounds by a certain date.
He has to become flexible enough to perform yoga moves of your choosing
He must become strong enough to hold something heavy for a period of time
When a Slave’s Been Bad
Force him to exercise in a tedious and very challenging way, such as crawling to every room in the house fifty times.
Force him to exercise until he is too exhausted to stop you from overpowering him
Punishment Ideas
These rules require him to exercise so often and for so long that you need to have punishments that will motivate him to work through the pain and boringness of exercise over a period of weeks. Pick punishments that make him pale, or that are worse than the exercise itself.
Add a period of slavery for every pound he fails to lose by the deadline, maybe a week per pound.
Put together a list of extreme hard labor that he must do if he fails to make his goal. Make him do the work naked, in chains, or while wearing uncomfortable toys like a large butt-plug.
12) May Not Flinch
Slave is punished for flinching. Pulling away counts as resistance, just like saying “no.” You have free reign over the slave’s body. You can even make him act like he is happy when you touch him. But he can never show you the disrespect of moving away when you want to touch him.
Ideas for Normal Situations
Once he realizes what you’re reaching for, he must try hard to put that body part in your easy reach, either by moving closer, removing clothes, or assuming an agreed-upon position (like putting his hands behind his head).
When a Slave’s Been Bad
Add a line in your notes or itinerary to try to get him to flinch a certain number of times each day. Once he passes the test, this rule can be dropped. But be convincing!
Tie his hands behind his back, and tie those ropes around his balls. Then try to get him to flinch. If he moves, he will yank on his balls. Train him to hold very still by trying to get him to flinch.
Add extra physical punishments or humiliation if you catch him flinching. (Two punishments instead of one, etc.)
Punishment Ideas
Tie his hands and legs very securely so that he can’t flinch. Then give him several reasons to flinch while he’s unable to. That way, he can tell the difference between when it is appropriate to flinch and when it isn’t.
Tie or wrap his hands (which are primarily used to protect body parts) in very awkward orientations so that they are not only useless, but uncomfortable or awkward. For example, tape his thumbs together and secure them to the back of his collar with a short rope.
13) May not Say a certain word
This is both a teasing rule and a very serious one. Consider these two situations:
He is not allowed to say “no” to anyone.
He is not allowed to say the word “is.”
In the first example, you make it clear that he’s expected to do whatever anyone asks. This is a straight-forward and common rule.
In the second example, you pick a common word and wait for him to forget the rule, giving you frequent opportunities to punish him.
Ideas for Normal Situations
He may not use the word “no.”
He may not use personal pronouns (me, my, our) and instead has to substitute “the slave” for them.
He may not speak unless addressed by someone (asked a question, etc.)
You force him to use an embarrassing word for his cock.
When a Slave’s Been Bad
He has a limit of words (or sentences) that he can say, after which he must be absolutely silent. (If you have a hard time keeping track, just count the number of times he starts talking.
He may only speak while wearing a gag or with something held in his mouth.
Punishment Ideas
This is simple: if he speaks out of turn, focus on oral punishments. Bad tastes, gags, extremely hot foods, and so on.
Gag him for a while, possibly sacrificing a meal.
Make him hold something in his mouth. (Your freshly-worn panties, a jalapeno, or a piece of soap.
Make him conduct a complicated task with his mouth (such as sorting the sex toys, sorting your panties by color, and so on.
Thanks to Mistress Kylie, Her slave & femaledomination
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frank-aaa · 3 months
Some ideas for couples in femdom exploration (expanded)
This is a compilation of ideas couples who want to try more activities to test their plays when there is a female-dominant and a male-submissive…
When reading them You’ll probably notice that a lot of the ideas are designed for use over many days and are associated with orgasm control. This theme emerged over time because orgasm control is so effective at heightening male desire and therefor his will to comply and provde better service to his woman.
Ways to Tease Him
Activities and rules that keep him sexually aroused but with you in control over his orgasms are the most effective and psychologically impactful ways you can control your man and how much service he is willing to give you. These rules also become good excuses for torment and punishment. The mix of wanting to orgasm and facing big punishments feels very exciting.
1.      Text him with messages to build up his expectation of what you are planning to do with him.
2.      Put on his favourite lingerie and tease him with your beauty.
3.      Blindfold him and make him kiss you all over your body.
4.      Tease your man to get him to the point where he’ll “Do Anything to please You”
4.1      Make him strip naked while you keep your clothes on.
4.2.      Have him kneel before you and kiss your feet.
4.3.      Have him address you as ‘Mistress’
4.4.      Have him kiss your ass…make him beg to kiss your ass.
5.      Tell him you are planning big rewards for him, but only he does whatever it is you want done…..
5.      Masturbate in front of him. Use a dildo or a vibrator.
6.      Write a message on his body that he is not allowed to remove.
7.      Tell him he is not allowed to come for several days. Set a time limit and count down for him.
8.      Show him your panty crotch often, make him smell it but very briefly.
9.      Tie his hands and have him undress you with his mouth/teeth or simply sit in front of you whilst you watch TV.
10.  Don’t let him masturbate or touch himself without your permission at any time.
11.  Tie your slave spread eagle to the bed and tease him for hours, then leave him there, only to come and start again.
12.  Scratch him with your fingernails. tickle him. pinch his nipples.
13.  Sit on his chest and find out what he would do to be allowed to kiss your nipple. Let him almost kiss it but pull away, make him beg.
14.  Take a break, tie him up, put some worn panties over his face and leave the room for a while and let him think about what else you might do.
15.  Squat above his face, make him reach with his tongue to taste the crotch of your panties…get more promises
16.  Make him wear a rubber ring around his cock or a butt-plug whilst being in the house during the day to keep him reminded about who is in charge.
Ways for him to volunteer information
This forces him to give you extra details whenever he’s answering a question. It can be very useful, because he has to actively think about what other secrets he can divulge. Use it to force him to keep you aware of the things he’s thinking about and to keep him a bit humble over his kinky desires.
Make a rule where he must     tell you whenever he’s horny
He must go into detail about     what he wants sexually and why
Whenever he’s asked a     question, he has to answer it, and then say “Also…” and add more details.
He must help you come up     with more effective punishments, more humiliating tasks, and tell you how     he might try to get out of obeying you
Make him write out several     punishments and rank them according to desirability. Pick one or more for     him to go through.
Make him tell you the most     humiliating punishment he can think of. If he disobeys again, he has to go     through with it.
If he says nothing new or     does not answer, take away his right to speak for a while. use a ball gag     or tape if necessary. Wait for him to change his mind.
Foreplay and ways to Humble and Humiliate Him
This establishes who is in charge and will also turn him on gradually as he has to let go of control (although he might not admit it at first). More men than you think is turned on by a bit of friendly female leadership and humiliation. Use it to gain psychological advantage and as foreplay to make him feel like the subordinate that he is.
1.      Take away his phone from him for several hours or a day
2.      Order his food for him at the restaurant.
3.      When at the restaurant, ask him to go and remove his underwear and bring them back to you.
4.      Take him shopping for lingerie
5.      Make him carry your handbag in public
6.      Make him walk 1-2 steps behind you when in public.
7.      Make him sit down when he pees in the toilet.
8.      Make him do all the housework naked.
9.      Make him use facemasks and beauty products to keep his skin clean.
10.  Make him be naked when you have dinner whilst you keep your clothes on.
11.  Put some make up on him, why not some red lipstick?
12.  Ask him repeatedly if he wouldn’t prefer a man to have sex with him.
13.  When you go out with friends, order him to tie himself up, or be naked and be kneeling at the door for when you arrive.
14.  Make him take cold showers while you watch his penis shrink.
15.  Make him shave his genitals and or even his legs at least once a month.
16.  Have him pamper you whilst having a buttplug inserted, (remote control optional) for instants have him:
16.1      give you a foot/back/full body massage
16.2.      give you a pedicure/manicure,
16.3.      paint your finger/toe nails.
16.4.      bathe you or shave your legs.
16.5      cook and serve you a nice dinner.
18.  Make him polish Your shoes with his tongue, or normal tools if you prefer.
19.  Make him wear your panties or lingerie under his regular clothes when he goes out so that he will think of his mistress constantly.
20.  Make him wear a collar and lead him around the house with a leash ready for you to grab.
21.  Use some strong string (kite string), tie a slip noose around the head of the penis, tug on it, lead him with it.
22.  Put the base of the dildo in his mouth and make him satisfy you with it.
Taking it up a notch:
23.  When at a restaurant, tell hm to go into the bathroom and take off his underwear.
24.  Make him sleep on the floor or in another room.
25.  Make him write words on his body such as “Hers, Ready for more, Slave “
26.  Make him wear a cock cage at home.
27.  Make him wear a hood as your faceless sex toy.
28.  Make him screw himself with a dildo whilst you supervise.
29.  Make him taste his own cum, especially if he is not careful and releases it onto to you.
30.  Make him learn how to suck on a vegetable, dildo or even better your strap-on. .
31.  Tell him to become hard on command, lets say within 60 seconds, if not he gets punished
32.  Order him to bring himself to the edge of orgasm and stay there until you give him permission to come and then he must come in 10 seconds.
33.  Sissyfication - Dress him up like a girl, put make up on him and have him paint his toe-nails. Make him suck your dildo..
34.  Satisfy him with anal sextoys, especially Strap on.
35.  Always make him clean up after sex, especially his own cum.
36.  Lock a padlock on his balls and keep the key.
37.  Make him think of a new way for you to humble him. Punish him if you don’t think it’s good enough.
Ways to use bondage, discipline and punishment
Lets face it, he enjoys a lot of bondage and a bit of punishment, but remember he should not enjoy it too much. If it is a real punishment then he should not want to repeat it to often.
1.      Make him do exercises in front of you if he has been lazy (jumping jacks, leg spreads, squats, aerobics, yoga…)
2.      Make him wear a ballgag 30 minutes every time he swears or says something wrong.
3.      If he’s too horny and often bothers you, you may want to punish him and curb his interest to bother you, here are some ways to do it:
3.1.      Ordering him to masturbate 5 or 6 times in a row and report each time his has come.
3.2.      Isolate him - Hog tie him in separate room, gag him, play music he does not like and leave him there to think about his behaviour.
3.3.      Dress him up as a maid, wearing your panties or lingerie and tell him to clean the house before any reward is given.
3.4.      Place him in the Amazon position (Face down, crouch up), jerk him off so that he comes on his own face.
4.      Mummify him using regular kitchen plastic wrap. Leave space for breathing and access to his genitals.
5.      Milk him at least 5 times whilst tied down. He will love it the first 2-3 times, but after the 3rd time it is clear he is being punished. (in a nice way)
6.      Tie him up outside where someone can see him.
7. Run a rope or chain over a beam in the roof and raise his wrists as high as possible, maybe even making him stand on his toes. Tie it off so that he has to stand like that. Torture as you wish. He won’t be able to stop you.
8.      Tie him in an uncomfortable position using the beam, for instants hands tied behind his back and then attach a rope to the ceiling and pull the arms up, this will make him bend-over. Attach a bar to his legs to spread them out for increased discomfort.
9. Before he goes to bed, make him wear short chains that either link his wrists or his ankles. You can also lock his wrists to a bondage belt.
10. Tie him in the frogtie and the chicken-wing tie at the same time. Make him walk on his knees and elbows like a pet.
11. Tape his thumbs together and secure them to the back of his collar with a short rope.
12.  Spank or whip him. (wooden spoon, hair brush, belt, ruler, ping pong paddle, riding crop, switch, cat-o-nine tails…)
13.  Make him wear a chastity belt or cock cage where you hold the key.
14.  Tie his ankles together and tie his balls to them so that he pulls his balls every time he tries to move.
15.  Tie him in a chair with his knees pulled up to his shoulders – attach clothes pins or nipple clips to his nipples, balls, cock or wherever.
16.  Give him an enema.
17.  Double up on his domestic chores but make them more difficult: tie his hands, make him use a toothbrush to clean the floors, tie his ankles and have him vacuum clean.
18.  Put Ben-gay hot cream or icy cream on his penis, ass and nipples.
19.  Drip candle wax on him.
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frank-aaa · 6 months
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frank-aaa · 6 months
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What is the last size you can take?
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frank-aaa · 6 months
(via kinkyguynz4u)
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frank-aaa · 1 year
💘 Nsfw Asks 💘
1. What is your biggest sexual fantasy?
2. What are your kinks?
3. Have you ever had a threesome?
4. Have you ever had sex in public?
5. Have you ever faked an orgasm?
6. What are your favorite sex positions?
7. Any kinks you would never admit to?
8. Does pain turn you on?
9. Are you a sadist or masochist?
10. Dom, sub, or switch?
11. Have you tried anal? Did you like it?
12. What’s the kinkiest thing you’ve done?
13. Do you like biting/scratching?
14. Do you like being spanked?
15. Do you like having your hair pulled?
16. Morning sex or nighttime sex?
17. Shave, wax, or natural?
18. Do you have a favorite sex toy?
19. Favorite pornstar/porn?
20. Who do you want to fuck the most right now?
21. If you were the opposite sex for a day, what would you do?
22. Biggest turn offs?
23. Do you like foreplay?
24. What turns you on the easiest?
25. How do you feel about creampies?
26. Spit or swallow?
27. Have you ever had sex with the same gender?
28. Opinion on hookups?
29. Can you deepthroat?
30. Have you ever filmed yourself having sex?
31. How often do you masturbate?
32. Opinion on giving/receiving head?
33. Have you ever been caught masturbating/having sex?
34. Do you ever go commando?
35. How was your last sexual encounter?
36. Have you ever tasted yourself?
37. Booty or boobs?
38. Girth or length?
39. Do you like the lights on or off during sex?
40. Rough sex or intimate sex?
41. Do you like dirty talk? 
42. Have you ever taken someones virginity?
43. Most embarrassing sexual experience?
44. Do you like lingerie?
45. How would you rate your own sexual performance?
46. Can you squirt?
47. Have you ever made yourself sore from masturbating? 
48. Do you like being called derogatory names during sex?
49. Do you like to be choked? 
50. Do you like to be restricted during sex?
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frank-aaa · 4 years
damn. she's so hot
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frank-aaa · 4 years
All you faithful readers know I’m a big fan of knocking on a girl’s back door.   It feels great.   It’s naughty.   What’s not to like about it?
Nothing… for the guy.
For the girl, anal can often be traumatic.   I’ve posted a bunch of times on how to prepare for anal sex.   You can type “anal” in my search bar and get a ton of info.  But let me highlight some things:
Anal sex requires preparation to keep it from being messy.
Anal sex requires relaxation and trust.  If the girl isn’t relaxed… if she tenses up… that’s when it hurts.
Anal sex requires a lot of lube.   LOTS of lube.
Anal sex requires you to begin small.   A finger in the ass.  Then two fingers.  Then your cock.
Anal sex requires you to start slow.   Slide it in and pump with short, slow strokes.
Anal sex requires foreplay.  Because again, a woman needs to be really relaxed and into it before her ass will open.   
What I haven’t written about in much detail is good positions for anal.  I’ve said, “If it hurts, try the woman on top.”  But beyond that, nothing much.  That changes with this post.  
I want to share with you ten positions that can be great for anal.  They’re great for a variety of reasons: intimacy, pleasure for him, pleasure for her, comfort, etc.   I’ll spell out the benefits of each one.  They are listed in no particular order.  But if you read the articles about preparing for anal that I have written and then learn these ten positions, I guarantee you that you can comfortably (and erotically!) add this very enjoyable aspect to your sex life.  
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He lies on his back, legs together.  She straddles him, facing away and bounces with his dong-a-long in her bonk-a-donk.
This position is great for her, not only because it lets her control how deep and fast her ass is being fucked, but also because it provides a great angle.  He’s going straight in, with a slight upward press.  Should be comfortable.
It’s a great position for him because of the view - her bulbous back pillows being split by his love meat.   
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The key to this spooning technique is that the girl pulls her legs up close to her chest, maybe using her arms behind her knees to hold them.  When the legs are pulled up like that, the external spincter muscle (i.e. the asshole) loosens some.   
When the guy slides in, he goes as deep as possible.  But motion is limited.  
This position is all about intimacy.   There is a ton of body contact.  He can whisper in her ear or kiss her neck.   Guys, you also can play with her nipples or even reach between her legs and rub gently.  
This is a great starter position for the first anal of the night, precisely because there isn’t much motion.   It lets her slowly relax her booty.
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In this position, the girl lies facedown, then pulls one leg up some.  So her one leg is straight down.  With her other leg, she’s pulled her knee up close to even with her waist.  This tilts her slightly onto her side.  The guy then straddles the one leg that is straight down.  He spreads her cheeks, and slides in.   
What makes this position great for her is how relaxing it is.   He can rub her back while he’s fucking her ass.  It also doesn’t allow for very deep penetration.   
For him there are two pleasures.  First, as he pumps, his scrotum is going to be rubbing against the smooth skin on the back of her leg.  It feels amazing.  Secondly, each time he thrusts in, her one butt cheek - the one of the leg that is straight out - is going to hit him right in what is sometimes called the “inguinal canal” area, where the guy’s leg meets his torso.  The firm but soft tush pressing in there… fuck!  Feel so good!
Guys, an added little treat for her…  She she first gets in this position, get down there, slide a finger in her vajayjay, palm facing down, curling the finger slightly.  That will place your fingertip on her g-spot.  While you work the finger in and out, let your tongue press on her asshole, just causing it to spread a little.  She’ll love it.   
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This is a lovely, slow, lazy way to pump her rump.   You are on her side.   She is on her back, with her legs hitched over you.  She can keep them together or spread them apart, depending on what she finds more comfortable.   
This is also a very intimate position, as it allows you to see each other’s faces.   Motion is limited, as her legs hooked over him prevent him from pumping too hard.   He can play with her chest or her clit.  She can reach down and rub his balls while he fucks her.    
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Another variation of women-on top.  The girl straddles the guy, cowgirl style, facing him, her knees wide apart.   She puts his hotdog in her buns, then leans back, using her hands for support.   And she bounces and bounces and bounces.  
The plus for her is that she gets to control tempo and depth.   And again, it’s a great angle - straight up her dark tunnel.  
In addition, in that position her guy has clear access to her clitty-cat.   He can pet it.  Guys, in this position, I recommend using your thumb.  Lick it so it’s slick.  Then press it down on top of her clit and roll it, like a pea bring rolled under your finger.
Or you can take a finger and curl it in, making a “come here” motion.  That puts your finger on her g-spot.  Again, roll it around like a pea under your fingertip.     
For guys, not only do you have an amazing view, but it actually is a very tight fit.  With her knees apart like that, her glute muscles get pushed together.  Thus, your shaft is cradled in soft butt cheek.  Feels amazing.
True story.   I have had a girlfriend squirt all over my abs in this position while I was in her ass.  
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You wouldn’t think missionary position would be great for anal, but it really, really is.   However, you probably need to have her hips tilted up.   You can do this simply by placing a few pillows under her hips.   
This is another position aimed at intimacy.  The couple can kiss and caress even as he’s tapping her tushie.   
This position also allows for only shallow penetration, thus it’s great for a girl who, try as she might, believes she can only take the tip.  It’s also great for a guy who is well endowed, as maybe only the first two or three inches will get in.
Guys, be careful in this position.   It’s easy to slip out.  And what can really hurt a girl is when you slip out and then don’t aim carefully when you slide back in.  It forces her anus to stretch in funny ways!   No bueno.   
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In the kamasutra, “the Hero” position is woman on her back, with her legs pulled up to the degree that her pelvis tilts up.   This can be done a variety of ways.  She can grab under he knees and pull them back.  He can grab her ankles and push them back.   The point is, her legs are in the air, spread apart, and her hips are tilted up.  This gives him a straight shot to her pooter-palace!
After six positions which were more gentle, we now get to the ones which will be a bit harder.   Thus, it requires a bit more experience.  These are anal positions you might try after you have being doing one of the first six for awhile.  So your rump is all relaxed and ready for a good ramming.  ;) 
For the girls, the fun part of this position is that as well as any of them, you have access to your sugared almond.   While your man drills your dumper, rub that thing like you are a DJ and it’s god-damned New Years Eve.  You might cum.  
Guys, you need to understand that with her hips tilted and legs spread, you could go really, really deep.  That’s great, if she says it’s great.  If not, then this is a position where you have to exercise self control and only use the first four inches or so.    
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I don’t want to exaggerate here, so I’ll say it carefully.  This is the biggest fantasy of every man on earth.    There is nothing like getting a hot girl face down, ass up, and smashing her onion.   
What does this give to the guys?   The best site on earth.  When you can see your cock sliding in and out, wedged between those breathtaking cheeks… when that booty meet shakes with each thrust, a slight ripple working through each one… wow.  I have a tear in my eye just thinking about it.   
In addition to the view, if the girl has warmed up to anal and can handle it, this is the position in which the guy can go his hardest.  The angle of his cock in her ass, especially if she puts her chest down on the bed, is such that it is a very, very smooth fit.   Her rectum is in its natural position.   So he can grab her hips and pound away.
For the girl, doggystyle anal can be either heaven or purgatory.   He’s going to be deep in your ass.   But in this position, he stimulates some of the nerves that are actually located in the vaginal wall.    If a girl is going to cum during anal, this position will probably be it.  While the guy is reaming her from behind, she’ll reach down and play with her clit.   If she can cum this way, it will be so intense her back might break.   
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This is yet another woman on top position.   The man sits in a chair.  Guys, use a kitchen chair, not a big ass recliner.  It gives you more range of motion.   The woman come and sits on his lap, with his man-meat in her moneymaker.  
There are two variations to this. The woman can put her legs between his legs.  If she does this, she can put her hands on his knees and bounce.  Or the woman can put her legs outside his.   Unless she has really long legs, she might not be able to bounce as well.  But she can grind and rock.    It’s a amazing sensation when you grind in that position, ladies!  It’s like you are trying to break our cock off inside your can.   
Guys, if she goes with her legs outside yours, why not reach around  and flick her on-off switch lightly.   It’s ether that your you make it rain!  
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This is a variation on doggystyle - doing it while standing, with the woman bent over something.  It’s one of my favorites, hence the name.  (Back off!  When you get your own blog, you can name sex positions after yourself too!)
It’s a really comfortable position for the woman.   She’s braced on a chair or couch.  She might even be able to rest on it.   A variation is if she picks up one leg and rests her knee on the object.  A good example of that is a bathroom counter.  She leans over it and puts one knee up on it while I explore her third-entry.   
It’s great for the guy for the same reason doggystyle is.  It’s a nice view.  He can grab the hips and go hard.   Because it’s a comfortable position, it’s also great for prolonged anal.   There’s no need to pound out your nut in 30 seconds.  Get her in this position and spend a good 20 minutes working her bubble over.   
This position can also be very pleasurable for the woman too.  There is a muscle cluster that starts in your lower back, runs through the glutes, and down the back of the legs to the heel.  That’s why if you walk funny in a bad shoe, it can hurt your back.  It’s the longest muscle cluster in the human body.  When a girl is bent over like this, that muscle cluster is tight.   And so as she tenses her anus slightly (which is natural to do as your ass is being fucked), she’ll feel that through her entire lower body.   And guys, if you can reach around and play with her clit and make her cum in this position, she can collapse.  The shudder it sends through her legs literally floors her.  
And there you have it, faithful readers.   Is this every anal position I know.  Please!  I’m Daniel Fucking Davis.   This is the tip of the iceberg.   But hopefully if you like these, you can put your own spins and variances on them, and have plenty of variety to your hot, hot booty sex!
Now, if you like this, please reblog!   Cause let’s face it.  This is good advice.  
Credit for all the illustrations goes to wewomen.com.  They have their own take on “best of” positions.  I just used their illustrations, which I thought were cute!  
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frank-aaa · 4 years
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frank-aaa · 5 years
this is so fascinating. 😈
Incest twins 5
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frank-aaa · 5 years
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Happy Friday Tumblr Fam! I’m crawling into bed to play with my tight little pussy!!! Like and reblog if you want to see pics! 😍
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frank-aaa · 5 years
so hot.
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Like and reblog and I’ll send you the front of this sexy outfit privately! 😘😘😘
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frank-aaa · 8 years
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frank-aaa · 8 years
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frank-aaa · 8 years
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