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The duality of nature
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Activision Blizzard continues to do just...absolutely terrible things. In other news, the sun rose this morning.
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Think the Witcher issue and the WoW issue has been the same. Its not longer about respecting the lore and building off of it. Its about writers trying to catapult themselves off of establish franchises so they can get their own project babies off the ground. Which in turn their project babies will be butchered by other writers looking to catapult their careers of their work. So its just a cycle of bastadization. I hope Dragonflight clears up but I won’t hold my breath if its the same shit different coat of paint.
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You’re telling me Microsoft made a website on how them absorbing Bob Kotick’s Tax Write Off Express would be GOOD for the rest of the video game community and NOT a monopoly? Amazing. I’d make a comment about Overwatch 2 but like I can’t remember the last time I cared about Overwatch.
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Game and Thrones and World of Warcraft proving you can have all the hype in the hype, merchandise, and well entrenched fandom in the world. But you write a piece of shit story consistently, it will turn the fandom against you or evaporate all the power your story had over the cultural zeitgeist.
Writing for short term shock value without long term goal outside of “make money” is really doing them no favors.
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If you ever feel like you’re a shit person doing a shitty job at your work. Just remember that after the past year of stories for harassment, sexual assault, union busting, the Cosby Suite, the suicide of at least one employee, predatory gambling mechanics built into the game, crunch culture and the man himself, threatening to murder at least one assistant, Bobby Kotick has been re-elected to the Activision/Blizzard CEO board for another year.
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Not even buying the new expansion that those prices are making me reflexively cringe. It feels like they know WoW is a burning ship and want to just squeeze as much out of this preorder in case it implodes fully this expansion.
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This aged like fine wine.
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I am Deckard Cain, last survivor of the Tristram Horrors, as the last of the Horadrim I need your credit card information, to defeat Diablo the Lord of Terror! We will also require you to buy 600 Demonic Orbs to refill your energy for the day, enter your hierogrylphic credit card code in this secure and safe blank spaces!
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Good news everyone, Blizzard has investigated itself and found itself cleared of all wrong doings. Whew! Now we can all move on with our lives.
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So Elon is buying Twitter. That’s going to be fun to hear about for the next four years.
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There’s just something about them joking about the progression system and UI that gets on my nerves. Like they’re in on how bad its been for the last few expansion. Like a manager trying to be cool and hip with the same workers they just denied a vacation leave for.
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I feel like someone gets into a big drama fight with T&E but mostly Taliesin on a near yearly basis. So for all that is happening this feels par for the course and I think the fact that Kotick is getting away with a diamond encrusted platinum parachute after selling Blizzard and no one has still ever gotten back to the workers strike near a year on is still a bit more pressing than random dude on twitter made a bad post and now Taliesin is blocking everyone even vaguely related to the dude about it.
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I know that was suppose to be an emotional pay off or something but all it makes me think of is Varian and Saurfang watching from a cliff in the Shadowlands, this entire time like:
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What is it with this company a every two weeks, newly reported bad shit just comes out?
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