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now more than ever it's blatantly obvious that people go out of their way to erase trans men from communities and queer history. it's always been happening, but it's way easier to watch it in real time now thanks to the internet and social media. we are watching people basically gloating that they misgender trans men and don't see them as men. we are now watching people kick trans men out of queer spaces because they are often "femme and them" or "nonbinary and woman" support groups, conflating nonbinary identities with womanhood, and denying trans men or transmasc nonbinary people places to go. many of them get told that their presence would "scare" the lesbians, women and enbies because they have trauma.
where do the trans men with trauma go, though? we can't go anywhere. when i was struggling with domestic violence that ended up destroying my right leg, i was denied shelter in queer spaces and even women's spaces even though i have F on license. domestic violence shelters especially will turn trans men away if we pass. even if we partially identify as women, we can't go in because 'our voices are deep and scary and we're loud and aggressive and threatening and might prey on the defenseless scared women'
finding transmasc support groups is like trying to find a needle in a haystack. i've seen numerous organizations across the US have transfemme support groups, nonbinary/genderqueer support groups, and then nothing for transmascs. where the hell do we go when they won't let us go anywhere?
we try to exist online and they try to erase us from here, too. bickering and arguing about how we're not real men, sending trans men death and sexual assault threats, acting like they're saviors for kicking out the "dangerous ugly men" from the queer community, as if we don't belong to it at all.
i refuse to be erased. i refuse to sit in silence while people tell me my problems don't matter because now i "have male privilege". I don't. once people find out what my legal name is they view me as a woman. strangers however view me as a cis man and will deny me help, either through programs, or because i'm a "strong young man, i should be able to pick myself up by my boot straps." i'm not white. i'm not abled.
i'm proud to be a trans man and i will be here to fight for other trans men's rights to have a platform to speak, and spaces to occupy. i will not rest until trans men & mascs have safe places to be and meet other trans men.
trans men are queer. we belong here. we are taking up the space we rightfully deserve and we are not leaving.
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lowkey hate the shit “afab she/theys” catch. is it that hard to believe that some afab people are just more comfortable with she/they. or that they’re starting to explore their relationship with their gender or identity more. plenty of ftm people start their gender journey by exploring she/they pronouns. and some people just feel more comfortable with she/they pronouns.
honestly I don’t even care if it’s a phase. or if people think it seems like it isn’t “legitimate.” I’m not gonna question someone’s pronouns. I’m not gonna act like afab people have to “earn” their she/they pronouns. I don’t even care if they’re lying about it to seem cool or for attention. I don’t care. it’s not my job to scrutinize someone else’s pronouns. leave them alone.
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sick of seeing hate thrown towards “baby gays.” let them wear rainbows. let them wear their pride flags like capes. let them make jokes about their identity and talk about it all the time. let them wear tails and puppy ears. let them do what is constantly deemed as “cringe.” let them be excited about finally being able to express their true selves. they deserve it. we all deserve it.
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i am begging you all to stop treating this site like instagram if you dont want it to be content free by next year
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hi neil! big fan! first time i've mustered the courage to ask you a question, haha.
it's good omens related: i've heard a lot of people (and been infuriated by them) over the past nine months saying that you only did the kiss because of the fan pressure. i want to know whether this is true or if you still would've done the kiss had the fandom not been begging you.
tysm for reading this! can't wait for season 3!
No, I came up with the kiss in December 2019 because John Finnemore and I had spent a day talking about the general plot of Season 2, when, late in the afternoon, sitting by the Regents Canal, John asked how it was actually going to finish, because, he told me, he is the kind of writer who needs to know how something is going to end before ever he starts. (I'm the kind of writer who normally finds out how things end when I get there.)
And when he asked, I thought for a bit about where I wanted to be at the start of Season 3, and then I described the last ten minutes of Episode 6 to John, including the kiss.
Given that we wouldn't tell anyone that we were doing more Good Omens for another 18 months, the daily asks saying "THEY HAVE TO KISS IN THE NEXT SEASON OTHERWISE YOU ARE QUEERBAITING US" had not started to come in yet, and by the time they did, the kiss, along with the rest of the scripts, had long since been written.
(And at no time has any fan ever pressured me to write a kiss at the end of Episode 6 that would break their heart.)
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Don't apologise, this is amazing.
Sorry, have to make my own post, I'm so happy
That's my 15 minutes of fame, I peaked in my life, I made those dolls and gave them to Michael yesterday evening at the stage door, I'm so happy they liked them and I'm also absolutely out of my mind. 😱
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Anna shared this in her Insta, and I'm just over the moon and back 😭😭
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Just so delighted that your fabulous dolls reached their intended recipients and are so clearly loved. What a thrill!
[Mabli on Michael Sheen's lap and in front of them dolls of Aziraphale and Crowley]
Mabli: Daddy.
[Michael points at Aziraphale] Daddy. [and then he points at Crowley] Who's that?
Mabli: Mmmmmm. Uncle David.
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OMG LYDIA!!! This is the most adorable thing, I am squealing with delight! (This is the one with the pink hair, by the way lol).
Sorry, have to make my own post, I'm so happy
That's my 15 minutes of fame, I peaked in my life, I made those dolls and gave them to Michael yesterday evening at the stage door, I'm so happy they liked them and I'm also absolutely out of my mind. 😱
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Anna shared this in her Insta, and I'm just over the moon and back 😭😭
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This may sound mean, but...
If you send me an ask containing links to Good Omens fan fiction you think I should read, I'll delete it. Do it again and I'll (regretfully) block you. This is a general blanket sort of thing -- I don't want to read it, legally I can't read it, no I won't make it into the next series, and, no matter how pure your motives, it's crossing a line.
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sometimes i wish i had facial hair
like sexy stubble or something that would be so cool
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Rhianna Pratchett confirming her father wouldn't be a """gender critical""" activist (whatever the hell those GCs stand for) if he were still alive
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Tumblr Top Ships Bracket - Round 2 Side 1
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This poll is a celebration of fandom and fandom history; we're aware that there are certain issues with many of the listed pairings and sources, but they are a part of that history. Please do not take this as an endorsement, and refrain from harassment.
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@quona ❤️
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snakehandling (or NagaMan and The Snake Toucher) --- --- ---
Painted for the delightful @trebol-negro for an art trade! Naga for naga.
If I aroused a new kink in any of you, I'm not sorry at all.
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If you like my art and want to keep seeing more of it, support me!
ko-fi | prints | commission
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Edit to add: this is in the print shop now.
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“average person eats 3 spiders a year” factoid actualy just statistical error. average person eats 0 spiders per year. Spiders Georg, who lives in cave & eats over 10,000 each day, is an outlier adn should not have been counted
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