to the 1 person who looks at my account:
helo ty
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Guess who’s 5′ now
so as a kid (like 6th grade) i was S M O L asf, like 4′9, literally the shortest in the class. and i was friends with the tallest girl in class and we were called the elephant and the mouse cause this was 2008 and then in 8th grade the pig P hit me like a fuckin train and i grew like an inch a day and when i came back on the first day of school the tall girl literally said “HOLY FUCK WHO ARE YOU” because i was 5′5 in 8th grade (and i was about 2 thirds done growing) i am now proudly 6′1 and i am known to my friends as the gentle giant
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Me: *is crying a bit*
person: are you crying?
my brain: shit they found me out
Me: *extremely violent crying*
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i was looking at some rawr x3 shit and my balls started hurting so i decided yep thats a sign
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you know when you’re about to burp when drinking oda and you open your mouth and your esophagus goes GnAAGARAGHACHRRAAES
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so i have a project in science
so i have a project in science about structures & material
and there just so happens to be a block in minecraft
that obeys the laws of physics
guess who’s building today
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