floradale · 7 days
Looking for a fanfic
It was ultimately Kirk/Spock/McCoy but also Kirk/Spock, Kirk/McCoy, and Kirk/Mystery crew members. It was a one-shot not too too long and rated NC-17/Explicit. This one's hard for me to explain so. There were mentions by Spock and Bones of passing Kirk around the bridge for. Kirk was blindfolded and guessing whether it was Spock or Bones touching him and thinking it would be easy because of body temperature differences between Spock and Bones (I remember a mention of two different sets of cold? hands and Jim thinking that one of them purposefully made their hands colder). I remember later Kirk was blindfolded again (¿still?) Spock invited some mystery crew members, there was talk that they (mystery crew) paid credits to have sex with Kirk and that Spock and Bones paid credits to have sex with and would use him to make credits. I remember when it was jus Kirk and Bones, Bones wrote something on Kirk's back to provoke Spock and then sent him to Spock where Kirk asked Spock what Bone's wrote on him but Spock refused to say until after they finished having sex. It ended with a short aftercare/acknowledgment between all three where it seems the whole fic was a scene. This fic was on livejournal but I think I vaguely remember reading it on ao3 as well.
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floradale · 1 month
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Alice Brasser (Dutch, 1965), Old Palace, 2012. Oil on canvas, 120 x 140 cm.
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floradale · 1 month
I'm looking for a Kirk/Spock (Spirk) fic
It was on ao3. It was either E or M rated and multi-chaptered.
It takes place during Into Darkness. It was essentially a rewrite of it. (I could be misremembering this.)
It was a soulmate AU maybe???
The rest of what I remember takes place near and at the end of the story:
Spock went into pon-farr while Jim wasn't on the Enterprise. By the time Jim got back he was told that it was too late to help him by Bones I think or another doctor. They were definitely bonded/mates (marriage/t'hy'la bond) by this point.
Jim went to try and help Spock anyways by having sex with him (he was riding him because Spock was on a bio bed on his back) but it wasn't working as any relief Spock got was only temporary and he only kept getting worse because he was too far into plak tow for sex to help. At a certain point during this Spock is just super weak and in pain and not getting relief anymore at all (he might've been unconscious maybe), but Jim was still trying to help even though he was also in pain and exhausted. I think he actually had to be pulled away.
I remember after a time skip, Jim was talking to T'Pau and her telling him it was a bad idea and/or trying to get him to change his mind. He had a similar convo with Bones (maybe just mentioned/implied) with the same goal.
The fic ended with the something that T'pau was talking about being that Jim decided to keep Spock "alive" in a cryo pod in his (Jim's) quarters on the Enterprise. It was mentioned (not spoken dialogue) that the chamber/pod Spock was in was connected to it's own power supply or something like that so it would be able to stay on even if power to the rest of the ship was out.
All points except for the first three take place at the end of the story, as that's what I remember most of.
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floradale · 1 year
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Justyna Koziczak (Polish, b. 1991), Woman clothed in a red bird, 2019. Oil on canvas, 50 x 60 cm.
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floradale · 1 year
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Girls Against God, Florence + the Machine // Interlude, Jeremy Lipking
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floradale · 1 year
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Sakura full bloom in Goryokaku, Hakodate.
Goryokaku Fort was the last fortress of Shogunate army during Boshin War, and where Hijikata Toshizou rested. Now it’s this beautiful park. 
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floradale · 1 year
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Autumn Halo, Oda Sakunosuke
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floradale · 1 year
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floradale · 1 year
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upcycled marc jacobs trims made by dean hoy for heaven
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floradale · 1 year
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Home Once More - William Jabez Muckley
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