flavourmusings · 1 year
Lacryma Christi Del Vesuvio
Lacryma Christi Del Vesuvio
If you know Latin, you might know that Lacryma Christi Del Vesuvio is literally translated as Tears of Christ on Vesuvius. But is what I’m going to talk about literally tears of Christ? No, if it were, there would already be a controversial (and far-fetched) Dan Brown book about it, which all the “book connoisseurs” would say they hate but have on their nightstand. Lacryma Christi is actually, a…
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flavourmusings · 3 years
Instant (Maggi) Noodles!
Instant noodles, or what us Indians like to call “Maggi”, no matter what the brand is, is an invariable evening snack for most us. Maggi has been going on in India for decades now! It has gained such hold over the Indian market and minds! It’s so popular with all generations because kids like the taste and adults like the nostalgia of it. The distinct flavor of that “masala” cannot be replicated,…
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flavourmusings · 3 years
"Michelin Star Chef"
“Michelin Star Chef”
Set of Michelin Guides Many people think the French tyre company Michelin and the Michelin that gives out stars to restaurants are different. Even I used to think so, because who would associate a tyre company to fine dining and gourmet food. Well, they’re not! both are the same company. In olden days, or in the early 20th century (121 years ago to be precise), Michelin had a restaurant guide…
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flavourmusings · 3 years
Sekt - The German "Champagne"
Sekt – The German “Champagne”
Sekt is the sparkling wine of Germany. Just like Cava, this is also not very well known outside the European countries. As we read in the other blog, Cava is made from varieties that are exclusive to specific regions in Spain. That isn’t the case with Sekt, it is mostly made from Chardonnay, Pinot Noir and Riesling, the last one being the most common variety for the bubbly. Sekt’s fame has to do…
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flavourmusings · 3 years
Medusa: history reimagined
According to ancient Greek mythology, Medusa was a monster, or a ‘Gorgon’ with wings and a bunch of venomous snakes for hair. She is always portrayed as seductive enough to be sinful monster(if that makes any sense). It is very rare that a monster has such a bewitching appearance. Medusa is also known for turning any man that looks her in the eye into stone. Man! I wish I had that power,…
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flavourmusings · 3 years
According to Wikipedia, coffee is a brewed drink made from roasted coffee beans, the seeds of berries of certain Coffea species (No it’s not a typo). According to me and so many others, coffee is an elixir that breathes life into the undead every morning. That dark bitter liquid fill a grey world with rainbows and unicorns! The taste at first is not something to rave about, it’s bitter (as…
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flavourmusings · 3 years
Wine appreciation 101
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When someone tastes wine for the first time, especially in India, they are instantly reminded of some Ayurvedic kadha (medicinal liquid) their mom or grandma made them drink. I know I was. I thought it tasted exactly like my cough syrup. Fortunately, my college held a wine appreciation course, for us hotel management students with aspirations to become a sommelier, and guess what! I actually…
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flavourmusings · 4 years
The 'F' word.
Many people including my parents told me not to write about this. This word does not go down very well with most people. I mean obviously a woman having a voice and using it to say she wants a dollar to every dollar a man makes for the same amount of work is insane! By now you may have known I’m talking about feminism.
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Feminism, in my point of view is the most misunderstood word one can come…
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flavourmusings · 4 years
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One of the most popular street foods in India is ‘Panipuri’. it has many names in many parts of the country. Golgappa in Delhi, Pani ke batashe in Haryana and Punjab, Phuchka in Bengal, Puska in the North East, Gup-Chup in Odisha, and Panipuri here in Maharashtra. It consists of a crispy, hollow puri, filled with pani, meaning flavored water. Mainly in the streets of India, there are two types of…
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flavourmusings · 4 years
Chasing Euphoria
Many countries in the tropical area, like India, Mexico, Thailand, Malaysia etc. are known to favour spicy food. This may be because of the warmer climate and proximity to the equator. Eating spicy food makes us sweat, sometimes profusely, this acts like a cooling mechanism against the heat.
Chilies contain capsaicin, a natural chemical that sends a burning sensation from the nerve…
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flavourmusings · 4 years
Nyctophilia: The love of darkness and night. Finding relaxation, comfort in darkness.
Context: I live halfway atop a hill, my apartment facing that hill and not the city.
Sometimes at night, generally while raining, there is a power outage. Despite all the inconveniences it causes, I secretly love when it happens, especially late in the night, when everyone is asleep. There are no…
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flavourmusings · 4 years
Cava- The Spanish 'Champagne'
Cava- The Spanish ‘Champagne’
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Many European countries have their own sparkling wines. Champagne being the most popular is generally confused with all bubbly. However, it is a region in France, and the sparkling wine produced in that region is called as Champagne. Just like Champagne is of France, Sekt is of Germany, Prosecco is of Italy and Cava is of Spain.
Cava however is the least known sparkling wine of all four.…
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flavourmusings · 4 years
What's so special about Koi Fish?
What's so special about Koi Fish?
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Koi (pronounced as coy) fish have become increasingly popular, as both real life and tattoos. You see Koi fish ponds almost everywhere, and Koi tattoos on so many people. Not long ago, even I was drawn to the idea of getting a Koi tattooed on me. However, other than “It…it looks good” I had no other answer as to why I wanted to do it. So, I decided to do some research about the fish and its…
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flavourmusings · 4 years
It's a Girl? I'll make a man out of her!
It's a Girl? I'll make a man out of her!
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The title of this blog does not reflect my thoughts. I wanted to write about something lighthearted, a small blip or anomaly, that only the people who have food, water, shelter and a relatively good health will notice. This blog is about fathers in general and figuring out what goes on in their minds.
From what I have observed, fathers of daughters are of two types. First being the ones who…
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flavourmusings · 4 years
Milky truth
Since childhood we all have been hearing our parents say “Drink Milk! It’s good for you!”. Now we hear many activists, mostly PETA and veganism enthusiasts, saying “Milk is bad for you!” I’m with the latter group, because of a personal reason- I absolutely hate drinking milk! Hated it all my life.
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Image taken form janeshealthykitchen.com
So what is it really? Is milk good or bad for you?…
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flavourmusings · 5 years
Can you read a wine?
Can you read a wine?
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Can you judge a book by its cover? Obviously not! However, you can judge a wine by its label.
If you aim to get to know a wine by prodding, smelling or looking at it, you may not get very far. However, reading its label or just looking at it (if you’re a wine buff) will help you get mighty successful in that endeavor. The wine label gives a lot away to the consumer. However, this happens only…
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flavourmusings · 5 years
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Momos have gained a lot of significance in the streets and subsequently in the heart of the larger chunk the population pan India. They are considered the universally favored comfort food. The wait till the those steaming momos cool down is so excruciating, because you just want to pop them in your mouth. I’m pretty sure most of us are guilty of not waiting for it to cool down and then not being…
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