firstprinceelladan · 3 years
The tall silver eyed elf moved to the door, pulling it open to smile down into the nervous eyes of his friend. “I see you got my letter.” He stood to one side, “Please, come in.”
He knew things between them had not always been the smoothest, mostly because of his own nervous habits. “Would you like some wine?”
*leaves a dozen roses, a box of chocolates, and a note*
I need to see you. Come to my room tonight for dinner and wine.
“L-love?…I was going to have dinner alone tonight and I promised Elrohir I wouldn't jump into his arms.... but some company would be lovely and its only dinner” Calithil said holding the roses and sniffing them before placing them on her bedside. Quickly she threw on a dark red lipstick and fixed her hair before heading to elladans room.
Standing infront of the door she knocks “Elladan?”
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firstprinceelladan · 5 years
About Elladan
Elladan is the firstborn twin though, due to their twin status and shared begetting date, he is not considered to be the elder.  As young elves in Rivendell the twins were overprotected and kept close by their mother, Celebrian.  After all the happenings of the second age, the Lady Celebrian was a very attentive and protective parent.  It fostered a very close relationship between Elladan and Celebrian from a very early age, but it also caused him to often feel caged and restless.  It was due to this feeling of being suffocated that Elladan began to follow Glorfindel through the wards so he could get out of Imladris on occasion.
Elladan is extremely close to his twin brother, though they are as different as night and day once you get to know them both.  Where Elrohir is outgoing and easy to laugh, Elladan is far more reserved.  Growing up it was quickly very clear the difference between the twins.  Elrohir was frequently the stronger physically, besting Elladan at the long sword and hand to hand combat.  Yet Elladan found he was better skilled at the shorter dual blades, which required more grace and less brute strength.  Both twins are advanced marksmen with the bow.
The twins were also quite different when it came to studies.  Elladan spent much of his growing years displaying a passion for learning, where Elrohir disliked endless hours at the books and would often sneak away to rejoin the other elves in the training yard.  And so it was that Elladan became more advanced in the academic levels.  Elladan speaks all the languages of Middle Earth, including Quenya.  He also found a passion for art, and spends his free time sitting on his balcony drawing or sketching the sights of and people who visit Imladris.  If one was to be invited into his chambers they would notice the abundance of books on the deck and shelves and laying about.  Each page is likely to have a picture drawn by Elladan of something or someone that had his attention on that day.
When the Lady Celebrian was attacked and wounded, Elladan felt as if he had lost a part of himself. He and Elrohir had rode tirelessly to rescue her, and to this day Elladan does not fully remember the account of that day.  He knows he was filled with a rage and sadness that was not only his own, but a reverberating echo of Elrohir.  He remembers riding to the cave where they found her, and then he remembers riding home with her on the horse before him wrapped in his cloak.  The only hint at what had happened was the blood and gore that clung to both twins when they arrived back to Rivendell.
After Celebrian sailed Elladan became withdrawn and mostly silent, letting Elrohir be the face and voice for them when they would appear places together, or in court. His only outlet for the pain and sadness was to hunt and patrol the grounds of Imladris, keeping their lands safe for all others.
As time passed the physical difference between the twins grew.  Elrohir used his anger and sadness to train and get better, and so he grew into lean, hard muscle.  Elladan, often battling the demons of depression over what had befallen his mother, and his inability to save her in time, frequently forgets to eat.  He is leaner than Elrohir, his facial features sharper.
It should also be noted that, due to their mixed heritage, Elladan does sport some body hair.  It is not as much as a man might, and he cannot grow a beard, but he has enough that he notices it, and it bothers him.  He has always wished to be fully elven.  And while everyone believes all of Elrond’s children have delayed their choice, Elladan made his decision to be counted among the elves long ago.
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firstprinceelladan · 6 years
“Why is that?” Elladan asked curiously. “Do you have something against the city?” He stopped in front of the jazz bar Louis had brought them to and took a measure of the place before deciding that it looked like a good place to sit and chat over a couple of drinks. “I guess I can understand the job not being your passion. I mean modeling doesn’t exactly give me a reason to live, but it does take me to all kinds of new places where I get to meet interesting people.” He gave Louis a look then, smiling at him before going to order them some drinks.
The elf’s eyes lit up at the vampire’s words, amusement clear in his features.  It was not a moment late that another model appeared, asking for forgiveness and deeply disappointed when Elladan explained that the photographer had already taken his shots with a different model and left. He looked to Louis then, his head tilting to the side as he seemed to be thinking.  The man in front of him was pale in coloring, which was in stark but beautiful contrast to his midnight hair.  It also made his green eyes gleam inhumanly.  He was intriguing.
“Would you like to go out for a drink with me before disappearing back from where ever you appeared from?”
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firstprinceelladan · 6 years
El smiled then, his moon bright eyes gleaming in the light of the lamps that lined the street.  “That sounds perfect.  Lead the way, melin nin.”  He fell back into step with Louis as they continued on.  He had a sense about the male at his side, though he could not fully grasp if it was a completely good or bad one.  Louis had the scent of death or danger about him, but there was a stronger scent of melancholy or sadness.  Both made him intriguing and exciting for the elf who often only met humans focused on how unfair life was.  “If you are not a model, then what do you do for work, Louis?  What gets you out of bed everyday?”
The elf’s eyes lit up at the vampire’s words, amusement clear in his features.  It was not a moment late that another model appeared, asking for forgiveness and deeply disappointed when Elladan explained that the photographer had already taken his shots with a different model and left. He looked to Louis then, his head tilting to the side as he seemed to be thinking.  The man in front of him was pale in coloring, which was in stark but beautiful contrast to his midnight hair.  It also made his green eyes gleam inhumanly.  He was intriguing.
“Would you like to go out for a drink with me before disappearing back from where ever you appeared from?”
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firstprinceelladan · 6 years
“There’s this place not far from here that serves this killer chocolate martinis that soothe my sweet tooth.” He grabbed up his coat once more and pulled it on as he cast a glance to Louis once more. “You should be a model. You have the bones and looks for it.” He headed out the door then, moving back the way he had come. “You from around here? Why were you just leaning on that wall looking bored?” He looked to him again and smiled, “You struck me, obviously, as a bored, gorgeous, model.”
The elf’s eyes lit up at the vampire’s words, amusement clear in his features.  It was not a moment late that another model appeared, asking for forgiveness and deeply disappointed when Elladan explained that the photographer had already taken his shots with a different model and left. He looked to Louis then, his head tilting to the side as he seemed to be thinking.  The man in front of him was pale in coloring, which was in stark but beautiful contrast to his midnight hair.  It also made his green eyes gleam inhumanly.  He was intriguing.
“Would you like to go out for a drink with me before disappearing back from where ever you appeared from?”
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firstprinceelladan · 6 years
The elf’s eyes lit up at the vampire’s words, amusement clear in his features.  It was not a moment late that another model appeared, asking for forgiveness and deeply disappointed when Elladan explained that the photographer had already taken his shots with a different model and left. He looked to Louis then, his head tilting to the side as he seemed to be thinking.  The man in front of him was pale in coloring, which was in stark but beautiful contrast to his midnight hair.  It also made his green eyes gleam inhumanly.  He was intriguing.
“Would you like to go out for a drink with me before disappearing back from where ever you appeared from?”
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firstprinceelladan · 6 years
Elladan allowed himself one tiny smile, not surprised when he got snapped at by the photographer.  He glanced back to the camera, his features schooled to the look the camera man needed.  When at last the photographer put his camera away and dismissed them, Elladan looked to Louis.  “I don’t think I’ve seen you around before.  Are you new to the business, or just new to this photographer’s abuse?”
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firstprinceelladan · 6 years
Elladan was silent for a minute as he stared down into the amazing pits of perfectly green eyes. He had seen gemstones that had not shone with such fire. He forced himself to turn away, his voice quiet as he shifted to more closely embrace the other male, “Elladan. What’s your name?”
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firstprinceelladan · 6 years
Elladan was in a hurry, knowing how the photographer could be when it came to late models. He spotted the other lean shape, clearly the second for his shoot, and grabbed him by one thin arm. “We are going to be late! Come on!”
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firstprinceelladan · 6 years
“Do you like them?” He asked softly, watching the vampire from the doorway. “I picked them from the wild field nearby. They are still warm from the sunlight of day.”
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firstprinceelladan · 7 years
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firstprinceelladan · 7 years
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firstprinceelladan · 8 years
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“You start by saying hello.”
The little boy nods, bright green eyes earnest from beneath dark hair. "I think you are my daddy."
*takes a deep breathe*
*let’s it out slowly*
“Oh dear… Where do we begin?”
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firstprinceelladan · 8 years
I Love Loki.
Signed, Elladan Elronion
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firstprinceelladan · 9 years
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firstprinceelladan · 9 years
Elladan’s eyes slipped closed as his lips parted in a soft moan.  The feeling of Loki’s lips and tongue against his tender ear was almost enough to make his knees buckle.  “Yes.” he whispered.  “That’s...  Good.”  His voice turned into a moan once more as Loki’s hand found his nipple, his hands on his lover’s back tightening once more.  “That’s almost too good.”
It’s Only Business
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firstprinceelladan · 9 years
He could barely suppress the moan that touched his lips as he felt the weight of Loki’s body against his own, their soap slick skin sliding so easily against one another as they shared another passionate kiss.
At Loki’s heated words, Elladan found himself smiling just a bit.  He lightly nipped at the other man’s lower lip playfully, tugging a bit.  “Then perhaps you would like to see if you can find one of mine?  Make the field even once more, yes?”
It’s Only Business
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