finn-on-the-side · 2 years
rb this to give the person you reblogged this from a gold star because they’ve been stellar today and they deserve it ⭐️
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finn-on-the-side · 2 years
Not to be a homosexual, but god, my boyfriends <3 <3 <3
They’re both in my dnd group so I get to relax and have fun and admire them while they do stupid shit tonight. I am thriving <3
One of them is the DM and some of his character voices are so ideal 👌
The other has been letting me lean on him and we keep trading little fidget objects between us. ❤️❤️❤️
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finn-on-the-side · 2 years
The Creeper and The Creeper Whisperer [Docm77 x Reader]
Fluff, Request: Doesn’t have to b a req if u don’t want but imagine doc x a reader who is like somehow really friendly to hostile mobs and despite not being a creeper hybrid they are really chill w creepers and stop ppl from killing them and stuff and he’s like “oh em gosh??? Someone who doesn’t hate my kind???” Or sum
This may not 100% fit what you asked but I adore the idea of reader just being a creeper magnet and somehow cuddling up with the things completely safely so I kind of went with those vibes rather than a normal dude who just doesn't kill them. Sorry if that's not what you wanted but brainrot be rotting the brain
Tw. Death mention? Once I think, nothing happens (especially bc respawn mechanics are a thing) but the boom booms are dangerous and that is pointed out. Also sorry if this a bit directionless but I just wanted to get something out.
You were a funny little phenomenon. On most fronts you were a fairly average person. Your skills in both architecture and redstone were much more than praise worthy, but other than that you didn't have much to you at first glance. Except for one interesting quirk.
Creepers were universally recognized and feared bundles of eventual destruction. The cause of many lost lives, items, and chunks of wall. Yet, you adored the walking bombs.
It's a mystery why they were so passive towards you, but it felt like every single one returned your feelings. Your life from childhood was dotted with the unusual memories of them being unusually friendly. From feeding those still left from the previous night to patching up the scratched up ones you'd find in the forest or while mining. You were kind to them and they never posed a threat to you.
You had a similarly symbiotic relationship with other hostile creatures, but it wasn't exactly the same. It was only creepers that actually bonded over to you with (metaphoricaly) open arms, but you would still take care of a stray enderman or skeleton if you came across one.
That's probably why you ran a mob sanctuary out of your base. It was your first season with the hermits, and to be frank- you were overwhelmed as all hell. They were a fun lot and you knew your skills could stand their own here. However, between all the acclimating, socializing, manual labor you've been pulling your mind and body were left in desperate need of some less physically and mentally strenuous work.
The sanctuary was your pride and joy. You had a wealth of knowledge on how to care for all of them and the means to give them a place to stay to match.
It was practically a massive zoo enclosure, walls made to look as natural as possible, shallow artificial rivers, trees you had built yourself, all completed with a faux cave area harder to reach and nearly impossible to see from the outskirts of the area.
Whenever your current projects got too taxing, or you happened to stumble across an injured mob, you would spend days at a time looking after the ever-revolving cast of inhabitants of the sanctuary. Some you planed to keep, (mostly the weaker and/or younger creepers who especially imprinted on you) others you set free once they were sufficiently healthy.
It was a place of peace for you as much as they were for your patients. You welcomed the other hermits to visit when they showed interest. On the condition that they don't hurt any of the mobs. Predictably, when they realized 70% of the population was creepers not many were keen on the offer. It didn't bother you too much, more alone time for you this way.
Doc was one of the first to actually except. In hindsight you shouldn't have been all that surprised that he wouldn't have to worry about all your explosives roaming about. Yet in all your creeper based experiences you haven't met a hybrid before him.
Not that you knew it, but he found you far more fascinating than you found him. A couple of the other hermits suggested he spend some time with you after they payed you their own visits. Always with some look in their eyes that blended amusement, curiosity, and scheming. When you explained your little side business he understood it.
You both were able to find humor in the situation, breaking the ice with jokes of losing him in the crowd and other stupid things of the like. Once that phase had passed you suggested that you sit down and eat the lunch you brought into the sanctuary.
After you both finished eating neither of you moved or talked, silently agreeing to relax a little while longer. He noticed that there was something that felt... just fundamentally correct about the moment. Like a comfortable stillness settled deep in his chest. And like a child running into a landed flock of pigeons, the feeling only fled the more he tried to grab hold.
Still, he attempted to pin it on something. Something. Perhaps like the person sitting a little ways out of arms reach from him. With a dreamy, far-off gaze as you watched the creatures living their lives in safety of your favorite project. As much as he didn't want to stare, the fact that he could see the very spell he was under a moment ago on your face was nearly as captivating as the peacefulness itself.
He found himself visiting you again and again after that day.
By with point you knew Doc enough to see the weight of many sleepless nights on him. You were familiar with his mad scientist shtick and how long and bright those overworking episodes burned.
You knew your probably magic connection to creepers was affecting him to some degree, but frankly you didn't care. If it got him to regularly sit down, eat, and take a nap then it was perfectly moral in your mind.
While you were in thay routine it felt like it could go on forever. It was nice and comfortable, yet it was really just the origin story of your relationship.
It just came naturally. You balanced each other out well. He even got you to loose couple nights of sleep to explain his redstone to you. You may or may not joke that you have since been cursed with "lovecraftian knowledge".
You lost track of when your "hangouts" became "dates" and when every nap consisted of a lot of cuddling. You wouldn't have it any other way, as cheesy as that would sound out loud. You didn't care, you were both happy. That's all either of you need.
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finn-on-the-side · 2 years
why is there so much silco content, what is this?? lmao
I was going through my documents and realized i had unposted fics there????? So uhhh, the main blog is getting content lmao. On a different note though, I think I'm gonna post some of my original works on this blog, because I've been trying to work on them more lately! Let's see how it goes!!
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finn-on-the-side · 2 years
I was going through my documents and realized i had unposted fics there????? So uhhh, the main blog is getting content lmao. On a different note though, I think I'm gonna post some of my original works on this blog, because I've been trying to work on them more lately! Let's see how it goes!!
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finn-on-the-side · 2 years
I’m being a homosexual in a very nonbinary way and I am STRUGGLING
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finn-on-the-side · 2 years
Reblog if you are a fic writer who welcomes moodboards, playlists, remixes, art and any other type of gift based on your stories.
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finn-on-the-side · 2 years
So apparently I’m a human heater? Like me and my boyfriend were cuddling last week and he just went “you’re very warm you know” and I was just like huh? And it kinda makes sense to be honest because I overheat easily in the summer (it can get pretty warm here) and in the winter it takes all of 3 minutes for me to feel warm without blankets or anything after rolling around in the snow for 30 minutes straight in a light winter jacket and pants. Very strange. And I have to have my window open during the winter to feel the breeze and keep me freezing to be able to sleep under my fuzzy blankets cause I will overheat. Oh shit I forgot to mention that I have a boyfriend now huh? Probably a good idea lmao. We’re going sledding tomorrow too :D
God I fucking wish I produced that much body heat. In my relationships, I’m the perpetually cold one lmao.
Congrats on the boyfriend! I hope you’re very happy with him!!!
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finn-on-the-side · 2 years
Art dump cause I’ve got some pieces I’m proud of!
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Some dnd characters from my campaign! ^^
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Viktor from arcane because shishsodhdodhjdidusjs pretty^^
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Adryan’s arcane OC cause he vibes! ^^
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finn-on-the-side · 2 years
I am blatantly fixating on Viktor from arcane, I am in love with this man.
Like??????? He’s so pretty and I’m always a sucker for scientists who seem like they’re going to be ruined by their hubris in the end.
I just??????????? Like imagine being in the academy with him, sitting in a lab watching him work and bantering with Jayce. That’s the ideal. Making sure he isn’t overworking himself and affectionately bullying him into resting and eating regularly.
I have so many thoughts about this man and I want to write so many fics about him
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finn-on-the-side · 2 years
I did not anticipate people following the side blog cause of this. I write proper fics on my main @finn-writes-stuff including for Security Breach. Send me requests there if you'd like
Nonstop Writing Exercise
This is not cohesive enough for the main blog, but have some thoughts about security breach animatronics. I was doing a writing exercise as a warm up for writing a long piece today.
Monty is inherently flirty and rough, but not crass. None of the robots are, they physically can't cuss. Animatronics, not robots I suppose. Same difference. Monty like dancing with you and spinning you around to fun music, He towers over you but when he's flirting, it's surprisingly un-intimidating. He knows how intimidating he can be, and actively doesn't want to scare you off. So he makes himself charming instead! The most likely to make a stupid innuendo. This is something he can do, the programming isn't thorough enough to inhibit that.
Roxy gives you a lot of praise, but melts when she gets it back. She tries to play it off, saying things like "Well obviously, Of course I'm amazing! Have you seen me, cupcake?" But her tail wags and she cannot actually stop it, It's very cute.
Freddy gives amazing hugs for something made out of metal, it's very impressive. He's very careful when he squeezes you though, he doesn't want to hurt you.He'll pick you up when he hugs you, and you can just relax into him.
Chica is an absolute sweetheart. She's very friendly and sweet and excitable, she's just so happy to be around you! She's got a lot of energy in her and she'll pull you around with her when she's talking to you. If she really likes you, she'll share food, lmao.
Sunnydrop is, ironically, over the moon whenever you're in the daycare! He loves working with the kids, but having you around is different and nice is so many other ways. He is also one who will pick you up, but he'll swing you around in his arms too. He's used to doing this with little kids to make them laugh, and he thinks it's a lot of fun to do! He can't sit still, he's always moving, even when you guys are talking. He'll do cartwheels around you during a conversation.
Moondrop is the opposite of Sun in a lot of ways. He doesn't move as much as Sun does, instead usually being content to sit and listen to you. He's inherently a bit of an asshole to you, but he's an asshole to everyone. Sunny will tell you that Moon is a lot nicer to you than he expected. Moon will bully you into taking care of yourself, you have no choice in the matter around him. Not just sleeping properly, but drinking enough water and eating good food. It takes some work to convince him that you don't need to be asleep when the lights go out, but he can recognise the fact that you aren't a small child, and the night guard is allowed to stay up to, so you can convince him with a little bit of effort.
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finn-on-the-side · 2 years
Nonstop Writing Exercise
This is not cohesive enough for the main blog, but have some thoughts about security breach animatronics. I was doing a writing exercise as a warm up for writing a long piece today.
Monty is inherently flirty and rough, but not crass. None of the robots are, they physically can't cuss. Animatronics, not robots I suppose. Same difference. Monty like dancing with you and spinning you around to fun music, He towers over you but when he's flirting, it's surprisingly un-intimidating. He knows how intimidating he can be, and actively doesn't want to scare you off. So he makes himself charming instead! The most likely to make a stupid innuendo. This is something he can do, the programming isn't thorough enough to inhibit that.
Roxy gives you a lot of praise, but melts when she gets it back. She tries to play it off, saying things like "Well obviously, Of course I'm amazing! Have you seen me, cupcake?" But her tail wags and she cannot actually stop it, It's very cute.
Freddy gives amazing hugs for something made out of metal, it's very impressive. He's very careful when he squeezes you though, he doesn't want to hurt you.He'll pick you up when he hugs you, and you can just relax into him.
Chica is an absolute sweetheart. She's very friendly and sweet and excitable, she's just so happy to be around you! She's got a lot of energy in her and she'll pull you around with her when she's talking to you. If she really likes you, she'll share food, lmao.
Sunnydrop is, ironically, over the moon whenever you're in the daycare! He loves working with the kids, but having you around is different and nice is so many other ways. He is also one who will pick you up, but he'll swing you around in his arms too. He's used to doing this with little kids to make them laugh, and he thinks it's a lot of fun to do! He can't sit still, he's always moving, even when you guys are talking. He'll do cartwheels around you during a conversation.
Moondrop is the opposite of Sun in a lot of ways. He doesn't move as much as Sun does, instead usually being content to sit and listen to you. He's inherently a bit of an asshole to you, but he's an asshole to everyone. Sunny will tell you that Moon is a lot nicer to you than he expected. Moon will bully you into taking care of yourself, you have no choice in the matter around him. Not just sleeping properly, but drinking enough water and eating good food. It takes some work to convince him that you don't need to be asleep when the lights go out, but he can recognise the fact that you aren't a small child, and the night guard is allowed to stay up to, so you can convince him with a little bit of effort.
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finn-on-the-side · 2 years
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~ Productivity ~
Might up the queue on the main blog to twice a day? I’m not sure.
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finn-on-the-side · 2 years
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Can’t believe you missed the most important lyrics in the song /j
The absolute chokehold burn butcher burn has on me is unmatched. Send help cause I am this close to writing a fic based on the song💀💀
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finn-on-the-side · 2 years
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finn-on-the-side · 2 years
You don't think most of them know that???? Have you MET half of them???????
Be nice to them! Bold of you to assume I’m not gonna steal half your boyfriends /j
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finn-on-the-side · 2 years
....... Okay maybe that's true because my taste in men is Highly Questionable BUT THATS NOT WHAT I MEANT AMD YOU KNOW IT-
<3 <3 <3 I'm gonna tell your other boys that you think they're questionable /j
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