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I made a pair of drawings 2 months ago, partialy to prove that you can make good drawings with a h pancil to a friend
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I was drawing my friends ocs and apparently I completely missed the hair. Ima do it again.
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The circle and the printer ran out of color
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This eurovision was so chaotic but I dont think that the final result was that bad. Honestly the only reason I didnt join the boycott was becouse I wanted to see rim tim tagi dim win. I feel bad becouse of it now and I dont think that the fanart I made makes me feel better. Except of Joost. I cant feel bad abaut drawing Joost.
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What do you mean? Why the excuses? Laios is man at peak performance not some old weird friend that you feel sorry for.
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this wouldn't leave my head so i had to do it
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Punk culture is queer. Anybody who disagrees with me is either an outsider or a poser.
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Now when eurovison is done I can finaly go back to my usual music taste.
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Slay marx, slaaaaaaayyyyyy
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But banning a country that is doing genocide is the actual genocide you antisemetic arab homophobic bigot.
My mind cannot comprehend the behavior of Israeli journalists and delegation on this year's Eurovision.
Here's the video of Israeli journalist harassing Joost Klein, contestant from Netherlands.
The journalist name is Dov Gil-Har.
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Absolutely disgusting, shameless behavior. They harass contestants with so much confidence and without facing any consequences.
This is yet another disgraceful thing they've done this year, is there a limit? Their presence by itself created such a negative atmosphere for everyone there, both contestants and the crowd watching.
All of this could've been avoided if they were banned from competing, all of it.
Shame on EBU, shame on this "journalist", shame on Israel.
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I agree that a full boycott would of been an ideal situation but I dont believe that it would of ever happened. That and also I dont think eurovison is semi-relevent.
I was talking abaut a scenario in which Israel hosts eurovison next year when I said that I dont know what Israel winning would achive.
I agree that they would of gotten a bigger pr boost I just dont think that any of them did anything wrong becouse they didnt boycott.
What I think would of been the best case scenario is if pro palestine people took a page from 70s ametican queer protestors and organized a zap.
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I dont think Israel winning would be the best outcome for anybody as I dont see what exactly would it accomplish. I dont see who would benifit from Israel winning if anything Israel winning just sounds like they would have a massive distraction/geo political pr campaign next year to legitimize their genocide of palestinians.
Also I agree that most people dont remember any of the conteatents but you are forgeting that eurovison also made some of the biggest hit songs in Europe, sometimes they even spread outside of Europe. That and I doupt that all of them dont get a bunch of new fans becouse of eurovison.
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I agree that idealy the whole event should of been boycotted by both viewers and the artists I just dont think that it would ever happen. From the perspective of artists not only is it a big opertunity for gaining a larger and international fanbase but also the artists were specialy selected by their country often by popular vote. On top of that those songs arnt always made just by the performers but by a whole team that you dont see. If they boycotted they wouldnt just give up on a big opertunity but also give up on a big opertunity for a lot more people then just themselves. On the othor hand if too many viewers boycotted then I think it would of been an easy win for Israel and that would of just resulted in more drama then anybody else winning. In short I dont think any of the artists did anything wrong and Im glad that Israel didnt win.
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This was a chaotic eurovison year. But now Im sad that it wasnt more chaotic. I can just see the headlines.
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if the EU, EBU and eurovision sincerely meant their bs about progressive values and democratic liberties
you wouldn't just see moroccanoil sponsoring and edna golan heights performing but also a palestinian representative on stage
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I didnt know abaut this guys existing until right now but Im defintily going to watch the documentary.
Instead of watching Eurovision this year…
maybe I can interest you in Hataris Documentary named „A song called hate“.
It features 2019s Icelandic contestants „Hatari“ on their journey to protest against the treatment of Palestinians in Isreal, using Eurovision as a stage to share an important message.
In their documentary, they shed light on what „Hatari“ is, their intentions and ways to support Palestinians, their experiences in Israel, their interviews of Palestinian civilians and artists and what followed after they raised the Palestinian flag during Eurovision in Israel.
Famously known as this scene:
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You can find A song called hate here:
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Please share so more people know!!
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I dont know how to feel abaut nemo winning
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Fuck this whole israel situation
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