filter-less · 7 years
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Join AMSA for Mentorship, Leadership, Advocacy Opportunities and MATCH prep with AMP! Save $25 with TCSAVE25 by 6/5 http://thndr.me/ewVA9S
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filter-less · 7 years
if we’re being honest it was black lives matter that really paved the way for all of these recent protests like I hope people as a whole aren’t assuming otherwise
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filter-less · 8 years
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Psst. Nice work.
Chloe McCollum
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filter-less · 8 years
to the literal embodiment of sunshine in my life, on her 20th bday:
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HAPPY BIRTHDAY, DEEBO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You are the kindest, smartest, most independent, most empathetic, funniest, most “woke” as the kids say today, most etc. etc. (I literally could go on forever) person in my life!!!!!!!!! Thankful for another year of YOU and friendship, and shine theory, and political discussion. I cannot begin to explain to you how important you are to me. When I am the happiest and when I am the saddest, I always want to share it with you, because you have incredible insight, wisdom beyond your years, and lots of tough love. 
SO...YOU’RE 20................this year is going to be insane for so many reasons, and as always is another stepping stone on ur way to taking over the world. This year, you’ll be halfway DONE with college, you’ll take the MCAT, you’ll, arrive in South Africa, you’ll VOTE in a primary and then in an actual election, you’ll see Miriam again (hopefully), you’ll watch your (not so) little brother move into COLLEGE, you’ll further delve into your LOVE of microbiology (and get ideas for world changing research), you’ll explore new ideas and experiences and people and emotions...again etc. etc. THE OPTIONS ARE ENDLESS. YOUR ARE ENDLESS (this is reference to that time Shivani wrote about feeling “infinite” in white city parking lot). I feel so lucky to be a part of your journey every day. You inspire me with your hard work, open mind, and huge heart. As always, amazing things await you this year-- NAY, THIS DECADE (can’t wait to backpack thru central America and actually go to Mexico with Miriam and Alexis in just 2 years wtf)
Thank you for being the person that you are this year and always. Thank you for encouraging me to always be the person I want to become (and for the most part, that I already feel that you are). This is the decade that you’re going to be EXPECTED to do a lot: graduate, go to med school, get married, conform to the patriarchy...but fuck it! Continue to do the things that make you feel the best. Continue to ignore irrelevant things and people. Continue to be critical! and excited (about life and learning)! and HAPPY! THE HAPPIEST OF HAPPY BIRTHDAYS TO U, MY BESTEST BESTEST FRIEND. (go out there and make 20 ur bitch) 
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filter-less · 9 years
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filter-less · 9 years
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Chloe McCollum
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filter-less · 9 years
Caitlyn Jenner lives 3000 miles away from me. If in conversation, I referred to her as “he,” “she,” “they,” or “ze,” it wouldn’t matter to her, because she would never hear me. So why bother saying “she”?
The way I think about it is that is that the change from “he” to “she” is astonishingly...
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filter-less · 9 years
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HE DID IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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filter-less · 9 years
Attention trans friends (this includes nb pals)!!!!
A friend of mine is doing a project for school about gender, transphobia, gender violence, advocates for the trans community, etc.
She asked me to submit a few photos and spread the word about their Tumblr.
You can submit photos of yourself with a caption, it can be anything! Your pronouns, why you’re an advocate for the trans community, what your gender is, why education about gender is important, etc.
Here’s an example of a photo that I submitted:
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You can submit your own photos at genderselfiedetermination.
PLEASE spread the word–feel free to ask questions! You can send them any questions you’ve got.
If y’all wanted to reblog this to spread the word, I’d really appreciate it!!!!
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filter-less · 9 years
Happy Easter, folks.
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filter-less · 9 years
Maybe it’s brave to quit your job to go paint in Peru for a year, but it’s also brave to work two jobs to help pay for your mom’s medical bills. It’s smart to stay at the law firm until your loans are paid off. It’s OK to only tolerate your job but love your hobbies, because as soon as passions are turned into careers, you risk turning love into work. So you don’t love your job — who gives a shit? Are you happy with yourself? Are you happy with the way you treat people? Are you happy with your life?
Sometimes It’s Okay to Not Follow Your Dreams  (via sonnywortzik)
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filter-less · 9 years
I want to get more comfortable being uncomfortable. I want to get more confident being uncertain. I don’t want to shrink back just because something isn’t easy. I want to push back, and make more room in the area between I can’t and I can.
Kristin Armstrong (via ribbik)
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filter-less · 9 years
There’s only one corner of the universe you can be certain of improving, and that’s your own self.
Aldous Huxley, Time Must Have a Stop (via paintdeath)
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filter-less · 9 years
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filter-less · 9 years
To be kind, honest and have positive thoughts; to forgive those who harm us and treat everyone as a friend; to help those who are suffering and never to consider ourselves superior to anyone else: even if this advice seems rather simplistic, make the effort of seeing whether by following it you can find greater happiness.
Dalai Lama (via purplebuddhaproject)
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filter-less · 9 years
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Deebs -12.15.14
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filter-less · 10 years
“Atticus–” said Jem bleakly. He turned in the doorway. “What, son?” “How could they do it, how could they?” “I don’t know, but they did it. They’ve done it before and they did it tonight and they’ll do it again and when they do it — seems that only children weep.”
To Kill A Mockingbird, by Harper Lee (via poodlepants)
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