filizy · 14 days
“I have led a toothless life, he thought. A toothless life. I have never bitten into anything. I was waiting. I was reserving myself for later on—and I have just noticed that my teeth have gone.”
— Jean-Paul Sartre, The Age of Reason (via nauseadaily)
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filizy · 1 year
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filizy · 1 year
But we’re not oppressed based on sex… that’s just a terf dog whistle… 🤔
Sound: Marina singing: “I’m not afraid of God, I am afraid of man.”
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filizy · 1 year
love seeing more and more women wake up my fyp is full of these types of videos <333
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filizy · 1 year
Presented without comment because wtf
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filizy · 1 year
bringing back the topic that arya wouldn’t like ‘d’ is the fact d is ready to kill innocent small folk to achieve her goals, is something arya would actually despise—
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filizy · 1 year
they’ll call radical feminism ”white feminism“, while not realizing that liberal feminism is a western concept.
most women in developing countries are radical feminists, since they experience sex based oppression every day.
the talibans are not banning "whoever identifies as a woman“ from going to school, the clergy in iran is not oppressing women because of their gender identity, girls in africa are not getting their genitals mutilated because they identify as women.
wherever you’re the oppressor or the opressed one in a patriarchal society is not assigned at birth it is observed.
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filizy · 2 years
A thing I have seen basically no one say which feel super weird because we have been discussing this in narrative class since ep 1 (with a teacher that knows the books incredibly well). In most interviews and press you can see the actors leave clues that the blacks are way darker than the show is portraying them to be. If you look at the big picture they are preparing things for a big twist where it becomes plain that most characters are indeed terrible people and the rest are dragged down with them.
And to achieve that the idea of green=bad black=good needs to be front and center at the start. Portraying everything Rhaenyra and Daemon do in a positive light while making Alicent the villian (and cutting daeron from this season) only to turn it all around to a point where people in the audience either admit they arent that great or look like hypocrites. If they manage to do it right it is a powerful narrative device and one they can use to bounce off between showing the good and the bad on both sides.
I agree that this is likely the plan the showrunners have and the direction the actors are aware their characters are taking (no Emilia situation now). I also agree if this is done properly then it would be an extremely strong narrative tool to bring the darkness and light of both sides out. It would suit the family drama and tragedy aspect of this story incredibly well.
However, that is contingent upon two things. 1) It needs to be done well, and 2) Black fans aren’t too far gone to accept the faults of their side.
My fear is that even with actors fully aware of their character’s dark turns and these plans being set in motion early and well, team black will just…not care. They’ll excuse every and any action.
I don’t know if it’s a brainwashing thing or a pride thing, but Targ stans tend to refuse they have been or could ever be wrong. They did it with Dany and excused everything she did down to massacring a city because the small folk were “too far gone” and “needed to rise again from the ashes”, and now they’re doing it with Rhaenyra, and worse, Daemon. I’ve seen so many of them defending him choking Rhaenyra as “he’s grieving” or “he’s just annoyed at her inaction and trying to make a point”. Like???? WHAT THE HELL?!?! That’s still domestic violence.
This show has the potential to bring to light all the best and worst qualities of team green and team black to make a point about how power corrupts and destroys us all, and to detail how complicated and ruthless the Targaryen family can be. It’s about the Targaryens in their most brutal and tragic forms. Flaws on full display. I can only hope that Team Black is willing to admit they were wrong and accept that this is a story where everyone is a little bit right and a little bit wrong. But none of that matters because everyone is destroyed.
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filizy · 2 years
Introducing the Radical Feminist Library!
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Hi Radblr, I'd appreciate if you shared this link! I've accumulated hundreds of books from the second and third waves to create the Radical Feminist Library ! ++(Library on another site) The link is available to everyone, and feel free to share it with others.
If you have any book requests, or EPUB requests, send me a message! I'll see what I can do.
If you'd like to follow me on twitter, my handle is the same as on here.
My pages are meant to talk about radical feminist theory & feminist + lesbian history. Thanks for sharing!
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filizy · 3 years
been thinkin about this lately and i think i want a small life. not a BAD life n not an ISOLATED life n not a CLOSED life but just. small. with defined boundaries. i want a job that will sustain me that doesn't require exhaustion to survive. i want a place to live that's big enough for me to choose every part of it; just enough shelf for mugs i love, just enough cabinet for a neat set of paints, just enough closet for clothes i actually like wearing not just ones i tolerate. i want to do little routines and make small batches of things and be a regular somewhere. i just want to have something contained and clear that's mine, mine, mine
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filizy · 3 years
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The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (2003) dir. Peter Jackson
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filizy · 3 years
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filizy · 3 years
Incredibly angry that leftists are doubling down on their bigotry. Women’s rights are literally under attack and the left doesn’t even have a WORD for this group of people, because woman to them means “adequate submission to patriarchal values” and lots of men think that’s them, and lots of women don’t. And they can’t even begin to conceptualize how that definition has hurt women and how they’ve contributed to this problem. Like fracturing the women’s rights movements and insisting that they be male dominated and patriarchy approved is not part of how we got here! Like pretending misogyny isn’t real is going to make it go away! Like gender roles isn’t the driving force behind anti-abortion!! AHHHHHHHHHHHH
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filizy · 3 years
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come on in, the water’s warm!
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filizy · 3 years
it’s just me and my stupid little fantasies against the world
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filizy · 4 years
removing yourself from toxic situations is lonely. removing toxic friends and family members from your life is lonely. learning to be without the people, or outside of the environment you were in for so long–somewhere that might’ve been unsafe or made you unhappy but was still familiar–is lonely. but it isn’t supposed to be easy. you have to choose yourself and you’ll regret it sometimes because you’ve never felt this alone, and yet it’s the right thing to do. learn to be happy with your own company, learn to support yourself the way you wish others would. there’s nothing others can give you that you cannot eventually give yourself.
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filizy · 4 years
@angelwingsnaya I'm barely on Tumblr anymore so it surprised me to see you tagging me but it made me feel so warm and happy, I really appreciate you <3 I hope you're doing good these days?
Have you ever met someone on the internet that you liked so much that you sometimes sit there and think “Oh man there are people who are lucky enough to see this person IN THE FLESH ON A REGULAR BASIS and I wonder if they realize how LUCKY they are”
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