Tbh I was thinking of coming back on here but I have none of my old reaction images - s h r u g s - I could log on during school hours, but not on weekends unless I mobile.,
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update: Or you know, If you forgot me it's fine ^^' Sorry I haven't been on everyone..
Looky here my dumbass is on here for once.sorry for the  absence, honestly /: if you want my main blog inbox me. c: 
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Looky here my dumbass is on here for once.sorry for the  absence, honestly /: if you want my main blog inbox me. c: 
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Hey guys, It's Kat here with just a word or so, please please please forgive me for not being active, I know I suck OTL. School and things have been stressful, as well as my laptop has a few virus's on it. We have an exchange student living in my home as well that's why I also have not been on as much, however as of Monday, I should be on regularly again (or well, I'm going to try to.) I'm going to debug my laptop and see if everything will work fine?? I mean my laptops a piece of crap but still. xD Anyway, I'm terribly sorry for not being on or anything but hey, Drop me a message or skype me! c:
Skype: Nu.13.bloodege. [If lost return to Rei-Chan]] just tell me who you are in the friend request and I'll add you. :3
Instagram: Kat__Martin
Snapchat : KatMartin001
Main Tumblr Blog - Starlight-Seeker
just hit me up on those Kay? Thanks everyone! [[If I missed anything or if you wanna know more inbox me~<3]]
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“That’s right an extravaganza! The shop could use the promotional advertisement!”
It had to be this way because this muse of mine wouldn’t let me go small if I tried. Really though, I have a lot of people to thank and this is the first Follow Forever list I’ve ever made for this account so it occurred to me that I should just attempt a huge shout-out to as many ridiculously amazing people as possible in the one go! I really just want anyone who’s interacted to know how much it’s been appreciated, when they take a chance on an oddball type character and never know what may result. To anyone who chooses to follow this guy, I say, you brave tenacious soul, how fortunate am I?! A few smaller milestones have come and gone, not yet at a huge one, when it does happen I suppose a giveaway of some sort will be in order. Until then here’s my list of people who have made my days blogging and writing here better in some form or another. To every single one of you, thank you. Let’s RP~!
—Urahara mun/urahat/Praktikos
From whom I seek solace.
{ stoikosevgenis }
My friend, my cornerstone, my brother. You are the person who gets the title, longest term roleplay partner of mine. It’s been years now, can’t say either of us would have foreseen this, I guess that’s the funny part huh, or is it ironic? Who can say, what I do know is that it’s fun and that in essence is all we aim for. We met though roleplaying but found good reliable friendship in-between all of that. So thanks, for putting up with not just this over-powered and unpredictable muse who just seems to exude confusion over anyone around but also for dealing with the mundane behind him. There have been so many varying situations that have come up during our time knowing one another and you never fail to be there on my side. It’s a rare thing indeed to find.
Residents of Urahara Shōten. Those who interact with Kisuke regularly.
| eilurokari  | n-o-b-a | picaduradeabeja | vanorey | cuppediorum-hominis | genocidemode | prohibito-aves | notnice-lady | thedragonflyprincesa | afrigginlady | tres-harribel | pernicious-charm | mawk-innocence | glacies-tempestatem | granteroffoolishdesires | kabe-suru | hybridhero | yookps | ofbluebloodedquincyheritage | whitenoiseincarnate | delusivefox | ayubookuroda | fighters-and-fireworks | w-o-l-f-a-g-a-y-a | redeemedfaenger | theoracleofmarinia | bloodiedsixthblade | exquisite-forte | doctor-rukia | foxfacedcaptain
Frequent valued customers~! Those who interact with the Boshi-geta on occasion.
| oni-analyst | chevalierxnoir | starfieldshinigami | snxggletooth | ohagireaper | gruseligprinz | metrallxta | rebelliouspantera | wisteriaessence | justasimplesoldier | princessofsixflowers | kyoki-no-keshin | themorningluxifer | chxshio | stormxknight | senboago | senjxmaru | mylittlemusebox | eaxsolis | cutiepatootpup | rageandbrains | ariugrettetsetsara | guardianreaper | mortxmer | melanitestreetrat | formadelobos | alizarincriminal | small-town-guardian | stitchesandscalpels | shinyasanzoku | 5hinjihirako | sugaryshinigami | pyrobazz | txsla | orejasdeconejo | the-silence-of-shadows | completelyhypnotic | kurotsuxhi | justyouraverageshopkeeper
Discount seekers and hagglers. Those who have crossed paths with Urahara.
| yaspookytora | dimensionalwarriors | screamyourdefiance | zmeya-khitry | xrenjixabaraix | sairento-omoide | hollow-flames | acideyeferos | kuchxkx-byxkuyx | soulrexper | sentxki | mardestruir | masked-strawberry | compulsorysyzygy | elusivestrawberry | recklesshothead | amai-hoshidzukiyo | fornicxras | cuertaborde | seethxng | solitarrio | gisellethezombie | tuberculosistaichou | bondingessence | ragingxpigtails | mxntis | purplelieswithgarneteyes | nightingale-threnody | ashengoddess | gurxmii | wisteria-and-pine | wheesnawbitch | master-cifer | imintheeyeofgod | crumbling-orb | theorangecaptain | deuxmonde-soul| | ikkaku-marmalade | black-white-deer  | myrathianchaos | hisokahiromi | bunniesnskulls
Potential customers! Those who the ol' shopkeeper would enjoy getting to know better.
| bestiaxaethereum | lxppi | kazetaichou | papurudoku | swallow-of-sadism | dergo-gaoth | tearful-cadenza | moretsuna | arousing-dissonance | kotta-nyotei | brubeckmyonetruelove | sadistic—narcissist | spookmetall | renjiaboorai | ekragei | bi-no-shi | blitzlanze | kaminaridansa | bookenishida | ichibxi | auxiliumheros | jikanteishi | hidaii | zerobantai | nianzol | mxnashii | laimargia | cxduceus | shun-kyou | dieuchien | hihinoboo | stingingxcaptain | superdad-extraordinaire | xfornicaras | mixuchi | kubikiri | vrontisei | flowercranekukaku | cursxdsoxl | shxnko | despairingmantis | saginoryusho | zetxubo | engxtsu | candice-thunderkitty | chui-no-fuyu | loyaltyisblind | certifiedchainsmoker | esrever—ni
Karakura Town neighbors. Those who are mutuals and are a fascinating enhancement to the dashboard.
| marigoldsandpoetry | vulgardisplayofvanity | iustitiacaecaest | shadowstrand | henjiin | kodokuna-shiroi-okami | katastrofaisljivovica | shunkoprincess  | airashiisenshi  | onyxsanctorum | emperador-de-tiburon | kiraahachi | unchainably | omniicide | benevolence-in-a-name | releaseandgrind | kage-hanabira | loyalhealer | karakurastrawberry | snowxreaper | jiishin | esqueleto-rex | interius-tenebrae | crimson-vigilante | loyalty-is-blind | straight-shooting-shinigami
Another time; another place. Crossover shout-out
| madamarcian | stillfaintlysmiling | fierykage | the-werewolf-warrior | i-minato-san | dandy-licious | betterhealing | boomerrangman | pockyqueenchan | redstarved | princessxcinderelly | gutt-fra-norge | boobiemun  | fragrantlykarin | celestialhimelucy | queenofmorolianspiders | askmarkinmakara | askcrackedshittyglasses | kiryuuinragyou | kopishiruba | allfornorway | the-sassy-dragon | mysticalscience | there-is-always-a-place-for-you | silentarrows | ferrosdracul | chillinlikekrillin | mercy-be-thy-name | bowwowshinobi | piptastique | knuckleheadtrickster | mischievous-joutun | explosive-clay | something-given-something-taken | supershykawaii | novem-illuminans
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You say I lack humanity like it’s a bad thing—
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  i’m   someone   who’s     thought—-
                    {  ——- why haven’t i   d i e d  yet  }
                                        ———-But  [  keeps on   f i g h t i n g  ]
                                                                            for survival
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Reblog this if you want a LONG anonymous message saying what they think of you.
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Rip out my (Character's) heart in one sentence.
Bonus points if it makes me cry.
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Send me 'cuddle' for my muses reaction to yours suddenly sitting next to them and wrapping both of them in a blanket.
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This was turning into a deep conversation and going places Byakuya wasn’t sure he was in the frame of mind to go. Of course, he was also drunk off his ass and thus lacked his general knowledge of boundaries and reasoning.
"That depends on the definition of monster." He wasn’t sure he was even articulating his idea correctly. Why did she ask him this? "You’re quite dtrong and you do have a scary temper when you’re angry."
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Why did she feel hurt? wasn't the normal definition of monster was a being who was typically large, ugly and frightening? Glancing away she listened to him nodding slowly, her temper was short as well as nasty when she finally got angry at someone. Maybe she was such a thing? Shaking her head the woman forced a small laugh, the alcohol still taking effect on her emotions.
"Maybe you're right..I mean..perhaps I am a monster or some shit.."
[[For the drunk meme]] fighters-and-fireworks
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"She’s a bit scary. Don’t tell her I said that… but she’s scary. She’s insane. Why do they allow her free? At least she’s…. kind of cute if you’re into the monster type. Maybe I’ll set her up on a date with Renji."
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16 things that make me happy
Thanks for tagging me nelliel-tu-oderschvank
1. Being with Friends
2. Listening to music
3. Reading 4. Writing 5.drawing 6. Being on tumblr 7 singing 8. Acting 9. Coffee? 10. Fireworks 11. Role playing 12.Cats 13. dancing like an idiot when noones around 14. SWEETS!!!! 15. Video games 16. Catherine [my friend. <3]
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I think one of the reasons why he gets so reckless- is because he knows he’s not even supposed to be alive.
Jensen talking about Dean (via chienokage)
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Send me a ♤ and I will generate a number for what my muse will say to yours.
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