fifthspiriit · 4 years
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She smiled at his kind words. God, it was hard not to smile when he was around her. He had something no one else ever had shown her, made her feel. She couldn’t eveb explain it, the feeling was just there. “Thank you... It’s just another dress.” she told him, chuckling softly as she fiddled with her hands. Was it clear that she was nervous around him, that she liked being around him? “You don’t look too bad yourself. Blue suits you.” she spoke. She had to give this compliment back. He looked breath-taking. If that was even a state to feel. 
The moment they had passed by too quickly and before she knew it, she got caught up in conversations with different people. It was Christmas after all. And it was the time for family, friends and being together, helping each other. And that’s why she was soon on her way to the kitchen. She had no idea how she could be help but she knew if she wouldn’t go, Anna would. and she was supposed to enjoy her time with Kristoff. She walked through the doors but no one was there. She was surprised until she suddenly got pushed against the wall behind her, sweet lips kissing her own and she immeditaly relaxed into the kiss. Her eyes blinked open for just a small moment, enough to see who was kissing her. And it made it even better. she sighed a little, her arms wandering around his body to keep him in place. She didn’t want to pull away anytime soon. 
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send me  ‘ mistletoe ’  for my muse’s response to being underneath mistletoe with your muse.   specify whether it’s accidental or on purpose. | accepting until midnight
“mistletoe” + elsa @fifthspiriit​
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Never before has Sam felt so, at home, there was something about Arendelle’s atmosphere that left him in a total sense of pure ecstasy, peace never before felt. And if it were, to be frank, there was an even more specific reason for feeling that way, the queen of that domain, Elsa. Just the mere mention of the name made his body automatically feel lighter as if all his intricacies were automatically gone. His fantasies were interrupted the moment he looks at her, immediately felt his breathing go ragged at a hefty pace, for a moment, he almost forgot how he breathed. “Heavens, Elsa. You look gorgeous.” Not that it wasn’t any less previously, but tonight her beauty seemed to be even more enchanting.
In the course of the night, Sam would most like to pass by Elsa’s side, no matter how selfish of his. But he knew that she had a commitment to her citizens, and he would never stop her at such a crucial moment. That was when he had a plan to have her, if only for one night, or if their friendship was all down the drain, he would try anyway. With the help of one of the kitchen crew, Sam came up with a plan in which the team would ask for help in the kitchen. In the meantime, he tried to put mistletoe in place, knew that by the time everything happened, the words would fail, and Sam was determined to kiss at least once, even if that act would never happen again. When he saw the long-awaited company enter the room, he immediately walked toward her and, without uttering a word, put his hands on her cheeks, caressing them, then sealing the lips of others, never wanting to stop again.
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fifthspiriit · 4 years
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Lol free to use Frozen 2 Elsa edits by me
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fifthspiriit · 4 years
if you want a starter with elsa, give this a like ♥
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fifthspiriit · 4 years
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Kara stepped forward further, wrapping a tender — if a little cautious – arm around Elsa. “What’s your name? I’m Kara.” She asserted, smiling slightly at her. “It’s so cool that you can do magic. I wasn’t born with any, but I….” she hesitated, then continued, “…..I have some powers nonetheless.”
“You’ll be safe with me.” She promised.
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“E-elsa.” she stuttered a little, stll shaking from her previous ice attack. Kara was a simple name, nothing to common around the area. So she assumed she came from somewhere else. And her eyes grew curious. What did she mean that she got some powers herself? Similar to her ice powers? “What do you mean by powers?” could anyone ever be so dangerous as she was? She even hurt her little sister back then, something she still fetl terrible about. All she wanted was to protect Anna. 
“I fear, you won’t be safe with me.” she spoke, her voice a little hurt. “You rather stay away from me. People close to me easily get hurt.”
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fifthspiriit · 4 years
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“You did it!” Kara was relieved, if a little wet from the snow. “I’m so proud of you.” She was truly proud as she stepped forward, cautiously. “What was that, though? Are you magical?” She asked curiously.
Ever inquisitive.
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Elsa felt weak. her guard was down, everyone knew now who she was, what she was. And she was trembling. Not from the cold but from what had just happened. She was afraid, ice building right under her. What was she doing there?
“I am.” her voice was calm, though there was a hint of fear in her tone. “I was born that way.”
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fifthspiriit · 4 years
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“Your majesty, they’re ready.”
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fifthspiriit · 4 years
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The other blonde seemed to be very kind, yet she didn’t fully trust her, she had learned the hard way that most people couldn’t get their vote of confidence so quickly. “Is he yours? I promise to give it back to you soon, is that where I come from, the weather is not that cold.” Technically, she was not complaining; it was all really out of the ordinary with a colder climate. “Thanks.” Noticing the vast castle nearby, Silver realized that maybe Elsa had a relationship with the building. “Hey, do you work at the castle?”
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She smiled. Elsa felt like that’s all she could do these days. When not freezing the entire kingdom again. “It belongs to Arendelle. To the people. Whoever is in need, it belongs to them.” she spoke. “And right now, you seem in need for it, so keep it as long as you need it.” not that she couldn’t offer the other some warmer clothes. She had enough at the castle. Looking at the palace while walking next to her, Elsa’s blue orbs wandered over to her, giving her a nod. “You can say so. I do have a very important role there.” not to give away the entire truth, if she thought about it, she could quickly point her title. If not, that was fine too. She didn’t want to be seen as the queen all the time. 
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fifthspiriit · 4 years
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If you play a Frozen or Frozen II canon character on a single-muse account, please reblog this and write in the tags the character you play so we can add you to Frozen RPC Directory’s masterlist.
multi-muse accounts, reblog this post (X)
frozen rpc directory is a resource blog and directory for the frozen roleplay community. operated by fellow rpers. this is a source for rpers to find each other and what they need and spread positivity.  
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fifthspiriit · 4 years
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“It’s going to be okay, I promise!” Kara pledged loudly to be heard over the ice storm that was spiraling around them. Was this white-haired woman the cause of it? While Kara didn’t know, she didn’t much care either. She threw caution to the wind and stepped closer.
“Take a deep breath!”
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Thoughts over thoughts were running through her mind, all the fears were coming up in her and she really feared, she could heard the stranger woman. And yet, she stayed there, trying to talk to her and she could feel the air getting stuck in her lungs. And she remembered what she had said.
Take a deep breath.
And she did that. She took in a deep breath, the storm around them stopping and standing still in the air. As soon as she breathed out, the snow was falling down, the storm disappearing like it never had been there, leaving the world covered in white. 
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fifthspiriit · 4 years
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“You won’t hurt me— Just tell me what’s wrong!”
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Elsa felt like she was in no control of her powers right now. And she knew, if the other wouldn’t leave, she would hurt her. There was no doubt. “I’m getting out of control. Please, just leave! You’re in danger!” she warned her. “My powers, they go crazy.” her fear was growing, and so she got less control over her ice.
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fifthspiriit · 4 years
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I’m holding on tight to you
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fifthspiriit · 4 years
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“This voice, I feel like it’s calling for me!”
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fifthspiriit · 4 years
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“Please- just stay away!”
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fifthspiriit · 4 years
@chopperpirate​​ ♥ for a starter
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“Oh- look out there!”
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fifthspiriit · 4 years
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Be this close to the queen was a little intimidating, and to tell the truth, Steve didn’t know how to handle it so well. “It’s because I’m more of a learner than a friend.” Despite considering Kristoff as a friend, he did not know if the perception of friendship was mutual, so he preferred to keep quiet, at least once he would like to avoid any embarrassment, even if it was an almost impossible task to achieve. “Are you sure? I can even help serve the party guests. Kristoff and Anna have always been very good to me, and I would do anything for them.” A shy smile came to his lips. “Steve Harrington, my queen. I’m sorry, but due to nervousness, I forgot to introduce myself.”
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Fiddling with her hands, Elsa never got rid of her nervousness around strangers. Or new people. But if it was as he said and Anna and Kristoff did a lot for him, maybe it would be wrong to turn him down once again. She had no idea what he could do, but maybe another two hands could be a use at some point. “Alright, I think I can find something for you.” she spoke, offering him a small smile while her voice remained calm. Introducing himself as Steve, she gave a simple nod. “I’m Elsa, don’t call me queen. It’s just Elsa.” she assured him. It was just another title after all. “Follow me. I will show you everything.” she spoke. 
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fifthspiriit · 4 years
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brand new blog for Elsa from the movie Frozen. 
like this if you want a starter from her ♥
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fifthspiriit · 4 years
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As much as she loves her ability to travel back in time, Silver could hardly tell precisely where she would stop when the journey was over. It would take a lot of training to understand how everything worked; her mother, who shared the same gift had departed before she could even explain to Silver how it worked, now she had to find out for herself. Her learning seemed even more complicated with all the cold that this strange city was making. She could feel the chill invade every inch of her body; as a result, her arms and legs were quite shaky. Luckily, walking around found a blanket thrown in the snow, Silver knew it probably belonged to someone, but the dress she was wearing was not enough to warm her trembling body. As she finished adjusting the blanket around her shoulder, Silver heard a voice talking to her, assuming she was the owner of the sheet, quickly pulled it from her body, and stretched the object toward the other. “I’m sorry, I wasn’t stealing … It’s just too cold.” She was so nervous about being caught that she paid no attention that Elsa was actually introducing herself.
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Surprised by her reaction, Elsa moved her hand forward her, assuring her it was fine to wear the blanket. “Oh no, please, it’s fine. Keep it.” she smiled. She actually didn’t notice how cold it was. She never did. Cold, ice never bothered her at all, all thanks for her powers. “You seem like you’re freezing. Come on, I will let you warm up by the fire.” she spoke, offering her to follow the queen back to the castle. 
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