feelingmuir · 7 years
What Are The 7 Chakras?
1. Crown - Intuition. The crown chakra is located at the top of the head and it represents our connection to the universe. When we focus on our crown chakra during meditations we are strengthening intuition and mental clarity. Signs of the crown chakra opening could be intense bursts of pain in the top of the head.
2. Third eye - Sight. Our third eye chakra sits in the pineal gland in the very centre of our forehead and it allows us to see, rather than just look which is what our two physical eyes are for. When the third eye is opening we may be able to see colours during meditations.
3. Throat - Speech. The throat chakra is for clairvoyance which is the ability to speak clearly and it sits directly in the middle of the throat. During our awakening process we may find it easier to speak our truth and this is a sign that the throat chakra has been activated. 
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4. Heart - Love. Our ability to love ourselves and others is dependant on how open our heart chakra is. It can become closed off through various traumas and toxins we introduce to the body, but we can open it by creating a relationship with ourselves and eating green foods.
5. Solar plexus - Power. When we recognise our power we are able to create the reality we desire, this power comes from the solar plexus chakra. We can facilitate the opening of this chakra by eating yellow foods such as pineapples and practicing manifestation techniques.
6. Sacral - Creativity. The sacral chakra is located in the lower abdomen a few inches below the navel and it is our connection to creativity as well as pleasure and sexuality. To experience fulfilling sexual experiences with others as well as enhanced creativity we can concentrate our sexual energies into our creative outlets.
7. Root - Grounding. The base of the spine or tailbone area houses our root chakra which represents our survival instincts, which can often be linked to money & food. Kundalini yoga is particularly effective for activating the root chakra which can help us to ground ourselves.
Our bodies are the most sophisticated technology on the planet.
Peace & positive vibes.
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feelingmuir · 7 years
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feelingmuir · 7 years
One of my main regrets in life is giving considerable thought to inconsiderable people.
(via leohearts)
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feelingmuir · 8 years
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Hiking in Big Bear! 
I am hopelessly and forever a mountaineer… . Civilization and fever, and all the morbidness that has been hooted at me, have not dimmed my glacial eyes, and I care to live only to entice people to look at Nature’s loveliness - John Muir 
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feelingmuir · 8 years
I am hopelessly and forever a mountaineer. . . . Civilization and fever, and all the morbidness that has been hooted at me, have not dimmed my glacial eyes, and I care to live only to entice people to look at Nature’s loveliness.”
John Muir - letter to a friend
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feelingmuir · 9 years
Looking into John Muir’s peers
Christopher Houston "Kit" Carson (December 24, 1809 – May 23, 1868) was an American frontiersman. The few paying jobs he had during his lifetime included mountain man (fur trapper), wilderness guide, Indian agent, and American Army officer.
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feelingmuir · 9 years
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source: "I want to permanently #OptOutside" -Instagram's @tylerhikes in Zion National Park #FindYourPark @REI 
Food For Thought:
I get nervous about moving back to the states. I’ve lived in Australia, Vanuatu and Japan... What if ‘it doesn’t work out.” But then I see places back home that I can’t wait to visit and explore and I remember that I don’t need much, just a pack. I can afford to do this and this makes me happy so anything more than that is living luxuriously... 
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feelingmuir · 9 years
& so there is no rest...
John Muir sent a letter just before embarking on his first and most challenging adventure. Saying goodbye to friends and family - some of which were supportive and some close to his heart that weren’t... he wrote that he wished he had a better sense of where he was going knowing that he was “doomed to be carried into the wilderness...
“I wish I could be more moderate in my desires, but I cannot, & so there is no rest.” - John Muir 
source: A Passion For Nature - The Life of John Muir by Donald Worster
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feelingmuir · 9 years
I love nature!!
Ghost? 👻 No, it’s a spotted skunk doing a handstand at Saguaro National Park in Arizona. 
You never know what you are going to see at America’s public lands. This strange interaction was captured by Saguaro’s wildlife camera in Happy Valley. Like the other three groups of skunks, spotted skunks are capable of spraying a strong unpleasant scent as a form of defense. But before spraying, spotted skunks will sometimes go into a handstand and attempt to intimidate any would be aggressors like this skunk is doing with the wildlife camera. Video by National Park Service.
Happy Halloweeen! 🎃
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feelingmuir · 9 years
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There are so many awesome hikes within Sydney!!! #feelingmuir
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feelingmuir · 9 years
My favourite bird!!! The cheeky laughing kookaburra!!! You can't see them but you can hear them!!! #cheeky kookaburra
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feelingmuir · 9 years
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Amazing what you find within Sydney!! #feelingmuir #johnmuir
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feelingmuir · 9 years
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Managed to fit in a small hike this morning. Hidden gems in Lane Cove! #feelingmuir #johnmuir #bushflowers
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feelingmuir · 9 years
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Hiking in Heathcote, NSW 
I knew I was going to have 12hr+ days for 7 days straight...so the Sunday before I went for a hike! So many beautiful and different Australian bush flowers and they are so small! Reading about John Muir and his love for botany has given me an awesome new perspective on hiking - rather than just getting as far as I can. I stop and look at the vegetation so much more!
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feelingmuir · 9 years
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Ch-ch-changes…turn and face the trees! Experience the leaves as their colors transform on these #NationalPark leaf peeping adventures.  🍃🍂🍁 
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feelingmuir · 9 years
Please sign this petition!!! We need to keep our beautiful wild landscapes as they are! We've seen what conquering a place can do - lets see what protecting it does!! If you want to ride it - earn it - don't make it a resort!! 
John Muir would be turning in his grave! This area is not only home to an indigenous group that have been there for over 400 years, its a HUGE bear area and some of the last. Trees are already being destroyed - our future is in our history and if we keep making these mistakes and not learning from them - then we will have nothing left!!!!!
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feelingmuir · 9 years
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John Muir’s writings and the writings of Emerson and the Transcendentalists, combined with the beauty portrayed by the landscape painters, influenced the opinions of wealthy, powerful industrialists to see that preserving the wilderness of the American west was as important as financial gain. They inspired Americans through their writing and art to advocate that the government act to preserve the natural beauty of their scenic wilderness and forests.
(Strickland and Boswell, The Annotated Mona Lisa,1992) (Craven, W. American Art History and Culture, 2003)
Albert Bierstadt - Sierra Nevada Luminism on canvas, started in 1871 - completed in 1873
Source: http://www.wikiart.org/en/albert-bierstadt/sierra-nevada-1873
Source: http://www.pahnation.com/luminism-in-american-landscape-art/
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