fayrinn · 3 years
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As promised, here's the second part of our collab with the amazing @pikafwance! Her awesome Gaddes lineart was a joy to work on and it was such a fun experience altogether! Please enjoy the One and Best Sergeant of Gaea...
I know I do~
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fayrinn · 3 years
This has got a few notes today and while it may or may not have been related to the sad news, I was reminded of the long-awaited moment that inspired this, not too long ago. And yet here we are, crying again, this time for something we never wanted to happen instead. The heartbreak is a proof of how many people have at some point, or maybe for a very long time (a decade for me, personally), touched by this manga.
It’s painful now to realize that Miura Kentarou won’t see his life’s work finished. But I believe Berserk will live on as an inspiration for a long time to come.
Thank you for that incredible, hard work. Get that much-deserved rest, sensei.
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Started as a Casca sketch but prior planning is an unknown concept for me, so here we are.
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fayrinn · 3 years
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2021 Escaflowne Week, Day 5
Conflict / Justice
Van is Justice in the movie card set. That’s it, that’s the whole idea.
file created: March 26 finished: March 31 (but like, literally those two days... and quick)
I wanted to do something for the movie as well since it had its 20th anniversary last year. This is really just a speedpaint but it was also a good chance to study the style a bit looking at the references. Otherwise, literally back to the roots with the dirty, angry sketch (normally, I would do a cleaner sketch/line over this, sometime even lineart on top)... but I gotta say it’s fun like this!
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fayrinn · 3 years
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2021 Escaflowne Week, Day 3
Bonds / The Death
The memory that comes to Eries’ mind both when she thinks of life and when she thinks of death.
file created: March 16 finished: March 29
I know this is a sad scene but it was not intended to be one of Therese’s passing. This was supposed to be more like her introducing baby Millerna to her girls and asking them to always take care of their little sister. Grava is... worried about his wife? Disappointed third time is not a charm? You decide, he’s a complicated man, heh. I really did a quick job “coloring” today so this is more of a glorified sketchy lineart. I feel like it may have potential to be colored properly, so I didn’t want to spend too much time. And who are we kidding, I’m running out of steam by the third day, so maybe let’s just pretend this is also for the day 4 (Royalty).
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fayrinn · 3 years
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2021 Escaflowne Week, Day 2
Machines / The Moon
Hope you got your things together Hope you are quite prepared to die Looks like we're in for nasty weather One eye is taken for an eye
Well don't go around tonight Well it's bound to take your life There's a bad moon on the rise
file created: March 16  finished: March 28
Dragonslayers finishing a training course. Can you identify them all? ;) Done in about 3-4 sittings, so probably doesn’t qualify for a speedpaint. Oldies are also not all I listen to, I swear (song is CCR - Bad Moon Rising).
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fayrinn · 3 years
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2021 Escaflowne Week, Day 1
Fortunes / The Tower
... for the first day of @escaflowneweek, tiny heroine’s first encounter with fortune-telling
file created: March 26 finished: March 27
I knew speedpaints would be the best I can do for this but I still wanted to join. To keep it “speed” I’m timing myself and I’ll include the start and finishing date for each piece! With this one, I wanted to recreate sort of a “memory-like” feeling... and the way babies can watch things intently, lol.
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fayrinn · 4 years
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Sometimes I think that the only thing saving my music taste is my parents spending a fortune on a Toshiba stereo and a lots of western LPs (in a socialist economy). Yes, including this one.
Just something rough I did for fun but it also makes a lot of sense in my head. And yeah; Dreams is like, the ultimate Allen song.
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fayrinn · 4 years
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Little is known that the last straw before Dilandau snapped was this party Folken threw when they came to pick him up.
Inspired by this post by @dilandaualbatou
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fayrinn · 4 years
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She will punish you in the name of the Moon. The Mystic Moon.
Featuring a more- and a less- Escaflowne version.
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fayrinn · 4 years
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Reupload with individual pics, I included some comments in the captions. I must say I treated this little better than sketches, setting up a deadline and all… otherwise I’d never finish. I streamlined everything so please forgive the resulting inaccuracies and stuff. @konstantya @radical-rad1986 @thefluffyfurret Thank you for the requests… I tried my best, it was a challenge as intended ;)
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fayrinn · 4 years
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Reupload with individual pics, I included some comments in the captions. I must say I treated this little better than sketches, setting up a deadline and all... otherwise I’d never finish. I streamlined everything so please forgive the resulting inaccuracies and stuff. @konstantya @radical-rad1986 @thefluffyfurret Thank you for the requests... I tried my best, it was a challenge as intended ;)
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fayrinn · 4 years
UPDATE... thanks for the requests on the 6 charas meme! Just wanted to say I will do it eventually, no worries, just please be patient. I need to get into a good mood for drawing but I’ve been feeling super tired recently... so besides that miraculous one-hour Dryden, it’s not working out quite yet. I feel like it will, but don’t wanna force it.
It is funny though, and guess it has also to do with how I feel about my art right now. I kid you not I cannot even look at my older pics for a few seconds, I feel so cringe. I actively resist the urge to delete anything, but I really want to update some of the pictures to match my current criteria lol. Anyone who can sit down and draw anytime has my utter respect... and jealousy.
What’s also funny is, I used to feel the same way about writing; like it was impossible to write a few sentences without getting embarrassed about the result. Wonder what has changed? More importantly, WHY CAN’T WE HAVE NICE THINGS ON EVERY FRONT??!
Bottom line: You can also still pitch some more characters for the meme, that’s fine!
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fayrinn · 4 years
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IDK YOU be the judge :P
A speedpaint based on the photograph of Marquess Henry Cyril Paget.
I should do more quickies like this.
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fayrinn · 4 years
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Just Dilandau doing Dilandau things while looking pretty Dilandau. Most fun I had drawing in a long time you guys.
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fayrinn · 4 years
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#artblackout is an effort to create attention to a growing problem. It was started by @artblackout​ to remind art thieves and those out there who repost art/fanart/edits/writings/and any content, really, that this is what it leads to. To no art, no content.
Art theft in all its forms, from reposting without credit (or with, if the content creator has asked their works not to be reposted at all) to outright stealing and claiming something is yours when you didn’t make it, is extremely wrong and has to be stopped. Stand up to art theft and stand up for the artists.
Keep reading
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fayrinn · 4 years
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Anyway, it seems that I resolved that tablet situation (thankfully, cause I was platinum mad)! In celebration of that, let’s try to do this twitter meme. I wonder if I still have a few active follows here? If so, you can send me asks with the characters, if you feel like. I won’t even limit it to the characters I know. I feel like challenging myself again after a while... ;)
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fayrinn · 4 years
I really felt like drawing today but what happened instead is that I’ve been struggling with the drivers for hours... and I just want to say a heartfelt
to whichever shitty update or whatever entity it was that knocked out my perfectly working graphic tablet that has been working nonstop from 2012 on. Never failing and all I ever had to do was to restart the stupid service when it started to act up (and replace the cable when it broke).
I restarted the service 50 times now, restarted the computer 50 times as well. I tried all the usb ports, I uninstalled and reinstalled the driver, which was, frankly, the last step I thought I needed doing.The driver’s latest version is from 2015 to give you the picture of how long it has not needed any update or reinstall. I just keep reinstalling the same 2015 file, even on this new computer it worked immediately when I installed it few months ago.
Not anymore. No matter what I do, the pressure sensitivity still won’t kick in. Even the built-in stylus of this Thinkpad Yoga (which I hate drawing with) just doesn’t have any pressure sensitivity in any program. WTF is going on?
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Of course, I started to suspect the gonorrhoea of Windows updates. Because last time I was scribbling was one month ago, and then, everything worked perfectly. I uninstalled the last update that I could, no change. The one before that couldn’t be uninstalled. Those were the only two which came after I had last drawn. What am I supposed to do now, reinstall the whole system? Or maybe will magically start working again in a day, or in a week? I just can’t believe this.
If anyone has any tips, please give. You are supposed to spend hundreds and thousands on the gear and it’s just not working. How much time am I supposed to spend just troubleshooting? Let me tell you, if I was a pro or spent on a Cintiq or something and still had to deal with this (possibly losing money each hour it’s not working), I would get homicidal.
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