fantasynovel · 3 days
story about a man who only ever dated women bodybuilders and is now dating a chubby guy: this was different from being with a woman. women, with their sharp edges and hard bodies, tongues battling for dominance. Josh was all soft curves and smooth skin,
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fantasynovel · 5 days
The thing about flip phones is they would cover the screen when not in use which was good for safety because nowdays the internet demons can escape through the screen into the real world when you’re not looking because nobody seals the portal anymore
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fantasynovel · 5 days
back in my day holding down and saving something from google images on your phone was easy
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fantasynovel · 6 days
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fantasynovel · 6 days
You are trapped with two Supernatural characters (spin the wheel: first and second) in an elevator for two hours.
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fantasynovel · 6 days
the shifter says, you don’t understand. every day i put on a set of someone else’s skin, because if someone touched mine i might die. because no one would ever touch mine. he says, you don’t understand. every day i am someone on purpose, because i can’t do it naturally, because i don’t understand how everyone else manages. every day i wake up, and the strange face  in the mirror is almost too much for me to bear. i can’t stand it, can’t stand at all on my own. left to my devices, i steal someone else’s legs, and the sound of his footsteps in my kitchen frightens me. gun to my head, i couldn’t tell you why i took your skin. i guess i thought the jacket would be warm, not heavy.
dean says, me too. then shoots him.
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fantasynovel · 6 days
A spoon's only objective in life is to make soup go upwards, and it knows this. That's why when you put one under a running tap it blasts the water way high. The spoon thinks there's suddenly TONS of soup to deal with and it freaks out.
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fantasynovel · 8 days
College friendship is sending one of your friends who's graduating soon a giant list of monster theory and gothic horror academic reading recs so they can download as many PDFs as possible before they lose their university database access
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fantasynovel · 10 days
It enrages me everytime it dawns on me that there is no graduating class in Gaza this year.
How maddening it is to think that just last summer I watched as Al-Shaima Akram celebrated received the news that she got the highest score in all of Palestine in her high school examination, not knowing that come October, Israel will kill her and her family and all the joy that was left.
No tawjihi celebration videos will come out of Gaza this year and that is devastating.
Since October, Israel had destroyed every university in Gaza and destroyed 80% of schools, killing hundreds of teachers and professor and thousands of students in its deliberate attempt to destroy Gaza's education system along with everything else.
In the words of Gazan poet Khaled Juma "the school year that never started in Gaza has come to an end". No last day of school bells, no kids celebrating the last day of school. All these joyful sounds have been drowned out by the sounds of bombs. No deadline extension requests for final projects, missiles had their final say.
No graduation ceremonies when parents are instead burying their children. No plans are made for the summer either, when everyone is busy counting the days and the dead.
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fantasynovel · 10 days
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yeah jesus christ can you imagine if robert baratheon became a misogynist
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fantasynovel · 10 days
i must not kill myself . killing myself is the myself killer
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fantasynovel · 11 days
"books where the guy falls first" "enemies to lovers slowburn books" what the fuck is the book even about. why should i read it.
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fantasynovel · 11 days
It’s really heartening how much people on this site came together to help Ahmed @90-ghost. He’s in Egypt now with his younger brother waiting on his mom and older brother to join them. The issue now is living expenses. Life is extremely difficult for displaced people, and the future is uncertain. If you’ve ever wondered how you can help a Palestinian displaced by the genocide, here’s one way to do so.
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fantasynovel · 11 days
doctor mother watching impassively as i writhe on the floor after drinking the placebo cauldron vial
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fantasynovel · 12 days
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gdrive link where you can find free books regarding Palestine, liberation and orientalism to download and read
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fantasynovel · 12 days
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still floored at how in his famous essay on brothers karamazov, freud decides to diagnose dostoevsky with bisexuality out of nowhere and follows it with "teehee, sorry"
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fantasynovel · 12 days
it really is mind-boggling to me that the only reason i know about the Congolese and Sudanese genocides is because of the tireless work of grassroots activists and advocates posting on social media. I can honestly say that if I didn't have social media and didn't happen to be following Black authors and activists, I never would have known what was happening in Sudan and Congo because it is simply not being reported in the great majority of mainstream media. We're talking millions upon millions of PEOPLE enduring unimaginable pain and devastation with next to no official reporting. And yes that is in huge part due to the level of violence and displacement occurring that is preventing a lot of news from getting out of these countries, but it's also so blatantly due to anti-Black racism and the perception of African Nations as inherently savage and violent. But genocide is not and never should be normal for anyone anywhere. With that in mind, please keep Congo and Sudan in your thoughts. Check out Focus Congo for resources to help the Congolese people on the ground. Focus Congo's MO is a local organisation whose goal is to rebuild homes, rehabilitate land, and provide medical aid, education, and resources to Congo's most affected people. Also, Check out Keep Eyes On Sudan for how to help out and raise awareness of Sudanese people displaced by civil war. According to Sudanese TikToker bsonblast, donations to local food kitchens in Sudan are desperately needed to fight famine. If anyone has other resources specifically for helping Congo and Sudan, please add them and link them <3
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