fandomshatejews · 7 years
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Me too kid, me too.
The Newsboys Legion/Boy Commandoes Special #1 has one problem - it’s really hard to understand it for a non-native speaker, because of how much it uses slang of the World War II era. However, the message it sends is very clear and positive.  Two group of young adventurers join forces against a corporate fascist, a traitor that wants to take America to ally with the Nazis because “it’s good for the business”.  I mean, you don’t have to be subtle here and this book isn’t trying to. It is on point and heroic and inspiring in the best way because of it - it shows good guys taking a stand and defeating a Nazi and is not afraid of calling them so. Somebody should send a message to Marvel that THIS is how you do it.
- Admin
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fandomshatejews · 7 years
the studio who made moonlight is making a movie about brooklyn chasids, spoken mainly in yiddish and written by jews. i am so, so excited.
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fandomshatejews · 7 years
Holy shit, you guys, I just read this article about the Jews in Uganda facing severe starvation (along with many other ethnic groups in East Africa). There are only 2,000 Jews total in Uganda and this crisis could potentially wipe them out as a group if we do not help! 
If you are Jewish, Black, Both, or just a good person who cares about the all of the people in East Africa, including the Abayudaya Jews, please consider donating to the Jewish Coalition for Disaster Relief’s East Africa campaign: 
Proceeds will go towards helping all 30 million people in East Africa living on the brink of starvation (not just the Abayudaya Jews, though it will certainly help save them, too). 
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fandomshatejews · 7 years
also, chicago dyke march shared a thinkpiece that states “anti-semitism accusations prove that there is a pro-israel lobby seeking to destroy LGBTQ activism from the inside out” which smells a lot like, you know, a really dangerous anti-semitic conspiracy theory that essentially washes their hands clean of any accountability about how they’ve perpetrated and propagated hatred against all jewish people, and most specifically, jewish lesbians 
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fandomshatejews · 7 years
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So it was OK when CDM called a gay Iranian Jewish woman a white supremacist for holding a Magen David pride flag, but if somebody calls them out for using actual alt-right Neo-Nazi buzzwords when continuing to attack said woman, it’s suddenly a huge, pearl-clutching offense?
I level of anti-Jewish vitriol from the fauxke left is fucking astounding.
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fandomshatejews · 7 years
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The last Jews of Albania (1991)
holiday celebrated at the Vituli home in Albania 
Priptik near the graves of Jews in Tirana
Kolonomus, an Albanian Jewish woman who converted to Islam, displays pictures of her sister who lives in Haifa
Josef Jakoel holds a Hebrew document of Albanian Jews 
family at Tirana airport en route to Israel 
wearingin a “talit” - prayer shawl - in Tirana
A representative of the Ministry of Tourism helps Riketa Jomtov uncover the grave of a Jew in Vlora 
family saying goodbye to their neighbors as they leave Tirana for Israel 
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fandomshatejews · 7 years
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Because they hate Jews.
Like, I can’t believe it’s that simple, and yet…
There was a post on here that once said Jews couldn’t claim to know oppression until they had known colonisation, totally discounting that 1) It was colonisation by the Romans that led to our exile 2) Colonisation is not a catch-all phenomenon for all oppression, nor is it something that has been limited to non-white populations only; by this logic, Scottish and Irish people would be PoC, but not Roma, which is absurd 3) Most importantly, by the virtue of living in the Diaspora, Jewish people have been colonised within other populations on top of being Jewish, sometimes in different places within the same families due to our moving around a lot. Like, there are Jewish families that were exiled from the Levant, then exiled from Spain, then settled in Baghdad for a while, and then left for India. Do people think Levantine Spanish Iraqi Indian Jews don’t know colonisation once, let alone several times? This also discounts the fact that mixed-race Jews like myself exist, and that maybe my experiences as an Indian woman whose family suffered under colonial rule also inform my experiences as a Jew??
Like you said, these assumptions are just so off-base, offensive, and bogus, yet people will keep making them because they’d rather hate us than acknowledge the truth.
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fandomshatejews · 7 years
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If anyone ever wants to know who I am, just show them this screenshot.
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fandomshatejews · 7 years
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Gate to the Pardesi Synagogue in Jew Town, located in Kochi, Kerala, India. It is the oldest active synagogue in the Commonwealth, built in the 16th century. Photo by Aviva West.
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fandomshatejews · 7 years
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Jewish girls in the 1909 International Workers’ Day parade in New York City; draped over their chests are signs reading “Abolish child slavery!” in both English and Yiddish.
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fandomshatejews · 7 years
And honestly, on that previous train of thought, it makes me really uncomfortable that Jewish students (at least where I’m from in the United States, though I suspect many other countries are no better) are told to consume media from “greats” of the past that were well-documented antisemites, without their teachers and curriculums even challenging or acknowledging that fact. The antisemitic views of these writers, artists, and thinkers are so often ignored or brushed off as the “views of the time” without a second thought to how uncomfortable that makes Jewish students feel.
This is not a commentary on whether or not these works should or shouldn’t be considered great, but rather pointing out the fact that it’s considered okay to normalize the antisemitism of the past on the grounds of it being widespread “back then”. But, that just perpetuates a cycle of bringing that normalized antisemitism, that’s supposed to be “just in the past”, into a present day setting where it’s supposedly no longer allowed. When I was told to read Oliver Twist as a high school student, and had to witness not only Dickens, but my own English teacher, refer to Fagin as “the Jew” like it was totally normal, it was a constant reminder that my fellow Jews and I will always be outsiders. 
While these same teachers may argue that this kind of antisemitism is unacceptable, may even acknowledge at the beginning of reading a novel that the author’s decision to do this was antisemitic, their actions speak louder than their words. Continuing to normalize characters like Fagin and Shylock, regardless of who wrote them, instead of challenging those stereotypes, simply because those authors have stood the test of time, continues to perpetuate antisemitism. And, this will always force Jewish students to make the impossible choice between accepting that antisemitism silently, or singling themselves out among their peers and teachers, as if they’re the wrong ones.
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fandomshatejews · 7 years
(In case my reblog will go unnoticed) I'm sorry but could you explain what you meant by saying Poland has "a bad track record for the entirety of Holocaust"? It sounds like you're acussing us of being complict in Holocaust, which is very much not what happened.
So let me make this very clear: as a convert, I had no family who died in the Holocaust, and none who survived it. However, I am real appalled at your claim on behalf of the people who do have that family, and also on behalf of actual history. 
Were Polish gentiles also victimized by Nazi Germany? Yes. Were they also often (not all, but most) antisemites? Yes. Does Poland have a large amount of righteous gentiles? Yes. Did many Polish gentiles actively participate in the murdering of Jewish people, the stealing of their homes, the torture and abuse? YES. 
Prior to World War II, antisemitism in Poland had been growing, and Polish authorities had taken various measures to exclude Jews from key sectors of society. Some Polish politicians pressed for the mass emigration of Poland’s Jewish population.
After killing in mass shootings almost 1.5 million Jews in hundreds of locations in occupied Soviet territories, the Germans decided to construct stationary killing centers in occupied Poland, Auschwitz-Birkenau being the most well known. The ghettos became “holding pens” for Jews before deportation to a killing center.
As German forces implemented the killing, they drew upon some Polish agencies, such as Polish police forces and railroad personnel, in the guarding of ghettos and the deportation of Jews to the killing centers. Individual Poles often helped in the identification, denunciation, and hunting down of Jews in hiding, often profiting from the associated blackmail, and actively participated in the plunder of Jewish property.
There were incidents, particularly in the small towns of eastern Poland, where local Polish residents—acutely aware of the Germans’ presence and their antisemitic policies—carried out or participated in pogroms and murdered their Jewish neighbors. The pogrom in the town of Jedwabne in 1941 is one of the best-documented cases.  
Collaboration and Complicity in the Holocaust
Polish peasants and villagers played an instrumental role in rounding up and denouncing Jews during the Holocaust, often taking initiative without any encouragement from the Germans, according to a soon-to-be-published study by Holocaust historian Jan Grabowski.
In “Hunt for the Jews: Betrayal and Murder in German-Occupied Poland,” Grabowski argues that Poles living in the countryside served as enthusiastic accomplices to the Nazis and that many Jews who had managed to survive the ghettos and escape transports to the death camps eventually lost their lives only because they were turned in by their Polish neighbors. The book is scheduled for publication in October by the Indiana University Press. 
“For one, I had always thought to myself that the main instigators, actors and perpetrators were the Germans,” he explained.  “Second, I knew there were horrific things going on, but I thought it was all part of a popular, disorganized activity – killing people who no longer enjoyed protection of the state and were in a free-for-all situation.  What I did not know – and there was not even one single article in the entire published historiography about this – was the extent to which these efforts were organized. And this was all going on practically without any German involvement – in most cases, the Germans were sitting in cities 15-20 miles away.”
Holocaust Survivors Miriam Kuperhand and Saul Kuperhand wrote in Shadows of Treblinka that: “For every noble Pole who risked all to rescue a fellow human being, there were tenscoundrels who hunted Jews for a livelihood.” (page 51. Quote citation found via this Master’s Thesis, entitled Bystanders, Blackmailers, and Perpetrators: Polish Complicity in the Holocaust.
Or what about the Kiecle pogram – the one AFTER German defeat, where Polish gentiles decided to murder 42 Holocaust survivors in 1946?
So maybe it’s not that Poles were never complicit, maybe it’s that you don’t know the whole story. y’all have some gall.
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fandomshatejews · 7 years
The states which had the highest number of incidents in 2016 and the first quarter of 2017 were:
California (211 in 2016; 87 in first quarter 2017)
New York (199; 97)
New Jersey (157; 24)
Florida (137; 41)
Massachusetts (125; 38)
These states also have some of the largest Jewish populations in the nation.
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fandomshatejews · 7 years
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[I really hate when people call the Ferengi the Jewish species of Star Trek. Not just because Vulcans were intended for that purpose, but because when you sit down and watch DS9, it’s obvious to me that the real ‘Space Jews’ of that series were the Bajorans, between the occupations, the clinging to their faith after unfathomable tragedy and the way the fallout of the occupation will affect generations yet to come. ]
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fandomshatejews · 7 years
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“antisemitism is gone” “It’s antizionism, not antisemitism!” “You guys are the actual privileged ones” 86% rise in antisemitic attacks in just one year. Jewish people are leaving France to the point where soon there will be nothing left of a vibrant community. Graves are being desecrated, children are being cursed while people stand by. And these people cheer. Two of these comments were by people of color. One of them was by a woman. All of them reinforce the idea that Jewish lives are worth less. That terrorism against us doesn’t count. FUCK THAT. Stop antisemitism NOW. You, personally, are responsible for every life lost.
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fandomshatejews · 7 years
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fandomshatejews · 7 years
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They’re literally calling for every white gun owner to step up and kill black people. That’s not okay. Just imagine a black person doing the same, saying the same things. A black person would be arrested immediately and put behind bars for life. And after that you’re asking why we’re still fighting? Because we’re afraid to lose our lives! Ad promoting attack on Americans should have never been released. It’s just white supremacy power.
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