fandom-radio · 11 years
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Head on over and Offer from April 11-24, and Bid from April 24-May 2!
This is a fandom auction created to raise money for Archive of Our Own (AO3) and Organization for Transformative Works (OTW). AO3 is a branch of OTW, which is an entirely non-profit venture, funded by donations, and needs help to stay afloat
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fandom-radio · 11 years
It's poll time!
If I was to play a song inspired by a fic and had a podfic of said fanfiction available and it wasn't to long, would you like to listen to it during an episode or should I just play the song?
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fandom-radio · 11 years
Hi guys, bad news everyone! Now that the holidays are over I was meaning to start doing episodes with the normal schedule, but unfortunately finals are upon me! In Italy they last for two beautiful, angst ridden, selfhatred packed months, so I was thinking of suspending the regular schedule and try to make episodes fit in every time I can, until March. I'll obviously announce when I'm going to air. I know I haven't been here properly in the last month but real life is kicking me in the nuts quite forcefully lately... I hope you all had lovely holidays, I'll speak to you all soon hopefully! See you soon and in the meantime don't forget to tune in on BBC Radio 4 to listen to Cabin Pressure Season 4 which premieres today at 6:30 pm GMT! Love, Alex
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fandom-radio · 11 years
The download and playlist for the 30/11/2012 episode is finally up! I'm so sorry for the delay, but life is really getting in the way lately! Stay tuned for the next couple of dl and playlists!!!
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fandom-radio · 11 years
Because I'm an idiot and posted this on the wrong blog...
Quick reminder that we’ll be on with our new, hyper random, super festive Christmas Special! Tune in on fandom radio at 8 pm GMT and don’t forget to come to our chat to talk and exchange holiday wishes!
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fandom-radio · 11 years
By popular demand the "Christmas/winter holiday/let's all cry 'cause Merlin is ending/let's all be together because we love each other/Apocalypse averted yeppie!" special is going to be aired on SUNDAY 23/12/2012 at 8 pm GMT as always and the recording will be on just after Christmas. If you have any Merlin song or holiday themed song you'd like to listen to, please let me know as well as if you have any special request or want me to wish happy holidays to someone on air! Have a lovely weekend!
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fandom-radio · 11 years
An all new episode is about to start in 10 minutes! Come and join us here and don't forget to log in on tinychat to say hi!
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fandom-radio · 12 years
Delays, changes and nasty stuff...
Hello my dears! I am afraid I have some bad news for you. As I said in the previous ask, RL is making up some new hard stuff for me to go through and on top of that my finals were advanced to next week so my time is really running short. All this unrequested information are to say that this week's episode is canceled due to Acts of My Electromagnetism Professor. Last week's episode will be up and ready for downloading on Wednesday night as promised. Please don't kill me, I am so so sorry, believe when I say I'd rather spend the night with you guys instead of studying...
On a more holidayish note: Since it has come to my attention that many people will be traveling home for Christmas on Friday 21, would it be ok to move the Winter Holiday Special to Thursday 20? Please let me know and, if you have any cool Holiday themed songs, don't hesitate to send me an ask!
As always, all complaints, love and death threats are to be directed here or here (my personal ask). Have a lovely weekend!
See you soon!
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fandom-radio · 12 years
Anonymous asked:
Hia :) Just wondering when the last episode is going to be uploaded?
Hello! Unfortunately real life is being a bitch to me lately and the recordings are pretty long to make because I have to put each song manually into a 2 hours recording. I promise it will be up on Wednesday evening, as soon as I sort out some stuff for college! I am so sorry for the delay! And obviously tumblr isn't letting me answer asks...
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fandom-radio · 12 years
Come and join me HERE, and log in on tinychat to say hello!
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fandom-radio · 12 years
Miraculously, after two weeks, we're on again! Everything's working perfectly right now and I really hope it will keep on doing that for a loooong time! So we're having a brand new episode tonight at 8 pm GMT! You can listen to it HERE, and don't forget to log in to tinychat to make requests and say hi! Also, a quick reminder that all of our previous episodes can be found HERE, and are ready for download! See you tonight!
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fandom-radio · 12 years
I am very sorry to inform you that there is going to be no episode tonight. The server issues appear to be still unresolved and the non premium support is unhelpful and ridiculous at best. I hope we will be back to the normal schedule next week and in the meantime I'll look into a new hosting service. Thank you so much for your patience!
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fandom-radio · 12 years
Tonight's episode has been canceled due to techincal difficulties. Apparently our hosting site is having issues with the servers, so it's impossible for me to connect and stream! I'm so so so sorry! I'll write them and ask to do something in time for next week! In the meantime, have a lovely weekend, a fantastic week and keep listening to amazing fandom music!
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fandom-radio · 12 years
Guys, my voice is still on holiday in fuckuptyville. I'm so sorry! I guess we'll just see each other next week! I love you!
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fandom-radio · 12 years
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vbartilucci answered your question: EMERGENCY! PANIC! APOCALYPSE!
Fact - This is the exact method Dustin Hoffman used to make his voice all gravely in Little Big Man. he yelled himself hoarse in a closet.
If only I did that for something actually productive! I just gave a hand to my old sorority mates to prank the freshmen, and ended up shrieking in a room while pretending to be "The Scream" by Munch. Good times. Anyway! Since I still sound like a demon from the pits of hell, and not even one of the hot ones, the episode is postponed to SUNDAY 8PM GMT, unless any of you tell me you'd prefer me to skip this week. Let me know!
EDIT 11/11/2012: Sorry guys, I'm still out of voice. See you next week!
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fandom-radio · 12 years
I've lost my voice. "Spent last night screaming myself hoarse for a prank" lost my voice, "Ariel-style" lost my voice, "I sound like a spirit from the pits of Hell" lost my voice. Basically, thing is, I'm an idiot and, on top of that, I've caught a cold. This means tomorrow's episode has to be either canceled or delayed. I'll just skip directly to next week or drink pints of beecham, and warm honey until Sunday (and quite possibly get my soul back from Ursula), and then do a normally scheduled episode on Sunday night. What would you like me to do? Let me know!
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fandom-radio · 12 years
Hi! I just wanted to submit this song about The Hobbit, I think it's pretty good. :)
Got it, luv. I was listening to it earlier and I think it's bloody brilliant. I'm asking the singer if she wants to hop on board first thing tomorrow. Cheers. Go the fuck to sleeeeep.
UPDATE: aupetitmatin is one of us! Great!
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