fallenstarshq · 2 years
Good evening tags! We are only two apps away from opening, so why don’t you come and check out this appless High Fantasy group while I am online to answer all questions and update our last few pages? We are so excited to welcome you upon the streets of Brassbridge, fae and mortal alike will be needed in the upcoming days as the town faces a new evil. 
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fallenstarshq · 2 years
App Count + 1
The following FCs are now reserved :
Mecia Simson 
Katherine Langford 
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fallenstarshq · 2 years
Good evening tags, there is one admin online here, getting to our inbox as we speak. So come and send us some questions or applications while I tidy up the main! We are an appless High Fantasy Group and we are only a few apps away from opening! Be the first to discover the town of Brassbridge and begin your journes as a hero, the darkness is rising and Mirnaras is in dire need of help.
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fallenstarshq · 2 years
I just got home from a late shift, so I am curling up to watch some period drama and work on characters. Care to join me? We are an appless High Fantasy Group still looking for members, so we can start writing soon. Check us out and become the next great hero of Mirnaras - or the kingdom’s downfall. 
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fallenstarshq · 2 years
Our revamped plot just went online and I am here to answer any and all questions, while I work on our updated species guide that will hopefully be online tonight. Do you have it within your heart to become a hero? To save the people of Mirnaras from the dark? Or will you take this chance to build the foundation of your own power?                        We are an appless High Fantasy Group, looking for members! Choose between fae or human, magic or the sword, and join the adventure. 
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fallenstarshq · 2 years
Good morning tags! Behind the scenes the admin team is hard at work to bring back this little High Fantasy Rp group and we cannot wait to show you all the changes we made to plot and concept. If all goes to plan we will soon open the gates to a new world of fae and magic, intrigues and danger. Until then feel free to send us any questions! 
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fallenstarshq · 2 years
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Skeleton Bio 05 - The Scholar of Magic
“So that I may perceive whatever holds the world together in its inmost folds”
                   A new face has been seen walking around the streets of Brassbridge. His accent clearly marks him as someone born on the continent and he apparently likes wandering beneath the stars, as well as discovering ancient scrolls and dusty parchments that might be hidden within the Biblioteca universale. The Guild of Secrets has yet to learn more about this stranger but he eagerly introduces himself as Konstantin d’Verles, 29 years old, third son of lesser nobility. He was born in Westernmark to a family without any ties to elven blood or promise of magic. There are whispers about an incident in his childhood, something happening in dark woods, close to running water... And ever since then he calls the Trees his friends and comrades. Eager research about all things magic, even if he has no powers himself, have now brought him to Brassbridge and the world famous library. It has yet to be uncovered if he will use all this knowledge for or against the rest of us. And a few already wondered how he managed to escape Westernmark, should he not be conscripted to the military at this age and status? Should he not serve a great king - for the continent has way too many of those - or even find his “luck” wooing a beautiful princess? It seems only Konstantin himself can give us the answers to these questions, if only there was a brave soul to lend him voice and life...
Skeleton Bio - The Scholar of Magic. Konstantin d’Verles, 29 years, he/him, Westernmark/Great Continent. Scholar / Noblemen. Changes to his motivation and the true connection he holds with the trees are UTP.
Alliances: Konstantin’s alliances are UTP and open to change but due to his interest in all things magic and his involvement with the trees it is more likely for him to side with the Dragonqueen than the Godslayer.
Possible Connections
Nephele Sturmkind - enemies or lovers (FC: Florence Pugh)
Finan Bianchi - rivals or friends or lovers (FC: Luke Pasqualino)
Elias of Trastámara - enemies or comrades or friends (FC:Sean Teale)
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fallenstarshq · 2 years
do you have alternate fcs for the godslayer?
Hello Anon! The Godslayer is not a playable character, he is an NPC because he will play a bigger role once our story continues. But if someone would like his current FC as a Character FC I am more than happy to change it. And if you are interested in playing a character like that we would be more than happy to accept a general, close companion, or advisor to the Godslayer himself. In fact, General Viridian is coming to Brassbridge during our next event so we can always change him from an NPC to prewritten ;)
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fallenstarshq · 2 years
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For weeks clouds have covered the night sky, bringing rain upon rain down onto the land of Mirnaras. The shimmering lake’s water levels have risen higher than usual, but it seems as if hope has finally raised its head, for today the sun is shining - just in time for the weekly market.
 Brassbridge is a vibrant city of trade and commerce and each Sunday the city proper turns into one big market, with stalls on every square and merchants offering their goods at every corner. Usually the day ends with festivities and the inns and taverns of the city are filled to the brim until the early morning hours of the coming day. 
 But today things are a little bit different than usual. The number of guards patrolling the streets seems to have almost doubled and if you are native to Brassbridge you might realise that these are not just the familiar - today very uneasy - faces of the city watch, but soldiers from the king’s army have joined there ranks. And if you come from distant shores but have been in the city for a couple of days, maybe even visited an inn or talked to the washer’s women, there is a high chance you heard a few rumours of the rather unhappy kind. There have been attacks, all over the kingdom it is said, no one knows by whom but there are whispers of stars falling from the sky. There was an attack on Brassbridge just a week ago, was there not? A demon they say, a monster that escaped its heavenly prison of fire and pain to destroy the city. A girl killed it, they say, but there’s not much more truth to be found. For now. 
 But those are all stories for cold winter evenings, when you stay inside, huddled to the fire. Today with a sky so blue and so many people out and about you won’t let that dampen your spirits, will you? A few of the noble families, diplomats and scholars, are missing from the crowd but there is so much to do and so much to see in Brassbridge, you should not waste time worrying. Or are you a hero, looking for a beast to slay? 
 We hope you enjoy your first market day in Brassbridge and suggest you pay the following places a visit, for they are always filled with life and laughter when the city is busy. Who knows? Maybe you will overhear a secret or two. Be careful though, while trade is high on such days the Queen of Thieves has her little minions everywhere. You do not want to lose your purse so easily, do you? 
(These places are suggestions for where your starters could take place, but Brassbridge is a big city, so go wherever you wish to go)
                 The Bridge: Said to be one of the world’s greatest wonders the bridge connects the Bibliotheca Universale with the city proper. On Sundays, market days, there are many stalls and traveling performers on the bridge so even if you cannot enter the library without a permit, the bridge is always worth a visit.                   
The Cob Web: Located in the southeast where the outskirts of town meet the city proper the Cob Web has stood for a hundred years - some even say the inn is older than the city itself. This place is always filled with people from all parts of life, for it is easy to reach, no matter if you are a wealthy patron trying to forget your work for an evening, or a little street kid looking for some warmth, the Cob Web has you covered. The guards do not come here often for it is whispered that the bodysnatchers and the nine guilds of night walk in and out of here easily. But if you have your home in the shadows of the city you know that the Queen of Thieves herself prefers The Merchant’s Last Coin in the city proper.                 
Valerion’s square: The main square of the city proper can be found almost in the middle of the city, a little to the north. Flanked by the town hall on one side and the royal quarters on the other Valerion’s square houses the homes of Brassbridge’s elite. Wealthy merchants, noble families, all want to have their address here. In the center of the round square stands the statue of a female knight in armor, sword pointing in the direction of the lake, her back turned to the royal quarters, like she is a shield to the king. But the Godslayer, ruler of Mirnaras, has not stayed within the city for almost 60 years. And the name of this fearless knight has been scraped off of the statue. The Flask and Sword is a tavern located at Valerion’s square. It has the best cake and ale in the entire city, and the most expensive one.
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fallenstarshq · 2 years
👀 looks beautiful, definitely working on an app!
Thank you so much nonnie, this message really made us smile. Our lovely Trina is responsible for the theme and graphics and I absolutely adore the magic she has woven with it. We are looking forward to receiving your app and would love to have you here with us in Mirnaras! Please don't be afraid to shoot us any questions you might have.
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fallenstarshq · 2 years
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Skeleton Bio 04 - The Archivist
"The pages of a book are given life only as they are opened”
Brassbridge is a big and buzzing town, but the people that have lived here for years know each other, care about each other even. And most of all talk about each other. There was a lot of talk when the Bianchi family opened their kontor decades ago. A wealthy family of merchants that had moved to the Norther Islands from one of the City States with a child they had adopted and another one on the way. They never talked much about their heritage, about their reason to leave their home. But they were here now, and soon they became a part of Brassbridge. Of the lively port and the ancient library as well as the dark alley ways and the whispered secrets. Finan is the younger of the two Bianchi children, born a year after his family arrived in the city he has none nothing but Brassbridge for his entire life. And it has always been enough. As a young boy he had a thirst for knowledge that soon could not be quenched by his mother’s stories or the books his father brought home. So Finan made a place for himself in the Biblioteca universale where he studied and grew surrounded by the knowledge of the world. He’s a librarian with heart and soul. But he is also loyal to his beloved sister and when Giana knocked on his door one night to gain access to the secrets hidden on dusty bookshelves he did not dare send her away. Finan is well aware of his sister’s ties to the guilds of night - some say he might make for a good thief himself - but he rather chooses to ask no questions about her dealings. His path is that towards the light, for now.
Skeleton Bio - The Archivist. Finan Bianchi, 31, he/him, Brassbridge, librarian. Changes to his motivation and alliances are UTP.
Alliances: Finan is loyal to his family and his town, he is a peaceful person and rather protects then fight. He might be convinced to pick a side if his sister does so first.
Possible Connections
Helen Byrne - enemies or rivals (FC: Holiday Grainger)
Konstantin d’Verles - rivals or friends (FC: Ruairi O’Connor)
Definite Connections:
Niamh Nìc an Veijl - companions (FC: Katherine Langford)
Giana Bianchi - adopted sister (FC: Antonia Thomas)
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fallenstarshq · 2 years
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Bio 03 – The Holy Traitor
“They steal your fate everyday but you can't believe it, so take yourself far away from nothingness, a million miles from emptiness.”
Born as the bastard daughter of King Henrik of Thule Aleera grew up in the High Palace. Her window looked out onto the frozen shores where she watched sailors battle winds and ice everyday. Her own heart did not fear the cold, for her mother's elvenblood flowed through her veins, granting her the ability to use shadowmagic, a strong gift with takes a great toll on her body and mind.
With the death of King Henrik his wife Queen Brunhilde ascended upon the throne and Aleera's mind travelled to the possibility of revolution. She herself was not part of the line of succession but she saw how her people suffered under a queen she deemed unworthy of the Crown. Aleera followed the old gods and knew that the return to magic, the return to the elven gifts could safe them from weather that turned harsher and more hostile with every year. She feared the old prophecy of ice giants and dragons was to become true – claiming that soon the stars would begin falling. And only magic could save them. But Queen Brunhilde had already turned her back on the old believes and even considered leaving the shores of the frozen North alltogether. So with her childhood friend and loyal companion Varek by her side Aleera ushered a call to arms, crowning herself a queen of shadows, a queen of magic. After two bloody years of civil war – in which victory was almost near – Aleera was betrayed and had to flee Thule. She is sworn to vengeance and to saving her people still, but once she has reached Brassbridge it seems as if she is not the only Thulian princess to walk the streets of this city. Will the feud between sisters bring blood to these humbly homes, too? Or will the battle stay far away in Thule, where blood turns to ice?
{Aleera Ivansdottir} is a {28} year old {Elvenblood} from {Thule}. Their path has led {she/her} to the streets of Brassbridge for they work as a {revolutionary / princess on the run} at night they gaze at the stars because {they long for a way to save their home from decay and ice}, often they are confused with {Millie Brady} // This character is played by Lilah.
Alliances: Aleera knows that magic could help her restore Thule to its old glory, for it was the elves and the gods that built this place eons ago. And as anyone born and raised in the High Palace of the Frozen Shore she is more than open to the concept of magic and the good it can bring. Aleera believes in the old gods which makes her a natural enemy of the Godslayer. But she has yet to side with the Dragonqueen. For Aleera does not like to be ruled by anyone.
Definite Connections / Wanted
Varek Sigurdsson - her right hand, a man she has trusted and adored since childhood (FC: Dev Patel)
Orla von Thule – younger halfsister / enemy (FC: Rose Williams)
Other Half-siblings – possible rivals or allies
Allies within Brassbridge
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fallenstarshq · 2 years
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Bio 02 - The Stone of Earth
“Mine is the Earth and the sword in the stone. Mine is the throne for the idol. One fleeting moment and it is all gone. Crownless again, will I fall”
Niamh Nìc an Veijl is no hero, she is just a girl with a kind heart and both feet planted firmly on the ground where others have their heads in the clouds. She lives in the town of Brassbridge, located on the shores of the blue lake and looks forward to marrying her childhood friend once summer reaches its peak. Her life is all sorted out, her future clear and calm ahead. 
One night though this clear future dissolves into mist and confusion when Niamh wakes from her sleep to the sound of screams and roaring fire. A demon has found its way into the city of Brassbridge and due to strange luck - call it a twist of fate - it is not the city watch that stops and kills this creature, but Niamh. Once the monster has found its end shadows pour out of its wound turning into the shape of a woman in front of Niamh. The ghost reaches out to touch Niamh’s face, leaving a strange mark behind, twisted vines and ancient symbols, a call for magic, and a message for every monster. Beware, beware, the witch has returned. 
Niamh believes herself to be cursed and sets out on a path to save herself, not knowing that her own story is now deeply entwined with the fate of the kingdom and her steps will lead her not only towards distant castles and old sorcerers but right in front of the Godslayer. And who knows maybe she will continue on even further than the edge of the world to the stars above and long burned secrets. Her first encounter leads her to the Queen of Thieves, the defacto ruler of Brassbridge who tasks her not only with protecting the city but to find a way to use magic to make it prosper even more. With the help of the young thief Giana and her adopted brother Finan she develops a plan to sneak into the Biblioteca Universale and find out more about the symbol and the ghostly woman. This is where her story begins. 
She knows already that true strength does not lie in swords and battles, yet her heart must break for her to learn that not even she can give it all away at once. The powers she develops are closely connected to the earth and nature, but also to her weaving. She weaves vines and energy lines into intricate knots to perform her magic
Full Bio - The Stone of Earth. Niamh Nìc an Veijl, 25, she/her, Brassbridge, Weaver/Witch. Since this is a Bio and not a Skeleton changes to the character are possible but must be discussed with the main first.
Alliances: Niamh’s first alliance lies with Brassbridge and the people she calls her own, but now that she is a creature of magic she looks towards the Dragonqueen and Edan of the Many Eyes for protection and teaching. Should it come to a war she will be on their side, but that does not mean that the Godslayer has no chance of corrupting her.
Definite Connections
Brian Adair - (ex-)fiance and childhood friend (FC: Alexander Ludwig)
Orla von Thule - possible lover (FC: Rose Williams)
Helene Byrne - employer (FC: Holiday Granger)
Finan Bianchi and Giana Bianchi - companions (FC: Luke Pasqualino and Antonia Thomas)
The other Gemstones - allies or enemies (FC: Jessica Green, UTP)
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fallenstarshq · 2 years
Will the skeletons be posted soon? Or how do we view them?
Hello anon, thank you for the question! We have not yet posted most of our skeleton bios, but we do have some in our queue that will be revealed throughout the week. If you are interested in a certain FC on our list please shoot us a message and we will get that bio out asap.
The following bios will be posted soon:
Nephele Sturmkind - The Elvenblood (Florence Pugh) Niamh Nic an Veilj - Stone of Earth (Katherine Langford) Finan Bianchi - The Archivist (Luke Pasqualino) Captain Eridan of the Emerald - The Seafarer (Taikia Waitit) Konstantin de'Verles - The Scholar of Magic (Ruairi O'Connor)
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fallenstarshq · 2 years
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Bio 01 - The Winterqueen
“You are the wind, the only sound, and you whisper to my heart when all other hope is torn apart.”
For almost a century the kingdom of Thule, far off across the northern Frozen Sea, has been hidden from the rest of the world, so long that some even consider it to be nothing but a mystery, a gate to the other world.  Last full moon something strange occured in Brassbridge though. A group of diplomats from the frozen shores of Thule arrived in the city, ready to reclaim old and almost forgotten ties. They appear to look for trade routes and alliances but in truth they bring something else entirely. For in the company of these diplomats three young women travel. The Trees would call them a triskele, but they have another word for the bond that fate has forged between them, they are sisters of the hrungnishjarta, sisters of the giant’s heart. And they will die for each other.
Princess Orla von Thule, third in line to the throne of this icy kingdom, is the soul of the triskele, the glue that keeps the friends together. On the outside she has come to Brassbridge in her position as diplomat, to speak with the voice of her mother - Queen Brunhilde von Thule. But in truth she is here because a prophecy is in motion and her friend and companion Ida has been chosen to hold the power of the firestone. Together with Nephele she is determined to see Ida’s quest through to the end, to carry her if she must. Orla is strong and loyal, aware of her position and the duty it brings. But she is no harsh ice-queen. She is the gentle drift of snowflakes dancing upon the earth, glistening in the sun. She is the hand outstretched to help. For her people survive only because they work together against all odds and ever since she was born Orla believes in that. In the warmth of community, in the laughter and life of her people. The ice is not unmoving, it is flowing with beauty and life. And she brings it to Brassbridge.
Bio - The Winterqueen. Orla von Thule is a 27 years old princess from Thule. Their path has led she/her to the streets of Brassbridge for they work as a diplomat. At night they gaze at the stars because {Motivation UTP}. Often they are confused with Rose Williams. This character is open for application!
Alliances: Orla will always put Thule and its people first, nothing is more important to her than the wellbeing of her friends and the future of her country. But she knows that the demons will become a threat to all of them that can only be defeated if they work hand in hand. It is more than possible that she aligns herself with the Dragonqueen, for in the battle for magic her loyalty lies with the stones - or more precisely with Ida - and she has sworn to defeat not only the demons but the Godslayer as well.
Possible Connections
Niamh Nìc an Veijl  - possible lover (FC: Katherine Langford)
sisters/brothers - rivals or friends (FC: UTP)
other diplomats - rivals or friends (FC: UTP)
Saoirse Cadenar - rivals (FC: Anya Taylor Joy)
Definite Connections
Nephele Sturmkind - Triskele / Sisters in arms (FC: Florence Pugh)
Ida Karlstochter - Triskele / Sisters in Arms (FC: Jessica Green)
Aleera Ivansdottir - half-sister / enemy (FC: Millie Brady / taken character)
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fallenstarshq · 3 years
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Mobile Navigation 
Application Count: Date of opening: tba
Coming Soon: 
updated plot to include the world of the Fae
new bio: Mecia Simson as Rhienne Fuchshaar
new bio: Ismael Cruz Córdova as Haleth Aerinan
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