facade145 · 5 months
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facade145 · 6 months
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facade145 · 6 months
With the new Inside Out movie coming out soon I'm seeing a lot of reposted clips on TikTok of the first movie and I'm seeing SO MUCH SADDNESS SLANDER for NO REASON so heres all my reasons why we should stop shitting on Saddness because she's one of the best characters ever and I love Inside Out and she deserves better.
First of all I NEED YOU TO UNDERSTAND THESE ARE NOT HUMANS. They're emotions. They're personified emotions, yes, but at their core they are emotions and can't fully understand or comprehend other emotions. We can see this when Disgust, Anger, and Fear are trying to act like Joy during the dinner scene. It's impossible. They can't relate to joy because at their core THEY CANT FEEL JOY. They don't understand how she works and therefore can't understand how or why she does the things she does. This is the same for Joy and Saddness.
Now lets talk about Riley. Riley is an 11 year old girl who's just moved from Minnesota to San Francisco. A very big change for an adolescent to go through. This is the ENTIRE point of the movie. It's hard to process your emotions at such a young age, and this is what the movie is trying to communicate. "Why can't Saddness just stop touching the orbs" "Saddness really pisses me off just listen girl" "Joy should just kill Saddness atp" SADDNESS CAN'T HELP IT. The whole freaking point is that its IMPOSSIBLE to supress your emotions forever. You can pretend to be happy all you want, but at the end of the day your true emotions are going to bubble up and explode. Saddness feels the need to touch these memories because Riley is upset, she misses her home and she's sad she will never be able to make new memories where she grew up. THIS IS NORMAL CHILD BEHAVIOR. At the end of the movie Joy and everyone else realizes she needs Saddness to balance everything out.
They are at odds the entire movie because JOY IS TRYING TO SUPRESS SADDNESS. RILEY IS TRYING TO SUPRESS HER SADDNESS. She knows the move has been hard on her family and she can see her parents are under a lot of stress so why would she add to that by telling her parents she's unhappy at this new place? This new place that seemingly nobody is happy about but they have no choice but to accept.
Did we all pass seventh grade English? Do we remember subtext? This entire movie is RIDDLED with subtext. I could go on and on about all the symbolism about growing up in this movie but that's not the point of this post. The point is to tell you that my girl Saddness has no control over what she's doing, clearly. Every single time she's caught touching one of the memories, she seems genuinely upset at herself and apologizes. She's subconsciously doing it BECAUSE OF RILEY. BECAUSE RILEY IS GOING THROUGH STUFF RIGHT NOW. GOD YOU'RE ALL IDIOTS STOP HATING ON SADDNESS
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facade145 · 6 months
man imagine if the little colorful guys from inside out had tumblr and made posts
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🤢 gutreaction Follow
Whomever decided this shit should be served to human beings is sick in the head and should be shot like a lame horse
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26 mental notes
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💧 rainyday-tears Follow
rewatched the fox and the hound today and had a good cry 😊👍 we’re normal again
11k mental notes
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🌋 lavadaddy5 Follow
1 mental note
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🌟 glittersmiles Follow
2507 mental notes
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🌂 screamer Follow
I hate you thunderstorms I hate you large predators I hate you shadows on the wall I hate you analog horror faces I hate you settling furniture I hate you loud noises I hate you unstable ground I hate you deadly diseases
80 mental notes
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🌟 glittersmiles Follow
Ummm guys… grins. Why is the console oring? 0 mental notes
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🍊 whatifsomethingbadhappened Follow
Making Riley nervous as fuck ^-^
5 mental notes
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⛸️ hockey-heritage-posts
headspace loud as hell today ngl
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facade145 · 7 months
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mollibby :)
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facade145 · 9 months
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and they're just that couple. POINT, BLANK!
pr: bbrae fics
211 notes · View notes
facade145 · 10 months
YES, theres a fix, and sadly no, it isnt xkit. its a google extension called 'stylus' with this specific code
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tutorial: step 1 - install the stylus extension
step 2 - go to "Old Tumblr Dashboard (July 2023) by Pixiel" (already linked) and hit install on that. you will be met with a page that looks like this
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copy and paste ALL OF IT, even the part that says "/*Dont touch this its needed*/ }}" (seems obvious but some people miss it! no judgement here!)
step 3 - in your extensions bar, click on stylus. you'll be met with these options
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step 4 - select "manage"
then, you will meet a page like this.
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from here, you're going to want to click on "write new styles". you'll be met with a box that looks like this.
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go ahead an copy and paste the code into that box. when doing so, you'll be met with these options. go ahead and click "overwrite style"
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in the top left hand corner where the red box is, go ahead and type "Tumblr" and hit "save"
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and with these simple steps, you can turn this
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into this!
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happy blogging!
2K notes · View notes
facade145 · 10 months
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if a charmander running in circles chasing its tail doesnt fit your blog then you are running the wrong kind of blog
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facade145 · 11 months
Before we hit 4th of July...
Listen. I know our country is in shambles. Our culture has been torn apart. Our government is the enemy of the people. Our institutions are captured by ideologues. Our media and government have been lying to us since before any of us were born. The Constitution has been ripped to shreds. We have long since passed the point where others would have begun throwing tea in the harbor.
I am not proud of where our country is now. We are in decline. I fear for where we are headed.
Independence Day is not a celebration of our government or our leaders. It's also not a celebration of what our country is today. It's not even really a celebration of some long-gone glory days.
Independence Day is two things:
A reminder of what our country was intended to be, that we should not be complacent or satisfied with things as they are now.
A chance to be obnoxious and annoy non-Americans
So starting at about 11pm tonight I will continue my tradition of having scheduled posts publish every hour for the duration of Independence Day.
I don't want to hear all the edgy takes about how terrible our country is. I know. I'm aware. You're not being original. Being disillusioned doesn't make you cool. Just let me have this one day - and maybe let yourself have a little fun with being American.
477 notes · View notes
facade145 · 1 year
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they’re playing coffee shop
6K notes · View notes
facade145 · 1 year
warning to all south park fans 😱
anyone who follows me will know that I am 🤬ENEMIES🤬 with 🏴‍☠️PIRACY🏴‍☠️ and will stop at nothing to bring it down 😡 FROM 😤 THE 💪 INSIDE 😩. So I am here to 😱 WARN 😱 YOU 😱 because I have recently discovered that someone has uploaded 🤢 EVERY 🤢 EPISODE 🤢 OF 🤢 SOUTH 🤢 PARK 🤢 onto Google Drive:
that’s right!! 25 seasons, plus specials and the movie, all for free with no paywall, adverts or risk of viruses. which is of course 🤮 ABSOLUTELY 🤮 DISGUSTING 🤮. but luckily now you know exactly where it is stored so that you can avoid it!! 😅 PHEW 😅 that was a close call!!
2K notes · View notes
facade145 · 1 year
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februpony 14: favorite ship
ill put my twiluna manifesto under the cut, its confusing and just basically my stream of consciousness so do not feel obligated to read
so like, youre a god and youve been trapped on the moon for so many hundreds of years. you havent been awake. when you get home and youre YOU again, everything is different except that everybody still ignores your beautiful night. except theres this one pony, this dorky little purple unicorn, who LOVES it. she is obsessed with every star and planet and adores the night sky with all her heart. she is kind to the night and she is kind to YOU. she is not afraid of you like everyone else. she talks to you and laughs with you and she is beautiful.
and so also, youre a normal pony and you just realized making friends is a good thing. and theres this princess and she is scared and alone and you think it would be nice to help her out. and she is amazing. she brings the night sky you love so much and she is smart and funny and she is from the PAST—oh god, the things she tells you are fascinating. she makes the night sky extra sparkly just for you.
neither of you have ever felt that you fit into this world. you have always felt just a little alone and just a little misunderstood, even with those you love. but together you feel like your whole selves. you can do anything and say anything and she will understand you and she will love you more and more. and you can teach her and learn from her and ohhh my god youre so in love
plus twiluna sounds like a music box lullaby, doesnt it?
sorry for the long and cringe and strange ramble here, i know its silly to be an adult obsessed with the idea of homosexual ponies. but i like it anyway! heres a playlist i made for them btw and nobodys allowed to be mean about my music choices
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facade145 · 1 year
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facade145 · 1 year
I genuinely don't understand the gripes a few people have with how Belos was handled in the finale. "Dont just brush him off as being evil" Well, why the fuck not? Dude wasnt born evil but he purposefully chose destruction and death at every possible opportunity for 400+ years. Nothing about his backstory would have made any impact on the characters affected, because its not an excuse, its not even an explanation! Caleb had the same childhood and he loved the Boiling isles. Eat boots Belos.
Ok, buckle up cause this is gonna be a long one, we gotta have a chat about Belos as a character, because there's been so many takes about this i keep seeing about " he never accepted the isles the way luz did" and "He had 400 years to change and he never took the took the offer", because it just seems like the fandom wants to kinda ignore a lot of the nuance about his situation and why it's not that simple?
and i'm for sure certain it's because the fandom is obviously already pretty biased against him since he's the villain, and what he does to the main characters as well as represents.
And that's fine, obviously he becomes a pretty bad person, no one is obligated to like him and it's ok to feel uncomfortable given the character he is.
But i think a lot of these issues as to why people have such mixed opinions about the finale has a lot to do directly with the fact the show DID keep his backstory as vague as they did, when if they had gone into it i think we would've had less of this discourse.
Now none of this is me excusing him obviously, but the fandom is very adamant to just not allow him to have depth either, when....he's allowed to be irredeemable and have depth at the same time. He's meant to be a very human villain, a character that could happen to anyone under the right circumstances
So not exploring that depth, why it got how it did, and how things like it can be prevented is a flaw within the show and among a lot of fans.
And to be fair, the show does not HAVE to do it, but the show also clearly wrote his character to have a lot of implied depth whether people like it or not, him coming from a very real religious group alone and making him a foil to luz has turned what could of been a very one note villain into one with a lot of layers to his villainy.
And if the show wants to make belos a very one note villian, no depth, they could of very easily done this by just cutting out details like his love and care for his brother, or just make make him want to destroy witches simply because he decided on his own they were worth destroying.
But that's not exactly what they've presented belos as being.
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The show thrives in having characters who aren't just simple nor cookie cutter.
Hunter isn't just some cocky sidekick, he's an abused teenager who craves love and affection, and is willing to go high and low to earn it, terrified to be thrown away and replaced and constantly is forced into a mold just to get the affection he craves. He's highly sheltered and isolated just because his father figure doesn't want him to be his own person since that wasn't what he was created for
King isn't just a tiny little brat who craves power, he's a child whose been lied to about his past, and he wanted nothing more then to be taken seriously and feel a sense of belonging. He believes that he wants power, but finds out he really only wanted to be treated like anyone else, and that he's far happier with a family that loves and cares about him rather then being a powerful demon king.
Lilith isn't just a self important antagonist who wants to force eda to do what she wants, she grew up close to her sister and wanting to be by her side well into the future, but felt a sense of inadequacy in comparison to eda. The pressures of the coven system and need to win against her sister made her make a drastic choice she regrets and she wants nothing more then to fix it and make everything the ideal fantasy they grew up wanting to have together. She's also a large nerd, craves the attention of higher figures since her own mother used to put all the attention on eda, and changed her appearance just so people would take her seriously.
And the show does this with most of it's cast, obvi there's the exception like tibbles and even bosha who don't have too much to them, but they're also very minor antagonists and there's still stuff you can pick up on.
Belos however is the main antagonist, everything that happens in the show, happens because of him, his entire backstory is basically why the plot of the show happens.
Not just that, but also caleb and evelyn, if it weren't for the drama between these three, there would be no show.
And people are WELL aware these three aren't the main leads, they aren't going to be the main focus of most episodes and obviously the show was going to end in the favor of the main characters.
the story the show tells between these three ties very strongly into the ones with the leads too. We are given at least enough details to notice parallels between stuff that happens with characters like luz, and characters like philip.
We know philip and luz grew up in gravesfield, we know there were outcasts there, and they had one family member they relied on to support them there. They ended up in the demon realm, they both learned magic, and they both are strongly motivated by their beliefs regarding the isles.
So there's a lot they share in common, which makes it really easy to take a look at philip and say "Well it's his fault for not being like luz and accepting the isles like she did".
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But, there's a lot of differences here
Luz grew up with fantasy, with magic stories about witches and heroes and demons. Philip grew up in a 1600s puritan village which demonized this stuff, he was a young child growing up being told this stuff was evil and he was taught to fight against it.
Luz felt odd for her interests and out there personality but at worst she felt isolated and misunderstood, she didn't like her mom's efforts to change her to be "Normal". Philip actually conformed to gravesfield, caleb clearly encouraging his brother to do so, just so both of them could fit in with the town. Had they not conformed at best they'd be isolated, but at worst they'd be dead.
Camilia is an adult who eventually opens up and talks to luz about how it was wrong to try and change her to be "Normal", that she herself hid her own interests to do so.
Caleb, was a child, he did not have any open conversations with his younger brother. Caleb hid evelyn and his interests with witches from philip and then on top of this, left philip behind.
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You could absolutely say the fact caleb didn't talk to philip is pure speculation, and not confirmed at all. That all of this could be summed up to unreliable narrators.
But we know caleb left for the isles before philip did, we know it took time for philip to find him again (because his beard grew out), we know caleb had a wife who seems to be pregnant, that he was introducing philip to (Implying he not only hasn't seen philip in awhile, but that eve and philip have never met to caleb) and all of that alone feeds into the fact caleb left him behind to start another life. This is all shown in his memories alone, stuff we can't chalk up to unreliable narrators.
So the most logical conclusion to come to is caleb left philip to start a new family, we don't have a lot of details as to if caleb ever planned to return, if caleb had good reasons to do what he did, or much about his mindset.
But we have enough to know Philip loved and looked up to caleb, that he relied on caleb, and caleb lied and left him.
There is again, reason to tie this back to camila and luz.
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but this is not a child leaving a parent behind, this is a parental figure leaving a child behind.
This is what i mean by the issue being lack of clear answers, people claim caleb left when philip was an adult, but we actually have no confirmed evidence for this. We have enough of philip's memories to know 2 things, that he was still a teenager when caleb was meeting evelyn, and he was an adult when he arrived.
You could argue philip was an adult by the time caleb left, but it's so vauge you can also argue caleb left when philip was a child and philip didn't figure out his way to the demon realm till adulthood and there's not enough proof to go one way or another.
now titan dad says philip had no genuine reasons for his actions, that he did this all for glory, but as steve put it back in OTWAT, the titan is just a guy.
And given the collector situation, he can make mistakes and screw up just like anyone else.
Titan dad only sees what he can see and make observations based on what he sees. He saw a human come to the isles with a bias already against witches, who ended up killing his brother, who claimed to come here to save others and that's all he's going to see philip as being. Someone who wants to save others but just hurts them instead.
He has no reason to know what philip grew up under, nor does he have reason to know philip and caleb's story before they arrived. There's no denying philip did love caleb, and that they were close, but that caleb leaving him behind for witches drove them apart.
I think the problem ppl even have with what titan dad says is purely because the fans take it at face value, because let's be honest, most fans will believe the objective heroes for what they assume over the villians. And since the show again, leaves philip's story vauge, and never puts it in the main focus, people will just assume what titan dad says must be the truth.
Like yes, you can pick up on these details if you are paying attention, but most people won't do that, so a lot of fans will listen to the god telling them what philip's motivations are coming from rather then put together the sense of betrayal from caleb that hurt philip that most of the evidence is actually pointing to.
philip had no parents, and had no one but caleb as far as we can tell, and then caleb left him too, like he didn't want him anymore.
And he left him in a bigoted town, alone.
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the damage this could of done if he was a child is pretty darn bad, and for philip to assume this happened because of a witch means reinforcing everything he's been taught about witches.
Caleb lied about his changes, so when caleb sees him again, caleb seems to be a different person, which does fit with what philip says to luz about the isles "Brainwashing people".
tho you can argue that that's not the truth, that philip knows caleb did it on purpose and killed him for betraying him, cause of how he blames him in episodes like FTF.
But again, this is the result of leaving things vague, because either situation is plausible.
it's plausible philip never intended to kill caleb at all and he died as the result of trying to protect eve because the show says he was trying to target evelyn to save caleb, and it's plausible he died on purpose out of philip's rage for caleb leaving him. Because guess what? That means caleb had the means to go see him and could've seen him but made the choice NOT to, so yeah, that's pretty heartbreaking.
again, this also comes into play regarding Philips's guilt.
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People objectively keep saying philip HAS no guilt regarding caleb, but we have evidence for both guilt and non guilt.
Now, sure, his portrait of dead caleb implies philip is not guilty for his death based on his expression after the fact. We also have the fact philip shows distain towards the grimwalkers, that he never outright expresses he feels bad to anyone.
But, we also have caleb's death being treated as one of philip's worst memories in KT that he objectively recalls in horror, he says he "Tried" to save caleb in FTF, which implies he wanted to save him and that he's mad he didn't manage to do so. The grimwalkers and caleb could be seen as ghosts, but also as hallucinations, and if you are seeing them as the latter then it makes sense he'd be seeing them out of some level of guilt towards having them killed.
If the show had these details explained more fully, it would be easy to either deem belos as being a murderous dick with no remorse who thinks killing was the right thing, or as a guilt ridded stubborn murderer who wants to not acknowledge he was wrong and screwed up.
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it's why people are split, because you could objectively choose to see him both ways and the ending will affect you differently depending on what you picked up on.
But now let's talk about philip not changing, because people have bashed him for not doing so in the 400 years he's been there and that he had opportunities to do so but didn't.
And i think this is half right, half wrong.
Philip came to the isles with biases, he basically grew up in a cult, he came in thinking he was traveling into hell to go find caleb. Caleb encouraged his hatred, and then his hatred got further pushed when caleb seemed to be kidnapped, and then further pushed when he was surrounded by nothing but bigots.
So this man was already on a bad foot compared to luz, who was here to live out the fantasy books she grew up on, and objectively would have no reason to hate or fear witches nearly as much.
And we do know while the BI can be compassionate, it also has it's issues, even luz faced discrimination for being human herself while on the isles. Being powerless there is well, not great, it's why luz had to figure out her own way to do things alongside everyone else.
And the Bi ARE dangerous, especially for humans, so it's at least understandable philip is not going to just show up and look past the flesh eating plants, the evil weather, and the lack of anything he can even objectively eat.
Now philip could of considered things outside of his bias, and made the effort to try and look at things from a new perspective. But we also have to acknowledge that it's not easy to come out of this long time brainwashing either, and that it takes time and help to do so.
And philip, didn't seem to have that.
Yes, caleb grew up the same way, but not only was he older, which already set him up to question things more. But he had evelyn, he had someone to challenge him and his views and change his mind.
Philp, doesn't have that, there is no confirmation anyone ever really chose to challenge his views or make him realize he was following a lie.
Caleb could of but caleb left.
All we see is philip, isolated, following the beliefs he was taught and being hostile to witches, and witches rightfully being hostile back, which just further is feeding into his bias.
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You can assume philip had chances to change but didn't, but there's no real strong evidence of that being offered to him either. That any witch ever tried to make him question anything.
It's pure speculation.
Now Philip is a stubborn ass dude for sure, so yeah, we can claim he just simply didn't want to consider it.
But people are claiming Philip was shown help that he didn't take and that's just not true. We never see anyone asking him to do the right thing or making him question things, at least not compassionately.
no one to our knowledge ever did challenge him, or did reach out to him, not even in the show itself.
Luz is rightfully hostile towards him even when trying to challenge him, hunter does attempt to try and come up with helpful ideas but he would silence himself if his uncle didn't like it (Not to mention the existing fact that he is supposed to be a caleb replacement so his existence comes from philip not wanting him to change or question things philip thinks caleb should not), and well....collector giving him a hug isn't gonna do anything at that point to stop him from thinking the worst of the isles.
This is partially because belos has the power in scenes, that if he hears what he doesn't want to hear he can quickly silence the individual and ignore it.
He's basically put in situations where no one is challenging him and if they are, they're usually doing it with distain and he's responding like a dick right back.
So maybe not much could of been done when belos has become emperor, outside of some rare occurrences where he has no choice but to listen or if he was challenged by someone he respected and would be less willing to hurt. Maybe he's too far gone to back out now and has too much power to even allow himself to consider what anyone had to say, even if they did do it kindly and wouldn't face his wrath.
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but he was only emperor for 50 years too.
So ok, what about before that?
Well, yeah, maybe there were chances he could of been, but that's a period of time we only see so much of, and none of it shows one way or the other that Philip was offered the chance to improve.
I think had we gotten a scene of philip being offered a chance to do good, to consider things, that he knew he was wrong and still rejected it, it would back up this whole "Philip made the choice to not get better" thing people claim.
but truth is, it's speculation, we don't know.
A guy who spent his life buying into where he grew up and came in with biases that became a cycle of him being terrible and witches reinforcing what he thought isn't just suddenly going to change his mind and be nice now on a whim unless those biases are challenged in a way he can't deny.
it's on him for not considering looking on things outside of his bias for sure, but people seem to think doing that is simple and easy and it's really not.
Philip had no evelyn, he was left with no one but his bias and stubborn mind.
It's like king said back in hollow mind " People don't want to believe they've been following the wrong person their whole lives", and philip didn't have a luz like hunter did to help him realize how wrong he really was.
Instead it got worse and worse.
This is why philip feels real, because this can happen to people, that they can grow up with hate and never receive the help they needed to pull them out of the mindset. So they get worse, they become worse people.
and we can argue philip didn't deserve the chance to get better, but you'll never know if you don't try and we don't know if anyone did try before he was too far gone.
to think all of this could of been avoided if caleb actually spoke to his brother and gave him the chance to change...
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Tying this all back to the beginning-
Philip's story ties into luz, they are foils in a lot of ways, but people need to remember they have differences outside of luz being a good person and philip being a bad person. Those differences make them into the people they are.
That luz was set up to love the isles in a way philip was set up to come in with a bias against it.
That it is not as simple as "Philip should of just got better" given what happened to him and the lack of help he had.
That philip never really is objectively shown to be offered genuine chances to reconsider his views on the show as much as people keep claiming so, and it's mostly all assumption at this point.
That so much of this argument over whether he's one way or the other could of been fixed if the show hadn't kept things vague.
By doing so, it leaves a lot for interpretation about him and therefore means people will have different views on what he thinks and feels and therefore will have different views on how his death should of been handled.
Caleb and philip tie into camila and luz, they tie into the clawthrone sisters, they are the basis for the plot of the series, they tie into hunter and the themes of being understood and being honest about yourself and conformity and it is no wonder people care about them.
It is incredibly valid if anyone expecting this story, that tied into the plot so hard ,as well as the themes, was upset it felt unexplained or dropped in the finale.
Especially since the fandom, with an obvious hatred for belos, responded to it by treating titan dad's word as god and simplifies philip's story completely despite everything i just mentioned here.
It is perfectly fine if you are not someone who cares about belos, but the people who do are perfectly allowed to be bothered that the show itself kept the complexity vague and not addressed and none of it mattered when it came to how his arc ended.
And that the only person who properly gives a personal opinion of what he thinks his motives are, simplifies him to being evil, and the fandom roles with that and the show never tries to do much to prove otherwise despite the evidence.
because this is a fascinating story about how conformity and bigotry can drive two close brothers apart and it feels like a story the show should of at least dedicated more of an episode to.
Especially since there's no clear idea if we'll ever get extra toh content to really tie any of this up.
Again, none of this excuses belos/philip for what he did, does, or tries to do, no amount of his life being screwed over and people treating him bad and not reaching out to him will ever excuse the fact he went so far.
But let's also just, not pretend it was an easy fix either, that someone can just....stop believing what they believe with the drop of a hat.
Especially given how this can reflect real people who are made into people like this.
He is nuanced, and people are attached to this villain for good reasons.
Nothing is simple about him, and it's just a product of how the show has handled his character.
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535 notes · View notes
facade145 · 1 year
Imagine what memes on the Boiling Isles were like after everything was over. Like. “People on the Knee when their house isn’t the highest point on the Isles anymore”. “When your teacher gets un-puppeted and now you have to turn in your math homework”. “RIP anyone’s houses on the Left Arm, mine is built different (it’s not on the Lett Arm)”
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facade145 · 1 year
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86K notes · View notes
facade145 · 1 year
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318 notes · View notes