extracrispycolonelw · 1 month
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extracrispycolonelw · 1 month
Suddenly, all humans become the last creature or plant they ate. The majority of humans are now sentient lettuce heads or beans, or anthropomorphic chickens and cows. But what concerns everyone most are the people who are still human…
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extracrispycolonelw · 1 month
Had to unfollow this one person on here cause they just would not stop making posts about how transfems on e getting periods is just made up symptoms and like, I don't have definitive proof I only have my and others experience but like how do you, as someone who is not on e, who has access to the same amount of studies looking into this with decent sample sizes as I do (none), feel so confident to say it's all just placebo and made up ? What makes you so confident ? Cause I gotta say after almost two years of nearly right on the dot once a month suddenly feeling nausea all week, taking the most unbelievable shits, feeling all my organs cramp, and having mood swings out the ass which always just so happens to line up with when the two people with uteruses in my house also get their periods, I feel like I have more data to work off of than you do
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extracrispycolonelw · 1 month
The fact that Tesla autopilots abort self driving 1 second before a crash so the company can state “self driving wasn’t active during the collision” should be grounds to dismantle the entire company.
Like, seriously, if you’re making 4000 pound death machines, and you program this shit to work on a technicality? Your company should be dismantled. Gone. No recourse. Just terrible shit dude
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extracrispycolonelw · 2 months
Hmm yes… Theotime Jean Jacques…
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extracrispycolonelw · 2 months
"You're just stressing this out. Calm down."
"Calm down? You tell me to calm down after killing a fucking person?"
-by ahopelessromantika-
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extracrispycolonelw · 2 months
Stealing for a TTRPG character thank you <3
You suffer from an extremely rare disease called Sparklitis. Your body randomly sparkles like a faulty cable, often rendering you unable to speak, aside from crackling sounds. Also, liquids and juicy food causes a strong electric shock to your body, which can be powerful enough to even cause a blackout.
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extracrispycolonelw · 2 months
For Eu look up:
Voices in Europe for peace
For Usa look up:
US campaign for Palestinian rights
FOA (Friends of Al-Aqsa) have organized a boycott in support of palestine. Here are the key companies to boycott:
HP (Hewlett Packard)
Israeli produce
We will be ending our call to boycott PUMA once the contract with IFA officially dissolves in 2024. Until then, we encourage you to continue boycotting PUMA products.
Please help to spread the word by sending this copypasta to as many blogs as you can and/or going to FOAs website where you can find posters to download and print out
Yeah sure I can repost this
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extracrispycolonelw · 2 months
“You’re a healer. Actually, you’re the best healer in the world… so how do you have more kills than everyone else in your party combined?” “Simple. I heal.”
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extracrispycolonelw · 2 months
You died with a remarkable fortune and no heirs. You grant your wealth to two rivalling schools in the same city, under one condition: One of them must always keep your preserved skull. They may keep it on display (therefore attracting interest and potentially fame to the school) but that always raises the risk of students of the other school stealing it. The students and staff of the other school have not only the right, but the duty to do so at any opportunity. Nobody can be arrested for this unless they're caught breaking some other law.
Ideally, the students of the two schools keep stealing your skull, back and forth, forever. The culture of both of the schools is enriched by this activity, the students are too busy engaged in these harmless shenanigans to drift into worse habits and behaviours, and you get to be included in countless nonsensically frivolous heist operations whose sole purpose is to bring more fun into the world.
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extracrispycolonelw · 2 months
u ever see someone with extremely fucked up views (or actions) and think wowww if a couple of things in my life went the tiniest bit differently that would have been me
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extracrispycolonelw · 2 months
writers, reminder that this is now a toggle in your blog settings!
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extracrispycolonelw · 2 months
The villain claims to have injected you with a truth serum. In reality the serum they injected you with only prevents you from lying and the villain will soon learn that not lying and telling the truth are two very different things.
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extracrispycolonelw · 2 months
Sometime in the future you do something that nearly wipes out human civilization. Time travelers have attempted to stop you by ending your life, but somehow, unknowingly, you have managed to dodge all of their attempts. Finally, one time traveler has decided to confront you directly.
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extracrispycolonelw · 2 months
Some lore dumping about a country in my GURPS campaign / various personal writings (largely not public)
In 4th Era Phyrr (being ~100 years before the 5th Era) the country known as Craoz Chijan is renowned on its home continent of Ukrea for being one of the most advanced cultures on the planet (of those cultures whom are under subjugation, which is all but three or four of them, that is).
Craoz Chijan’s lingual and aesthetic inspirations vary, although various South American ancient cultures such as the Mayans and Aztecs have some influence in their dress style.
The names of its cities and locations are mostly derived from South-South American ones using generators because I struggle with coming up with original names for towns and cities. Most of its locations I’ve come up with on my own tend to be simplistic in the real sense; the story about how many rivers exist in England just called Avalon because that is the old English word for river was the inspiration, so often you’ll have basic names for rivers just meaning river or stream or some such, this goes for most Phyrr locations.
Craoz Chijan is unique in that their historical ruins have crude names that often translate to things like “Hung Men” or “Dead Women and Children” and other such things, as part of a Dogmatic Scholarly education system.
Craoz Chijan has a democratic political system, with a government known as the General Assembly and elected officials known as Aspects. There are hundreds of offices of the aspects, with different purposes for governing. There are several main offices, which branch off into smaller offices (known as Lesser or Greater Aspects), but all report to the Aspects above them, who in turn report to a hybridized inherited elect known as the Aspect of the People, who is looked upon with the same sort of reverence as any head of state. Depending on their competence and accomplishments, some Aspects of the People may be subject to deification, pre or post mortem.
Craoz Chijan is a largely demilitarized country that relies on mercenaries from the neighboring countries of Franc (name subject to change for 5th Era) and Shuedor to handle military interventions, which largely serves them well. The north of Craoz Chijan, which is home to the Citadel, largely sees the most crime and urbanization, while the South largely remains focused on agriculture and lacks the same population density, however sees the most cult activity, a problem the country regularly faces, thus sees the majority of the mercenary presence.
The aforementioned Citadel is a real-to-life mimicry of the Tower of Babel in everything but name and in-lore inspiration. The primary four Aspects and Aspect of the People are officed in the multi-hundred floored architectural wonder. It is a sort of library of Alexandria for the country, and most notoriously in its sublevels it has an entire floor dedicated to the study of an artifact from tens of thousands of years into Phyrr’s history: a single, two-sided piece of wafer-thin paper preserved in a block of silicon. It is a piece of the Bible (right near the end in Revelations) and will take hundreds of years of study to translate, which results in the creation of several religions in 5th Era Phyrr.
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extracrispycolonelw · 2 months
"Don't play with me."
"Please stay."
"I need you."
"I don't need you."
"Don't leave me."
"Forget me."
"I feel nothing."
"No, don't go."
"Don't ignore me."
"I've always been alone."
"Please stop."
"Tell me the truth."
"Don't do this to me."
"I need space."
"Move on."
"Please, listen to me."
"You can't leave me."
"I don't want this."
"It's not your choice."
"We're done."
"I can't lose you."
"Don't say that."
"Why are you doing this?"
"You scare me."
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extracrispycolonelw · 3 months
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