exo-overload · 5 years
He needs to stop looking at me with those eyes
i swear to GAWD.. 
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© HyuneePoint
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exo-overload · 5 years
boyfriend!Xiumin  [headcanons!]
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♥ is probably the most ‘normal’ relationship out of all the guys lol ♥ since he’s the eldest he knows what he wants and what he likes ♥ and what he likes is you wink wonk ♥ does go out of his way to impress you ♥ like making you a cup of coffee in the morning with a design in the foam ♥ anything that makes your face light up ♥ KNOWS he is a man of duality so prepare your hecKiN heart ♥ one second he’s cute ♥ the next you want to rip his clothes off ♥ AND HE KNOWS IT ♥ LIKE DON’T LAUGH WHILE WE’RE DYING ♥ adores cuddling on the couch ♥ being with you brings out other sides of him even he didn’t know he had ♥ like a fatherly side? He loves taking care of you?? ♥ Or his protectiveness? Please stop jumping on the bed you’ll fall????? ♥ *puts 50 pillows on the floor** ♥ DAD JOKES INTENSIFIES ♥ he brings his bright energy everywhere ♥ nothing is boring with him around
¡ nsfw ! ♥ a REALLY good kisser ♥ like the kind of kiss that makes you sensitive all over?? ♥ is rough.com ♥ not even just like rough sex but rough in general?? ♥ like he can last all day and how is that possible??? ♥ definitely takes notes on what you like ♥ until eventually you’re just this soup on the floor ♥ he bring out /your/ kinkiness ♥ cause he makes you feel so damn sexy ♥ BUT he’s still very careful and loving with you ♥ sends dirty text messages that make you turn red all over ♥ likes to playfully smack your butt all the time hehehehehe
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exo-overload · 5 years
exo reacts › you getting sick
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The moment he realizes you’re sick it’s all business. It’s putting you to bed, giving you medicine and getting you some food to eat. But make no mistake, you could have the slightest of fevers and this boi is worried about you. He just doesn’t want you to see him like that. Busies himself by cleaning your house and by the time you wake up, it’s spotless. Laughs along to your jokes but honestly, he was worried as heck. “Hey, don’t tease me~ Just eat your soup and get better okay...? Good.”
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The most OVER-PROTECTIVE BOI on the planet. You have to make sure he doesn’t go overboard cause the last time you got sick he called half a hospital to your house. The middle ground is him taking care of you but even then, seemingly no one is allowed to visit you while you’re sick lest you get sick even more. He’s oddly sensitive to you getting sick and even after you get better he reminds you to take your vitamins and supplements.  “Oh yea hun, one of your friends stopped by. But she was coughing so I told her to call you later instead~” yandere a little maybe...? hehe
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Doesn’t miss a beat. He never makes you feel like a burden or a trouble and seems oddly at ease taking care of you. Even when you feel like crap you can’t help but smile at all the effort he’s putting in especially when he goes out of his way to make sure you’re comfortable. He may seem a little clueless sometimes but when it comes to you and your health, nothing is more important to him and you’re reminded that he’s an adult through and through. “So first you take this...than this...and than you take this..ah, don’t laugh babe, you need to get better soon”
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The moment he hears you’re sick over the phone he rushes over, dropping everything else. He reels himself in though, since his first instinct is to pounce all over you and instead stops by a store, picking up several different kinds of medicine cause you might need at least one of them. Carefully enters your house to take care of you and is gentle with you, never complaining even when you threw up a little on his shoes. “Come on babe, let’s get you up and well again so we can go on another date, kay?”
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Is extremely gentle with you, seemingly afraid he’ll break you. It’s tough seeing you sick and even though he’ll manage to toss in some jokes about how raspy your voice is from all your coughing, he’ll only have his attention on you. He doesn’t care about your germs and gets into bed with you, singing to you softly until you go to sleep, before running off to do any errands you had so you have less to worry about. “Aish, my girl is so busy..that’s why she got sick, always working..”
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Feels helpless and can’t stand it. He knows you won’t get better in the next hour but still wishes for it. He’s extra gentle with you and everything you eat is made with love and extra nutrients. Actually has to step away a few times “for air” but really it’s so he can call others for advice. He’ll do anything you ask of him, even if that means watching all the movies he’s been in. “So what do you want to do while you rest..? Watch My Annoying Brother..? But you always cry-.. Okay, let me put it on for us.”
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Over-bearing in a loving way. He can’t help but worry and every time you wince in pain because your flu is a bitch, it hurts him too. Eventually, he can’t stand it and just decides to carry you everywhere without any regard to himself. Half the time you get sick he ends up sick too cause what are boundaries??? At least he gets really good at making you well again. “Aish babe, don’t worry about me, you’re as light as a feather! And I won’t get sick, I’ll kick the sickness’s butt!” (sick two days later ahem)  
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Actually isn’t used to seeing you so weak and that surprises him a little. But he never leaves your side for a moment cause what could be more important? He’s diligent in making sure you take all your medicine and gently plays with your hair until you sleep and even when you wake up again he’s still there. You have to make sure he is taking of himself and you can’t help but laugh at him and only then do you see how stressed he’s been. “Sorry, I guess I forgot to take care of myself..Hey, don’t laugh..I was really worried.”
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While it would have been entirely too easy to tease you, the sassiest boy turns into gold. He’s constantly taking care of you and even in your groggy state he doesn’t seem to mind all the playful verbal jabs you’re throwing at him. He doesn’t know a lot about what to do so he ends up calling your mom while you’re sleeping and doing anything she says with exceptional diligence.  “Yes yes, I know I’m a big stinky butt, yes yes,” *kisses forehead*
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exo-overload · 5 years
boyfriend!Baekhyun  [headcanons!]
(¡ © to gif owners/creators !) 
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♥  THe sOFtest ♥ even just asking you out was a big deal ♥ he was so nervous ♥ and tried to make it this big special thing ♥ but blurted out the question when ya’ll where watching a movie (’: ♥ surprisingly really nervous about doing anything to/for/with you ♥ he doesn’t want to mess things up ♥ but over time he becomes a really solid s/o who’s always there for you ♥ loves playing video games with you ♥ and even if you don’t want to play, likes you being close while he plays ♥ cause he likes to feel your presence ♥ he may been bubbly all the time but he has these moments where he just likes to appreciate the moment with you ♥ and you get to see his more vulnerable side ♥ doesn’t admit that he adores hearing you say ‘i love you’ ♥ like it makes his heart skip a beat ♥ even after hearing it 100000 times ♥ texts to random stuff all day cause you’re not just his s/o you’re his best friend ¡ nsfw ! ♥ overthinks EVERYTHING ♥ he wants everything perfect every time ♥ but over time he relaxes  ♥ and with communication! you both learn more about each other  ♥ does like trying new things cause why not? ♥ sometimes things don’t work out, like a new position but that’s okay ♥ the two of you just laugh and it’s the best thing ever ♥ LOVES touching your skin ♥ loves you being on top cause he can see you better ♥ isn’t overly obvious with his kinkiness ♥ but will whisper all the things he’s doing to do to you when ya’ll get home ♥ even if he’s around other people ♥ likes spooning when the sexy time is over ♥ sometimes he’s big spoon, sometimes he’s not~  [ request - faq - masterlist ]
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exo-overload · 5 years
February Monthly Schedule
All time stamps are under KST = Korean Standard Time
Open to changes and updates ♡
Feb 1 [6pm]  “Travel the World on EXO’s ladder S2” ep 10 [All minus LAY] Feb 1 [9pm]  “Idol Producer S2” ep 3 [LAY] Feb 1 [11:10pm]  “I Live Alone” episode airing [XIUMIN]
Feb 2  “Travel the World on EXO’s ladder S2” pre-release video [All minus Lay] Feb 2 [9pm] "Rave Now" ep 10 airing [LAY]
Feb 4 [6pm] "Travel the World on EXO’s ladder S2" ep 11 [All minus Lay]  
Feb 5 [5:45pm]  2019 ISAC part 1 [CHANYEOL]  Feb 5 [6pm]  “Travel the World on EXO’s ladder S2” ep 12 [All minus Lay]
Feb 6 [5:45pm]  2019 ISAC part 2 [CHANYEOL]   Feb 6 [6pm]  “Travel the World on EXO’s ladder S2” ep 13 [All minus Lay]  
Feb 7 [6pm]  “Travel the World on EXO’s ladder S2” ep 14 [All minus Lay]  
Feb 7 [6pm] “Make It Count” OST release [CHEN]
Feb 8 [6pm]  “Travel the World on EXO’s ladder S2” ep 15 [All minus Lay]   Feb 8 [9pm]  “Idol Producer S2” ep 4 [LAY]
Feb 9  “Travel the World on EXO’s ladder S2” pre-release video [All minus Lay]  
Feb 11 [10am]  61st Annual Grammy Awards (@Staples Center, LA, USA) [LAY]  ** 8:00 p.m. ET/5:00 p.m. PT for american viewers**
Feb 11 [6pm]  “Travel the World on EXO’s ladder S2” ep 16 [All minus Lay]  
Feb 12 [6pm]  “Travel the World on EXO’s ladder S2” ep 17 [All minus Lay]  
Feb 13 [6pm]  “Travel the World on EXO’s ladder S2” ep 18 [All minus Lay]  
Feb 14 [6pm]  “Travel the World on EXO’s ladder S2” ep 19 [All minus Lay]  
Feb 15 [6pm]  “Travel the World on EXO’s ladder S2” ep 20 [All minus Lay]   Feb 15 [9pm]  “Idol Producer S2” ep 5 [LAY]
Feb 16  “Travel the World on EXO’s ladder S2” pre-release video [All minus Lay]  
Feb 18 [6pm]  “Travel the World on EXO’s ladder S2” ep 21 [All minus Lay]  
Feb 19 [6pm]  “Travel the World on EXO’s ladder S2” ep 22 [All minus Lay]
Feb 20 [6pm]  “Travel the World on EXO’s ladder S2” ep 23 [All minus Lay]
Feb 21 [6pm]  “Travel the World on EXO’s ladder S2” ep 24 [All minus Lay]
Feb 22  “Let’s Shut Up and Dance” Michael Jackson Tribute [LAY] Feb 22 [6pm]  “Travel the World on EXO’s ladder S2” ep 25 [All minus Lay]   Feb 22 [9pm]  “Idol Producer S2” ep 6 [LAY]  
Feb 23 [6pm]  “Travel the World on EXO’s ladder S2” pre-release video [All minus Lay]
Feb 25 [6pm]  “Travel the World on EXO’s ladder S2” ep 26 [All minus Lay]
Feb 26 [6pm]  “Travel the World on EXO’s ladder S2” ep 27 [All minus Lay]
Feb 27 [6pm]  “Travel the World on EXO’s ladder S2” ep 28 [All minus Lay]
Feb 28  Madame Tussaud’s Hong Kong Figure Unveiling [LAY]  Feb 28 [6pm]  “Travel the World on EXO’s ladder S2” ep 29 [All minus Lay]
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exo-overload · 5 years
Admin Post ❤
▸ Please feel free to post or tag me in any fanart! (As long as there’s proper credit of course) or any Exo related stuff! I would love to see all of it! (even memes lmao) ▸ My message box is always open! :D I’m a little shy at first so I don’t often know what to say but some of my interests are anime and writing so there’s that lmao ▸ other k-pop groups I love are GOT7, Seventeen and NCT (I’m still kinda new to k-pop) so don’t hesitate to tag me to other pages! ▸ I’m an English Exo-L so any links to English dubbed videos would BE FANTASTIC (bonus points if you can link to where to buy the actual content) ▸ USE MY BLOG AS A NEWS HUB, on my actual page I have a monthly schedule for Exo but I’m going to try and be more precise and post daily on my blog so Exo-L’s can be better informed   ▸ Leave me suggestions anytime on anything! As long as you’re not a dick about it, I’m all ears! (shouldn’t have to say that but I learned that the hard way)
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exo-overload · 6 years
EXO - Tempo MV (Chinese ver.)
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exo-overload · 6 years
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181102 chanyeol
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exo-overload · 6 years
y’all don’t understand how much I love this man and how I literally was yelling at my screen and I’m the middle of being so damn traumatized I’m frozen and screaming MY MOTHERFUCKING HEAD OFF
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chanyeol - tempo mv
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exo-overload · 6 years
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exo-overload · 6 years
I legit had no words.
I just....
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exo-overload · 6 years
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exo-overload · 6 years
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181026 subkultureent: Surprise! Lay is coming to New York for an exclusive fan event at Playstation Theater on Tuesday, 11/6!! This limited GA event will be FREE ADMISSION (minus any fees)! More info on how to reserve tickets will be coming soon, so be excited and stay tuned! #LayZhang #NAMANANA #NYC
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exo-overload · 6 years
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Gravity is already the best track everyone else GO HOME
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exo-overload · 6 years
Ummm can yall believe Exo is real??? Like there’s literally 9 angels on this planet??? And they’re breathing and shit???? And they’re all perfect and shit??? Just walking around and shit????? Like I’m SpeECHLESS 
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exo-overload · 6 years
Hello???? 911??????? I WAS JUST MURDERED????
I feel like everyone forgets about this performance AND I also feel like everyone forgets about Chen’s lower register. SO HERE YOU GO, ENJOY✨
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exo-overload · 6 years
Master list
If you like any of the content that you’ve seen, I recommend going through my earlier stuff HERE! :D
Let me know what’s your favorite piece of content and have a good day ~
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