exfiance · 5 years
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Eddie Brock + anxiety
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exfiance · 6 years
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ITS FINALLY HERE!!!!!! After months of hard work from all of our amazing artists it’s finally complete!!!! The RA9 Zine alongside a massive quantity of unofficial Detroit Become Human merchandise is now up for preorder until January 11th 2019!!! Copy and paste this link in your browser to purchase yours today~ Gumroad.com/Ra9zine ||CHARITY INFO|| All proceeds outside of production and shipping cost will be donated to a suicidal awareness Charity called Gunnar’s Purpose, You can find more information on the charity or donate to their cause at Gunnarspurpose.com ||GIVEAWAY INFO|| We are going to give away 1 free zine for each of these stretch goals we reach!!!! 100 sales 250 sales 500 sales 750 sales 1000 sales 1500 sales!!!  The rules to enter are as follows: 1. Follow the RA9Zine tumblr or twitter accounts 2. Reblog or retweet this preorder post to be entered into the drawing!! You can reblog as many times as you like! If you buy the zine but win a free copy, you will receive a full refund of your entire purchase!  In addition to those stretch goals If we manage to reach 1000 sales we will also be upgrading all of our Acrylic charms to Holographic Acrylic charms!! 
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exfiance · 6 years
Here’s a quick rundown.
Article 13 is still in its final stages of voting. The problem is not that people don’t want to protect copyright, it’s that the LANGUAGE of the LAW is TOO VAGUE and OPEN TO ABUSE. IT COULD PASS THIS YEAR.
This law WILL impact EVERYBODY. Media platforms like YouTube will not bother to have different policies for the EU and for everybody else, they’ll just apply strict EU laws to EVERYONE.
MILLIONS OF PEOPLE WILL LOSE THEIR JOBS. You can yammer on all day about how people shouldn’t be building a career on an industry like YouTube or Instagram anyway, but the world changes, and there is actually not much different between YouTube content creators and traditional media like movies and TV. Youtubers, Instagram models, hell, even kids who use apps like TikTok are either directly or indirectly CREATING JOBS, and you CANNOT deny that. ALL OF THESE JOBS WILL BE PUT IN JEOPARDY IF ARTICLE 13 IS PUT INTO PLAY. THE ONLY CONTENT CREATORS THAT WILL BE ABLE TO THRIVE POST ARTICLE 13 IS BIG MEDIA COMPANIES.
THIS IS NOT FEARMONGERING. Is it scary, even anxiety-inducing that Article 13 could take away the only safe space that some people have—the Internet? YES. But we CANNOT close our eyes and scroll past all the article 13 posts because they make us anxious, or because they make us sad. YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE. Reblog/make posts. Spread awareness. Tell your friends. AND FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, IF YOU LIVE IN THE EU, TALK TO YOUR REPS. IT IS NOT TOO LATE TO SAVE OUR INTERNET.
We’re currently going through a scare on Tumblr where your blog could get taken down at any time for any unclear reason, because they’re cracking down on child porn. That is good, but many people with perfectly appropriate blogs are having them taken down, too. The thing is, right now, you can still get your blog back without hassle if it is taken down by mistake. Imagine if your blog was taken down simply for making or reblogging a meme, gif of your favorite TV show, or simply producing art that isn’t 100% original, and Tumblr COULD NOT RESTORE IT BECAUSE THEY WOULD BE HELD RESPONSIBLE FOR COPYRIGHT VIOLATIONS BY ARTICLE 13. That could be our reality. Do NOT turn a blind eye to this.
tl;dr Article 13 will 100% change the internet as we know it for the worse, and you aren’t safe even outside of the EU. SPREAD THE WORD. EU RESIDENTS CONTACT YOUR REPRESENTATIVES.
I know you guys love to shit on MatPat here, but he made a wonderful and interesting video going into more detail.
Spread it. Spread this post. Make your own and spread it. Do SOMETHING. Silence and inaction will only help kill the internet we all love so much.
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exfiance · 6 years
you know hes like. a known abuser right lol
Amber Heard abusing Johnny Depp
For two years now we know that she abused Johnny, yet everyone keeps ignoring it. Today Johnny made a claim in court papers which he can proof with photos. there also are a lot of other things that proof her abuse:
At the Sept. 14 premiere of Johnny Depp‘s new film Black Mass at the Toronto International Film Festival, photographers captured the passion on the red carpet between the star and his wife, Amber Heard, who kissed and cuddled for the cameras.But away from the shutterbugs, a source says, the newlyweds got hot and bothered in a different way. Amber, 29, hovered near her hubby as he schmoozed, and when she saw him chatting with a young woman, the source says, “she stormed over and tried to butt in.”When Johnny, 52, continued the conversation, she “looked livid” and quickly pulled him aside. The source says, “She talked to him like a child. Johnny smiled awkwardly and seemed to calm her down, because the next minute they were holding hands again and she was all smiles.”According to the insider, this volatility is nothing new for the couple, who wed in February and bicker about everything from his female fans to Johnny’s recent weight gain. She’s bothered so much that Amber has begun dictating his diet. “She says he looks like a mess now,” says the source.“Amber is very loving toward Johnny — but if things aren’t the way she wants, all hell breaks loose,” the insider says.Friends who’ve witnessed the actor bend to Amber’s controlling ways are wondering what happened to his rebellious spirit. “He’s blinded by love,” the source says. “He’ll do anything she wants — and she knows it.”http://www.celebitchy.com/449943/star_amber_heard_was_livid_at_johnny_depp_but_all_smiles_for_cameras/
there are more stories like this example: at the lone ranger premiere in disneyland she was super rude to everyone basically,
when they were on their honeymoon Johnny was greeting fans and got annoyed by that
she hits him multiple times during that stupid Overhaulin’ episode he did specially for her
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she pulled him away from his fans at a Japanse airport in 2013 (notice how she really pulls him and just refuses to let go)
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she also pulled him away while he was in the middle of a conversation with someone at the hollywood film awards in 2015
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she taunted him on instagram by posing with her fist and adding a comment about ink (referring to his former slim tattoo) she had made countless of refs to him in interviews in such, still taunting him
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she can’t do an interview without mentioning him, bullying him
combine this with Doug Stanhope’s statement:
We’d watched it build like this since before they were married. We’d watched her manipulate and f— with him for years. We didn’t say a word. To each other, yes, but never to him. When your friend is in an awful, abusive relationship — man or woman — …http://www.thewrap.com/johnny-depp-is-being-blackmailed-by-amber-heard-heres-how-i-know-guest-column/
and here abusing her ex-wife:
http://www.tmz.com/2016/06/07/amber-heard-domestic-violence-arrest-partner-tasya-van-ree/  (in this link you can find an audio of her in the court room)
and the statements from his bodyguards and the police:
normally she was the one who had to be physically pulled off of Johnny. Reportedly she would throw bottles, scream and “charge” at him. The guards will testify during the restraining order hearing in June. http://hollywoodlife.com/2016/05/31/amber-heard-johnny-depp-bodyguards-no-abuse-claims/
On May 21, 2016, officers responded to a domestic incident radio call…” LAPD Sgt. Marlon Marrache says. “The person reporting the crime [Heard] did not insist on a report and no report was warranted. There was no evidence of any crime. A crime did not occur so the officers left the scene and left a business card.”Marrache adds that if there had been any signs of abuse, officers would have conducted an investigation, regardless of what Heard said had happened.http://ew.com/article/2016/05/27/johnny-depp-amber-heard-police-investigated-abuse-claim-no-evidence-crime-found/
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a part of the court doc (from johnny suing the sun for defamation because the called him a wife beater which he clearly isn’t) in his evidence list which can be found below you can see that johnny has photos as evidence that match the timestamp of this attack
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the complete document can be found here:https://www.docdroid.net/JU2xOOU/johnny-depp-assault-amber-heard-iphone-incident-doc.pdfit describes in detail her abuse and lies
and his evidence list: (which includes text, photos, witnesses)
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see full here: http://bybyeblackbird.tumblr.com/post/168411141303/so-it-turns-out-that-the-evidence-and-witness
after that witness list was revealed she dropped the case and ro with prejudice:
court doc: http://becauseitisjohnnydepp.tumblr.com/post/173707760332/since-the-link-i-was-using-doesnt-work-anymore
also this interview where he talks about the false accusations: https://www.gq-magazine.co.uk/article/johnny-depp-interview-2018
And this:
“In his GQ interview, Mr. Depp is simply defending himself against Ms. Heard’s lingering, false abuse accusations,” Adam Waldman, Depp’s lawyer, said in a statement issued to Newsweek. “Johnny Depp is a victim of violent abuse.”
Depp’s team rejected that statement, and his attorney suggested the “shameful psychological abuse” it mentions stems from Heard’s “continuing cynical manipulation of the important #metoo movement and its real victims.”
“Ms. Heard has been previously arrested and spent the night in jail for domestic abuse (an arrest that was initially blamed on police homophobia, although the arresting officer later averred to being a gay rights activist),” Waldman said in the statement to Newsweek. “Ms. Heard has admitted to multiple violent attacks against Johnny Depp that caused serious injury. Eyewitness, photographic, and previous sworn testimony will be presented to the court.”
Added Waldman, “Regarding the confidentiality agreement of which Ms. Heard’s counsel complains, Ms. Heard started violating it before the ink dried, first with a statement, and soon after with a domestic violence PSA asking ‘how is this happening to me?’ purporting to give advice to real victims. More breaches followed.”
Waldman confirmed to Newsweek that court proceedings into the abuse allegations will take place in November in Britain. Depp’s team intends to submit evidence proving Heard “faked” all allegations of abuse. Depp’s camp will present “clear evidence of the violence committed serially against him by Ms. Heard and the serious injuries that he suffered,” Waldman added.
and this:
“Two days ago, Amber Heard’s lawyers professed their ‘outrage’ to the media that Johnny Depp had finally spoken in self-defense,” Depp lawyer Adam Waldman of The Endeavor Group wrote in a statement to The Hollywood Reporter on Friday. “I responded with what happens next — we will submit overwhelming evidence to a U.K. court next month that Ms. Heard repeatedly violently attacked and severely injured Mr. Depp, and then faked abuse allegations against him. Ms. Heard became in the process an imposter in the #MeToo movement who abused the trust and experiences of real survivors for her own reputational gain.”
Depp’s team is previewing the evidence that it will present in the upcoming court hearing in the U.K. this fall tied to a defamation lawsuit against The Sun for an article that labeled the actor a “wife beater.”
“Our evidence will include photographs, sworn testimony and admissions, and eyewitness accounts,” Waldman wrote. “Ms. Heard, who has a prior arrest for domestic abuse, and her lawyers have responded to these remarkable disclosures with two days of profound silence, excepting social media posts of Ms. Heard wrapped in an American flag asserting: ‘we survivors…’”
Waldman concludes, “Ms. Heard’s lawyer publicly claimed Ms. Heard has unconsulted witnesses, but none have materialized. We would like to hear, and believe the public should hear, what, if anything, such ‘witnesses’ have to say, so that those statements may be held to account against our imminent court filings.”
and this:
An attorney for Depp tells PEOPLE in a statement, “Were Ms. Heard’s faked abuse claims presented yet again at a real #metoo event this week a ‘confidential arbitration’? Ms. Heard (and lately her new attorney) have been peddling easily disproven fake abuse claims for over 2 years in public, and now that real evidence is coming, exhibit a sudden and predictable desire for confidentiality.”
 Amber Heard is an abuser
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exfiance · 6 years
so Paradise California is gone
i haven’t seen any noise about this on tumblr yet, but a fire has completely wiped out a small town in california.
they’re calling it the camp fire. over 20,000 residents have been evacuated so far, the last area estimates i heard were over an hour ago at 18,000 acres and its still zero percent contained.
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this is the smoke from about 18 miles away from the fire three hours ago. if you know anyone near chico, paradise, oroville or durham california you might want to check they’re okay
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exfiance · 6 years
long tangent but y'all have got to stop saying that white washing and “black washing” are equally bad.
when someone lightens up a dark skinned character that has roots of racism and colorism cause you’re saying that lighter skin is more prettier than darker ones. doing that to characters of color is basically erasing the already very little rep in media. That’s Bad.
when someone darkens up a light skinned character that has no roots to racism and colorism. there’s no such thing as opressing light skinned folk. there’s no such thing as “black washing”. most people who do this are POC who want more darker skinned representation in a light skinned world. i.e. darkening Midoriya BNHA’s skin to connect more with him. (btw saying this is an example of erasing his asian race is dumb cause dark skinned Asians exist. dark skinned mixed people exist.)
people who suggest that “black washing” is real honestly don’t care when white washing happens. or they use multiple excuses to justify why this character is lighter when it boils down to racism and colorism.
…or they think reverse racism is real 😩
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exfiance · 6 years
Don’t fucking compare an incestuous and pedophilia ship to two consenting unrelated adults goodbye
DBH Fandom:  You can’t ship Hank and Connor, they’re like father and son! 
Me, a Rick and Morty sinner:
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exfiance · 6 years
can you imagine Connor turning his skin to look like he’s in his 40`s and Hank is like “Woooooow. And who is this sexy old man eh? Heh. But seriously,why such sudden change?”
And Connor is like “Oh you know, so people would shut the fuck up”
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exfiance · 6 years
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exfiance · 6 years
Josh exists.
Just a reminder.
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exfiance · 6 years
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224K notes · View notes
exfiance · 6 years
My hannor post blew up holy crap
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exfiance · 6 years
Zomg guys!! Connor is totally 15 years old!! Stop sexualizig him!!! 😔😔 #endhannor #antihanksquad2k18
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exfiance · 6 years
North isn’t bad
Are you saying that if you went through what she did you wouldn’t be at least a little spiteful? She’s a victim, and her ways of dealing with that may be violent, but as the game progresses she learns from what Markus says. When she said she convinced the android not to blow up the truck, that was meant to show that she learned from him.
What I’m saying is, she’s a character who grows from their need for revenge and not a “psychopathic bitch” who doesn’t deserve Markus.
Also the romance isn’t “forced” it’s completely optional. You can turn her down yknow and still be friends with her afterwards and get the happy ending.
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exfiance · 6 years
Friendly reminder that Hank and Connor are consenting adults who aren’t related god bless America
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