when i’m working the desk alone there’s no one to judge me for reading homestuck all day, years past its heyday
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current mood: ennui
and also cramps :(
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just wrote a letter of support for someone i’ve never met, from someone else i’ve never met. 
every “It is my sincere belief that...” felt like such a delicious lie and i love it
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just almost sent an email to an old internship supervisor in which i had misspelled the name of my hometown (which is where the internship was)
thankfully caught it before it went out but i’m cringing @myself
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summer internship
working from 9-5 at a desk in an office with fluorescent lighting literally makes me feel physically ill 
thankfully, the work i’m doing is very cool, but i can’t stand the physical environment ugh
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It's way too easy to get on the wrong intercity/international train.
Like I know they're labeled and all, but you just kind of get in and go. How come trains aren't more secure? It would be really hard to accidentally get on the wrong plane, for example
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In the last two days, two different Polish men (oldish) have come up to me while I was sitting on a park bench and said something in Polish that I couldn't understand.
Guess I'll never know 🙃
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found my new all-time favorite painting while visiting the Kunsthistorisches Museum in Vienna
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fun tip: when you skip your 9:30 am class to desperately finish a PSET for another class, make sure not to RUN INTO YOUR 9:30 PROF ON YOUR WAY TO YOUR NEXT CLASS after emailing him to say you’re sick
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me: *wistfully reads clock* is it too early to go to bed
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airwander.com is the coolest website I have ever used and I am so excited for my upcoming european adventures
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today i wore a pink sweater and pink sneakers and for some reason that combo just made me feel very powerful and fierce
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This MLK day, we should all be careful not to judge the POTUS based on the orange color of his skin, but rather by the s***hole content of his character.
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wow the SNL music video “Welcome to Hell” is literally the most relatable thing I’ve ever seen
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it takes a brave woman to un-ironically wear leopard print
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me: men have regularly threatened/assaulted/harassed me so sometimes i’m really uncomfortable and afraid around men and have to constantly keep my guard up
man: wow i can’t believe this--how come women are allowed to assume men are violent/dangerous and be afraid of them, but if i assume negative things about women, it’s considered sexist?
literally what
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*midterm is today*
me: time to learn 5 weeks of material in 3 hours
the good thing is, expectations of public policy majors are so low that i think this is actually possible
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