eviestrol · 4 years
i’m not back i just need to scream about the fact HANDONGIE CAN GO BACK TO KOREA SOON!!!!!!!!!!!! SHE CAN GO BACK AFTER THE 10TH AHHHHH
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aw, it’s too late for her to participate in the comeback bc she’ll probably have to quarantine and stuff but at least she’s finally able to go back
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eviestrol · 4 years
Hey guys, gals, and non-binary pals. Taking a hiatus due to a personal reason.
Sorry for not doing overalls for the synastry ships. My anxiety is making me frantic and I want to delete all social media asap. I'll add them once I feel up to it.
I'm deleting all social media apps while I deal with this, so I won't get any notifications and stuff. See ya in a little bit
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eviestrol · 4 years
Synastry Ship - mndmdchn
hello~ i hope i'm not too late request a synastry ship! i saw you had one more left so i thought why not try my luck. I was thinking hard abt who i wanted a synastry reading with but i've settled for jisung from stray kids for now! if i am too late for the request then i'm sorry you can just ignore me:) love your blog and stay healthy!!
@mndmdchn Thanks for requesting!!
Conjunction Sun - Lunar node: A strong bond exists between you. This relationship is always moving forward and you bring out the best in each other. Jisung will feel drawn towards you because he feels that there is a future he could have with you.
Trine Moon - Mercury: You are able to talk about anything and everything without feeling self-conscious. You’ll find yourself talking all night. You feel that you really understand each other and feel at home. You feel at ease right from the beginning.
Conjunction Moon - Jupiter: You evoke joy, hope, goodwill, and a sense of adventure in each other. So much so that you could also be easily induced to overdo and overextend yourselves in various ways. You are likely to stimulate a wealth of feelings in each other and a generally open-minded attitude. You probably want the good life and all that it implies for you. As a team, you can be a beacon of encouragement, hope, and positive influence wherever you go. Your most important lesson is balance and wise choices that not only enhance joy but also maintain a level of stability. The natural positive energy between you can provide endless resources and options when times get tough.
Trine Mercury - Saturn: He helps you plan your life and give form and structure to your ideas. He knows how to advise you to help improve your life. You are able to solve problems in your relationship through careful and logical communication. Your conversations may be dry or overly serious at times, however.
Trine Mercury - Neptune: Jisung adds color to your life and inspires you. You share a similar appreciation for the arts and enjoy talking about artistic and spiritual topics. This is an aspect that indicates an ability to finish each other’s sentences.
Conjunction Venus - Jupiter: You genuinely care for each other and this relationship is filled with happiness and laughter. Often this aspect brings the same view on politics and religious issues. Mutual admiration of each other binds you in a loving relationship as you grow and prosper together.
Conjunction Mars - Pluto: Strong sexual attraction. There is an abundance of passion and intensity within the relationship that may be expressed healthily through sex. You feel more comfortable with your sexuality and primal urges and he may feel intimidated by this. He may turn to manipulation in order to feel like he has some control over the relationship. This aspect may bring out some competitiveness in you. You’re very protective of one another. Your actions and feelings are extreme. Any fights you have will be dramatic.
Conjunction Jupiter - Saturn: You can achieve a lot together. This is especially good for business relationships. You bring the overall plan and he works out the practical details. This combination represents the ability to bring visions and hopes into reality. Any shared goals and joint projects will be successful.
Opposition Moon - Pluto: Power struggles. Very intense feelings so the fear of losing each other is very prominent which leads to jealousy and possessiveness. You generate a lot of intense emotions in each other and this can be very overwhelming at times. He can be overly controlling and manipulative at times.
Opposition Venus - Pluto: Another aspect that could bring a power struggle. You will definitely experience issues with possessiveness and jealousy. Your relationship is intense and is not to be taken lightly. He wants to have the upper hand in the relationship. There is an intense fear of losing each other so jealous and manipulative behavior occurs easily. Try to avoid controlling behavior and being possessive of each other.
Opposition Jupiter - Pluto: You have different opinions on morality, ethics, religion, and spirituality. You actively challenge his views. You both have valid points of view when looking from your vantage points. Recognizing this point is the first step toward the awareness you seek and the fulfillment of the promise that brought you together.
Opposition Saturn - Pluto: You feel a need for security and you project these needs onto him, holding him personally responsible when you feel vulnerable. His pluto has a tendency to let out his emotions on you no matter how hurtful. He allows his emotions to get all pent up and he explodes on you. As time goes on you may forget what it was that even attracted you to each other in the first place.
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I hope you like it! Feel free to request again at any time~
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eviestrol · 4 years
Synastry Ship - yourlevanter
hi! i absolutley loved the synastry ship you did for me! thank you so much 🤍 if you don’t mind, can i request one again for ateez’s san? thank you! i can also send my natal chart again if you need, just let me know~
@yourlevanter Thanks for requesting!!
Sextile Sun - Sun: You have similar objectives in life and you complement each other well. You encourage each other and feel comfortable in each other’s presence.
Conjunction Moon - Mercury: You instinctively know what he is feeling and what he wants to say. You enjoy long, intimate conversations with each other and it is easy to share how you feel. Your feelings and his way of thinking are very compatible with each other.
Sextile Mercury - Mars: You enjoy being together and this aspect makes your connection very passionate. He will help you become more direct with your feelings. Conversations will be lively and productive.
Trine Mercury - Jupiter: San will be enthusiastic about your thoughts and ideas, stimulating you to learn more and to expand your opinions. Conversations can be lively, positive, and inspiring. Communication is open and flowing. There can be a strong bond of friendship based upon the enjoyment of sharing ideas and opinions. You love to learn and share opinions together and can enjoy a lot of laughter and enjoyable conversations.
Square Venus - Mars: This is likely to be a stormy and fiery relationship. The romantic attraction between you is very strong, but your feelings are often not in tune with each other. You may sometimes find he comes on too strong and may be taken aback by his directness. Jealousy and possessiveness are also likely. There can be arguments and problems that arise with regard to how one gives love and what the other needs.
Square Venus - Jupiter: Your negative issues will arise mostly from overdoing or overspending in one way or another. You have a good time together, but you don’t agree on how or how much to enjoy them. You both like to enjoy yourselves, take vacations, etc but your problems come from lack of planning. You may find it hard not to go overboard. The desire for instant gratification comes up regularly and you will need to learn to deal with it effectively. Be careful of having too high expectations or promising more than you can give. Taking up a sport together would be a good outlet for your restless energies.
Opposition Venus - Neptune: A fairytale went wrong. Your Venus tends to idealize your partner. Instead of falling in love with the real San you may fall in love with an idealized version of him. He may feel like you don’t love him for the real him and this causes him to feel like he can’t measure up to your expectations. However, if you are able to get over this you will experience true love.
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I hope you like it! Feel free to request again at any time~
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eviestrol · 4 years
Synastry Ship - heyhyunjae
hello :) this is for synastry! i wasnt too sure which of these were the correct screenshots so i will just send them all,,, and thank you!!
HI its me again i forgot to memtion but this is for joshua from svt lmao
@heyhyunjae Thanks for requesting!!
Sextile Sun - Jupiter: You support each other’s dreams and ambitions. You are willing to assist each other materially and emotionally to succeed. He appreciates you just the way you are. You are likely to be friends as well as lovers. You will defend and protect each other when needed. You easily trust each other.
Trine Moon - Lunar Node: Strong emotional connection. Very loving and tender relationship.
Trine Mercury - Saturn: He helps you plan your life and give form and structure to your ideas. He knows how to advise you to help improve your life. You are able to solve problems in your relationship through careful and logical communication. Your conversations may be dry or overly serious at times, however.
Trine Mars - Mars: When problems arise, you often agree upon the best course of action. It is favorable for situations involving teamwork and problem-solving. Whether you’re working actively together towards a common goal or pursuing separate interests, you are supportive of one another. You might feel that together, you can accomplish pretty much anything and can overcome any obstacles.
Sextile Mars - Saturn: This aspect could indicate a long-term commitment and shows a sexual relationship that has the strength and durability to last. You both supply what the other needs from a sexual relationship and this relationship can be very sensual and erotic.
Square Sun - Mercury: The two of you do not always see eye-to-eye on issues, and it can be very easy for him to become critical of your plans or course of action. This means that there can be many misunderstandings but more so hurt feelings. The way you communicate with each other can be aggressive. There can be criticism, dispute, and generally squaring off in communication. Pride could be hurt by sharp words, and it can sometimes be difficult to find that natural flow of communication. Both of you have strong opinions that differ from each other’s perspective. However, with this placement you can both learn so much from each other, so rather than forcing your opinions on each other, learn what you can from each other.
Square Sun - Uranus: Lots of people view this as a relationship that is destined to fail. You are strongly attracted at your first meeting, but this relationship can end as quickly as it started. Uranus is unpredictable and hates being suppressed. He may feel trapped in this relationship and desperately tries to break away from you. You may try to control him and help get rid of this impulsivity, but this just pushes him further away. This relationship will always be non-traditional and unpredictable. You may be separated at key moments, and may not be able to truly rely on one another in the long-term.
Square Jupiter - Uranus: This indicates impulsive, extravagant interactions that could influence each other to get involved in unwise, get-rich-quick schemes. There is a mutual love of travel, adventure, and unusual experiences that can prove costly and dangerous. You tend to challenge each other’s assumptions about life and relationships by impulsively experimenting with new approaches toward partnership. You have different preferences where personal friends are concerned and may dislike each other’s friends.
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I hope you like it! Feel free to request again at any time~
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eviestrol · 4 years
Synastry Ship - kpop-shite
Hi love! I hope your week is going well! I was wondering if I could have a private synastry ship with Mark Lee? Thank you so so much! Please stay safe and healthy!
@kpop-shite Thanks for requesting!
Conjunction Sun - Neptune: You feel connected to each other from the beginning. You are likely to fall in love very quickly. Deep understanding and acceptance flow naturally between you. You’re both highly sensitive to each other’s needs, moods, and feelings. This is a relationship where you can finish each other’s sentences.
Trine Sun - Pluto: Very strong and supportive aspect. You will experience a lot of magnetism and sexual passion towards each other. You feel you can trust each other and feel safe when you’re together. You have a safe place to work out old fears. You want the best for each other. There is a great opportunity for transformation in this aspect.
Trine Moon - Mars: You are instinctively drawn to each other and feel a strong connection to each other. This aspect can cause Mark to be very touchy and you are in tune with each other physically. You are likely to take risks, initiate new ventures together, and be more cooperative than competitive when it comes to sharing interests. 
Conjunction Mercury - Neptune: There is a lot of intuitive, subliminal communication going on between the two of you. He will bring out the poet and dreamer in you. However, communications on practical matters may suffer and you both need to be wary of exaggerating, hiding, or deceiving each other.
Conjunction Mercury - Lunar node: This aspect indicates a strong intellectual connection. The two of you enjoy communicating and exchanging ideas. You open his mind to different ways of thinking.
Trine Mars - Mars: When problems arise, you often agree upon the best course of action. It is favorable for situations involving teamwork and problem-solving. Whether you’re working actively together towards a common goal or pursuing separate interests, you are supportive of one another. You might feel that together, you can accomplish pretty much anything and can overcome any obstacles.
Opposition Sun - Mercury: You become aware of ideas you may never have thought of on your own. You find yourself defending your point of view in most of your conversations. You have different opinions, different perspectives which causes misunderstandings. However, you can learn a lot from each other. Don’t force your opinions on each other and learn what you can from each other.
Square Sun - Saturn: You may feel restricted and discouraged by him. His Saturn has a tendency to criticize or judge you. He may feel you are being too sensitive to his criticism. There is an element of truth to both viewpoints: Saturn tends to be too critical and Sun tends to be too sensitive. You may try to ignore the problem, but ignoring the problem will not cause the problem to disappear. This is a relationship that can help both of you mature a great deal; you are able to build a secure, stable life together and face many challenges and responsibilities together that you have been trying to avoid. However, the tendency to become overly concerned with your responsibilities and be too conservative, cautious, and restrictive towards each other must not get out of hand, or you will both feel severely confined and restricted by being together.
Opposition Mercury - Mercury: You see things in different ways and approach problems differently. It may be hard to solve problems together without getting into arguments.
Square Mercury - Jupiter: You could frequently interrupt each other or compete for the floor. There could be problems with following through on too-grand plans or promising more than can be delivered. He may find you too-rational and he may come across as haughty and impractical. There can be a lack of understanding or a lack of ability to relate to one another’s perceptions and ideas.
Opposition Mars - Saturn: You feel like you are constantly judged. He may make you feel childish and attempt to control you. He may criticize everything you do, from the way you behave to the way you dress. It is very hard to overcome this aspect as the more you try to assert yourself the more disapproving he becomes.
Square Jupiter - Neptune: You will most likely encourage each other’s self-indulgent tendencies. Both of you could neglect domestic responsibilities. You may think he is too immersed in a private dream world and he may find you too traditional.
Square Jupiter - Lunar node: One of you will dominate the other. Your major life goals don’t line up.
Square Saturn - Uranus: With this aspect, Saturn is more conservative and Uranus has more radical or liberal views. You will need to learn to relax a bit and he will need to not be so quick-tempered and nervous when things don’t move as fast as he wants.
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I hope you like it! Feel free to request again at any time~
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eviestrol · 4 years
Synastry Ship - confusemonkey
Hello can i get synastry bts Taehyung please and thank you
@confusemonkey Thanks for requesting!!
Trine Sun - Venus: You bring out each other’s sweet side. You feel comfortable with each other and you get along seamlessly. You love being together because you make each other feel good and are both physically attracted. Acceptance and tolerance characterize the partnership.
Trine Sun - Jupiter: Tae always seems to give you the benefit of the doubt and trusts you at the end of the day. He helps you by opening new doors and building your self-confidence. Making each other smile is easy with this combination, and even if the relationship were to turn and you were to separate, positive memories and mutual respect would remain.
Conjunction Mars - Neptune: Lots of sexual creativity and you have a safe space to indulge in your sexual fantasies. This brings a lot of romance to your relationship, but there can also be a lot of deceit and manipulation. He’s more likely to let you take control of the relationship, both in and out of the bedroom. He admires your passion at first but may start to resent it if he feels like he can’t express his own passion openly. He is likely to become very dependent on you and may turn to manipulation if he thinks that he has a chance of losing you. 
Sextile Mars - Pluto: This aspect indicates intense sexual desires within the relationship. There is a sense of competitiveness in this relationship. You will need to find a healthy way to express this or power games could become an extremely intense theme of your relationship. Lots of passion and attachment.
Conjunction Jupiter - Lunar node: Good intellectual understanding and you have confidence in each other.
Sextile Saturn - Uranus: You help put structure to his many ideas and he helps you open up and try new things. You help him focus and he brings joy and fun to your life. You balance each other out.
Sextile Saturn - Neptune: You help open each other to new ways of thinking. He helps open you up to all things spiritual or intangible and overcome any insecurities you may hold. You help ground his wild dreams and bring them into form. If you have a more cynical view of life he helps soften your soul and get in touch with your more emotional side.
Trine Saturn - Pluto: This aspect really helps to lend purpose and stability to your relationship. This relationship supports a lot of growth and transformation within each of you. You support each other’s journeys, and you trust and understand each other. You can help Tae control any compulsive behaviors by providing him with a stable and enduring environment. You teach him how to be more stable and patient. He can help you become more passionate about your ideas. This is also an indication that the two will work hard and long at your relationship and will be willing to do what it takes to make it work.
Opposition Mercury - Pluto: You challenge each other to think more deeply and to back up your ideas, but the intensity created from this can be overwhelming. You may hang on to old issues for too long. You do not see things in the same way and this creates issues and conflicts between you.
Opposition Venus - Pluto: An aspect that could bring a power struggle. You will definitely experience issues with possessiveness and jealousy. Your relationship is intense and is not to be taken lightly. He wants to have the upper hand in the relationship. There is an intense fear of losing each other so jealous and manipulative behavior occurs easily. Try to avoid controlling behavior and being possessive of each other.
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I hope you like it! Feel free to request again at any time~
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eviestrol · 4 years
Synastry Ship - my-sweetlalaland
hii can i have a synastry ship with nct’s jaehyun? thank you so much! hehe
@my-sweetlalaland Thanks for requesting!!
Sextile Sun - Neptune: You intuitively know how the other is feeling and may feel that you have found your soulmate. It’s easy to forgive each other and love flows easily between you two.
Sextile Sun - Lunar Node: You help each other throughout life. You understand each other and have confidence in each other.
Trine Moon - Mercury: You are able to talk about anything and everything without feeling self-conscious. You’ll find yourself talking all night. You feel that you really understand each other and feel at home. You feel at ease right from the beginning.
Square Sun - Sun: Your differing personalities can lead to misunderstandings and frustration. You may find it hard to relate to each other. You may need to defend your life goals and basic personality which can be very draining. In order for this relationship to work, you will have to be willing to compromise and adapt. At its best, this relationship will cause great personal growth and maturity.
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I hope you like it! Feel free to request again at any time~
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eviestrol · 4 years
Synastry Ship - jaenipark
Hii it’s me again, i want to request synastry ship again with Juyeon The Boyz. Thank you and hope you stay healthy 💞💞
@jaenipark Thanks for requesting!!
Conjunction Sun - Mercury: Good communication. You enjoy learning new things together and sharing your point of view with each other. You work together effectively on daily chores, problems, or business activities.
Trine Moon - Lunar node: Strong emotional connection. Very loving and tender relationship.
Trine Venus - Saturn: Very good indication at a happy marriage. You both are dedicated to each other and are willing to put in the effort to make sure your relationship lasts.  
Trine Jupiter - Neptune: You support each other in expanding your horizons in intellectual and spiritual areas. You share a delight in common life explorations and a mystical way of looking at life.
Trine Saturn - Pluto: This aspect really helps to lend purpose and stability to your relationship. This relationship supports a lot of growth and transformation within each of you. You support each other’s journeys, and you trust and understand each other. You can help Juyeon control any compulsive behaviors by providing him with a stable and enduring environment. You teach him how to be more stable and patient. He can help you become more passionate about your ideas. This is also an indication that the two will work hard and long at your relationship and will be willing to do what it takes to make it work.
Square Sun - Saturn: You may feel restricted and discouraged by him. His Saturn has a tendency to criticize or judge you. He may feel you are being too sensitive to his criticism. There is an element of truth to both viewpoints: Saturn tends to be too critical and Sun tends to be too sensitive. You may try to ignore the problem, but ignoring the problem will not cause the problem to disappear. This is a relationship that can help both of you mature a great deal; you are able to build a secure, stable life together and face many challenges and responsibilities together that you have been trying to avoid. However, the tendency to become overly concerned with your responsibilities and be too conservative, cautious, and restrictive towards each other must not get out of hand, or you will both feel severely confined and restricted by being together.
Square Mars - Saturn: Very negative and discouraging aspect. Sex can be disappointing and criticism can lead to performance anxiety. It seems like no matter what you do, he is never happy. It’s easy for him to bring out your insecurities and tear you down. It’s easy for this relationship to turn verbally abusive. You are most likely to feel blocked and frustrated in this relationship. This is an aspect often found in the synastry charts of sexless marriages.
Square Mars - Uranus: He opens up your mind to new ways of doing things. These planets are very adventurous so this relationship will be very stimulating. However, he may try to push you too far out of your comfort zone. He helps you become more expressive and less reserved. Be careful not to boss him around as your mars is bound to do because he won’t appreciate it much.
Square Jupiter - Saturn: You may find him too traditional and overconcerned with status and materialistic matters while he thinks you’re too impractical and lacking ambition. You may have cultural differences that seem to stand in the way of your relationship growing.
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I hope you like it! Feel free to request again at any time~
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eviestrol · 4 years
Synastry Ship - Bitbit
Hi sweetheart! It’s me again 🤭💕 thank u so much for the last synastry, it was super cool! Now I was wondering if I can have a synastry ship with Yeonjun from TXT☺️ Thank you in advance for your hard work💕
Thanks for requesting!!
Conjunction Sun - Uranus: You may fall for each other pretty fast, but this is an unconventional and unstable relationship at times. Very spontaneous, but it’s hard to be able to truly depend and commit to each other. This aspect makes people more likely to be in open or polyamorous relationships. Keeping things exciting is the only way for this relationship to last. If you enjoy spontaneity and taking risks this relationship will be very fulfilling for you. If anything, this relationship will help you learn to cope with unpredictability better.
Sextile Sun - Pluto: You will have a platform to explore your deepest desires, fears, motivations, truths through your connection with Yeonjun and that will test you both. He provides you with a lot of support and encourages you to pursue your ambitions. He is able to unconsciously identify your needs and respond to them in a powerful, usually positive way. The communication between you should be good - both verbal and nonverbal. You’re able to talk things out effectively, but you don’t always need to verbalize your thoughts and feelings. Somehow, he’ll just know what you’re thinking and feeling.
Sextile Moon - Jupiter: You’re really happy and comfortable in each other’s presence. You’re comfortable with expressing your feelings and communication is very open and flowing. It’s easy to make each other laugh. You’re also always going out on adventures. Happiness and good fortune come easily when you’re together.
Conjunction Mercury - Neptune: There is a lot of intuitive, subliminal communication going on between the two of you. He will bring out the poet and dreamer in you. However, communications on practical matters may suffer and you both need to be wary of exaggerating, hiding, or deceiving each other.
Conjunction Venus - Lunar node: You have a good intellectual and physical understanding. You love each other sincerely and believe in each other.
Conjunction Mars - Pluto: Strong sexual attraction. There is an abundance of passion and intensity within the relationship that may be expressed healthily through sex. You feel more comfortable with your sexuality and primal urges and he may feel intimidated by this. He may turn to manipulation in order to feel like he has some control over the relationship. This aspect may bring out some competitiveness in you. You’re very protective of one another. Your actions and feelings are extreme. Any fights you have will be dramatic.
Opposition Sun - Lunar node: You will become friends very quickly and you can stimulate a lot of growth in each other. But, you may feel like he is more of a parent or teacher to you then a romantic partner. You have different goals in life and living together can be hard at times.
Square Mercury - Jupiter: You could frequently interrupt each other or compete for the floor. There could be problems with following through on too-grand plans or promising more than can be delivered. He may find you too-rational and he may come across as haughty and impractical. There can be a lack of understanding or a lack of ability to relate to one another’s perceptions and ideas. 
Opposition Mars - Jupiter: You may go too far and take too many risks while together. You may also promise more than you can deliver. You stimulate each other’s desire to experience new and exciting things. You’re more impulsive and willing to take risks while together. This is a good aspect for the sexual side of your relationship. You are able to be open about your sexual desires without feeling self-conscious.
Square Mars - Neptune: It is very easy for this relationship to become manipulative. He will be fascinated by your leadership and power but may become overwhelmed by it over time. Mars has the tendency to take control over the relationship and Yeonjun might start resenting this fact. Unless you are able to find a way to have equal control and respect this will be a very rough aspect.
Square Jupiter - Neptune: You will most likely encourage each other’s self-indulgent tendencies. Both of you could neglect domestic responsibilities. You may think he is too immersed in a private dream world and he may find you too traditional.
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I hope you like it! Feel free to request again at any time~
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eviestrol · 4 years
Synastry Ship - rr0zu
Hi love! I really liked the other synastry ship you did for me and was wondering if I could have another one with Johnny from nct127. Thank you so much in advance!!
@rr0zu Thanks for requesting!!
Sextile Moon - Mars: Powerful attraction and fascination with each other. You have a soothing effect on him and he encourages you to be more confident and brave. You feel you can be open about your feelings and desires. The relationship has a very animated and lively quality.
Trine Mercury - Jupiter: Johnny will be enthusiastic about your thoughts and ideas, stimulating you to learn more and to expand your opinions. Conversations can be lively, positive, and inspiring. Communication is open and flowing. There can be a strong bond of friendship based upon the enjoyment of sharing ideas and opinions. You love to learn and share opinions together and can enjoy a lot of laughter and enjoyable conversations.
Conjunction Mercury - Uranus: You guys tend to make decisions quickly and impulsively. This makes your relationship fun and exciting but make sure to take more care with important matters. The two of you grow intellectually when you are together, and there is a true feeling of learning and going somewhere in the relationship. He challenges and changes your way of thinking. Discovering alternative ways of seeing the world and living in it are essential attractions in your relationship.
Sextile Mercury - Pluto: Your relationship will clarify and resolve past relationship issues that have limited you in the past, leaving you with a greater understanding of yourself and Johnny. You feel like you can tell each other anything and you feel very close to each one another.
Sextile Venus - Neptune: Highly romantic and dreamy relationship. You constantly catch yourselves daydreaming of each other. You are enchanted by your relationship and each other. You have a very deep bond and there are a lot of romantic moments. Candlelight, moonlit escapades, and fairytale-like conditions abound!
Sextile Mars - Saturn: This aspect could indicate a long-term commitment and shows a sexual relationship that has the strength and durability to last. You both supply what the other needs from a sexual relationship and this relationship can be very sensual and erotic.
Sextile Jupiter - Uranus: Very adventurous and fun relationship. You seem to encourage each other’s unconventional and unique side and you come up with highly unusual and novel ideas. You don’t expect the relationship to follow all the traditional norms or expectations. There is a lot of spontaneous energy in your relationship. Be careful you don’t get too carried away with excitement and end up overdoing things. You are very supportive of each other and will share many of the same philosophies or at least be open to the others.
Conjunction Jupiter - Pluto: You brighten and bring optimism to his life. He will cause you to question your beliefs and opinions and add depth to your life. You cause each other to grow and improve.
Square Sun - Mercury: The two of you do not always see eye-to-eye on issues, and it can be very easy for him to become critical of your plans or course of action. This means that there can be many misunderstandings but more so hurt feelings. The way you communicate with each other can be aggressive. There can be criticism, dispute, and generally squaring off in communication. Pride could be hurt by sharp words, and it can sometimes be difficult to find that natural flow of communication. Both of you have strong opinions that differ from each other’s perspective. However, with this placement you can both learn so much from each other, so rather than forcing your opinions on each other, learn what you can from each other.
Opposition Sun - Lunar node: You will become friends very quickly and you can stimulate a lot of growth in each other. But, you may feel like he is more of a parent or teacher to you then a romantic partner. You have different goals in life and living together can be hard at times.
Opposition Mars - Lunar node: Strong sexual attraction, but perhaps too much so. At times, you may be controlling and possessive which holds back his development.
Square Jupiter - Lunar node: One of you will dominate the other. Your major life goals don’t line up.
Square Saturn - Uranus: With this aspect, Saturn is more conservative and Uranus has more radical or liberal views. You will need to learn to relax a bit and he will need to not be so quick-tempered and nervous when things don’t move as fast as he wants.
Square Saturn - Neptune: This is generational so its effects are much less obvious and over the long term. Saturn believes in hard work, responsibility, and the practical side of life while Neptune has a good grasp on the intangible and psychic side of things. Johnny may feel a loss of self-esteem and creativity if you demand that he face reality and adopt your way of doing things. You will have to learn how to blend his point of view with your own to gain a greater overall perspective. That’s the only way you’ll get along.
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I hope you like it! Feel free to request again at any time~
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eviestrol · 4 years
Synastry Ship - grandmaster-blueberry-ice
Hi again! I really love your ships they're amazing. I was wondering I could have another synastry ship, but with got7 Youngjae this time? Thank you again, these ships are truly amazing 💕
@grandmaster-blueberry-ice Thanks for requesting!!
Trine Sun - Uranus: You truly feel like you can be yourself in this relationship. You encourage each other to be yourself and to have hobbies that allow you to grow. This is not a suffocating relationship, and there are frequent changes and new discoveries that keep you on your toes and feeling like you are moving forward. This relationship is highly creative for you and a lot of fun; there is a sense of discovery and excitement that drives you to reach further into your own consciousness than ever before.
Sextile Sun - Pluto: You will have a platform to explore your deepest desires, fears, motivations, truths through your connection with Youngjae and that will test you both. He provides you with a lot of support and encourages you to pursue your ambitions. He is able to unconsciously identify your needs and respond to them in a powerful, usually positive way. The communication between you should be good - both verbal and nonverbal. You’re able to talk things out effectively, but you don’t always need to verbalize your thoughts and feelings. Somehow, he’ll just know what you’re thinking and feeling.
Conjunction Moon - Jupiter: You evoke joy, hope, goodwill, and a sense of adventure in each other. So much so that you could also be easily induced to overdo and overextend yourselves in various ways. You are likely to stimulate a wealth of feelings in each other and a generally open-minded attitude. You probably want the good life and all that it implies for you. As a team, you can be a beacon of encouragement, hope, and positive influence wherever you go. Your most important lesson is balance and wise choices that not only enhance joy but also maintain a level of stability. The natural positive energy between you can provide endless resources and options when times get tough. 
Trine Mercury - Uranus: You have a lively intellectual relationship and are often able to finish each other’s sentences. Open communication figures strongly in your relationship. Conversations about unconventional approaches to living or inventive technology give you inspiration and increased mental vigor.
Sextile Mercury - Pluto: Your relationship will clarify and resolve past relationship issues that have limited you in the past, leaving you with a greater understanding of yourself and Youngjae. You feel like you can tell each other anything and you feel very close to each one another.
Sextile Venus - Venus: You express love and affection in similar ways or you at least appreciate the way the other expresses love. You have similar tastes and values.  This also suggests that you tend to cooperate with one another on a basic level, and creating harmony between the two of you is one of your priorities. You feel at ease in one another’s company.
Conjunction Venus - Lunar node: You have a good intellectual and physical understanding. You love each other sincerely and believe in each other.
Square Moon - Lunar node: You encourage each other’s bad habits and you may feel smothered in this relationship.
Square Venus - Jupiter: Your negative issues will arise mostly from overdoing or overspending in one way or another. You have a good time together, but you don’t agree on how or how much to enjoy them. You both like to enjoy yourselves, take vacations, etc but your problems come from lack of planning. You may find it hard not to go overboard. The desire for instant gratification comes up regularly and you will need to learn to deal with it effectively. Be careful of having too high expectations or promising more than you can give. Taking up a sport together would be a good outlet for your restless energies.
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I hope you like it! Feel free to request again at any time~
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eviestrol · 4 years
Synastry Ship - 🌺
can i have a synastry ship w hongjoong? thank you sm!! -🌺
Thanks for requesting!!
Trine Sun - Sun: You’re similar in personality and have similar perspectives. You feel understood, appreciated, recognized, and affirmed by one another. You compliment each other. 
Conjunction Sun - Moon: Very good indicator of a long-lasting, stable relationship. It will be very easy to endure almost any hardship you come across. It’s easy for you two to understand each other’s moods and needs. He’s very supportive of you.
Trine Sun - Venus: You bring out each other’s sweet side. You feel comfortable with each other and you get along seamlessly. You love being together because you make each other feel good and are both physically attracted. Acceptance and tolerance characterize the partnership.
Trine Sun - Jupiter: He always seems to give you the benefit of the doubt and trusts you at the end of the day. He helps you by opening new doors and building your self-confidence. Making each other smile is easy with this combination, and even if the relationship were to turn and you were to separate, positive memories and mutual respect would remain.
Conjunction Moon - Venus: Very sweet and tender relationship. You have a lot in common so it’s easy to create a bond. Even mundane activities are more enjoyable because you enjoy each other’s company that much. This aspect makes it easier to work together and smoothes over any arguments that come up.
Trine Mercury - Jupiter: He will be enthusiastic about your thoughts and ideas, stimulating you to learn more and to expand your opinions. Conversations can be lively, positive, and inspiring. Communication is open and flowing. There can be a strong bond of friendship based upon the enjoyment of sharing ideas and opinions. You love to learn and share opinions together and can enjoy a lot of laughter and enjoyable conversations.
Square Sun - Neptune: This relationship seems to promise more than it can deliver. You’re more attracted to each other’s appearance rather than their personality. You tend to idealize each other and have a hard time when the person’s real personality comes out. He may promise more than he can deliver in order to please you and this leads to many disappointments. You need to be extra clear of what you want in this relationship and be open about who you really are in order for this to work. 
Square Moon - Uranus: This relationship is likely to have begun quite suddenly. Moments of exhilaration are followed by feelings that you are acting in a way that challenges your need for emotional stability. You may not get the security or stability you crave, but there won’t ever be a boring moment.
Square Mercury - Mars: This aspect shows difficulty in communicating; debate and arguments are a frequent result. If this relationship is going to work, there needs to be a lot of room for compromise. You both may have different ideas or ways of communicating. You both can learn from each other’s perspective, there is no need to always be right. Avoid trying to force opinions onto each other, or attempting to one-up each other on a mental level. Different points of view can turn into full-fledged arguments all too easily with this combination.
Square Mars - Pluto: Strong sexual attraction. The problem is both planets are powerful and usually very stubborn. You both have strong desires that don’t always align. At its worst, there seems to be an underlining competition between you two or a great deal of pride and controlling tendencies. Both of you will need to be very mature and willing to compromise in order for this relationship to not turn ugly.
Square Jupiter - Pluto: You have different opinions on how to handle finances. You look at life and relationships from different vantage points. You just disagree on almost everything. You are tempted to challenge the other person on their opinions and this can very easily divide you two. Compromises do not come easily with you two. 
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I hope you like it! Feel free to request again at any time~
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eviestrol · 4 years
Synastry Ship - 🎈
And idk if you’ve gotten sick of me yet 😅 I just think these are so interesting!! Could I have a synastry with Xiaojun form wayv? ~🎈
Thanks for requesting, love~
Trine Sun - Moon: Strong indicator of overall compatibility. This aspect is commonly found in married couples. This aspect makes it easier to handle difficult times and you are less likely to want to call it quits when life gets rough. The two of you have a lot in common and complement each other. He will be a great source of support for you.
Sextile Sun - Saturn: Great aspect for long term relationships. There is a sense of mutual dedication that keeps you two together even in difficult times. He will be very loyal and willing to make sacrifices for your relationship to last. You will work well together with practical tasks.
Sextile Moon - Uranus: You will never be bored with each other. You share the same sense of humor and both may enjoy shaking things up every once in a while. You feel comfortable with each other and are very open to subjects you usually never talk about with others. A very secure relationship based on trust.
Trine Moon - Lunar node: Strong emotional connection. Very loving and tender relationship.
Conjunction Mercury - Mercury: You think and speak similarly to each other. Your minds seem to be wired to approach problems and to handle mental tasks in similar ways. Seeing eye-to-eye is a plus in most circumstances.
Sextile Mercury - Lunar node: Similar tastes and interests. You will serve as teachers for each other and experience growth because of your relationship.
Sextile Venus - Saturn: You share mutual goals for material and emotional stability and have a willingness to focus together on the task at hand in order to achieve your desires. You can depend on each other and this is one indication of a long-term, significant relationship. You can count on each other, and you both take the relationship seriously. You are likely to make sacrifices for one another without even thinking twice.
Sextile Jupiter - Saturn: This is especially helpful in business relationships and you are very successful when you work together. This aspect helps you to think things through and work things out, as well as to make realistic plans together. You’re able to advise each other well and may enjoy debates. You have the overall plan and he works out the practical details. This combination represents the ability to bring visions and hopes into reality.
Opposition Sun - Neptune: There may be issues of trust. You may have too high or unrealistic expectations of each other. He doesn’t want to let you down so Xiaojun may pretend to be something that he’s not to please you. There is a magical connection that makes expectations too hard to live up to. Try to be honest with each other and not make the person into something that they’re not.
Opposition Venus - Uranus: You can’t count on each other to be there when you need them. You two may be separated from each other, physically or emotionally, at key moments of the relationship. This relationship is erratic and unstable.
Square Mars - Neptune: It is very easy for this relationship to become manipulative. He will be fascinated by your leadership and power but may become overwhelmed by it over time. Mars has the tendency to take control over the relationship and Xiaojun might start resenting this fact. Unless you are able to find a way to have equal control and respect this will be a very rough aspect.
Square Mars - Pluto: Strong sexual attraction. The problem is both planets are powerful and usually very stubborn. You both have strong desires that don’t always align. At its worst, there seems to be an underlining competition between you two or a great deal of pride and controlling tendencies. Both of you will need to be very mature and willing to compromise in order for this relationship to not turn ugly.
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I hope you like it! Feel free to request again at any time~
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eviestrol · 4 years
Synastry Ship - karenbcy
Hello again sweetie 💞 could I have a Synastry Ship with Yeji from Itzy please? Thank you and I hope you have a good day! ❣️
@karenbcy Thanks for requesting!!
Sextile Sun - Sun: You have similar objectives in life and you complement each other well. You encourage each other and feel comfortable in each other’s presence.
Conjunction Sun - Lunar node: A strong bond exists between you. This relationship is always moving forward and you bring out the best in each other. Yeji will feel drawn towards you because she feels that there is a future she could have with you.
Conjunction Mercury - Saturn: You tend to talk about and discuss practical plans and avoid idle chatter. You will do an excellent job together on mutual goals that require the gathering and organization of information. However, communication issues can arise in this aspect. Yeji will help you clarify and define ideas but can end up coming across as overcritical at times. She will have to be careful not to interrupt or judge you when you share your ideas. You will be more able to solve problems, work on serious issues, and focus on practical concerns, but you may feel inhibited about sharing thoughts and ideas which might not be met with approval. Also, your conversations tend to focus on serious topics or practical affairs and business, which can become dull for one or both of you.
Sextile Mercury - Neptune: You have similar interests and share a similar appreciation for the arts. Conversations will flow easily and you finish each other’s sentences. You will generate a lot of energy and creativity between you two. A risk of this aspect is that this can be a meeting of minds more so than physical. It’s great for platonic relationships.
Conjunction Venus - Lunar node: You have a good intellectual and physical understanding. You love each other sincerely and believe in each other.
Trine Saturn - Uranus: You help bring structure or form to her ideas. She helps you open up and try new things. You would work great together on business projects and you are great at problem-solving when together.
Square Venus - Uranus: You can’t count on each other to be there when you need them. You two may be separated from each other, physically or emotionally, at key moments of the relationship. This relationship is erratic and unstable.
Opposition Jupiter - Neptune: It is hard for you two to focus on practical responsibilities. You stimulate and feed each other’s imagination. There’s a big amount of idealism in your relationship but this often becomes a cover to deny reality and the associated responsibilities.
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I hope you like it! Feel free to request again at any time~
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eviestrol · 4 years
Synastry Ship - 🌌
may i request again a synastry ship with Yeosang from ATEEZ? thanks so much in advance! : ) - 🌌
Thanks for requesting!!
Conjunction Sun - Mercury: Good communication. You enjoy learning new things together and sharing your point of view with each other. You work together effectively on daily chores, problems, or business activities.
Sextile Sun - Saturn: Great aspect for long term relationships. There is a sense of mutual dedication that keeps you two together even in difficult times. He will be very loyal and willing to make sacrifices for your relationship to last. You will work well together with practical tasks.
Trine Mercury - Uranus: You have a lively intellectual relationship and are often able to finish each other’s sentences. Open communication figures strongly in your relationship. Conversations about unconventional approaches to living or inventive technology give you inspiration and increased mental vigor.
Conjunction Venus - Saturn: This is a deep and serious relationship. You feel very secure with each other and you both feel comfortable making a lasting commitment to each other. However, the relationship tends to highlight the importance of responsibility and loyalty to one another, and you may cut yourselves off from other people or from the activities you enjoyed before you came together. This can become a rather joyless union unless you can build enough time for fun and play into your lives and thereby not become burdened by the demands of the relationship.
Trine Venus - Uranus: Your relationship will never be boring. You may share some unusual interests, and you are usually accepting of one another’s social life, tastes, and hobbies. There may be something pleasingly unconventional about your relationship. This aspect adds quite a bit of sizzle to your relationship and it never seems to grow stale. You draw out of each other a desire to be more authentic to your unique abilities and encourage one another to be more creative.
Sextile Venus - Lunar node: Pleasant home life. You love each other sincerely and trust in one another. Good intellectual and physical understanding.
Sextile Mars - Pluto: This aspect indicates intense sexual desires within the relationship. There is a sense of competitiveness in this relationship. You will need to find a healthy way to express this or power games could become an extremely intense theme of your relationship. Lots of passion and attachment.
Trine Jupiter - Pluto: This aspect indicates that as a couple you will have much luck and fortune in your pursuit of material and spiritual gains. You will be supportive of each other’s philosophy and encourage each other to expand and explore life mysteries and secrets. He offers you a lot of emotional support for your ideas, and in return, you help him to understand the changes he goes through as a human being throughout your connection.
Trine Saturn - Pluto: This aspect really helps to lend purpose and stability to your relationship. This relationship supports a lot of growth and transformation within each of you. You support each other’s journeys, and you trust and understand each other. You can help Yeosang control any compulsive behaviors by providing him with a stable and enduring environment. You teach him how to be more stable and patient. He can help you become more passionate about your ideas. This is also an indication that the two will work hard and long at your relationship and will be willing to do what it takes to make it work.
Conjunction Saturn - Lunar node: He helps you achieve your ambitions.
Opposition Sun - Pluto: This is a very intense aspect. You want to know everything about each other. But, sometimes with this aspect, you can end up using each other’s deepest secrets against each other. This aspect indicates a power struggle. Yeosang wants to know everything about you, control and possess you, and wants to be a part of every facet of your life. This relationship can easily become possessive and frustrating. The bond between you will be hard to break, but it may not always be healthy.
Square Moon - Venus: You have conflicting desires and needs. It is easy to feel undervalued by your partner. Your moods are not synchronized. One may be in a romantic mood while the other is not. It is easy to hurt each other’s feelings and not know exactly how much the other loves you. You will need to be very sympathetic and understanding with each other to get over conflicts caused by this aspect.
Opposition Moon - Saturn: This relationship has a serious feel to it right from the beginning. You may feel he is too judgmental and that he restrains you in some way. He feels you are too sensitive and needy while you think he is not emotionally available enough. While you may feel frustrated at times, this relationship is still likely to be a long-lasting one. Your hurt feelings and emotional distance are quickly followed by emotional reunions when you realize that you do indeed need each other desperately. You have a strong attachment to each other and working through these intimacy issues will help with personal growth while also bringing you closer together.
Opposition Mercury - Neptune: Trouble trusting each other. You have trouble understanding each other because you have different ways of communicating and have different perspectives. You may find each other intriguing at first because you’re so different from each other but mistrust tends to develop over time. Misunderstandings could plague the relationship if you are not careful. 
Square Venus - Jupiter: Your negative issues will arise mostly from overdoing or overspending in one way or another. You have a good time together, but you don’t agree on how or how much to enjoy them. You both like to enjoy yourselves, take vacations, etc but your problems come from lack of planning. You may find it hard not to go overboard. The desire for instant gratification comes up regularly and you will need to learn to deal with it effectively. Be careful of having too high expectations or promising more than you can give. Taking up a sport together would be a good outlet for your restless energies.
Opposition Mars - Uranus: He will help you become less reserved and more adventurous. Very stimulating and exciting relationship. He constantly tries to push you out of your comfort zone. However, at times, he may push you a bit too far. You may encourage one another to engage in reckless and impulsive behavior.
Opposition Jupiter - Saturn: You are not compatible with what you want in life and have different philosophies. He hinders your enthusiasm and slows you down at times. Your dreams may be too grandiose at times and he’ll help ground you in reality again. He can be too serious at times and he’ll have to learn how to loosen up.
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eviestrol · 4 years
Astro Compatibility - childcorrectionfacility-school
Heyo I’m back!! Anyway, can I get an Astro compatibly ship with BTS and TXT? Thank you!!
@childcorrectionfacility-school​ Thanks for requesting~ 
From BTS, you are most compatible with Jimin ♡
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From TXT, you are most compatible with Soobin ♡
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