evanlybuck · 2 days
just got an anon ask demanding i shut up about lou ferrigno jr.
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please feel free to use the block button the next time you are so inclined to send someone annoying anons trying to police what they post
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evanlybuck · 4 days
Eveytime i see Tommy & Buck, my brain screams whore but in affectionate way
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evanlybuck · 7 days
By the way if I was a showrunner for a show that just confirmed a character’s sexuality and saw concerted efforts to get that character taken off the show by slandering the actor and hacking his account, my first thought wouldn’t be “oh this is a show of passion for a ship! Better make it canon quicker!” Something to consider.
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evanlybuck · 7 days
I need a fic about Buck meeting Tommy's mother. Or if anyone has written one, someone let me know.
I'd write it myself but I get so busy and distracted sometimes.
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evanlybuck · 7 days
But do you realize Buck & Tommy regularly have dinner dates at home now when they don't feel like going out.
Like that's just a regular thing for them now.
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evanlybuck · 7 days
I dont want to hear anyone talking about Lou Ferrigno Jr being "fired" from the show when until the s7 finale, we have had misogynist, homophobic and racist, and zionist actors on this show. All these people have never been fired, so if you're gonna advocate for Lou to be fired, might as well start a petition for the show to be cancelled.
Go all the way! Go right ahead and #boycott911. Show me you actually care about real issues not because an actor is in the way of your ship!
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evanlybuck · 11 days
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Lou Ferrigno Jr. as Tommy Kinard in 9-1-1 -> 7x10 "All Fall Down"
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evanlybuck · 12 days
I always knew Tommy & Buck had nasty sex but now i know how kinky it gets.
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evanlybuck · 12 days
Personally, I want Buck & Tommy to last. I want them to say I love you. I want them to move in together. I want them to get married. I want them to have a kid or two.
I genuinely do. But seeing how certain parts of this fandom are reacting to Tommy and Lou (knowing very well if it was Eddie they would be loving it),
I hope Buck & Tommy are endgame, PURELY OUT OF SPITE.
And if they do break up, I hope Buck and his best friend, stay just best friends.
I hope that ship never goes canon purely out of spite.
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evanlybuck · 12 days
I just had to unfollow that 911 update page on Twitter.
A gay man makes a sex joke and people are up in arms. Insane, actaully.
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evanlybuck · 12 days
Tommy Kinard, the man that you are.
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evanlybuck · 12 days
Am I the only one who cant wait for the season to be over?
For one, I'll stop thinking about the show so much and can read fanfics in peace ✌️
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evanlybuck · 15 days
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"I can give you lessons if you want"
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evanlybuck · 15 days
Spread the love!
LFJR is a badass man, just like Tommy is. These actors are grown-ups who know what showbiz is like and the polarizing views different fandoms can have. If they keep crying every time they see hate posts about themselves, they wouldn't survive in their careers as long as they do. They wouldn't let silly children's toxic opinions impact themselves. And if need be, they are fully capable of voicing and defending themselves. If you love and appreciate LFJR's work, let him know that! That's more important. Stop feeling sorry and crying and publicising about what the haters do. Just stop it!
Also, if you need a testimony of how well Lou can take it, see this mid-season interview snippet below (He sees the BoB hate but he still chooses to celebrate all the love the rest and most of us have for him and Tommy and Tevan, plus his faith in Tim!) ⬇️
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So relax and stop worrying about things he can handle on his own. Just spread the love, it will always reach him and make a hell lot of difference than you being upset over the actions of some dimwit crackpots!
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evanlybuck · 15 days
Since i refuse to believe we'll lose Bobby this season. *taps mic* 🎤
I'd like a scene next season where Buck and Tommy have dinner with the entire Grant-Nash family - that includes May and Harry.
Tommy needs to meet Buck's other siblings.
*taps mic again and speaks louder* 🎤🗣 I also need a scene of Tommy and Maddie interacting, since I'm putting in requests now
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evanlybuck · 15 days
How willl the conversation about having kids come up, you ask?
Well, it's gonna be a regular day at Buck or Tommy's house. Maybe they're watching a movie and Buck will literally say, "We should have a baby."
And Tommy will think about it for a second.
Buck's gonna add as an after thought, "I know we haven't talked about having kids."
Tommy's gonna interrupt, "We haven't but I'm open to the idea - with you."
Buck's gonna smile.
Then Tommy's gonna say, "Should we start trying now?"
And Buck's gonna answer, "Probably."
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evanlybuck · 19 days
Where's the fic about this? Buck showing up visibly pregnant at the award ceremony 😂
Okay I privated that post because it was too dark but I still want the record of the thinking out loud.
Time for some humor!
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Damn Tommy, fast work on getting him pregnant!
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