etneilla · 4 years
send “bleeding out” for a starter where your muse is bleeding out and mine has to help them. add “reverse” for the roles to be switched!
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etneilla · 4 years
inspired  by  devotedecay’s  non - sexual  acts  of  dominance  meme  ! send  in  one  of  these  for  my  muse’s  reaction  to  … (  add  ❝  reverse  ❞   if  you’d  like  to  see  how  my  muse  would  preform  the  action  !  )
[ shower ]   your muse joining mine in the shower.
[ choke ]   your muse choking mine.
[ kiss + soft ]   your muse pulling mine into a tender kiss.
[ kiss + rough ]   your muse pulling mine into a rough kiss.
[ pin ]   your muse pinning mine down.
[ wrists ]   your muse roughly grabbing mine by the wrists.
[ push ]   your muse pushing mine into bed.
[ rip + clothing ]   your muse tearing a piece of clothing off my muse.
[ spank ]   your muse spanking mine.
[ pull ]   your muse pulling my muses hair.
[ talk ]   your muse talking dirty to mine.
[ eyes ]   your muse making mine look them in the eyes during.
[ down ]   your muse pulling mine down by their collar / clothes.
[ knees ]   your muse telling mine to get on their knees.
[ hips ]   your muse pulling mine in close by the hips.
[ denial ]   your muse putting mine through orgasm denial.
[ many ]   your muse making mine orgasm over and over.
[ tied ]   your muse tying my muse down.
[ lazy ]   your muse lazily beginning to touch mine.
[ love ]   your muse telling mine they love them during.
[ dominance ]   your muse taking the lead and dominating mine.
[ submission ]   your muse letting mine take the lead and submitting to them.
[ humiliation ]   your muse humiliating mine, re: name-calling and verbal abuse.
[ pain ]   your muse hurting mine in bed, whether intentionally or not.
[ knife ]   your muse using a knife in bed, whether for threat or actually cutting mine.
[ hidden ]   your muse having sex with mine somewhere semi-public.
[ public ]   your muse having sex with mine in public, whee other people watch.
[ adore ]   your muse being near reverent with mine in bed.
[ dress ]   your muse having mine dress up in lingerie.
[ eat ]   your muse eating mine out.
[ sleep ]   your muse touching / beginning to have sex with mine while they’re asleep.
[ gag ]   your muse gagging mine, or or making them be quiet.
[ blindfold ]   your muse blindfolding mine.
[ praise ]   your muse praising mine in bed.
[ good ]   your muse calling mine a good boy / girl.
[ want ]   your muse telling mine they want them.
[ snarl ]   your muse growling and / or baring their teeth at mine during sex.
[ mark ]   your muse purposefully marking mine up with bruises, hickies, ect.
[ wall ]   your muse shoving mine up against a wall.
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etneilla · 4 years
training turned tension starters
Or more specifically, “two characters who have been sparring or in combat training together and almost kiss at the end of their practice fight”. As requested ! Feel free to make any changes.
“Is that the best you can do?”
“I won’t go easy on you.” / “I’ll go easy on you.” / “Quit going easy on me.”
“Hit me with your best shot.”
“You need to do better if you want to meet your goal.”
“I’ve been wanting to kick your ass all week.”
“Is this necessary?”
“Try again.”
“You’re pissing me off.” / “If you’re mad, why don’t you use your anger? Beat me at least once.”
“Here, let me show you how.”
“Woah! [falls on top of __]” 
“Nice moves.”
“[pins __ to floor]” / “[pins __ to wall]”
“You’re…really close right now.”
“G–get off of me.”
“You’re heavy.” / “You’re crushing me.”
“Sorry–are you okay?”
“You’re really red right now.”
“…Do we always end up on top of each other?”
“Are you still panting?”
“I told you, it was an accident.”
“…Why don’t you just kiss me?”
“I’ll consider kissing you if you can beat me.”
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etneilla · 4 years
Fuck, Marry, Get Drunk With. Send me 3 names.
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etneilla · 4 years
Thread starters!
Send ☺ for a happy starter!
Send ☹ for a sad starter!
Send ✿ for a cute starter!
Send ♡ for a fluffy starter!
Send ☻ for an silly starter!
Send ღ for an angsty starter!
Send ❥ for a smutty starter!
Send ❤ for a romantic starter!
Send ✘ for a violent starter!
Send ¿ for a confused starter!
Send ϟ for an angry starter!
Send ❣ for an embarrassed starter!
Send ♪ for a lyric-based starter!
Send ∞ for an AU starter!
Send ¡ for a random starter!
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etneilla · 4 years
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𝐓𝐇𝐄        𝐈𝐃𝐄𝐀𝐋        𝐇𝐈𝐒𝐓𝐎𝐑𝐈𝐀𝐍        goes        to        the        mouth        of        the        tomb           .               cries           ;               LAZARUS        COME        FORTH           !                &        sets        him        that        was        dead        for        ages           ,           𝚋𝚕𝚒𝚗𝚔𝚒𝚗𝚐        &        𝚙𝚊𝚜𝚜𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚊𝚝𝚎           ,           in        the        sun           .
ind  sh.ingeki  no  k.yojin  multi-muse   (x)
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etneilla · 4 years
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“Don’t tell me to calm down.”  Solemn was of her tone and yet, it was delivered under a composed breath despite the fire raging within her sapphire irises. 
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etneilla · 4 years
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“So that means I’m abnormal… probably because I’ve seen too many abnormal things.”                                                                                                                                                       “But if Wall Rose were to be breached tomorrow… I’d be faster than any of you to react, and….”                                                                                                                                               “…To fight.”
Hey there! This is an independent roleplay blog for Levi of Shingeki no Kyojin - semi-selective and OC-friendly. I’ve recently returned from a long hiatus and am eager to get this blog up and running again. If you’re interested, please consider giving this post a like and/or reblog - and thank you so much!
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etneilla · 4 years
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“It’s almost eerie...how quiet everything is...”
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etneilla · 5 years
The things I would do just to have your lips pressed against mine.
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etneilla · 5 years
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“…I didn’t know who.” Levi’s voice is steady as he speaks, and his expression remains seemingly impassive. …It’s the same expression he had as when she’d sewn his wounds together with delicate hands. Pain is a sensation that Levi is long used to - and while each new injury hurt just as much as the last, you learnt how to handle it after a while. “If I did, this never would’ve happened.”
He looks to her face and meets her gaze. Guilt, sorrow… and maybe betrayal - all those emotions are obvious in her expression. “…But I suspected.” he adds.
Admittedly, he hadn’t expected them to be so bold as to try and outright assassinate her. The attempts on the old King’s life were few, though they certainly existed. …But the old monarchy had the Military Police - and Kenny, too - backing it up, as well as the nobles supporting it, with all the connections that entailed. Perhaps they saw Historia as a weak ruler… and those who disliked her policies had no hesitation in attempting to take advantage of that perceived weakness.
…He should’ve seen it coming sooner. It isn’t exactly his job to protect the Queen - but the military are the ones behind her rule to begin with. If they didn’t do everything they could to protect her, then what the hell were they doing? Everything they did would’ve all been for nothing.
“We should’ve taken action sooner.” he tells her, his words heavy with responsibility. It’s not like saying it will change the fact that they didn’t, and her life was almost taken for it - but he feels that he should all the same.
@etneilla ( continued from here! )
♔ — | His temperament astounded her and made her feel a bit foolish for how fast her heart was still beating even now. She clutched her chest, as if it was quell the anxiety forcing it to race without prevail.  He speaks with a wisdom she could not begin to comprehend. How did he suspect anything when he has barely been around the castle to witness its core rotting ever so silently?  She heard the whispers among the servants, seen the way some of the soldiers immediately bite their tongue when she surprises them from around the corner – and yet she was not prepared. 
 “…This is not your burden – Captain.” She lifted her head and looked at him sternly; she was speaking to him as a soldier again.  “This is my fault. I did not heed the many warnings I witnessed firsthand and instead chose to completely trust people I barely knew.” Her hands wouldn’t stop trembling – this apprehension was beyond anything she had faced when standing against the titans. At least she knew they would try and kill her without hesitation. But here, a smiling face could turn around and stab you in the back after vowing to protect your life. 
That’s right – it was her personal guard that threw her to the wolves. With her shaking hand, she gripped the small open wound left on her shoulder – hoping it would hide away its quivering state. “…If not for you – I would’ve suffered more than this mere wound.” A heavy sigh escaped her, eyes closing for a moment so that she could collect her thoughts. Trailing over the events that transpired up until this moment, she imagined the faces of men and women she trusted and tried desperately not to paint them as potential threats in her head. Gripping her shoulder even tighter, she grimaced – as her heart couldn’t find the strength to continue to trust in them any longer. ---  It hurt.
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 “…I’ve been so damn foolish.” All those years training to be a proper queen flew out the window in that moment she decided to talk like she used to.
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etneilla · 5 years
“What is that? Are there bandages under your shirt?” // from eren
Sentence Starters: 
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♔ — |  His words sent a chill down her spine, eyes widening at therealization that she was being careless in concealing her wounds. Quickly, shepulled her sleeve down her forearm, as if it would erase the fact that Eren hadnoticed it.  “I-It’s nothing.” She snickered nervously while refusing to make eye contact with the other. She couldn’t tell him she had gotten injured during training – he’d probably look down on her and she didn’t want that from anyone. That or scold her as queen she shouldn’t still be training. But, not everyone around her within the castle was her friend. The throne was a dangerous place and with those she trusted so far away, she could only rely on herself. But, how could she make him understand that?
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etneilla · 5 years
♔ — |   It was always like this – Historia was able to see her old comrades for a mere couple of moments before she was left in the wind. They had completely different lives than the one she had to lead – and honestly, it was lonely. Still, she tried to remain happy and understand that like them, she was still fighting to make everything better in her own way. Running into the Captain was shocking and his etiquette toward her despite the two being alone was even more surprising.  It put a smile on her face and quickly she shook away their rather unpleasant last encounter from her mind.  
Knowing she hardly had anyone she could turn to, as there was nothing but strange faces surrounding her – the blonde wished to convey a sentiment concealed beneath her heavy heart. She knew without a doubt she could trust Levi despite everything that had happened. After all, it was he who showed her she had to fight for what she wanted. That principle has stayed even after her fight against her father’s Titan form. 
 When the other threw an inquiry her way, she snapped from her cogitations and turned from the colorful blossoms and stared at him – a bit astonished he was asking such a question. A snicker hummed upon rose colored lips, azure irises shifting away from his view as she felt the need to lie and didn’t want her eyes to reveal her façade. “…It’s …different yet peaceful so I shouldn’t really complain.” She danced around the truth with empty words. Her smile faded and her eyes sharpened with a sense of sorrow, one she felt guilty for feeling. “It’s just ironic how before I was fighting for freedom and now –“ She turned to look at her cage, the castle walls. 
“…I’m caged in this place like a canary.” She missed being with everyone and physically making a difference. Sitting upon a throne and barking orders would take a lot of time getting used to. Turning to the Captain she said, “…I feel so ungrateful for feeling this way – but I also  miss everyone.”  ( I’m all alone surrounded by strangers – how am I supposed to find happiness in that? ) She said mentally, trying to look at everything in a more mature light. But, she wanted to feel and be selfish for once.
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etneilla · 5 years
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etneilla · 5 years
Hurt rp Starters
“Whoa, whoa, whoa! Slow down! You don’t want to get even more hurt, do you?”
“Tell me where it hurts.”
“Whoa, that’s purple… It looks like your shoulder is dislocated.”
“Oh my god. Are you okay?”
“You’re bleeding… You’re bleeding bad…”
“This is gonna hurt…”
“Holy crap! I may not know much about human anatomy, but legs don’t bend that way!”
“It’s all swollen up…”
“You have a black eye. Where you fighting with someone?”
“Okay… Okay, hospital. Hospital, now.”
“I think you have a concussion.”
“Calm down! Calm down! Your ankle is sprained, okay?”
“Here, lean on me.”
“I’m gonna need more bandaids…”
“What the hell happened to you!?”
“Here, I need to clean you up. This might sting a bit…”
“We need to get the bullet out…”
“Oh my god, you’ve been shot!”
“Did… did you get beat up!?”
“Just hold on. You’re gonna be fine…”
“Look out for that car!”
“Wake up! Oh god, please wake up!”
“You’re alive! Oh, thank god!”
“I’m no doctor, but you should have that looked at. It’s bleeding a lot…”
“What is that? Are there bandages under your shirt?”
“Why is your arm wrapped up like that? And are those blood stains!?”
“You must have hit the back of your head really hard.”
“Look at me. Just look at me and stay awake. Can you do that?”
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etneilla · 5 years
“we are all too young to die.” // from jean
♔ — |  “At what age do we finally accept we are old enough to die?” Historia said solemnly, treading over the other’s words carefully.  The scouts were the unsung heroes who were mostly condemned for their failures.  The deaths of many of their comrades did not truly affect society but only those who were left with a wound they could hardly bear. What good would dying right now do for either of them, especially at this young age? 
Gingerly, the blonde lifted her eyes from the ground and looked at the other, a soft expression painted across her face just before she said, “…Hey Jean – have you ever thought about…what you would’ve liked to become instead of a soldier?” She felt a bit foolish to ask something so childish. It was beyond them to dream and hold onto hope when they could likely die the very next moment. But, the air was becoming too heavy and it weighed on her heart to think about death. Sheepishly she looked away and chuckled as she went on to say, 
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“…You know…, if things were different; what kind of life you would’ve liked to have?”
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etneilla · 5 years
“i know it’s going to hurt.” ( if you're still taking them! )
♔ — | The wolves were on their way and with the only one willingto cut down another human life injured, the two were cornered. Historia’s handstrembled, needle and medical thread in hand, focusing with every fiber of herbeing on the gash etched upon the other’s once porcelain skin, stretching fromthe right shoulder blade downward. If such a wound were inflicted upon hersurely she wouldn’t have been able to outrun the enemies. 
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Selfishly, she was thankful Levi was there when the assassin’s revealed themselves from theshadow. Her free hand gripped his bare back, as if it would steady her shakinghand. She has never done something like this before – but the wound needed tobe closed. “ –I might hurt you.” She admitted and yet he replied that heknew it was going to hurt to begin with. Now she was stalling, mind franticover the entire situation at hand. It was difficult to swallow, but right nowshe needed to regain composure in order to make sure she didn’t mess up. Bitingdown on her lip, a look of determination came over her once terrifiedexpression and ever so thoughtfully, she pierced his skin and began to sew itall closed. 
Once it was done, she exhaled harshly a breath in which she heldthe entire time; panting as if she was the one getting stitched up. Withoutmuch thought, she ripped the cloth to her skirt and cleaned away the residue ofblood and saw just how well she did. A look of astonishment and relief paintedacross her visage just as a small smile of hope curved upon her lips. “…I thinkyou’re going to be okay!” It wasn’t as good as Sasha’s handy work but the youngqueen was proud of herself. Stepping back, the weight of guilt took away hersmall moment of joy. He got injured because she was too careless – too trustingand naïve. Even now at the age of 19, she was ignorant to the world around her. 
“…Did you know…there were traitors among the castle?” Her voice solemn.
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