eternalotus · 1 year
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breathe ; jiara
summary : the pogues return to the chateau after jj gets into a fight. he’s pissed like crazy as usual and kiara being the newly girlfriend she is helps him calm down and reassures him.
this is my first time writing a fic, my summers going pretty boring and i’ve been wanting to start writing stories, so enjoy!
Slamming the door shut to the twinkie, JJ cursed to himself stomping up the stairs of the chateau. “You gonna be able to deal with that?” Cleo looked at Kiara as she nodded her head. “I do all the time”. Just 30 minutes ago the pogues were all having fun at a bonfire, everything was going good until JJ saw some touron trying to get at his girl. He knows Kiara‘s a big girl and can handle herself but that dickwad had the nerve to start shouting at her, like a fucking maniac.
JJ thought that he the thought the alcohol in his system mad him trip for a second, next thing you know he was up on his feet pacing over seeing straight red.
flashback -
The sounds of music and laughter ringed through the crowd of teens. The boys were versing two kooks in ping pong, it was Pope’s turn to toss the ball he swapped places with John b whispering something in his ear laughing. “Come on bubba.” John B cheered him in giving him a quick shoulder massage. “Pope we can’t lose man get on his ass!” JJ stated.
They cheered him on while he concentrated, tossing the ball watching it skip each cup slowing down. The small crowd they had watched closely, the ball tilted into the last cup. Cheering his name, Pope dusted off his shoulders, taking the defeat the kook lifted the cup to his lips downing the whole drink, JJ howled “Atta boy Pope!” dabbing him up.
Suddenly feeling thirsty he lifted his cup to his lips expecting a cold tangy taste to hit his tongue but instead got nothing but a drop. “Yo, be back i needa a refill.” he shook his cup showing the boys, they waved him off.
Excusing himself through people making his way to the juice stand. Observing the opened cooler he stuck his hand in it, swaying his fingers searching for a beer. “Cold cold!” he squeaked feeling the ice cold water sting his digits, he swayed around for a few more seconds and grabbed a bottle hoping it was a beer.
Grabbing the can shaped object he pulled his hand out of the water and smirked. “JJ?” a voice spoke, he turned around and his eyes went wide-eyed seeing a green eyed blonde curly headed girl “Sa-Samantha?” he stuttered, she smiled “It’s been a long time.” she spoke.
“Uh….yeah” his voice sorta cracked, she giggled “My family came down to visit my aunts new baby, so i’m here for the whole week.” she said excitedly. He nodded giving her a fake smile “Uh that’s great.” turning his attention back to his beer, opening the can pouring it into his cup. “If your not busy or anything i was thinking..maybe you wanna get out of here?” she bit her lip.
JJ sighed placing his cup down, “Look Samaria- Samantha.” she corrected him. “Yea yea, see i’m not on the market anymore but i’m sure their’s a nice young fello over their waiting to scoop you up.” he pointed out a boy in a green button up shirt whispering to his friends looking at her. The girl blinked a few times “Really? because i didn’t see you come here with anyone?” the blonde rolled his eyes in annoyance blocking out the girls pitchy voice as she continued to go on.
An echo of shouting ringed in his ear, he looked up to see who was about to get into a scrap because only in the obx you can’t have a decent party without somebody shoving or insulting the other person and not getting a punch to the face. Looking off into the distant he squinted his eyes trying to get a better look, his blurry vision was not helping but he saw a boy and a girl going at it.
Listening closely to the girls voice it sounded familiar to him. Eyes focusing on her trying to get a better view he spotted her curly brown hair and blonde highlights, she also wore green converse. The guy standing in front of her started getting in her face, she pulled a piece of her hair behind her ear and JJ got a clear view of her side profile.
Their was some shithead yelling at his girl, getting in her face like he was about to do something. His jaw clenched, slightly his fingers started squeezing his cup, 𝘬𝘦𝘦𝘱 𝘤𝘰𝘰𝘭 𝘫, 𝘬𝘦𝘦𝘱 𝘤𝘰𝘰𝘭. Watching them going back and forth the guy smacked her cup out of her hand, that trigged it. Dropping his cup not even caring about the beer splashing on his shirt he bolted over there getting close enough to where he shoved the guy.
“The fuck is your problem?!” he spat, the boy now laying on the sand got up dusting himself off. Kiara looked at him “Jay it’s fine, i’m okay.” she gave him a small smile. He looked at her, eyes wondering over her face checking if she was okay, his eyes snapped back to the boy, “Who the fuck are you?! You just go around pushing people you don’t know?” the guy spat back.
JJ scoffed “Nah but you should be asking yourself something like that, you go around picking fights with girls. What are you a fucking sissy?” giving him a dirty look. People started luring in, phones started to be pulled out of pockets. “Oh i see…is this your boyfriend?” the boy looked at Kiara and laughed “Don’t fucking talk to her!” JJ shoved him again creating a barrier between them.
Sound of ouu’s ran through like a wave, “Jayj.” Kiara looked at him with worry eyes. “Don’t even give him your energy.” she mumbled to him, “You let her bitch you? You getting bitched on?.” the boy continued on, JJ was getting tenser, the blood in his body rushing to his fist, Kiara could feel his body tightening from the grip she had on his forearm.
“Bitched? Your getting in her face yelling at her like she’s some fucking dude!” squeezing his knuckles so tight they started turning white. “Yea well she’s got a lot of mouth on her, don’t you cupcake?” Kiara rolled her eyes flipping him off. “Hey jackass, when a girl kindly tells you to fuck off the first go you don’t keep trying to go at her.” her eyes bored into his.
Feeling his breathing giving heavy, JJ tried to calm down. “I asked you for a drink and you started bitching off.” he threw his hands up, causing JJ fist to twitch. Still holding on his forearm Kiara continued “Uh yea and i told you no thank you than you started talking to me clearly not seeing that i was uninterested until i showed you which came to the conclusion of you now yelling at me.”
“Your not even that special, don’t overhype your head bitch.” his nostrils flared. Being held back by Kiara was not helping “Jay come on.” she focused her attention back on him, “Yeah listen to your bitch.” the voice of the touron kept going through his ears, him and Kie made an agreement where whenever somebody pushed his buttons trying to persuade him in a fight, all he had to do was just walk away.
But this fucker was speaking out of his neck disrespecting his girl, he exhaled the air he had built up in him about to turn around and walk away “Instead of you talking shit you can put your mouth to better use, like sucking my dick you slutty whor-“ he was cut off by JJ delivering a sharp punch to his jaw.
The boy stumbled back while people started chanting “Fight! Fight! Fight!” he looked at the blood dripping on his fingers, spitting to the side he got up and stumbled on JJ. “Pope! John B!” Kiara yelled out to the boys. They rushed over such as Cleo and Sarah who were in their own conversation, “Hey, you good?” Sarah placed her hands on Kiara’s face, she nodded looking at the two boys fighting on the sand.
The touron landed a few punches to JJ’s side but he threw sand in his face and flipped them over now on top of boy sending straight decks to his face. He could hear her shouting his name but that couldn’t stop him, he was seeing red. the boy’s face started getting bruised and bloody. John b grabbed his shirt trying to separate him from the boy, so did Pope.
“JJ, the hell get off him!” John b struggled to get a hold of the blonde. Kiara felt shallow and breathy, “Jayj! JJ!” she shouted. Finally managing to separate him from the now poorly beaten touron, they pulled JJ up hooking their arms around his.
“Shit man, you fucked him up.” Pope mumbled. “Let’s go.” Cleo said walking to the twinkie. Pope and Sarah catch up with Cleo, still looking at the boy on the floor he was still heated, gritting his teeth. “JJ go!” Kiara pushed him towards the van.
flashback over -
John b shut the door “He’ll be good in a few, might sleep it off.” Kiara scoffed “Well then clearly you don’t know JJ.” she got out the van following behind him. She thanked him for holding the door and went inside going to the bathroom to get the First Aid Kit, already knowing where he would be she opened the screen door to the backyard. Their he was laying in the hammock rocking his legs back and forth looking off into the dark distance.
“Knock knock.” she spoke setting the box down on the chair walking up to him. He turned around seeing her, “Sup.” then turned back around. She pouted picking the box back up and taking her place on the hammock forcing him to move over. She observed his face, he was biting his nails and bouncing his leg. “That was pretty rad dude.” she said, twisting his lips trying to hide his smile he turned his head the other way.
He mumbled a sentence under his breath “What was that?” she raised an eyebrow. He shook his head “nothing.” playfully rolling her eyes she sighed, “Let me see those sausage fingers.” she held her hand out waiting for him to place his hand on hers. “Sausage fingers? Yea okay giraffe legs.” he shot her a dirty look placing his hand in hers. Looking at his hand she sighed suddenly feeling guilt wash over her, taking his eyes off his hand he looked at her. “Hey, what’s up?” he asked concerned.
She shook her head “We’ve talked about this Jayj. Not letting meaningless things get into your head.” looking up at him with tears building up in her eyes. He caressed her cheek moving his hand to her chin “It wasn’t meaningless though Kie and you know that.” he pointed out. Frowning she opened the box taking out some alcohol wipes and gauze.
JJ pulled his bottom lip between his teeth, he’s been learning all this new stuff about being in a relationship and being open more, he is new to being a boyfriend and he wanted to be the best he could even if that means he had to force himself to agree with the things he didn’t agree too. But this was different because he cared, he cared about Kiara. She’s one of the things that he cherishes in his heart, he loves her and wants nothing but to protect her at all times, and he surely wasn’t going to let someone or anybody speak bad on her.
With his uninjured hand he gently caressed her thigh, “I’m sorry…i truly am it’s just…Kiara he was all in your face like..like he was about to do something and it triggered me.” he spoke softly, she ripped open a pack of alcohol wipes taking a sheet out. Nodding signaling him that she was listening as she placed the wipe on his hands causing him to hiss.
“Sorry” she mumbled cleaning the blood off his knuckles, when she was done she placed the now bloody wipe on her leg and blew on his hand. “I was..i don’t know shooken up a bit.” his tongue rolled in his cheek. She finished patching his hand up gently rubbing circles over them, he felt himself getting tense again replaying back of what the touron guy said.
Removing her hands from his knuckles she rested her hands on both sides of his face “Hey.” she gave him a faint smile. His eyes shifted down looking at the space between them tapping her leg, “I understand and i’m sorry that you had a moment, you know that i hate seeing you get hurt.” he swallowed the lump in his throat nodding.
“My love….you know that i love you right?” she pressed her head against his. “Yea i know.” she gently rubbed her nose against his, his hands moved up to her waist. She pressed a gentle kiss onto his lips, she gives him butterflies every time. “Do you really?!” her voice squealed, he giggled nodding. She furrowed her eyebrows “Does Jesse Maybank know that i’m madly in love with him?” she gripped his shirt. “Why do you gotta go all federal?” he whined.
She giggled “Because that’s your name and i love it, Jesse…Hey Jesse ouuuu!” she sung the anthem to Jessie. He quickly smacked his hand against her mouth shushing her “Hey hush, i don’t want them finding out my name!” he whisper yelled. Playfully shoving her she gasped, he pulled out a joint and a lighter from his pocket. “Hey! Don’t light that blunt until i get back or your ass is grass!” she said getting up.
“Where are you going?” he quirked an eyebrow holding her finger, she lifted her hand up showing the used up wipes and wrappers “To throw your nasty dirty bandages away- I’m serious too don’t smoke that joint without me!” she closed the screen door. She knows he won’t.
He leaned back into the hammock, closing his eyes listening to the crickets chirping and the wind blowing low. The sound of the screen door opened, Kiara came out with a blanket, “figured it would get cold.” tossing it on him. Sitting down again she tossed her leg over his, he wrapped his arm around her waist pulling her closer as she rested her head on his chest, she fixed the covers on them getting comfortable.
Lighting the blunt he took a pull then passed it to her, she took it out of his hands taking a pull herself feeling the smoke fill up her insides, exhaling. “You know your my one and only right?” Kiara spoke. His hands moved up and down her back “I love you.” he spoke softly, she smiled looking up at him through her lashes with adoration.
“I love you.” she kissed his neck, they were each others safe space and that couldn’t be taken away from them. They both can only understand each other on the same level.
“You and me.”
“You and me.”
They spent the rest of their night, warm and cozy in each other’s presence sharing kisses and cuddles.
please! tell me how did i do?! i hope you enjoyed!!
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eternalotus · 1 year
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my lovely lady 🫧🫧!
(i filtered them! ;)
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eternalotus · 2 years
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b&w 💻🤍
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eternalotus · 2 years
perfectly wrong | masterlist
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summary: there were rules that had to be followed: no one could know about you two, there was no ‘getting to know each other,’ and there was absolutely no emotional attachment allowed. if this could be done, there should be no complications. but somehow, the rules always get bended.
pairing: reader x fuckboy!kth
genre: college au | fluff, angst, smut
warnings: unprotected sex, oral (f. receiving), hickeys, mentions of unhealthy relationships, cussing / mature language, dirty talking, mentions of insecurities, jealousy, fighting, alcohol consumption, smoking, unrequited love kind of stuffs, tae is a fuckboy and says whatever the hell he wants to say sometimes, etc. (individual warnings for each chapter will be included)
notes: title taken from shawn mendes’ perfectly wrong. this is cross-published on my wattpad account (nikkitynaakks) and there are currently more chapters published there than here, but there may be some slight editing to each chapter since i’m always down to revise/improve things!
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chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen (final)
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