entprobably · 5 years
The Enneagram, Simplified
Below is a simplified overview of the Enneagram types and their wings, useful for introducing people to the theory objectively – I tried my best to keep all descriptions unbiased and to-the-point. They should be okay to print, too, depending on the formatting. Translations into other languages are available in the notes. With that out of the way, the rest is below the cut!
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entprobably · 5 years
Enneagram 6: The Loyalist
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Healthy Sixes trust their own experiences and are okay with being unable to predict the outcome. They are productive, logical thinkers who organize their thoughts and actions around what is most advantageous for the common good. Astute judges of character, they are honest, loyal, reliable, and positive.
Six Traits
Sixes imagine and plan for the worst
Sixes distrust authority figures
Sixes are sharp, analytically-minded troubleshooters
Sixes are the ultimate devil’s advocate
Sixes are funny, understanding, loyal, and compassionate
Sixes suffer from almost-constant low-level anxiety
Sixes are quick and competent in a crisis… then fall apart
Sixes wait for the other shoe to drop
Sixes are rarely sure they’ve made the right decision
Fear influences all of the Six’s life choices
Sixes hate unpredictable situations and prefer order to chaos
Sixes distrust flattery or too many compliments
Sixes are slow to open up but then never leave you
Sixes are skeptical of the unknown and ask hard questions
Sixes see two sides to everything and doubt themselves
Sixes turn their anxiety into self-depreciating humor
Sixes often forget their past success and take on too much work
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Enneagram Wings
6w5: are intellectual, cautious, self-controlled, introverted, and seek security through an authority figure; they feel safest in groups that share their values or belief systems; they protect their personal information and seek alone time, which exacerbates their fears; often, they over-analyze instead of act.
6w7: are entertaining, adventurous, and playful, willing to take risks for their loved ones, but always careful to have a backup plan in case the mission fails.
Phobic: these Sixes obey the rules and are loyal to authority, in whom they place their trust, are deferential to their boss and avoid conflict. They do not challenge their fears and instead stay inside ‘safe zones.’
Counter-Phobic: these Sixes are less compliant and agreeable, more inclined to actively challenge authority to provoke a counter-attack (and reveal the truth about the ‘authority’). They try to identify, target, and defeat their fears.
Under stress: Sixes act like unhealthy Threes (become workaholics, pursue material success, and hoard resources to make them feel more secure); they put on a facade of competence to dull their anxiety and impress others with how ‘together’ they are, but refuse to do anything they doubt they can succeed at or take unnecessary risks.
When feeling secure: Sixes move to the positive side of Nine, less likely to have panic attacks about what could happen, stop planning for disasters, and have less general anxiety. They become amusing, flexible, enigmatic, and energetic, and less narrow-minded or rigid in their beliefs, able to trust their instincts about other people and become less jaded.
Advice for the 6: doubt yourself less, and trust yourself more. You have more courage and strength than you know. Believe that whatever happens, you can always find a place of safety, and you can trust your friends to have your back. Rebel when necessary, not out of fear. Record your successes and read them often, to remind yourself of your previous success. Be positive about others’ ideas, instead of tearing them apart. Learn to recognize the difference between legitimate fear and free-flowing anxiety.
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Influences on MBTI Types:
ISTJ: relies on extensive knowledge and research to prepare oneself for the worst, motivated through inferior Ne fears of “the great unknown”; unlikely to take risks, semi-aggressive in pointing out logical flaws; may become rigid in their belief system and traditionalist in their views.
ESTJ: a safety-first decision-maker and reluctant leader, who prepares for all possible negative outcomes and does not move forward until certain of success; may distrust and push away from their emotions, fearing they might be a source of “weakness,” leading to poor inferior Fi development (and insecurity in their relationships, which causes additional anxiety); prone to traditionalist or nationalist thinking (their ‘safe’ zone).
ISFJ: relies on extensive knowledge and research to prepare oneself for the worst, motivated through inferior Ne fears of “the great unknown”; unlikely to take risks, desperate to form emotional connections but hesitant to reveal too much personal information; extremely loyal and care giving toward those who win their trust, often uses self-depreciating humor to amuse others, but semi-detached from their feelings (over-reliant on analyzing and problem-solving with Ti).
ESFJ: takes on a mothering role in protecting and shepherding their loved ones / trying to anticipate and problem-solve any potential issues, eager to avoid risk, feels safest in familiar territory and/or with others who share their values; low Ne issues of paranoid suspicions, indecisive and second-guessing of their decisions (low Ne issues + 6 fearfulness); strong reliance on inferior Ti, but insecurity about its blind spots.
INTJ: distrustful and secretive, prone to negative idealization and/or may face high Ni conflict with 6 in trying to identify and eliminate problem areas as they go; may have trouble identifying a safe zone, and involve themselves in a rigid ideology to feel safe; pushes away from inferior Se / risk taking, overestimates how much they can accomplish at once; due to indecisiveness, may mistype as a Ne or Si type.
ENTJ: often builds their own system which enables them to feel safe, or distrusts authority other than their own; uses Se to deal with problems as they happen, but has a negative outlook on life and always prepares for the worst; may be indecisive and self-doubting, has inferior Fi issues of feeling anxious in their relationships, which combines with Ni ‘reading’ between the lines / into things overmuch.
INFJ: distrustful and secretive, prone to negative idealization and/or may face high Ni conflict with 6 in trying to identify and eliminate problem areas as they go; may have trouble identifying a safe zone, and involve themselves in a rigid ideology to feel safe; pushes away from inferior Se / risk taking, desperate to form emotional connections but hesitant to reveal too much personal information; extremely loyal and care giving toward those who win their trust, often uses self-depreciating humor to amuse others, but semi-detached from their feelings (over-reliant on analyzing and problem-solving with Ti).
ENFJ: takes on a mothering role in protecting and shepherding their loved ones / trying to anticipate and problem-solve any potential issues, eager to avoid risk, feels safest with others who share their values; uses Se to deal with problems as they happen, but has a negative outlook and always prepares for the worst; strong reliance on inferior Ti, but insecure about their relationships; may fall into a narrow ideology (Ni) to feel safe.
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ESTP: far more risk-adverse and more analytical than other ESTPs, may mistype as an ISTP due to reliance on Ti, with inferior Ni struggling to identify future negative outcomes; prone to a lot of negativity about the future (and singular conclusions about it); less self-assured about their ability to wing things, prone to low-level anxiety over tert-Fe (the desire to connect to others, but uncertainty and suspicion causing detachment issues).
ISTP: intensely analytical, with frequent Ti/Ni loops (predicting the worst and preparing for it), not inclined to risk-taking, low NiFe desire to connect to a larger ideology or group who can provide security in being “right”; especially good at pointing out logical fallacies, and trusting of their ability to ‘read into’ authority figures’ motives.
ESFP: more covetous of traditionalism and rigid ideology than other ESFPs, prone to knee-jerk reactive (and often competent) impulses; less emotional and more driven to arm oneself with Te facts / logic / strong decision making, but struggles with continual self doubt, waffles on decisions once made, and feels insecure about going out on a limb alone; may cling to an ideology of the future that makes them feel safe (Ni).
ISFP: less emotional and more reliant on logic than other ISFPs, prone to Ni-looping (fear of singular negative outcomes, and then uses Te to try and effectively head them off); hard-working and responsible, but does not like additional responsibilities; may distrust their logic center, and feel safer when others agree with them. Prone to negativity and becoming secretive and withdrawn when anxious.
ENTP: quick to read beneath the surface and assign motives to authority figures, or point out flaws in proposed ideas; often indecisive, self-doubting, craves external affirmation and reassurances about their logic (tert-Fe needs); may be safety-conscious and reluctant to abandon old belief systems that root them into ‘feeling’ safe about the unknown (inferior Si); less risk-taking than other ENTPs, and more traditional / covetous of finding something, anything to cling to that seems “true.”
INTP: super-analytical and detached, wants to connect to a community through shared values (low Fe) but suspicious, distrustful, quick to read beneath the surface and assign motives to others or second-guess their relationships, often loyal to former ideologies or belief systems (faith, science, nationalism, family, etc) as their security checkpoint; will read up on many different things in order to “arm themselves for the worst.”
ENFP: quick to read beneath the surface and assign motives to authority figures, or point out flaws in proposed ideas; often indecisive, self-doubting, and distrustful of their Ne (they may not feel it is ‘practical’ in the real world) – which means over-reliance on tert-Te to problem solve, point out rational flaws in proposed ideas, and come up with worst-case scenarios instead of the usual Ne-dom optimism; may be detached from their emotions as a result of continual Ne/Te looping; may be safety-conscious and reluctant to abandon old belief systems that root them into ‘feeling’ safe about the unknown (inferior Si); less risk-taking than other ENFPs, and more traditional / covetous of finding something, anything to cling to that seems “true.”
INFP: less emotional and more reliant on logic than other INFPs, quick to read beneath the surface and assign motives to authority figures, or point out flaws in proposed ideas; often indecisive, self-doubting, and distrustful of their Ne (they may not feel it is ‘practical’ in the real world); strong Si-roots (areas in their thought process they refuse to question, challenge, or second-guess); may distrust their logic center, and feel safer when others agree with them. Prone to disappearing when anxious.
- ENFP Mod
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entprobably · 6 years
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entprobably · 6 years
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did you know red snapper can live for over 100 years…. whatre they DOING down there
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entprobably · 6 years
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Can there ever be a happy medium? 😂😭
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entprobably · 6 years
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I made a master doc for questioning lesbians! Http://goo.gl/UAnsyU
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entprobably · 6 years
the whole gay cousin thing is outdated. i’m gay and i have a gay cousin. there’s two of us. we’re evolving.
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entprobably · 6 years
millenial generation got a little too beaten down and miserable but im delighted to see that gen z seems to be frothing at the mouth and out for blood
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entprobably · 6 years
kids im gonna save you all some time, if you’re googling “am i gay quiz” you’re gay and that’s just the truth
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entprobably · 6 years
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I know I never (personally) post things like this but I saw this on the news and I really wanted to share it.
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entprobably · 6 years
“At 19, I read a sentence that re-terraformed my head: “The level of matter in the universe has been constant since the Big Bang.” In all the aeons we have lost nothing, we have gained nothing - not a speck, not a grain, not a breath. The universe is simply a sealed, twisting kaleidoscope that has reordered itself a trillion trillion trillion times over. Each baby, then, is a unique collision - a cocktail, a remix - of all that has come before: made from molecules of Napoleon and stardust and comets and whale tooth; colloidal mercury and Cleopatra’s breath: and with the same darkness that is between the stars between, and inside, our own atoms. When you know this, you suddenly see the crowded top deck of the bus, in the rain, as a miracle: this collection of people is by way of a starburst constellation. Families are bright, irregular-shaped nebulae. Finding a person you love is like galaxies colliding. We are all peculiar, unrepeatable, perambulating micro-universes - we have never been before and we will never be again. Oh God, the sheer exuberant, unlikely face of our existences. The honour of being alive. They will never be able to make you again. Don’t you dare waste a second of it thinking something better will happen when it ends. Don’t you dare.”
— Caitlin Moran 
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entprobably · 6 years
I’ve invented ‘The Knife-Wielding Tentacle'👍
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entprobably · 6 years
How I know I’m an ENTP
I fucking don’t, I’m like a shape-shifter only I shift my character not my shape.
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entprobably · 6 years
the fact that there is now a car floating around aimlessly in space makes me so unreasonably happy. im sitting here doing my internet thing and there’s just a car somewhere out there drifting through the galaxy. there will be a red tesla driving through the cosmos for longer than i could ever hope to be alive. it has “don’t panic” written on the console. it was launched to a david bowie song. there is a c a r in s p a c e
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entprobably · 6 years
entp gothic
-“wow, Ne doms are so random lol xD” your friend says, looking over your shoulder. You look up accusingly from the twelve page essay entitled “Why Plato’s Republic Will Save America If People Only Read It”, which you wrote in about two hours. “What’s random about this?” You ask, before realizing your entire academic life has conformed to stereotypes, including really asshole-ish footnotes in every paper constantly attacking the very sources you’ve used for all your work.
-You look down. Your socks definitely don’t match. They never match. Your low si makes you keep buying more socks but one always goes missing. You have two drawers of unmatched socks. People think you purposely mismatch socks to be random. But your socks are missing. They’ve been missing for years.
-you haven’t eaten in two days. You don’t even recall using the bathroom. It’s like your entire body is dedicated to forgetting your needs. You have, however, taken a bath and made several cups of coffee. You wonder why your inferior Si is so selective. You then pass out from lack of sleep. Oh yeah, you have been up for 50 hours.
-your judger friends always ask you how you do it. “Do what?” You ask, trying desperately not to make fun of their frantic eyes. “How do you pass your classes? I’ve never seen you do any work.” You smile. The best kept XNTP secret will remain a mystery to everyone. Even yourself.
-“why are you so mean?” Someone says. You don’t remember ever meeting this person, but apparently, your reputation precedes you. Someone else chimes in, “but you’ve paid for all my coffees this week? How are you mean?” because you are Ne dom, you can never decide on when to be nice and when to be an asshole, so it ends up looking random to everyone. “Haha…. I’m so… random… xD” you spit out, trying not to scream.
-you’ve switched sides six times in this debate. This will be the seventh. “Please stop doing this”, a group member says. You can’t decide if it’s a bothered feeler or an exasperated xstj. But you’re biased towards one side, so you have to vehemently argue for the opposite, since being unbiased is ideal. AN INTP next to you informs you that putting a deliberate effort into being unbiased is actually a bias in itself. You sit down. Your life is a lie.
- you come to hte conclusion hat you’re constantly misspelling thjgs, and uuu do it so often your iPhone has started autocrecvtting mospeed words to other miaowed words. You oftdn DJ t notice util it’s too late. The MESSgs has been sent, adn you can’t take it bCam. Oh yeah, what’s WITH the radom capitaized words?
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entprobably · 6 years
Is anyone else just really obsessed with the fact that we’re animals but we disassociate ourselves with them?
Like isn’t that so fascinating? The phrase “I’m not some animal!” Is actually a thing but ??? Yes we are! And it’s so fascinating!! Here’s some things to think on:
•Periods are just heats. We just call them something different because we’re sooooooo special compared to animals! (can you detect the sarcasm?)
•We literally have packs. Whether it be family, close friends, friend groups at school, etc. we all need human interaction, and even some of the most introverted people are included in this. People have been known to die from loneliness!
•We all need strong figures to look at and mold ourselves after. lacking a motherly, fatherly, etc. figure can largely impact who a person grows up to be. Without someone to look up to, a child wouldn’t learn useful lessons from them, what’s right and what’s wrong, etc. We rely very heavily on others!!
•We are EXTREMELY territorial. Have you ever thought about this? Signs are placed around fences designed to keep other humans out saying “trespassing will be insert bad thing here” because humans they don’t know aren’t welcome in their land! Even though it’s really not our land, we pay money to “own” it in the eyes of other humans!
•Attraction. With a few exceptions, (hello asexuals! :D) humans experience the desire to mate with others, but not just anyone! While not everything is about looks, they are a contributing factor! For example, ‘skinny’ people are considered attractive because statistically the less fat an individual has, the higher the libido. Biologically, people like this because A) more sex, and B) more offspring, even if you don’t want children! Your body is still designed to want lots of offspring to keep the human race going. Another example is what society claims to be “beautiful.” Shiny, thick, healthy hair is considered pretty because the offspring an individual with this hair would produce will also have lovely, healthy hair! This goes the same for long legs (for running well) and more!
This list could go on absolutely forever! Feel free to reblog and add some more things :)
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entprobably · 6 years
For those of you with anxiety
here’s a website that translates the time into hexidecimal colours,
here is a website where you can create your own galaxies
here is a website where you can play flow
here you can interact with organisms in different environments to see how to music changes
here you can play silk which is an interactive generative art designing website.
Here is a website where you can travel along a 3D line into the infinite unkown
here is a website where you can listen to rain with or without music
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