enstayworld · 7 months
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Genre: fluff, slight angst?
Warning: none
Words: 1.5K
Not proof read
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You walked into work, and you could feel the atmosphere could snap if there was one word or one step wrong. You looked around and saw your best friend at her desk, nervously writing.
"B/f/n, what's going on?" you asked while whispering in case it was wrong to speak out loud.
"The boss, he's in a bad mood." "He yelled at someone this morning," she replied, and it made you cock an eyebrow and smirk. Little did she know you were the reason behind his bad mood. He came home late yesterday, and you’ve been ignoring him ever since.
"He really should control his anger and not take it out on people," you said, rolling your eyes. "That's right, but he doesn’t," she said, and it made you laugh in response
You walked to your desk and sat down. You looked up and saw Jay looking right at you. Your desk was right near Jay's office, so he could see you working. He had a fierce look on his face and you could see he was clenching his jaw as well. You raised an eyebrow at him and then turned away from him to do your work.
You could sense his gaze on you most of the day. You finally completed what you had to do and decided to go grab something to eat.
"Hey, b/s/n are you finished yet? Wanna grab some lunch?" You asked her, and she smiled up at you. "Yep, I’m just about finished; give me a few," she said, typing quickly on her keyboard. About a minute passed, and she laid back and stretched. "And I am finished," she said, puffing out some air. "Don’t forget to save," you said, and she quickly did that, and you guys walked to the cafeteria in your workplace.
"You know I wonder why Jay has been in a bad mood today," she said, and you realised she was using his real name and not calling him boss; it made you cock an eyebrow with a bit of jealousy going through you.
"I don’t know, it’s best not to try to invade his private life," you said to her and she nodded her head. You both grabbed lunch and just chatted away. You heard someone shout and everyone’s head turned that way, then you saw a girl running away in tears. You looked up ahead and saw it was Jay. You were getting frustrated at how he was getting angry at everyone.
You guys finally made it back to your desk and you saw Jay was in his office, so you decided to pay him a visit. You walked in and closed the door and locked it so no one would walk in.
"Jay, I would like to know why you're taking your frustration out on your employees?" You asked Jay as you were walking up to his desk. He turned around in his chair and looked up at you! “You should know why,” he said, clenching his jaw, which was attractive.
"Well, is that my fault?" you asked, leaning on his desk now. He got up and walked around to where you were and turned you around to pin you against the desk. His cologne was so intoxicating that you're getting lost in the scent.
"You know you shouldn't ignore me, it doesn't lead to things" he said and it made you look right at him. "Well, maybe you shouldn't say things you can't do," you said, getting irritated at him.
"Look, I’m sorry I missed our date yesterday. Work had me pulled back until late” he said and it made you roll your eyes. “Jay, you're the CEO, you could have maybe just let someone else take over”, you said, and you did have a point. He could have done that, but no! He wanted to take responsibility and it made you sad because you hardly spend time together.
“Babe..” he said softly, but you just looked down, you were just frustrated because you only see him at work or maybe when you guys go to sleep it’s the only time you have together since Jay likes to work late.
“Maybe we should just break up,” you said and looked right at him. His face turned stone cold, you couldn’t read his face at all. You looked down and saw he was gripping the table a bit too hard because his knuckles were turning white.
“If you’re not going to say anything, I’ll just leave,” you said, as you tried to move his arm, he whipped his arm away from you and pulled you close to him with his other arm.
“Who said I would let you go that easily?” he questioned, looking straight into your eyes. “If you think you can get away from me that easily, think again”, he added and kissed you on the lips which made you soften up.
“You hardly have time for us, so it’s no use for us to be together,” you said, trying to get out of his grip, but it was no help since he held you tight. He backed you up and pinned you against the desk again, but the look on his face made you nervous.
“J-Jay” you shuttered out as you got nervous. He cocked his head a little and smirked at you. “Nervous are we?” He questioned and chuckled at you.
“If you want us to break up, you wouldn’t mind me dating your best friend, right?” He asked and that made your blood boil. You looked at him with a face that said words you didn’t need to say, you gripped him by his collar and pulled him closer. “Don’t you even think about that” you spat out in disgust, the thought of them together ticked you off.
“Well, don’t think about us breaking up” he said, and closed the gap between you guys by kissing you. It was hot and feverish making sure who you both belonged to. It lasted for a few minutes as it was interrupted by a knock at the door.
You looked at Jay nervously because no one knew you guys were dating and both of your lips were a bit bruised. “Get under my desk”, Jay whispered, and you did as you said as he fixed himself up. You crawled underneath. Luckily, the desk wall went right down to the floor so no one could see you under there.
“Come in,” Jay said as he unlocked the door, you got nervous and your heartbeat was beating too fast. “These are the documents you need for the new project. I just finished them off” you heard your best friend say to Jay. “Thank you. You may leave now” Jay said and walked around to his desk. He saw his legs partly.
“Ah actually there’s something I want to ask you actually” you heard her say flirtatious and it made you think of what she was going to say. “Go ahead” you heard Jay say as he sat down in his chair you could now see his face and it was stone cold.
“Would you like to go on a date with me?” She said to him and you rolled your eyes. You saw Jay look down at you and you looked at him with a look of please reject her and he quickly looked back at her. “I’m sorry but I’ll have to decline as I’m already seeing someone” he said and it made her choke on air. “Wait what,” she said and he sighed. “You don’t need to know my private life, please leave,” he said.
“Oh come on there's no way I’ve never seen you with anyone before” she said and you were getting pissed off by the minute. You looked at Jay and he saw your expression and got up and leaned on the desk because you heard it creak. “Leave before I fire you” he said coldly to her and it made her shut up, but she didn’t leave and walked around to Jay. You saw her shoes. You wanted to get out from underneath but you knew it wouldn’t end well.
“Jay, just this once, please go out with me,” she said, and you knew she was probably touching him. You heard someone grab the phone and you were curious. “Yes hi! please let b/f/n know she is fired” he said into the phone and you were shocked.
“Leave” he said, and you heard a choked sob and feet running out with the door slamming shut. Jay sat in his chair and sighed as you looked at him wide-eyed. He leaned down and grabbed your hand, helped you up, pulled you into his lap and just put his head into the crook of your neck and sighed.
You ran your fingers through his hair and just hugged him. “I love you” you heard him say and it made you smile, “I love you too”, you said and kissed his cheek.
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