englewoodwriter · 4 years
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She is, who they said she’ll never be. Driven by own her motivation, and will to succeed, she is disinterested in things that take her away from her goals. She has plans that didn’t come with a time clock. Her personality changes for own happiness. She’s unapologetic for choosing her first.
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englewoodwriter · 4 years
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Legacy https://www.instagram.com/p/B-ftK9jgiTER0J7XDFKztRYeEzUsCcl76UWgdE0/?igshid=tkvfij6mu70c
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englewoodwriter · 4 years
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Promoting self respect, life morals, gentleness, general respect, courage, growth, healing, understanding, prosperity, togetherness, legacy, generation wealth, longevity, love, laughter, vibes, trust, honesty, God, grace, passion, sweetness, affirmation, affection, communication, commitment, happiness, history, family.... #BlackLove is so abused.. we should learn how to cherish is... https://www.instagram.com/p/B-d4vazgWCGJ9dOeXxNJBHjODrZt_zA_7h5IQA0/?igshid=wktmolf1ymd6
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englewoodwriter · 5 years
Black Man’s Plan
Plan to love!!!
Even if it’s not right now!
Plan it.
Start with loving yourself first. Respecting yourself more. Fixing you before it requires help from anyone else.
Prioritize your life in a way you get things done for you, like being debt free, establishing yourself as an adult, your own place, good work ethic and confidence in everything you do. Figure out what you want in a woman, and what you willing to offer as a man. Be willing to lead, and listen, not take control and ignore. Be patient with how you treat yourself, because you may just treat a woman that way. Can’t expect to go into a relationship with your hand out. Can’t expect to lead a woman if your behind as a Man. Can’t give helpful instructions if you can’t take them. Want to know how to find a good woman.....
start off being a good man to yourself.....
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englewoodwriter · 5 years
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Black Generational Wealth So many black kids are born into the world of poverty. Dating back in early 1900's, the average black family barely had enough to eat, pay bills, send kids to school, or even have the traditional family festivities.
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englewoodwriter · 5 years
Super CCA
Hired 3 years ago for The Great United States Postal Service. Or at least that’s what I had in mind before I joined the organization. I look back on the journey I embarked on then and think how strong I’ve become now. About 200 fresh bodies of different races sworn in to deliver mail for their country. Years later only about 25 remain. Working for as long as I has, I’ve made mistakes that I’ve…
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englewoodwriter · 5 years
Super CCA
Hired 3 years ago for The Great United States Postal Service. Or at least that’s what I had in mind before I joined the organization. I look back on the journey I embarked on then and think how strong I’ve become now. About 200 fresh bodies of different races sworn in to deliver mail for their country. Years later only about 25 remain. Working for as long as I has, I’ve made mistakes that I’ve learned from, and I been through situations that made me a better carrier. What always bothered me the most was the narrative that us young people or older; new hired CCA’s was hired to take the job of the Regulars; off back we aren’t welcomed by people who could actually make us better. Then the poor treatment– the slander of character for mistakes that can be fixed with help, the lack of support for your own people. I’ll never understand the war on CCA versus Regular, when we all carry letters and walk blocks, while delivering the brand. They say all carriers don’t deliver the same. Why is that an issue? Shouldn’t it be one fundamental way of carrying Mail? I’ve always been the CCA to show a great sense of respect for any Regular for the simple fact, they SHOULD know more than me and could help me excel at being a professional carrier. After becoming more familiar with my responsibilities, I became an advocate for the CCA’s who didn’t have a clue what was being done to them, I listened to how CCA’s felt about the job and tried my best encouraging them to hang in there and make it another year. I’ve ran into strangers that were CCA’s on the train or bus in tears from the stress this job had been giving them. Here I am with my own issues but keeping my chin held high and learning what’s right and wrong, but also trying to stop hundreds of other CCA’s from not giving up or quitting. No support from veterans and poor treatment from the management. The Post Office have years to look back on– of mistreatment of employees, lack of support, lack of empathy, lack of training, and any ounce of concern of how we really are doing. I’ve convinced so many people to stay but what about those that my support didn’t convince to endure all this lackluster unity that some of us experience...hang in there CCA’s the battle will be over some day... then we all will just be professional letter carrier...
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englewoodwriter · 5 years
Black Fathers 🖤
As a Black Man we have a responsibility to be FATHERS, not just make babies. Frustrations and Pains are passed down from our DADS…. if you’re NOT in your kid life. NO GOOD will ever come to you, the same way it did for your kid! TOO caught up in yourself and upset with the mother of your child. You forfeit being a FATHER. Most FATHERLESS kids will grow up lacking more than a kid with a Father…
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englewoodwriter · 5 years
Robb they said....
Robb they said….
I’ve heard the bullshit behind being distant from ppl I once hung with everyday. It’s utterly ridiculous, all false, and sadly misfortunate that we grew to be so envious of each other. But as you grow, the things you were involved in, the ppl who you hung with, and the unproductive days starts to become meaningless. Before the age of 25, doing senseless shit wasn’t a big deal. I didn’t care to…
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englewoodwriter · 6 years
Be Happy Gorgeous!
This woman showed her frustration with life as a 45 year old single mother. She screamed “ I’m so unhappy” I said to her “you should just be happy for what you do have. You are a gorgeous woman and hardworking mother, you’re that lady!” she said “why can’t I find a man then Robb?” I said a man haven’t found you yet!” She wondered what I meant by that and I couldn’t help to see her daze in the sky hopeless on finding Mr. Right. I said to her I don’t think it’s her duty explaining to any man she’s capable of loving him. And I definitely don’t think you should feel bad for a man not noticing your big heart. It’s not your fault we are stupid. So stop feeling down and understand your level of perception in the dating game. Be happy with yourself for the time being and make the improvements you think you need for the type of man you want. Stay wrap up in loving you. And find your happiness there first. Women don’t find love. Love finds them!
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englewoodwriter · 6 years
Happily Rejected
It happens often being rejected by someone you found interest in. I don’t see why get mad though! It is a salty feeling after being rejected, but honestly if you read into why you’re being rejected, it may not bother you that he or she is just not the one for you. First, dating is almost like a job interview, you have to show interest to be hire, call to see if you are still being considered, explain why you the one for the job, and even dress a certain way to impress them. After doing that so many times. You should have learned many different approaches, such as the best bar to go to and actually talk, a nice place to eat, a nice place to visit for short walks and talks about one another. And even what’s your best outfit for a night of dating... Also times has changed where opposites attract big time. Some individuals find it hard being with a person that is of status or establishment. Some people want the weak man or that weak woman. For whatever reason. And if you are aware of that person in his or her bad taste in dating partners. You shouldn’t be upset or think little of yourself, not should you talk down on the person situation.. learn to let go person vendettas for the things you have no control over. Learn to be happily rejected. Most of time it’s there lost!!!
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englewoodwriter · 6 years
I never could understand how somebody could hold a grudge against someone for so long until I listened to the young lady who once carried my unborn child. She went years with so much resentment towards me that she shut herself away from the entire world. She explained to me how making the decision to not have the baby bothered her for years and she couldn’t care if she ever heard I breathe again. I’m not sure how she’d ever learn to forgive me, but for herself; I never meant to make her feel less of woman. I took the opportunity of a being a mother from a great woman who had everything a kid needed, I apologize O, to you and to our unborn child, I was young 23 years old and afraid of being a parent with nothing to offer a kid. I thought about how difficult it would be since we hadn’t planned it, and neither one of us had stable income. I just didn’t wanna see my kid struggle and you and I clash due to us not being fully prepared to take on that much responsibility.... I know when that day comes for you, You’re going to be one amazing mother, your daughter will resemble you, and son will highly respect you...... 🖤🖤🖤🖤
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englewoodwriter · 6 years
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englewoodwriter · 6 years
Robb lame as hell....
How my life would be... I dreamed about it. Checked myself, and the ppl around me. I dropped dead weight on the daily basis. Asked men to be men or do their dirt with whoever wherever just not around me. I stop hanging with ppl I couldn’t share my ideas with. Things that didn’t make sense, I said this shit don’t make sense. I made ppl uncomfortable who where just lingering around doing nothing but making excuses for not applying themselves. I realized the business ideas and work conversations was something niggas weren’t willing to have, but talks about stains, licks or any other form of instant gratification had the best of their interest. In the midst of it all. It seem like doing what you was supposed to was looked upon... niggas will guilt trip you for working before they talk about you being a thief. Niggas will blame their parents and teachers for what they not doing now. And envy a person that’s there to call em out on the bs. I witness niggas not supporting me because I wasn’t involved in what they was doing. I still accomplished what I knew I would without em. Then came more envy came. I started saying NO, and asking ppl for things they asked me for. Guys that owed me money choose to not pay me and create beef that never occurred. Guys I gave a place to stay, chose not to pay me as planned and accumulated an amount he can’t pay. Guys I had jobs in place for chose to not take them, and argue with me about the wages. Threats made towards me for asking guys what are you doing with yourself, when you gone start working bro?
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englewoodwriter · 6 years
BlVcK Dollas!!
Materialistic things are so unimportant. But we will never understand that Because having the Jordan’s is a must for some.... the sad part is we are spoiling our kids who don’t know what money is and will grow up not understanding what’s more important..... 10 pair of Jordan’s is down payment for a 2 flat that’ll generate passive income. I’m talking 50-100 thousand dollar return.... But we Black we come from nothing, ain’t nobody buying homes, we all buy mikes, iPhones, and expensive jeans .... sooooo the black trend never dies..... Jordan has more releases in black communities than any other community. That’s because they know we aren’t educated on how to use our money. They know we aren’t teaching our kids to work for themselves. Meanwhile their kids are starting businesses at 5 years old, wearing spider man shoes, and creating generational wealth for their entire family. Common sense ain’t common for some of us. But if you knew that you was throwing your money away just to keep up with hottest shoes or clothes but don’t own your home and your kids won’t own their home. Wouldn’t you put your focus into paying yourself. Wouldn’t you minimize your poor spending and save towards a family business, wouldn’t you think to own your home, instead of making your landlord a millionaire. Wouldn’t look for other ways to invest your money instead of keeping your money in banks that has inflation fees, wouldn’t you mold your kids to work for themselves instead of depending on a check twice a month! I guess it don’t come natural for us because our parents made due with what they had. We just knew that our parents work for a check and bought us things with the money they received. We wasn’t aware of the bills left unpaid on certain holidays for materialistic purchases our parents wanted us to have. Which in the end, is what started debt! Running out of money, or not having enough in the first place.
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englewoodwriter · 6 years
Nothing ass Good Nigga...
The last 6 women told me I was different. They said I treated them better than the last few guys they’ve dealt with. They said I spoke to them differently. And seemed like I cared. They said I made them feel special. And respected them on a different level. They said my sex was different. That I rubbed the entire body as if it was all mine. Stroking it with more emotion than aggression. Running my hands through the hair and over the body and making our time last longer than they ever experienced. They said I made them laugh and our conversations were endless. They said I was sweet, I was good with kids, and their parents would love me. They said I’m a good ass nigga. —I don’t care to brag about my sex or how some women I encountered thought so highly of me. I look back on how good times were but yet still I remained single. I met some beautiful hard working women. But due to my last two attempts trying to love. I didn’t wanna put effort into learning the flaws and the strengths of any new women. But the ones I encountered I treated how I wanted to treat the last two women that didn’t accept me. I stroked their egos like I planned to stroke the chicks I cared about. I made love to them the same way I would make love to the chick I knew I wanted marry. I made myself available enough to please their needs sexually and emotionally, stopping by with food and jokes, not leaving until they had many organisms. One woman asked me why I wouldn’t let her love me? My excuse was because I didnt have enough money! She explained to me how she’d be there for me and how money meant nothing. But my pride was not allowing me to accept her offer. That woman talked to me differently. She respected me on a different level. Her sex was different. She rubbed my entire body. Letting her hands massage my waves. Telling me all I told my last. To prideful to leap out on faith. Not allowing women to love me the way I love them. Wanting nothing in return for being a good ass nigga.... so that made me a Nothing ass Good Nigga....
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englewoodwriter · 6 years
Ogden Park
The last time I remembered Ogden Park at its best. It was led by supervisor Mrs. Smith. Led by Coach Obey in football and basketball. Encouraged by Coach Glen to be better than what was expected. And given the opportunity by Clyde Travis to make a name for yourself. Not to mention Ogden Park had a few individuals who I emulated and observed a lot coming up as a kid. To name some; Sweet, Buck, Malcolm, Emmanuel, Hollywood, UGH
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