ena-what-the-f · 9 years
Characters: Shingetsu, Yuma, Kotori, Tetsuo Genre: Aimless Slice of Life Rating: K Wordcount: 1147  Spoiler warning: post ending
Notes: It seem like writing cute, generic, domestic one-shots continues to giving me life.
“Hey, Shingetsu! Sorry we kept you waiting!” The redhead looked away from the shop’s window and greeted Yuma, Kotori, and Tetsuo with a small nod. “It’s ok, I just arrived anyway.” It was a Wednesday afternoon in October. The sky was of a deep blue, and the red leaves on the withering threes created a beautiful contrast with it. Vector was waiting for his human friends to exit school, and was killing time by checking stores and cafes that filled downtown’s plaza.
“How are you doing today?” asked Kotori. “You know, school is a little boring without you around!” “Yeah, no one’s there to pester Yuma now that you’re not attending!” added Tetsuo while pointing at his friend. “Honestly, I think Yuma gets in enough trouble already” laughed Vector “No need to have me around!” Yuma coughed in a loud, theatrical way. “I’m standing right here, you know?!” he said. “But yeah, Shingetsu. Everyone misses you a lot. You should come back!” The Barian shrugged. “I’m afraid I’m not fit to stay locked in a building for all that time. School is not for me. It’s for the best, really.” “Even if you say so…” started Tetsuo. “Well, whatever floats your boat!” said Yuma, interrupting his friend. “I kind of envy you Barians. At least you have a choice!” Kotori had noticed that ‘Shingetsu’ was starting to feel a little awkward about that conversation topic. He was now a little stiff, hands in his pockets, and had started to stare at the void over Yuma’s shoulder. He still had to get fully used to this new human life, and often had trouble forgetting about all he had done before… well, before Yuma had given him a second chance. Sadly, talking about school was the easiest way to remind him of his past. Feeling guilty for starting that conversation, the little girl decided to help him out a bit. “What were you looking at?” she asked. “Oh, um” Shingetsu brightened up a little. “Nothing, just…” he waved a hand in front of his face. “Shops.” “Ah! Halloween decorations!” exclaimed Tetsuo. “There sell Duel Monsters-inspired costumes, too!” “Halloween…?” muttered Vector, confused. “Do you know what that is?” asked Yuma. “No.” he had to admit. Just before the others arrived, Vector was wondering why the streets were starting to get filled with bats, pumpkins with faces, and other bizarre stuff. “Is it some other kind of festivity you guys have?” “Yeah! Sort of.” Replied the human. “I think?” he seemed as confused as the Barian, who had turned to the other two, looking for a more exhaustive explanation. “You see, it’s more of an American thing.” began Kotori. “But everyone in the world likes to dress up as ghosts, monsters, and other scary things on October 31st. People organize parties, and others spend the evening going door to door, asking for sweets!”
“Ok… Why?” insisted Shingetsu. “Er…” muttered Kotori. “We never really paid attention to ‘why’ we do that, actually.” Said Tetsuo, smiling. “Here in Japan, it’s mostly just a trend. A day for kids to have fun, and for companies to gain more money, you know? Many people just ignore it.” “Who cares why people do that! It’s tons of fun!” exclaimed Yuma. “Let’s go inside and check the costumes! Come on!”
“Wait, Yuma—” tried to object Shingetsu, to no avail: the boy was already pulling him inside. Kotori and Tetsuo soon followed, laughing. The shelves were filled with home decorations, candles, themed paper plates and glasses, but also body paint, masks, and much more. “We should organize a party!” suggested Tetsuo. “After all, this year Halloween will fall on a weekend!” “We could do a sleep-over!” replied Kotori. “I think mom will allow us to stay at our place. I will invite Cathy-chan and the others, too! We’ll have to sleep on the living room’s floor, but the more, the merrier!” “Oh! Are we doing it?!” said Yuma. “I’m in! You come too, Shingetsu!” “What? Wait, me?!” Vector’s confusion was growing more and more. Apparently, he had just been invited to a ‘Halloween party’, even though he still had to fully comprehend what was going on. “Come on, it’ll be fun!” tried to convince him Yuma. “And you’ll get a clear idea on what people do on Halloween! We’ll call Astral, too! It’ll be a blast!” Vector’s eyes crossed Tetsuo’s, who nodded to encourage him. “Just try it! If you don’t like it, we’ll let you go home whenever you want, no hard feelings. It’s not like Yuma will let you bail on us.” “… I guess I’ll have to give up, then…” “Nice!” Yuma threw his fists in the air as a victory sign. “Let’s choose costumes, then! What do you want to be? Should we get you another Dandylion outfit?” he chuckled. “You looked amazing in it!” “No, thank you.” smiled the redhead. “I really don’t want Alito and Girag to see me like that.” “What about this Ghostrick Alucard one?” said Kotori, showing the costume to the boys. “I think you might look good in a vampire attire!” she added. “Want to try it on?” Shingetsu had never seen that monster. He took a moment to examine the outfit before agreeing to wear it. By doing so, he noticed some fake, bloody teeth. “What are these?” he pointed. “Why are these ones longer than the other?” “Well, vampires suck other people’s blood, don’t they?” said Tetsuo. “They need bigger canines to do so!” “They suck people’s blood?!” repeated Vector. “Yeah!” confirmed Kotori. “That’s why they are scary! Undead entities that need blood to survive…” “How can they ‘survive’ if they are undead?” pointed out Yuma. “Well, maybe, they…”
Vector missed the rest of the conversation. He stared at Ghostrick Alucard’s clothes for a long minute, before declaring “I want to be a vampire!” out loud, his eyes gleaming with excitement.
The others froze for a second, surprised by his sudden enthusiasm. “Do you like it that much, Shingetsu?” laughed his friends. “Yeah! They sound so cool! I want to be one for Halloween!” he replied. “It’s settled, then!” said Kotori. “Go try it on in the changing room. Let’s see if the size fits.”
And as it turned out, the costume fit the Barian so well that it took Tetsuo and Yuma ten minutes to convince him to change back into his normal clothes before purchasing it and heading out the shop. “No way!” whined Shingetsu. “I look way too cool in this to take it off!” “Talk about a change of heart!” replied Yuma. “Take that off!” “Shingetsu, I don’t think you can purchase it while you’re wearing it…” tried to persuade him Tetsuo. “Ok, fine…” the redhead surrendered. He hastily took the costume off and ran to the counter to pay for it, without even bothering to put it back in its package. “You are going to put it back on as soon as we’re outside, are you?” asked Kotori. “You know it.” Was the simple reply she got.
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ena-what-the-f · 10 years
Snow experience
Characters: Yuma, Akari, Haru, Astral, Eliphas, Ena Genre: Domestic Rating: K Wordcount: 1352
Astral thought that, during his stay on Earth, he had seen it all already.
He had also managed to live an incredible amount of new experiences since Eliphas, Ena and himself obtained a tangible, human body, partly because now that all of them could now feel, taste, and being seen by others, Yuma's family had decided to have them try everything.
Cooking, knitting, playing videogames, going shopping, or to an amusement park, or scuba diving... Reactions were mixed (Akari could've sworn Eliphas enjoyed his roller coaster ride way much more than he'd ever admit, but Ena was clearly shaken by it), but all in all, the three aliens were enjoying their stay in the human world, and Astral always spent his evenings wondering what the next adventure could have been. Yet, that day, Yuma and Akari seemed more excited than their three guests.
They were having dinner around the table, as usual. Akari and Yuma were fighting over the last fried shrimp, when the boy suddenly stood up, almost making his sister drop the shrimp. “Ah! Mine!” she exclaimed victoriously before eating the whole thing in only two bites.
Yuma, however, had run to the window and moved the curtain to the side, and had pressed his face on the window, shielding his eyes from the indoor light with his hands. “Akari, everyone, look! It's snowing!”
“Snow?!” Akari rushed to his brother, almost making her chair fall, and imitated Yuma's pose before throwing her hands into the air. “Yes! Oh, wow, it's been ages!” she commented as she reached for her phone to text Tetsuko about the event.
“Akari, shouldn't you be a bit more worried about this?” chuckled grandma Haru. “You are the one who's going to deal with it tomorrow.” she said as she sipped her tea. “Snow brings only troubles to adults.”
“Don't care!” the girl replied as she feverishly typed. “Snow!”
“Yes, yes...” sighed the old woman. “You are wondering what is going on right now, are you?” asked Haru, noticing the confused look painted on Astral, Ena and Eliphas' faces. “I figure that you noticed how cold the weather has been lately. You see, when temperatures reach a certain low level, it may snow.” she pointed at her grandchildren, who were now noticing everyone that it was, in fact, snowing. “Why don't you go and take a look outside?”
Ena was the first one to comply. “Wow!” It was rather dark, but the street lights made it possible to see the anomaly. Tiny white specs were falling down the sky, slowly and gracefully. “It's so pretty!” “So this is 'snow'?” muttered a surprised Astral.
“It doesn't seem that different from regular 'rain', though.” said Eliphas. “And yet Yuma and his sister are acting way more differently than when rainy days happen.”
Astral nodded. Akari and Yuma disliked rain.
Yuma always said that nothing fun could be done in those days, and despised them. Then why was he so gleeful that night?
The three aliens turned to look at the two siblings. They were completely... hyped.
“Sis, listen here, Shark replied with just 'whatever'.” the boy pointed at the text he had just received.
“Tell him that he's a loser and that he should act his age and be down in the streets chanting 'hallelujah'!” shouted Akari, who had gone in the entryway to grab jackets. “You three!” she than said, throwing them to Eliphas' face. “Put these on! We're going to take a closer look.”
“Don't stay outside too long.” advised Haru. “Especially you, Yuma. Don't catch a cold!”
“Ok!” he replied as he gently pushed Astral and Ena towards the door.
It was freezing. Ena observed their breath condense into tiny clouds. Her nose already got red from the cold, and she was visibly shaking. She grabbed both Astral and Eliphas and squeezed herself between them, in order to warm up a little.
“Aaah, it's cold, it's cold!” Akari squealed as she rubbed her hands together and blew on them. “Come here under the snow, you three!”
Ena slightly pulled the other two to make them move. “Look at the grass!” noticed Astral. “It's getting white!” “It's cold enough for snow not to melt as it hits the ground.” explained Yuma, who was twirling around with his arms spread open, looking up in a rather comical way. “So it just stays there.”
“It stays there?” asked Eliphas. “But what if it keeps on snowing?” “It accumulates.” simply replied Akari. “It can become a huge problem, actually. Snow and ice can be really dangerous. But Heartland is a quite warm city, and it could be that snowing all night could not be enough.” she added with a sad note in her voice. “It could be that we won't have any snow tomorrow morning, either falling down or on the streets.”
“We can show you some pictures of some snowy places, but it's the first-hand experience that counts! Right?” Yuma, who had gone back to text to his friends, waved his hand as if he was trying to shoo an annoying fly. “Heh, silly Vector. I hope Rio is filming everything...” he then whispered.
“Look, they are getting bigger!” Ena said. “They look so fluffy now!”
“Hey, Ena, did you know that no snowflake looks alike? All of these have different shapes!” informed her Akari. “Different shapes?” asked a confused Astral. “They look quite shapeless to me.”
“It's because they are tiny!” She put her thumb and point finger together. “But I think you can almost see them if you squeeze your eyes and pay enough attention.” she stretched her hand out and waited for a snowflake to fall on it. “Aha! See? You gotta be quick tough. It melts right away.”
They spent a few minutes staring intensely at that white miracle, trying to figure it out properly, but the snow had started to fall profusely, and Akari ordered everyone to get back inside.
“Yes, that'd be better.” commented Eliphas. “My hands are getting so cold that I can barely move my fingers anymore...” “Ah, sorry about that.” apologized Yuma as he opened the door. “I don't think we have enough gloves for everyone...”
“Oh, you're back in.” welcomed them Haru. “Come, I'm making hot chocolate.” “Aaah! Hot chocolate! Thanks, gran!” cheered Akari as she rushed to help her.
“... Can we drink it while watching outside?” asked Astral. He didn't quite understood what made snow that interesting, but for some reason, he couldn't stop staring at it.
“Oh! Yes, please!” begged Ena. “It looks very... poetic.” “AND romantic!” winked Akari as she poured the chocolate into mugs. “But yeah, it all depends on how much of it falls. I'm going to check the forecasts...”
“You know...” mumbled Yuma. “I hope at least a bit of it won't melt. We could play a little with it, tomorrow morning before school!” “Play with it?” asked Eliphas. “How?” “Well, you can make snowmen, or throw it at people, or use it to slide down the hills...” “You can do so many things with such an evanescent matter?!” exclaimed Astral. “Yes!” Yuma nodded. “And it's great!” “Oh... I want to try that!” said Ena.
“Bad news, Yuma.” announced Akari. “Apparently it will stop soon, and temperatures will raise tomorrow. You guys will probably be able to see some leftovers tomorrow morning, but I'm afraid your plans have been blown.”
Yuma snorted, disgruntled.
“Well, at least you guys got to see it at least once...”
They passed the evening in the sofas of Tsukumo's household, chatting and drinking hot chocolate (Ena asked for another cup and a half), until Akari made Yuma notice that bedtime had come.
“Ok then...” he said as he glanced out of the windows one last time. “... it's stopping. Oh well...”
Astral looked at the few flakes that had remained. Earth surely was filled with unique phenomena... As he wished everyone a good night, he wondered how many more he had to experience.
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ena-what-the-f · 10 years
The quickest story ever, based on kitameguire's headcanon about Don Thousand's name... It took me 2+ months before writings something about it. My original idea was completely different, but hell the thing wrote down by itself!
Ena walked up to the door to greet Eliphas. “Welcome back” she said as she smooched his cheek. “How was work today?” “Eh, the usual.” he replied in a tired voice. “I need a vacation, Ena. That, or a nice cold shower.” “You are the only person I know able to define “nice” a cold shower.” stated Ena while following him in the kitchen. “But, in any case, I'm afraid that you'll have to wait for Don to get out the bathroom.” She continued as Eliphas was warming his dinner up.
The man raised an eyebrow. “What's up with him?” “Oh, it's his new boss. That Dahlia lady. He can't stand her.”
“Why? Does she still need to get used to the place?”
“Oh, no. She made herself home already.” explained the woman with a small smile. “She keeps on calling everyone by their full first name.”
Eliphas laughed. “Ah, I see... So that's why he locked himself in the bathroom?” “Yep.” nodded Ena. “He has been taking one long relaxing bath. I keep on checking on him” she reassured him “so I know he hasn't drowned yet. But I think he might have started growing fins by now.”
“Honestly, he should just deal with that.” grunted Eliphas. “It's not like he can help that.”
An annoyed voice coming from the hallway interrupted him. “What are you two doing? Speaking ill of the dead?” Don appeared in the kitchen wearing nothing but a towel, his wet hair tied up in a pony tail. He reached for Eliphas' plate and stole a roasted potato.
“You look very much alive to me.” frowned Eliphas, mourning his potato. Don pointed is finger at him dramatically. “No, I'm not. The whole office now knows about my real name, Eliphas. The whole office. Even that newbie at the cafeteria! I am a dead man.”
“I like your name.” simply said Ena absentmindedly.
“Thank you for trying to comfort me, sugar, but we both know the truth.” said Don. “There is no reason to lie to ourselves.” “Aren't you exaggerating a bit, Donald?”
Don freezed and slowly turned his head to face Eliphas. “Do. Not.” he whispered.
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ena-what-the-f · 10 years
Free day, snow day.
Pairing: My crazy AU!DonEraEni OT3 thing which isn't even remotely connected to zexal anymore Characters: AU!Ena, AU!Eliphas, AU!Don Wordcount: 561 Warnings: Lazy as hell, I just wanted to write about Don being a spoiled brat
Don was staring out of the kitchen window, still in his pajamas. The snow was falling incessantly from the sky, covering the roofs of the sleeping town. It was 7am, and the only audible sound were the snow removals cleaning the deserted streets. “Yes, it's 7am.” muttered the man after taking a sip of coffee. “Why am I awake at 7am on my free day?” “You know why.” Answered Eliphas voice from the entryway. “Ena and I are going now, and you'll be home alone.” “Alone and free to enjoy the warmth of our bed all by myself.” Don said in an exasperated voice, continuing to play dumb. “Unless you wanted me to have breakfast with you just because you simply can't live without me -which is understandable-, I don't see why--”
The door opened and a cold wind hit his face, interrupting him. Ena entered the house, with her hair and earmuffs covered in snow. By looking at her red nose and hands, Don could tell just how cold the weather was that day. “I put the shovel right here, next the door.” she explained. “The walkway is slippery, so be careful.” She then turned to Eliphas. “You should get your scarf, too” she said as she grabbed her blue muffler. “It's freezing out there.”
“What do you mean by that?” asked an annoyed Don. “You know what she means.” answered Eliphas as he grabbed his car keys and leaned in to kiss his cheek. “You have to keep the pathway clear from snow. Ena, I'll wait you outside.” he added, as he headed out the apartment. “But I don't wanna do that!” he moaned to the closed door. “Ena, today is my free day! I don't want to spend it shoveling snow! It's way too bothersome! Can't I wait for you two to be back? So we can do it together?” he pleaded, trying to sound convincing. “You, me, that loser, together under the snow. That's romantic, right?”
“The snow will have turned into ice by then, and it would be harder to move it around. There's nothing romantic about it.” Ena grabbed her suitcase and was checking if she had forgotten anything important. “Eliphas will be back at 17 as usual, and I have a meeting with my editor at 15, so I'll probably be late.” “Why do I always have to do the heavy labor?” The woman snorted. “Heavy labor? You? Please, you always find a way to slack off.”
“But Ena-” Don tried to object, but Ena put her finger on his lips. “It's your free day. I know. That means you are the only one that can do this. Be our hero and do us this favor.” “But I don't wanna!” he stuttered again, as if that would've helped him avoid his task. “You already said that.” Ena tiptoed and planted a kiss on his forehead. “See you this evening.”
She closed the door behind her and left Don alone in front of it. He rolled his eyes, grunting various complaints as he started walking back to the kitchen. “Always telling me what to do... I can't stand those two!” he snarled as he washed his mug. He then raised his head to look out of the window once again. “It won't stop, huh?” he sighed. “Alright, alright, I'll do it...”
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ena-what-the-f · 10 years
Still from that skype chat with Tori, I mostly call these "Don is a tease headcanons" (plus "Teasing Eliphas is so damn entertaining")
but I like to think Don is a super tease especially to eliphas because Ena rolls with it, but he just awkwardly tries to make him stop
also I have this headcanon where Eliphas has super sensitive fingers  and don exploits the shit out of it, especially when eliphas is doing stuff in the kitchen. Because apparently don loves doing it in the kitchen
he steals the puddings with Ena's name on it Ena tries to make him sleep on the sofa and it works until he crawls in the bed and starts biting her hear and neck "dammit i said no" "pretty please??" and Eliphas is trying to sleep and he just goes "just let him in"
But Ena loves kisses and bites on the neck so he knows where to hit her he knows he has charm and he exploits tHE HELL OUT OF IT that rascal
Eliphas meanwhile is a little awkward and cute. Almost the exact opposite he's fun to tease, even Ena does that and then there are those days when Ena and Don team up against Eliphas
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ena-what-the-f · 10 years
Headcanons about the "how did those three get together", still fom skype chat with Tori. (Copied and pasted so the grammar and everything is nowhere to be found) Didn't really want to post this anywhere because it involves and heavily revolves around depressed!Ena, and I'm not sure I managed to speak about the illness in a truthful manner and I didn't want to sound unrespectful.
[...] basically Ena closed herself inside home because she didn't know what to do [about both Eliphas and Don liking her, her liking both of them, fear that they would both leave her etc.] right? She started just laying in bed, not cleaning the house or herself up and stuff   Don and Eliphas usually just sit behind the door, ringing the bell a couple of times and just waiting there not at the same time and days but hey
one day don was just sitting there when eliphas arrived. He had the keys of the house since the beginning but didn't want to just get in after a week and a half he said FFFFFFFFFFFFFUCK THIS BAE I'M COMING but hey her BF was there too but who cares so they come in and start to help her cleaning the house, making her eat she has to clean herself up but the only way is making baths together and Eliphas doesn't feel like just--"Lol no prob dude I'll do this she's ~my gf~ after all" (wow what an ass) and of course cuddling a lot "Ena what the hell do you really think one of use would leave such an amazing girl as you" So yeah maybe one cuddled with her when the other was cleaning or cooking and stuff, but sometimes they just cuddled all together they slowly managed to get her in the kitchen, in the living room, make her do stuff and so on and basically they start living together for two-three months until Ena is completely ok because her health comes first   The problem is Eliphas got a huge crush on Don because he just flirts with everyone regardless of their orentations because he's hella hot and he likes to make people uncomfortable but now Eliphas has this internal fight!!! Don likes that because he think he's cute aND OH NO ABORT WHAT Ena sees that and stops getting better because "there you go, they are gonna get married" so the cuddling sessions intensifies (mostly because both of the other two think "NO I LOVE ENA NOT THAT GUY") but stuff happens and they even kiss once while Ena is sleeping and "oh, oh my god." there s only a thing to do. TALK IT OUT they all end up having slow cuddly sex like 8 times in 8 different days (ena and don, ena and eliphas, don and eliphas, all three together) and then decide that they can roll with it takes ena a while to get completely ok though but when she gets better she goes back to work and stuff and eventually they can go live together
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ena-what-the-f · 10 years
Tumblr media
Sleeping headcanon from a chat I had with Tori weeks ago. Figured out I should save it somewhere!
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ena-what-the-f · 10 years
That one time Eliphas broke his favourite mug and frowned for 3 days straight, until Don came home with a super-similiar one, saying "I couldn't find the same one, now quit yo bitchin' and make me some coffee"
But as he said that, he threw the mug at Eliphas, and he has the reflexes of a dead octopus. The mug fell and broke.
Eliphas stopped being sad, but Don got so upset that now they had to cheer him up.
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ena-what-the-f · 10 years
- (x) -
"I’ve got one word for you: sing-along!" 
Ena looked at the microphone Eliphas was hoding with horror. "Wh- no." she shook her head and arms. "No, I don’t sing."
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ena-what-the-f · 10 years
Don X Eliphas X Ena
(I said I was going to bed, but I lied. I wanted to finish this first! )I AM GLAD YOU ASKED. Human AU rupture polyamorous trio meme go this is actually pretty good for my headcanons tbhUnder a cut because it’s around 1200 words and stuff.
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ena-what-the-f · 10 years
for the send me a ship thing: EliDonEna and destiny u c u
You are a nice person. I’ll do my best to not mess this up!
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ena-what-the-f · 10 years
Eliphas getting super-sick one winter and both Ena and Don getting super-worried because he’s almost never sick and now he’s bed ridden 
and he becomes the baby of the house even though he claims he’s ok and he only needs to sleep for an afternoon (spoiler alert, that’s bullroar.)
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ena-what-the-f · 10 years
Pregnant!Ena deciding to keep the baby and Don and Eliphas having to go through the whole “so who’s the father” awkward moments because “uuuhhhhhhhh….”
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ena-what-the-f · 10 years
Part 1 - Part 2
Pairing: Aethericshipping / AlitoEna (it’s there, but it’s not a thing. Makes sense in context I hope.) Characters: Alito, Ena, Vector, Eliphas. (Yuma, Kotori, Astral) Rating: K+ (Vector drops a bomb) Wordcount: 3228 Takes place after canon
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ena-what-the-f · 10 years
Based on aorinappollo's ask. (Things went wrong along the way and it all got kind of angsty)
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ena-what-the-f · 10 years
Zexal Rarepair challenge 6/? - Aethericshipping
Title: Valentine’s Day Chocolate Rating: K Wordcount: 1015
{part 2 - part 3}
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ena-what-the-f · 10 years
Zexal Rarepair challenge 5/? - Sunlikeshipping
Title: Let’s go for a swim Wordcount: 859 Rating: K Spoiler warning: Takes place after canon (and could possibly be a sequel to this)
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