emmijhhhjjjjhgcd · 7 days
ive only ever reached my ugw once 😭 it was so weird cuz i realised people WERE RIGHT 💀 i refused to lower it but i kept going ‘just two more pounds…’ until i went from 39kg to 34kg 😭
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emmijhhhjjjjhgcd · 7 days
getting so many rb on this its scary, i know guys im just SOOOOOOO funny and unique ‼️
saving the planet by having an 3d!!! 💗💗 i dont eat or waste food AND walk everywhere!
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emmijhhhjjjjhgcd · 9 days
You can talk all about losing weight, but your body never lies. do you want to be known as the elephant in the room?
Then throw that cake away and stop stuffing you're face with all that junk.
It's not easy? Nothing comes by easily don't be naive only the one's that really want it can achieve it.
If you don't feel dizzy, you're not doing it right. Come on this is nothing compared to the tiny waist you’ll have. Although, let's be real you have enough fat to last you months.
Say it with me,
You are not starving you're just getting skinny.
(directed @ me!!)
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emmijhhhjjjjhgcd · 9 days
being in school after getting your predicteds is the strangest feeling in the world. knowing everyone around you has there stupid AAA grades and can apply to medicine while you were too busy having a fucking ed to revise for the one thing uve wanted in life and got an AAB. fml.
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emmijhhhjjjjhgcd · 12 days
if ur an active ED blog in may 2024 pls re blog or like this so i can follow u
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emmijhhhjjjjhgcd · 12 days
The feeling of my thighs touching is my least favorite thing in the world
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emmijhhhjjjjhgcd · 12 days
just got confronted by my fucking english teacher about my ‘mental health’. fml. i get As in her class. i have BEEN GETTING As. why does it matter if i skip a few lessons? does it hurt you? does it AFFECT MY GRADE IF I DINT TURN UP??? ugh. hate some teachers. ‘i can see you struggling, mentally. i noticed you zoning out, do you think taking about it would help?’ about what. literally WHAT. so i could get taken away by fucking cps or some shit? no thanks.
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emmijhhhjjjjhgcd · 12 days
*pretends to not care what the scale says, ‘as long as i look th1nner’*
*forgets i have raging body dysmorphia*
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emmijhhhjjjjhgcd · 12 days
woke up this morning and forgot to weigh in 😭 i was considering to switching to every couple days anyway tho?? i feel like its more satisfying watching it drop all in one go ??
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emmijhhhjjjjhgcd · 12 days
putting on makeup and feeling pretty till u realise you would look sm better with less face fat is SICKENING.
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emmijhhhjjjjhgcd · 12 days
Yo, reblog if you fucked up and you still fighting for goal, there is a no - shame post. All of us gonna got it, trust me. Love for butterflies. <3
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emmijhhhjjjjhgcd · 12 days
treat weekends as meta days, makes u feel less guilty and like ur still in control. allow urself somethings, set somethings as harsh NOs, even if ur meta days are higher than what ur comfortable with, at least having a ‘limit’ will make u feel better.
How can I be doing so good all week but as soon the weekend hits I’ll start eating and never stop. And then ruin all the progress I made. How do I end this cycle??
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emmijhhhjjjjhgcd · 12 days
people who comment negative shit on b0dy ch3cks like the person posting isnt already struggling are so fucking brain dead. pisses me off.
The €D community is so sweet but istg there are a ton of you, way too many of you who are just disgusting. Stop projecting your insecurities onto other people. Everyone has shit to deal with already nobody wants to deal with yours fuck off!
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emmijhhhjjjjhgcd · 13 days
NOT 3D related but cw: venting, maybe sh or sa
the constant pressure of feeling like you have to amount to something, or SOMEONE because your parents think they ‘know’ you is the most insane feeling in the whole world. i dont have the heart to tell them im not smart, im not amazing, i in fact do not meet any standard because theyve been SO nice. my parents only ever want me at my best and it hurts so bad because what do you MEAN for three years i was getting groomed, attempted su1cide, had a raging 3D and was addicted to $h?? and NO ONE batted an eye???? no one looked up to notice me??? i know they probably dont mean it but i feel like no one ever wants me except at my best when im nice and tame, when im not im horrible and cruel. maybe im silly for expecting some sort of love at my worst but it breaks me so much when i see them roll their eyes and say ‘we’re not doing this again, are we?’ like its some sort of phase i went through, like being traumatised and hurt was a silly phase, like the 13 year old girl in me who was so angry and hurt just disappeared because i gave up on begging someone to ACTUALLY love me? my mother is still convinced my e@ting d1sorder was just a phase, and makes stupid fucking comments on me gaining weight like that isnt what she begged me to do. how do you move on from 14 year old you trying to pick out an outfit and breaking down because she felt so unloved, just to be told ‘maybe if you werent so frustrating to be around we’d love you’, or maybe, being 15 and getting ready for a wedding while sobbing in the dress youd been obsessed with cuz you felt so fat and gross, just for your mum to respond with ‘why are you always like this? you ruin things for me, youre the biggest problem in my life.’??? i need to know because some part of me wants to forgive, to move on, but its like no matter what i do i cant shake the feeling the second i slip up, get angry or fail school she’ll go back to how she was.
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emmijhhhjjjjhgcd · 13 days
losing and gaining the same pounds 💀
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emmijhhhjjjjhgcd · 13 days
wow !! will deffo be trying out 🔥🔥 thanks for the tips 😎😎
fun fact!!! Crying actually is the BEST way to get rid of water weight and actually works as an appetite suppressant!!! Furthermore, hysterically sobbing at 2 am because everything around you is too overstimulating for 5 hours will give you a throbbing headache you can’t do shit about and distract you from food!!!!!!!!! You’re bound to drop 19372 pounds in a week with this method and low res because you can’t bring yourself to eat!! Stay safe lovelies 😜😜😍😍😘🔥💋🥰🥰❤️😁😁🔥💕💕❤️❤️‼️‼️
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emmijhhhjjjjhgcd · 13 days
"Starving yourself won't make you look attractive"
i dont want to look attractive, i want to look sick
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