emma-averno-ans · 4 years
white wlw don’t actually care about homophobia
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emma-averno-ans · 4 years
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If you can’t reblog this, unfollow me now.
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emma-averno-ans · 4 years
this is how i see all of dlh and you can’t change my mind
not a single soul:
DLH kids finishing their presentation on Greek philosophers: In conclusion, we should cancel all of them for being pretentious and sexist, but especially Aristotle. Diogenes can stay because if he were alive today he would say ACAB and gender doesn’t exist. Also I’m well aware that I didn’t discuss Democritus. I left him out because he was a time traveler. Any questions?
the other departments: ...
the professors: ...this is a science class....why are you even here?
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emma-averno-ans · 4 years
Fun fact: this post is also on Pinterest now. That’s actually where I saw it first.
i can’t believe superwholock existed as one the largest fandom(s) on this website. there hasn’t been a trace of it on my dashboard in years. No mention, no whisper. a ghost. i still follow people who reblogged it. i myself reblogged it. and yet here we are, not daring to ever mention it. im risking my life making this po
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emma-averno-ans · 4 years
Can’t afford to keep myself and my SO afloat - please help a black trans woman survive!
My name’s Natasha, I’m a 25 year old black trans woman currently living in Washington. Due to COVID we’re running into a massive supply shortage at work, leaving me again with drastically reduced hours and lower wages. My SO works full-time, but she is currently experiencing COVID-like symptoms and thus can’t work for two more weeks (on top of the week and a half she’s already missed). Our bills are piling up, and even when we can pay them off, we literally have less than $5 to our names for food, transportation costs, etc.
There’s absolutely no pressure or obligation for anyone to donate anything to us, but if you are able and wanting to, it would mean the absolute world to us. Here is our Venmo, and here is our Cash App. We are currently trying to figure our Paypal situation out, so if that’s the only way you can donate, DM me. If you can’t donate (again, no worries!) but want to help, please signal boost this! Thank you all so much
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emma-averno-ans · 4 years
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I can sing all of it except that one line
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emma-averno-ans · 4 years
It’s My Birthday!
Hello, everyone! It’s my birthday today! Well, tonight? It’s 3:36 AM here right now!
Because of the pandemic, I’m spending it alone this year! It’s not ideal, but I know my family and friends will party with me next time around!
Instead, I’d love if y’all could celebrate with me by doing something a little different!
Seal Rescue Ireland NEEDS our help! SRI rescues more than 100 seal pups each year, and it’s almost entirely through public support that those seals have what they need to grow bigger and stronger and get flopping back into the ocean. The pandemic has been devastating to wildlife rehabilitation programs around the world, and SRI is no exception to the harsh bite.
Could you help me help Seal Rescue Ireland? There are two big ways you can!
NUMBER ONE is adopting a seal, like little Perseus here!
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It’s a one-time donation of  €30.00, which is is roughly $35. You get an Adoption Package, which includes your seal’s story, updates as they come, and other amazing information about your seal. You’ll be part of a big, blubbery family. Don’t just do it for MY birthday! Adopt a seal for a friend so they get the updates, or a kid, or parent, or your dog if your dog’s always wanted a seal.
There are plenty of seals in need up for adoption! GO HERE TO MEET THEM!
Next, if that sponsorship is more than you can afford, you can simply DONATE ANY AMOUNT HERE. NO amount is too little! Every cent helps these seals along the way back home to the Irish Sea! PayPal and cards are both valid!
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I’d sponsor all of them if I could, and you know I’ve done my part feeding them myself. But for now, from where I am, I need your help!
Consider it a present to me, or to the seal and to the health of the Irish Sea which needs its cutest apex predators! Whichever way you want to look at it, let’s make a big difference together!
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emma-averno-ans · 4 years
So I know I said this exact same thing about US intervention in Latin American economies, but was I the only one who was taught that this shit happened, but is over now???
Africa is being Colonized
AFRICOM is the United States attempt to control the African continent through regime change, drone strikes, espionage, and “diplomacy.” The purpose is to control Africa and it’s people, and to continue the US’s plundering of Africa. The United States is in Africa steal resources such as oil, diamonds, gold, timber, and more. AFRICOM was also created to discourage African countries from collaborating with communist and socialist countries, primarily China.
What is Africom?
Africom is the “United States Africa Command,” a military program started in 2008 to “counters transnational threats… strengthen security forces, and responds to crises in order to advance U.S. national interests and promote regional security, stability, and prosperity.” taken from their website. However, AFRICOM, as explained by Netfa Freeman, “has put most African nations under the effective military control of the United States. AFRICOM is the re-colonization of Africa by the U.S., with thousands of U.S. troops now stationed in some 30 African countries and dozens of U.S. bases across Africa. The total estimated cost for AFRICOM in 2018 is $236.9 million.“
African leaders as a whole rejected AFRICOM, all the way back in 2007. Despite this, the United States continued their invasion, and now has military bases in an estimated 60 countries.
Why does africom exist?
1. “ENDING TERRORISM” The US claims that they’re in Africa to end terrorism. However, this is just a cover for the US’s military presence.
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In fact, terrorism has increased since AFRICOM started, but the program was never meant to actually help African people. By all standards, the US is the greatest terrorist in the world. As explained by Tunde Osazua, “The occupation of foreign countries and devastating bombings that the United States has used to achieve its goals in Africa are acts of terror. The U.S. also leverages economic terrorism with the World Bank and IMF to transfer wealth and force austerity measures, and it enforces murderous sanctions on African countries. Al-Shabaab, ISIS, Al-Qaeda, and their counterparts cannot come close to the kind of death, destruction, and destabilization that the U.S. has brought about in Africa.” source
2. NEO-COLONIALISM infiltrating states under the guise of “counter-terrorism,” encouraging capitalistic dictatorships and taking out socialist and communist rules.
This is not the first time the United States has destabilized democratically elected socialist or communist leaders. As early as the 1950s, the US has assassinated and overthrown African leaders. Kwame Nkrumah of Ghana was overthrown in a CIA led coup while he was visiting China. More recently, the United States invaded Somalia in the 1990s, plunging it into the conflict that is still happening now.
3. PREVENT COLLABORATION WITH CHINA prevent China from trading with African countries, and discouraging south-south solidarity
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(this racist cartoon)
The view of China giving loans and trading with Africa as predatory is untrue. In truth, Africans on average have a positive or neutral view of China. Portraying Africa as being taken advantage of by China is infantilistic, and also enraging when put in comparison to the United States literally invading, killing, and destabilizing African countries again and again to protect US hegemony. Imagine if China drone bombed one of these countries? We must end the normalization of mindless killing in the global south (as well as the valorization of the US military and veterans).
What is AFRICOM doing now?
Right now, AFRICOM is trying to get the right to drone bomb Kenya to prevent “terrorism.” Even more conservative American news sites like the Washington Post admits is incredibly violent, and will likely cause more unrest. President Uhuru Kenyatta of Kenya has said that he will not give the US permission to drone strike Kenya, and that there aren’t any terrorist camps in Kenya. However, not getting permission from country leaders to drone strike hasn’t stopped the US before. This plan is remarkably similar to what the US did to Somalia, in which US backed Ethiopian soldiers wrecked havoc.
It’s important to know that AFRICOM is supported by the democratic party, even more “progressive” politicians like Ilhan Omar. While AFRICOM was created in 2008 by George Bush, it grew by 2,000% under Obama, and is currently supported by both Joe Biden and Donald Trump.
Additional Resources
This is a great article, it’s an article on the Black Agenda Report detailing why Africom exists and what it does, by Ebrahim Shabbir Deen.
This article explains China’s relationship with Africa, by Danny Haiphong.
This article describes research done into the amount of US military bases in Africa. It’s a lot.
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emma-averno-ans · 4 years
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Part: 1/2
Yoo Jae-myung, animation director of The Legend of Korra, discusses Nickelodeons initial hesitancy to accept Mike and Bryans proposal of the show… and Korra.
“The sequel focuses on the incarnation of the new Avatar, Korra, as she tries to save a city called the Republic City.”
“So, Korra is a young girl , not a boy. Heroes and protagonists are usually men.”
“That actually became a problem.
Nickelodeon was reluctant to produce this animated series at first because the protagonist was a girl.
I guess you could say that Americans are more conservative than Koreans.
The production was suspended just because the protagonist was a girl.
To compare this situation to a movie production, it’s as if the lead actor has already been cast, but the production agency decides to stop the filming because they don’t approve of the actor.”
Part 2: (x)
Full interview: (x)
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emma-averno-ans · 4 years
Just an experiment. Reblog if you actually give a fuck about male victims of domestic violence and rape.
Of fucking course
What sick bastard doesn’t
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emma-averno-ans · 4 years
You laugh, but my world religions teacher was trying to tell my class about how the lotus position is important for meditation because it limits how distracting the body is best. The rest of the class needed like a 5 minute explanation and to try to sit without having their body distract them, but I was like honey we been knew from the beginning.
adhd culture is getting rid of distractions to focus and then becoming the distraction
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emma-averno-ans · 4 years
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Make Her Proud ✊🏽
Many white lgbtq folks have spoken out about their distaste for the current riots and protests that are happening across the US right now, but still want to celebrate pride. 
So in honor of pride month, here’s a quick history lesson. 
This is Marsha P. Johnson, a black trans woman, and the reason we can celebrate pride today. 
In the year 1969, the police were raiding gay bars and nightclubs and arresting people by the dozens. This had been going on for several months when one night, the police showed up at the Stonewall Club, and began their usual arrests.
 One of the cops pushed a woman against a cop car, hurting her head and causing her to cry out in pain, and that was when Marsha decided enough was enough. She grabbed her shot glass and threw it at the wall, and so began the Stonewall riots, which went on for several days. 
Starting to sound familiar? 
Marsha took a stand for the community and she started the long tradition that lead to the Pride we know today. So not only was pride a riot, it was started by a woman of color. So now, it’s time to pay it back. Stand up for your black and brown brothers and sisters as we fight oppression, just as we fought for you.
 Fuck Shit Up. 
Give Them Hell. 
Make Her Proud.
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emma-averno-ans · 4 years
Can you please reblog if your blog is a safe place for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, asexual, aromantic, pansexual, non binary, demisexual or any other kind of queer or questioning people? Because mine is.
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emma-averno-ans · 4 years
ALL the lives are wild
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I have to stop
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emma-averno-ans · 4 years
The End of Lover’s Quartet
For once I’m not afraid to-
Bea, there’s something I need to tell you
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emma-averno-ans · 4 years
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I have to stop
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emma-averno-ans · 4 years
Me, knowing damn well I have adhd and can’t remember shit: I don’t need to write it down, I’ll remember :)
Me, when I inevitably forget every single time: 
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