emiliers · 28 days
Please stop saying “Every country ever has persecuted Jews and kicked them out.” It is so ahistorical. Jewish people have had different statuses in different societies throughout different parts of history. These different statuses were made possible through certain conditions. Also, by saying this you’re concluding that antisemitism is inevitable instead of a phenomenon brought on by specific conditions that can be fought against and destroyed.
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emiliers · 28 days
Here's a website where Palestine GoFundMes are vetted and shared that you can send out to people. The url is gazafunds.com
Easy to use and simple. Just share the site whenever someone asks for GFMs for Palestine.
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emiliers · 2 months
[ID: Video of someone with a game cartridge of Pokemon Moon slowly dragging it across the length of the video screen, over a stationary copy of Pokemon Sun. /end ID]
For those that are going to miss the eclipse on Monday, I have created a simulation of what the eclipse will look like along the path of totality
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emiliers · 2 months
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torchic and piplup hope to take flight!
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emiliers · 4 months
god i love coming home and being at home and sitting inside my home and staying home
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emiliers · 4 months
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happy year of the dragon!
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emiliers · 4 months
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emiliers · 4 months
Yeah, so for context: unlike in America, Taiwan does not have the space to just place garbage out on the road, even if we have government-issued large trashcans to do so (which we don't). Instead, the garbage truck will drive around blaring Für Elise as a signal for folks to bring out their trash.
A lot of newer construction apartments now have designated garbage spaces in-building where they pay additional fees for garbage pickup (included in community fees for the building), but the Garbage Truck Song is still quite common across most of Taiwan, especially for those still living in older buildings. The trucks are also different colors for trash and recyclables.
Another thing about Taiwan that most people don't seem to know about (that I constantly forget isn't a usual thing): All Taiwanese receipts have lottery numbers on them. And, yes, I do mean all of them, including e-receipts. If you get a receipt in Taiwan, you automatically have a ticket for the national lottery. Winning numbers are posted every other month, and the cash prize you're able to get depends on how many numbers match. (The smallest, NT$200, which is around US$6 or $7, requires three matching numbers out of a total of eight.)
So several years ago I was in Taiwan with my betrothed and two of our other friends, one of whom was Taiwanese. One morning we had the bewildering experience of waking up to Beethoven’s Für Elise blaring through the misty morning streets.
We sat up in utter perplexity. We went to a window and watched people trailing after a garbage truck, chucking their trash bags at it while it slowly drove down the street, speakers pumping out orchestral music.
Three of us gathered at the window staring in rapt fascination and the one native friend was like. “Guys, it’s just the garbage truck song.”
Years later I can’t hear it without thinking of the garbage trucks.
So when I was working on Kilonova in our team space with twenty some people and heard Für Elise playing briefly my head popped up and I said, “Oh! The garbage truck song!”
I planned to explain but one of my teammates heads also shot up and said, “Yes!! The garbage truck song!!” I’d forgotten she was Taiwanese and we were both suddenly bonded in our mutual joy of knowing the garbage truck song together.
We then realized the rest of the team was just staring at us like ????
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emiliers · 4 months
A resident physician at the University of Ottawa's faculty of medicine who was suspended over pro-Palestinian social media posts says he's been reinstated but has no plans to return to the institution. Dr. Yipeng Ge, 29, was sanctioned by the university last November after it got several complaints about a series of pro-Palestinian posts he'd made, ones that included references to "apartheid" and "settler colonialism." At the time of his suspension, Ge had been a fourth-year public health and preventive medicine resident and was completing a residency at the Public Health Agency of Canada. His research has focused on Indigenous health, anti-racism and decolonization.
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Tagging @politicsofcanada
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emiliers · 4 months
re: that last post, ive said it before and ill say it again: no one deserves to die (deserving is fake and death is bad) but some people need to be stopped and choose to make death the only way to stop them
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emiliers · 4 months
genuinely, honestly, I wish fandom could move past "depiction isn't endorsement".
because it's really meant to be sort of the baby beginner step to media literacy but in fandom spaces it usually acts like a trump card to shut down critical discussions. it's one of the thought terminating cliches of fandom that discourages learning how to interrogate the text beyond "fiction isn't reality, dummy".
yes, the popular whump fic in your fandom isn't endorsing torture, but also, can you tell when the canon for your fandom is endorsing a message? how do you then choose to interact with that canon, and do you get defensive when people are critical of the source material?
depiction isn't endorsement, but can you tell when fandom trends are misogynistic or racist? can you see how killing off a black female character to "punish" her in fanfiction with the framing that she deserves it, and the popular narrative in a certain fandom that a heroic black man is a possessive liar and a white villain is a good man deserving redemption, is endorsing a message in fanfic? do you argue that it's "just fiction" when people get very understandably upset at misogyny and racism in fandom spaces?
yeah, depiction isn't endorsement, but do you think this is where it starts and stops as the only thing you really need to know? do you think people who are critical of things aren't engaging with it properly, or being mean, because they've forgotten the golden fandom rule of "fiction isn't reality"?
nbc hannibal isn't endorsing cannibalism as a dietary choice, but top gun maverick and call of duty: modern warfare were quite literally sponsored by the us military as propaganda for recruitment.
I'm not saying don't enjoy the ip that's making you happy or calling for moral purity in your media habits or whatever. just saying that there's a lot to media literacy beyond the feel good affirmations that periodically circulate fandom, and those affirmation posts both lack necessary nuance and discourage people from engaging with said nuance.
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emiliers · 4 months
Maybe this is me just trying to articulate the same thing over and over in different ways, but I think some people in fiction (fanfiction and original fiction) circles have overcorrected and basically ended up at "all writing is value-neutral and nothing that is written is bad and nobody ever has the right to tell anyone not to write anything ever and we can never criticize old books with modern sensibilities."
And I think we should figure out how to have a useful and nuanced conversation about the fact that some things are bad and probably shouldn't be put out in public. And that's not me saying that anyone should be drawn and quartered or or harassed or cancelled or whatever. But we have to be able to think critically of writing and get past the knee-jerk reaction that any criticism ever is purity culture or censorship or conservativism in a gay hat.
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emiliers · 4 months
Do you think there shouldn’t be a Jewish state at all? Not even in a different continent?
You might need to sit down for this one but ethnostates shoud not exist, regardless of what continent they might be on lmao
The existence of an ethnostate by default means the subjugation and violence committed against other groups of people and you cannot name anywhere, definitely not a continent, where a homogenous ethostate can be established without displacing the people already living there who are not part of the ethnic group.
The only way this can ever be achieved is through ethnic cleansing and you're literally asking me if I'm in favour of that and the answer is fuck no
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emiliers · 4 months
China's censorship has always had looser restrictions in print media than in, say, TV or movies, and since these are foreign authors whose work, if translated into Chinese, would've already seen cuts by the censorship committee already, I don't think queer content specifically was the issue.
I think the issue was probably the authors' professed political views, in the case of Xiran Jay Zhao and R.F. Kuang. Zhao especially has been openly critical of the current Mainland Chinese government, while Kuang's books draw heavily on Chinese political history, which the Mainland Chinese government does not like -- and they have definitely been known to "punish" figures they don't agree with by not allowing their works to circulate in China.
As for Sandman, it's a TV show, so it's automatically under more scrutiny by the Chinese censorship bureau than any of the print media on the list. While I can't be absolutely positive this is the reason, I think there's a good chance it was disqualified for its supernatural content. China does not allow supernatural content to be shown on TV because they consider it "superstitious nonsense", so no ghosts, gods, etc. It's a bit like a Scooby-Doo episode -- all the supernatural monsters have to be shown to be just a guy wearing a bedsheet at the end of it, which, uh, Sandman clearly does not do.
The question now is if China's censorship bureau actually applied external pressure on the committee (possible but somewhat unlikely because these often involve more labor and time) or simply dropped hints that they'd prefer things to go a certain way (more likely) or the committee simply decided to self-censor to save themselves the trouble (again, fairly likely). Either way, not a great look, especially if they didn't even bother to come up with an explanation.
Oof yall. The 2023 Hugo controversy has gotten much, much worse.
The Hugo's are another big Scifi/Fantasy book award, basically only second in prestige to the Nebulas. It's held by WorldCon, so who runs the awards changes each year- its handled by whatever group is doing the con.
And in 2023, it was held in China. And at the time, the finalist list took FOREVER to come out, and when it did, Babel (which had won the Nebula and Locus awards already) wasn't even nominated. Which everyone thought was *suspicious*
And NOW the actual nomination ballot data has come out. And not only do some of the counts... seem.....weird. BUT we've found out that not only Babel, but also Xiran Jay Zhao (who wrote the Chinese Yugioh book lol), and Sandman were disqualified late in nomination for being "ineligible" with no explanation for WHY.
The obvious explanation is Chinese censorship, either for the queer content, though other queer works were still included (including Legends and Lattes and Nona the Ninth), or some other political themes. Kuang and Zhou have content in their books that the Chinese government might not...love. but I dunno why Sandman got snubbed then? This is all speculation, but since the people actually running 2024 WorldCon are refusing to answer questions, what should we think? Neil Gaiman apparently tried to get answers and was basically brushed off.
And people are piiiiiiiissed
Mostly, I feel bad for T Kingfisher, who won Best Novel at the Hugo's for Nettle and Bone. Nettle and Bone was a great book! And now this win is always going to have this sheen of ick on it.
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emiliers · 4 months
frankly, the people whose kneejerk reaction to bisan asking for a global strike form the 21st-28th is to say that it takes years to organize a general strike are really unhelpful! no one is saying otherwise, but palestine will be a smoking crater if we all wait for years to do anything - bisan is asking us to do something now. Like are we only supposed to do something if we can do it perfectly??? At some point it’s a valid critique about the work that goes into social movement, and at another point I feel like some people are just trying to absolve themselves from not putting any effort into observing a week of economic inaction.
like idk! I get it, okay! People have bills to pay that don’t magically go away for a strike, we don’t have nearly enough social infrastructure in place to support people to fully stop going to work for a week. But fuck, dude! Stop immediately responding in such a defeatist way! Cut out unnecessary purchases! Try to shop local! Put more effort into promoting Palestinian voices online! Attend a protest, call a local rep, do something!
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emiliers · 4 months
for anyone who isn’t aware, friendsofthecongo.org/campaigns contains a list of actions you can take to help the democratic republic of congo, including pdfs of postcards you can print and send to a list of tech companies to tell them to stop using child miners AND a letter you can sign and send to your reps (+ potentially incorporate the main points of that letter into any scripts you might already be using for emails or calls to your reps!). friends of the congo also has a volunteer application form and a youtube channel
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emiliers · 4 months
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Bisan Owda's call to action
eSims For Gaza
For USAmericans: Call your reps | Email your reps It takes only a few minutes and there are scripts if needed. If you call after hours, you can leave a voicemail.
US Campaign for Palestinian Rights Action Toolkit
Jan 26th Int'l Day of Action Toolkit
Google Drive of posters to print
Other infographics about the strike: here and here
I will be queuing this post for every day this week. IDs in Alt text!
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