emceeflowny · 3 years
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emceeflowny · 8 years
My recent track - “The Concert” is the Spiritual Prequel to “On Hold”.  I had written this song years ago in a hotel room during a Doctor Who convention while listening to “Broken Sorrow” by Nuttin’ But Strings over and over again. I realized with ‘Dodge This” being more of a Pon-3 track, so I wanted to now focus on an Octavia specific song.  I instantly imagined her life to be of a very competitive, hyper focused, but immensely talented musician.  In parts of the lyrics you can see where that level of intensity and genius might lead her to loneliness and even skirting the very serious concept of suicide.  I envisioned that the backing track of “Broken Sorrow” was her own performance and the verses were her thoughts that ran through her mind while she played.  I never recorded the song because I was waiting for the stars to align.  Maybe a producer to create their own inspired original version... maybe an artist who would draw the image of a lone Octavia sitting under a spotlight in the darkness of her own solo performance.  And so it never came to be.  I had no idea that years later, Yourenigma would have me write a track from the perspective of Vinyl Scratch which would ultimately lead to “On Hold”.  The full picture becoming a story of two genius musicians with their own work ethic and dependence on each other. Vinyl was the hard partying, free spirit who found stability and levelheadedness in Tavi, and Octavia was the relentless perfectionist and composed counterpart who needed Vinyl’s passionate drive and friendship to continue inspiring her. 
Or maybe it’s just a couple Fanon Pones who done did music gud.
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emceeflowny · 9 years
Keep reading
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emceeflowny · 9 years
The thing I love about collaborations is that they aren’t just the vision of one artist.  Maybe one producer created the instrumental and gave direction to the vocalist and the lyricist.  But it’s the tonality in the vocalist’s voice, the warmth in their performance.  It’s the thought-out lyric written by the rapper, enunciated and paused in such a deliberate way.  It’s the way the entire track comes together to become something bigger than the sum of their parts. 
Man if I didn’t sound more pretentious as a musician, there it was.  But in all seriousness, I love compilations because they are varied and reflect different styles and attitudes and yet there’s one consistent theme weaved throughout the album.  
Now this commercial isn’t nearly as serious as my earnest feelings for the album, but at the same time it is an example of how I do any project.  I work tediously on a vision, but I use and borrow from the talents of others to create a unique and at least to me enjoyable product....
ARGHEHGHG I gotta stop talking this way.  I put all my songs from 2013 and jammed them into an album, painted it green, and made a promotional video.  
That being said, go check out the album here:
Cop a copy if you like it.  Or just laugh at my feeble attempt at overdubbing on the commercial. :P 
Also if you’re going to EQLA this weekend, or Pacific Pony Con in San Diego in January, I want to see you and shake your hand.  Mostly because it’s a funny thing to request of someone reading a tumblr blog.  Lastly, if you know someone who IS going to Pony Pacific Con who wants to be a musician ORRRRRRR who has a fun, odd, or amazing talent they want to share, shoot me an e-mail at [email protected]  I have PLANS. 
<3 Flowny 
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emceeflowny · 9 years
Writing my Path
A fan asked me how I came up with writing a song, and I decided to use an extended metaphor of making a walkway on a forest floor.  It turned out fairly accurate, and maybe it might help others visualize their own thought process on writing lyrics!  
Try to imagine a beat (instrumental) is like a forest floor with trees and a stream and grass etc... just a beautiful picturesque area So I "listen to the beat" a lot or in the metaphor, I literally go walking around explore the forest area Get a feel for it
is it a dark forest? is it filled with light?
I check out the stream, and the plants, note the geography of the land Now, imagine the goal in this forest is to build a really beautiful walkway The walkway IS the verse. and my words are the paving stones The concept is the theme and path of how I lay down the stones.
like is it straight forward? does it wend? are the stones colorful? or do they match the forest colors?
So once I've walked around the forest and I've decided what the path and theme will be I start laying stones two at a time. I make adjustments to each stone maybe clear a little flooring polish a stone a bit more cut off a rough edge and start to pave my path Now I have a GENERAL idea for the path, but honestly, I will lay down each brick until I get a bigger picture
In fact, I’ll walk down the path every few stones just to make sure it’s even, and it’s comfortable.  I’ll do this A LOT. 
and the more stones I lay, the clearer the path becomes in my mind so i'm able to build it faster and more defined Then when I see I'm nearing the end I take the last 6-8 pairs of stones, and I make sure it leads RIGHT to the exit of the path. The last 6-8 are usually the hardest because they HAVE to go from wherever I am, and take me to the end without looking forced
Once I lay those last stones down, i walk the full path SEVERAL times (perform it) to make sure it is the path I wanted to create.  Then when it feels right, I will set those stones permanently. 
And THAT is my writing process.
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emceeflowny · 9 years
It feels good to be proud of something.  I feel proud of this.  3 Years in the making, this EP is exactly the type of the music I want to put out.  Talented musician Cherax Destructor with an ear for ambient and soul grooving beats meshes with my own humble style of metaphoric lyricism.  Remastering three of our “deadline influenced” releases, and fusing our styles to create three completely original tracks, “Chymes” is a 6-track adventure of the evolution of two musically inclined pals from opposite ends of the Earth.  Close your eyes, turn it up, and take the ride with us.  
Get the album here: 
For less than a price of a Starbucks Fancy Pants drink, Chymes will take you through: 
Puncturing a hole through endless night to let the sun pour over the land.
The mysterious and breathtaking last hours of light as the day ends. 
Staring at a blank page and boldly authoring the next chapter of your own life.
Taking the plunge and exploring as the boundless and grand ocean of living.
Experiencing eternal love, only to have it ripped away leaving you empty and destroyed.
Remembering that having an opportunity is only half of taking it.  You actually have to take them.
I guarantee you will experience all those feelings and emotions X 100* 
*Just kidding, it’s just some chill-ass music.  
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emceeflowny · 9 years
Find that special person in your life, and give them a hand made chocolate.  Or one of those small cards you buy in a pack of 40, or those little candy hearts with the writing on them.  Honestly, no one is really "single" they're all just late to their very own party of 'two'.
This song is the bonus on the EP I'm doing with my good friend Cherax Destructor which is a Remastered Version of 'The Rescue'.  I think the tone and the mood (while originally meant as a Octavia/Vinyl Ship) is absolutely perfect for a day about being with someone you love.
Rhyme Flow
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emceeflowny · 10 years
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@RhymeFlow1 choice shots of his palooza performance, there were so many of this guy it was hard to choose! The rest are on flickr: https://www.flickr.com/photos/126044672@N08/
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emceeflowny · 10 years
Calling all aspiring (and accomplished) Producers/DJ's/Instrumentalists! My Berry Punch Drunk DIRTY SOUTH Remix Contest Extravaganza is in full effect!  Check out the video for all the details, but you have till July 25th 2014 to remix my Berry Punch Drunk A Capellas into your most head-bobbingest, club shaking, grime-coated Dirty South/Trap remix you can come up with! GIve the girl with the Malbec Booty Mark a remix she truly deserves! 
If you, or someone you know is interested in this, PASS IT ALONG! ^__^
Your judges will be Sooshi Shef, myself with GUEST JUDGES like IbeConcept, F3nning and MORE! 
I want to blast YOUR remix in MY CAR so I GET PULLED OVER!
Hope to hear from y'all soon! 
<3 Grime Flow
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emceeflowny · 10 years
If you wouldn't mind me asking, why do you go by both MC Flowny and Rhyme Flow?
Of course! ^__^  
Rhyme Flow is my name, in the same way that Vinyl Scratch is DJ Pon3's name. MC Flowny is my Emcee/Rapper name.  So I use both of them.  :D   
Does that make sense?
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emceeflowny · 10 years
Gooooood morning! 
If you're able to make it to Anaheim this Friday night to join everypony at Club Luna, I'll be performing there with my friends like Psychgoth, Rina Chan, Taps and Garnika along with a handful of others as we tear the night up! 
I'm probably going to forget my lyrics, so I provided my set list so I can find a couple of you in the audience to use a lip-reading teleprompter! 
Make sure you say hi to me if you're there!
<3 ~MC Flowny
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emceeflowny · 10 years
Yourenigma + Rhyme Flow = "On Hold"
Sometimes a collaboration comes my way, where I can kind of feel something "special" about it. It happened with "Brew", "Apples of My Eye", "Dodge This", and "Diane's Cupcakes".  
The concept hits a note in your heart.  
The melody strikes a chord in your soul.
Or the beat haunts you. 
When Yourenigma approached me with "On Hold" I was simply excited to work with him.  But it wasn't until the instrumental came that I realized I was going to be a part of something pretty amazing. 
In essence this is a song about friendship, and the possibility of more than friendship.  This is about struggling with your ego, and trying to understand why you get frustrated with someone you typically enjoy the company of.  
My sincere thanks to him for including me on a stunning track, and I'm so excited to share it with you all here! 
Update: The song was released yesterday (3.12.14), and for the first time EVER, I got a Solo Spotlight Feature on EQD! 
Lastly, if you want to nab a copy of the song, go here!
Thanks again!
Rhyme Flow
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emceeflowny · 10 years
Who Ponified Alicia Keys?  We did!  My talented friend Moonsy came to me with the idea to apply a little Discord/Celestia Shipping to a certain 'Un-Thinkable' Song by Ms. Keys herself.  
She wanted to release it during Valentines Day and it makes sense.  A little forbidden romance is a fun subject matter.  And nothing is more forbidden than Chaos and Order having a fling!
Have a great Hearts & Hooves Day and expect much more music from me in the near future! 
Enjoy - "I'm Ready (Unthinkable Tia/Cord Mix" by Moon Shines & Rhyme Flow
<3 yall!
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emceeflowny · 10 years
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So, 2014 is looking pretty exciting:
It's about 3:26am on 1/1/2014, and I receive a message on my Facebook.  According to the message, THE Duke Westlake who made a cypher beat... that I don't know... had both Watsky and Dumbfoundead among other well known YouTube emcees "commented on my cypher using his beat".
So at first I was like: 
But then I WENT to my page... and HE WAS REALLY MAD AT ME!!! (See image)
In my laziness to somehow lay down cover art to convey PONY + DUKE WESTLAKE... I dropped a pic of his face on Rarity and moved on with my fairly unknown hip-hop artist existence. Hell, the video alone was released 8 months ago, and hasn't broken 619 views. 
But if you see the picture, Duke Westlake clearly does not want to be even remotely associated with Ponies... and was very much under the impression that I was disrespecting him.  
My first interaction with real "professional hip-hop production" outside the fandom and I was being RAGED AT.  *GULP* There goes that dream.
Anyways, I'm not sure how he found my rinky-dink Soundcloud page, but obviously he was upset enough to comment on it, requesting I take his "fukin face of a the fukin pony (sp)".
I'm truly sorry Duke Westlake.  You made a great beat.  It's obvious it had a lot of traction since it reached beyond the grasp of mainstream YouTube hip-hop artists and found its way to the grimy and seedy underbelly of Brony Rap.  I was kinda under the impression that if I took Barack Obama's face, and put it on Berry Punch's flank as a cutie mark, the President wouldn't personally ask me to take it down.  But I will respect your request and handle it.
My god I hope that didn't sound TOO snarky.
Anyways, to everyone else - I apologize for the last two months.  I've been in a musical bind right now and I'm seeing that the fog will clear in the next couple weeks, and I can get back to being that SUPER OFFENSIVE musician who is making waves by PURPOSELY insulting people greater than I.  
Let's make 2014 an amazing year, shall we?
Link to the Cypher: 
Link to the Cypher on Soundcloud: 
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emceeflowny · 11 years
What makes me sad is the reality of the situation.  Ibe, Feather & I were all "rejected" by the application system.  Even then, they made their decisions based first on early applications, and when things started to get too overwhelming they switched a loose vetting system based on popular artists. 
Eventually, Ibe impressed someone with his performance at a different con and was asked to join the BronyPalooza lineup, and Feather was re-approached after a few pre-determined musicians backed out.  I myself schemed by aligning myself with an artist already accepted into the lineup (Thanks again Brony Mike).  What can I say, I'm a sneaky sneaky bastard. 
One of the things I’ve wanted to do in this fandom is attend a con, partly to meet friends I’ve made online and partly for the sheer experience of it. BronyCon 2014 seemed like a perfect opportunity to do so, being one of the largest cons out there (which by corollary means I would likely see most...
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emceeflowny · 11 years
Happy Halloween (Nightmare Moon) "Candy-Overload-a-Palooza", whatever you celebrate it as. I thought it would be fun to take every "scary" track I ever worked on and bring it out today!  Some you may have heard, others you might be hearing for the first time!  But I really just wanted an excuse to repost 'Diane's Cupcakes' :) 
Anyway, enjoy this playlist!  I hope you have a terrifying (or diabeetus inducing) night tonight!
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emceeflowny · 11 years
It's that time of the year!  "AMC's the Walking Dead" is back, Halloween is around the corner and I'm in the MOOD FOR CREEPY MUSIC!  Enjoy my newest track 'Rise', with a creepy instrumental by Da Mane, I take a jab at creating a Zombie Hip-Hop Theme Song from their perspective. 
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