Avoid the Common Faults during the Month Ramadan
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Without any uncertainty, the holy month of Ramadan is the most divine month of the Islamic Hijri Calendar. The blessed month that changes the regular life of Muslim Ummah. The Muslims turn towards holy rites seeking of clemency and search for the blessings and forgiveness of Allah the Almighty for the rest of the year. This is the blessed month when the Muslims prefer to visit the Holy Places of Makkah and Madinah with different packages such as umrah tours providers 2019 for family with Visa, flight and Transportation.
It is the month where Muslims change their daily routine, turn towards Salah seeking of compassion, and search for the blessings and mercy of Allah Almighty for the rest of the year. In the month of Ramadan, the aim of all Muslim Ummah is to make the best use of this holy month and search for as many blessings and mercy as possible. They also abstain from all such doings that spoil their fast and someway make a Muslim lose all the prize and sacred signs, which a person had earned. The Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said in His hadith according to this month,
“When the month of Ramadan begins, the doors of the paradise are opened and the doors of Jahannam are closed and the Satans are chained.” (Sahih Bukhari) This hadith shows that there is no Satan in the month of Ramadan which distracts us. If someone performs wrongdoings in this month, its mean that there is an evil inside himself or herself. Therefore, if there is something that evil happens from a Muslim, it’s his or her personal responsibility and we can’t blame a Satan for our mistakes.
Common Fault During Ramadan
Therefore, it is imperious that in the month of Ramadan a Muslims abstain from all such activities that are not earnest of fasting and are faults that shouldn’t be committed throughout the fast. See the common mistakes here during the month of Ramadan,
• Getting Angry • Napping all Day • Fasting without Prayer and Holy Quran   • Argue with Others
So, these are some common faults during the month of Ramadan. We must avoid these mistakes to get the great reward from Allah the Almighty. Indeed, He is Kind and Generous.
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How to perform Umrah in the month of Hajj
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Umrah and Hajj is the desired wish of a person. The Muslims all around the world go to Hajj and Umrah through-out the year. The Umrah is done so frequently that a house of all never gets empty but it is full of the peoples. The Tawaf, Sai, Namaz, Zikar of Allah never stops day to night.
Well, many of the people think that performing of Umrah is enough easy but let me tell you it is not that much as it looks like if any of its little aspects is left then it is not under the consideration. It is frequently asked Question that can Umrah be preform in the month of Hajj? For them today I came with the answer! As follow,
Let me first make you clear about something that what are the month of Hajj. Well, month of Shawwal to the month of Dhul-Qadah till the first 10 days of Dhul-Hajj. These are the month of Hajj. 2month and 10days are called as Month of Hajj a person can do Umrah in the month of Hajj.
The Umrah in the month of Hajj is Lawful but it has some ruling and conditions. This ruling and conditions are defined by Allah Almighty as follow,
“Performing of Umrah in the month of Hajj is Lawful and whosoever perform Umrah in the Month of Hajj, before Hajj he has to slaughter of hady if we can afford.”
This can be seen that it has make Lawful but only with one rule that you have to slaughter the sheep in Makkah in the name of Allah if you aren’t able to do so, or can’t find sheep or can’t afford it. Then you have to do fasting for 10 days whereas three of them is during the month of Hajj and seven after he turns back home.
Scholars say it is more reliable to fast the three days before the day of Arafat and as fasting after the day of Arafat due to some weakness.  And the fasting on the days if Tashriq is Sunnah of the Prophet (P.B.U.H) as he said as follows,
“Nobody was allowed to fast on the day of Tashriq except those who cannot afford the Hadi
So, it is the wish of all the Muslims round the world to perform Umrah in the month of Hajj. So, that they may enjoy the more blessings. Therefore, Muslims booked Umrah visa 2018.
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