elinors-menagerie · 6 years
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I experimented with Alexis’s clothes a bit. Mostly i just wanted to draw her royal outfit.
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elinors-menagerie · 6 years
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I think thi s is actually the first time I’ve drawn Eanraig and Alexis together, despite them being married.
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elinors-menagerie · 6 years
The Three Kingdoms of Awen
The three Kingdoms of Awen are Cerri, Dagda, and Medb. Founded centuries ago by ancient heroes of the same name the royal bloodlines attest to being direct descendents of these heroes and still have access to the magic those three possessed
The Kingdom of Cerri, founded by the wise sage Cerri of the forests. Her magic was known for manipulating time and space allowing for her to transport her allies along great distances. She preferred a quiet life on her own deep within the forest, but rose as queen when the time came for it. Today Cerri has replaced Dagda as the super power of Awen. Known for having a powerful military owing to their sturdy built Lairgs and powerful weaponry, if not due to their size. They have standing peace treaties with each nation but their ties with Dagda are currently strained. The current king is Eanraig, who had replaced his father when he was still just a small boy. The previous king was killed quelling an uprising in a smaller province, and he lost his mother to sickness soon after birth. He summoned his wife, Queen Alexis, from another world.
The Royal Crest is that of a Winged Lairg, made to resemble the one that the original Cerri rode into battle.
The Kingdom of Dagda was formed by a powerful warrior of both magic and halbert. His magic was based around this as well, allowing him to change the gravity around him and force his enemies to kneel.
For centuries The Kingdom of Dagda used this magic to be the super power of Awen. They allowed Cerri and Medb to exist more as an ancient kindness than anything else. Then Medb struck a sneak attack, having pleaded with the Incirrata for help. Cerri banded together with the Serpentes Empire and added to this as a pincher attack that forced the kingdom to its knees.
Currently the Kingdom of Dagda has lost much of its territory and power, now strifled under checks and balances by the other two kingdoms. The current king is Cuithbeart and his wife Queen Muireach. Both royals feel they are being treated unjustly for their forefather's transgressions but these complaints often fall on deaf ears. After certain events Queen Alexis takes Muireach and Cuithbeart a little more seriously.
Their royal crest is that of a Cnaihm Bear.
The kingdom of Medb was founded by twins, but their true names were lost to history. Their magic was that of the wind that they used to control their weapons and the flow of battle. No one knows what happened to the twins after the battle that founded their country as it was the child of one of them that became Medb's first ruler.
Today Medb is known for its innovations on travel and communications networking, preferring to be a peaceful nation. They are also well known for the sleek beasts they raise for their famous Archery Brigade. Iolaires make the bulk of their beasts but they are known to breed the fastest Lairgs as well.
The current king is Maol-Domhnuich, well known for his kind smile and how much he adores his wife, Aoife, and their young daughter princess Raonaid. Maol-Domhnuich was fast friends with Eanraig's father, and hopes to continue that friendship with his son, while Aoife becomes fast friends with Alexis.
The Medb Royal Crest is that of an Iolaire.
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elinors-menagerie · 6 years
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The Council of Cerri
While King Eanraig has the final say in most matters, he has a council of officials that help him run his country efficiently. Each member is exceptionally skilled in their field and offer the best advice to Eanraig that they can give. With the addition of the queen, one member of the Council realizes their schemes to launder money to the nobles to stage a revolt against the crown and allow Dagda the footing it needs to retake lost territory has been discovered. However, Queen Alexis isn’t sure yet which one is the traitor.
From left to right:
Bhatair: the oldest member of the Council. He has been in service to the Cerrian royalty for longer than he can remember. He served Eanraig’s father before him and hopes to serve Eanraig’s son as well. Rumors that Bhatair had an affair with the previous Queen and that Eanraig may be his son were often whispered by the servants of the palace. He manages the servants of the castle and it’s upkeep. Lately some of his financial paperwork has had a few errors. He tutors the Queen in more civil manners at the palace.
Iagan: A jolly and portly man. He is also the Guildmaster of the Merchant’s Guild and handles all of the pertaining paperwork for the crown, though with the Queen he now has to have her sign off on all of his business ventures. He has a love of physical pleasures and is well known for keeping his consorts in his chambers at the Palace. The Queen manages to uncover some discrepancies among his prior business dealings and some that hint towards black market dealings. He tutors the queen in merchant affairs and also teaches her about their currency rates and economy.
Edna: a harsh old woman though not unfair. She is a well known diplomat and works tirelessly each day to ensure Cerri maintains its reputation and friendly ties with the other nations. Rumors of potential unscrupulous methods and perhaps paying out to less savory folk with money from the royal coffers abound. She also tutors the Queen in Etiquette and Foreign Affairs.
Diamand: the youngest member of the council, though still older than the King by a few years. A well decorated general that rose the ranks from a common farm boy. His claim to fame was single handedly ending a potential revolt in a small city near the borders between Cerri and Dagda, an altercation that cost him his ear. He had a wife and young daughter whom he compares Alexis to frequently and often teaches Alexis combat maneuvers and the art of warfare. Known to be a father to his men and is very well loved by the people. Known to ask for more money to treat the soldiers of Cerri.
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elinors-menagerie · 6 years
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Gawain Winged Lairg Male
A winged Lairg, a rare morph of the Lairg species that happens once in every 100,000 hatches. This particular Lairg, given the name Gawain by Queen Alexis, was gifted to her as a wedding gift by King Maol-Domhnuich of Medb. Originally intended to be gifted as an egg, it actually hatched on the wedding day and quickly imprinted on the new queen.
While it starts off small it does get significantly larger in size as time goes on.
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elinors-menagerie · 6 years
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Alexis Cerri ('nee: Cox) Queen of Cerri Wife of Eanraig Female 24 years 6'4" A young woman from another world and our protagonist. Originally an accountant for a small business, she would spend most of her off time simply playing video games and watching movies at her small apartment. Disillusioned with life and fed up with having a dead end career, she was suddenly transported to the world of Talayn and given an offer that seemed to good to be true. A fact she was very quick to pick up on. Surprisingly, her love of video games (especially rpgs) and movies, along with her skills as an accountant come in very handy as her new role as queen. Due to her being tied and haggared from work on her first arrival most of the Cerri court underestimates her character, a fact she uses to her advantage. She holds no actual affection for her husband, and due to events comes to hold no respect for him either.
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elinors-menagerie · 6 years
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Elaphe Serpentes Princess of the Serpentes Empire Female Age 13 (at start of series) A kind hearted and adaptive albino Naga from the Serpentes Empire. She was promised to Queen Alexis to be used as a handmaiden and nursemaid for the Queen's future children. More observant then she lets on.
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elinors-menagerie · 6 years
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Queen Alexis and Empress Ophidia
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elinors-menagerie · 6 years
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Eanraig King of Cerri Husband of Alexis 34 years old Male 5ft 10in tall The spoiled and over confident king of Cerri that used an ancient spell to summon Alexis to be his bride. Jaded by the corruption of the nobles but apathetic and greedy enough to not do anything about it. A genius with military tactics and military management. Much smarter than he lets on.
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elinors-menagerie · 6 years
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A current map of Talayn. The human nation of Awen is divide into the three kingdoms of Cerri, Dagda, and Medb. Originally the super power of this nation was Dagda, owing to it’s population that had dwarfed Cerri and Medb. Then, suddenly, Medb gained the help of the newly formed Republic of Argonaut and began a war with Dagda. Unable to gain the upper hand, Dagda put political pressure on Cerri to help them. Instead, Cerri allied with the Serpentes Empire, Mebd, and the Republic and fought against Dagda. This reshaped the continent of Awen, with Cerri gaining the most territory thanks to the deals it struck with the other nations. Even after generations Dagda is still paying reparations from the war. The Serpentes Empire stands on a vast continent that is made up if a vast arid desert and a tropical rainforest. The serpent race known as the Naga live on this continent and originally were made of dozens of smaller city states and clans with no major hierarchy. Then, hundreds of years ago, a small tribe known as Serpentes began a conquest that brought the entire continent under their control. They have been in power for over eight hundred years, stories say, and the leader that led the conquest is a major folk hero. The Incirrata Dominion and the Republic of Argonaut were originally one territory. One day a subsection of the population on the outermost isles became enraged by decisions made by the Ruling Queen of the time and staged a cessation and revolt against the crown. The monarchy was to proud to ask for help and tried to settle the civil war on its own before it became obvious that, though they could win it would completely ruin the country. The princess saw a means of peace that would save both sides and usurped her mother. This allowed a peace treaty and the formation of the Republic. That Princess is hailed as a Saint by the people of the Republic to this day. Both territories are home to a cephalopod-based race called Hibaars.
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