hopebreathes · 4 hours
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hopebreathes · 4 hours
once when I was at old retail job this woman came up to the counter very obviously on her phone with earbuds in which I consider extremely disrespectful so whenever someone did that I would like. wait for 20-30 whole ass long seconds to see if they even noticed I was alive and if they insisted on being an asshole i would ring them up because I had to but they would NOT get their rewards points or any sales unless they spoke to me and apologized ANYWAY the woman moseyed up full ass on the phone placing her Products to Purchase on the counter alongside her iPhone 97 or whatever but not speaking (???) which was kind of weird usually the Disrespectful ones would be in the middle of some Facetime conversation with half their family or something so I glanced down at the phone to see WTF was going on and if she was one of these people who skipped out on their work from home job to do errands and say "uh huh" every 2.5 minutes on the Office Zoom Call ANYWAY i took a gander to see what kind of corpo Inc. idiots were in the corner of the phone screen and it said...... "BetterHelp" And before the "ummmmmm" hit my body and as soon as I got my eyes back up in position the woman finally speaks she puts one finger up and says "Excuse me" taps to unmute and speaks into the phone and says for real "and how does that make you feel?"
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hopebreathes · 4 hours
"he would not fucking say that" but it's "they would not be having carefully negotiated bdsm manual sex"
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hopebreathes · 4 hours
here's the thing. I don't think that men and women can't be friends. I do think, however, that some men can't be friends with women. bc they are misogynists and don't see women as people. so if you as a man say men and women can't be friends I think you're telling on yourself
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hopebreathes · 2 days
a lot of it just boils down to "as you move through the world sometimes you will see ugly people, and that's not a problem that needs solving"
you will see people who are old. you will see people who are fat. you will see people who are disabled. you will see people who are not making an effort to keep up with their hygiene or their hair or their clothes. you will see people wearing clothes and makeup and jewelry of a subculture you find disturbing and offputting. this is all fine. this does not need to be solved.
the offered solution has often been to say "oh no, don't say ugly, they're all beautiful in their way!" but that's not the point. nobody has to be beautiful just to exist, to be in public, to be in your view. that road leads to dudebros saying that women they don't consider sufficiently fuckable should wear bags over their heads. to HOAs urging residents to call the cops on homeless encampments being an 'eyesore' on their beautiful streets. to people pushing for institutionalization so that they don't have to share a public with neurodivergent people. to people demanding that physically divergent people trigger tag photos of themselves.
"everyone is beautiful" works up until you find someone you can't see the beauty in. but it doesn't matter. nobody is entitled to a world populated exclusively by beautiful people. no matter what tv and the internet may have led you to believe.
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hopebreathes · 2 days
it annoys me when sapphic women see an attractive woman and are like “i’m no better than a man 😳😔” like BABE you are allowed to see an attractive woman and want to fuck her!!! free yourself from the cottagecore PG13 narrative of sapphic attraction, look at her with lust in your heart!!!
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hopebreathes · 2 days
u can go to the moon and back for someone and they'll have the audacity to say " i never asked you to tho"
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hopebreathes · 5 days
In the wake of Trump's guilty charges, I am begging all of you to remember that body shaming is bad, even when you do it to bigots.
Trump is never going to see any of your tiny hands, tiny penis, fatphobic insults, but I sure am.
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hopebreathes · 5 days
Oh for any wuwa fans, I made this Jiyan mlm pride icon if anyone wants to use it! Just credit me or reblog this post? And if any other wuwa fans have icon requests feel free to ask!
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hopebreathes · 5 days
Buying myself a cheap cane from CVS because I deserve one lmao
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hopebreathes · 5 days
Humans sure seem to eat a lot of things that are poison to most other animals. Chocolate, garlic, onions, grapes, avocados, etc. But then there's capsaicin, which I think doesn't affect birds but IS a poison to humans but then we eat it anyway?? Is there anything else we eat that's fine for (some) animals but is bad for us but we eat it anyway? Why are we like this.
capsaicin actually isn't poisonous to humans, it even has a bunch of beneficial medical effects like reducing inflammation! it IS an effective fungicide and insecticide, but eating capsaicin is not at all actually poisonous to humans even in large quantities.
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it just also causes extreme pain.
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it does this by directly chemically activating the ouch-I'm-on-fire nerve endings in your mouth, which is a deliberate ploy to keep you from eating the pepper fruit!
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at least it was before humans got ahold of it and started deliberately cultivating them to be even hotter.
humans are just freaks and decided that they liked that. that's all.
the other stuff is just a bonus!
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hopebreathes · 5 days
Changed my icon to a hot video game guy I don't even know anything about (YET) because
Why not lmaooo
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hopebreathes · 6 days
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Staff have done their best to hide this post, OP's blog has been deleted to hide it. Spread this post as much as you can (ideally through screenshots to avoid it being nuked)
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hopebreathes · 6 days
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hopebreathes · 6 days
If you're struggling to write sex, write food. if you're struggling to write food, write gore. if you're struggling to write gore, write sex. They're all variations on the same themes.
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hopebreathes · 6 days
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hopebreathes · 6 days
Sometimes I listen to monsta x and think about their fucking insane ass survival show. I still seethe abt how dirty they did changkyun like???? WHY'D THEY DO THAT TO HIM????
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