elilian-elkins · 3 months
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Part II
Thanks so much for the waiting! I know we kinda hype up the chapter too much but I hope it can live up to y'all guys expectations Once again thanks so much to maru for doing the flat colors and also for being an amazing writter and friend in general
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elilian-elkins · 5 months
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Desertduo Vigilante AU Masterpost
Welcome to the Vigilante AU Masterpost, every single post that is important to the story will be found here.
Remember, if I don’t answer one question immediately, there’s a high chance it will be explained in the future, or it was already explain in comics or asks.
Feel free to ask anything !
Fanarts, Cosplays, Edits and Fanfics are VERY welcome, tag me on them or send me the link.
Part 0 // Part 1 // Part 2 // Part 3 // Part 4 / 4.5 // Part 5 // Part 6 // Part 7 // Valentines Special 1 / 2 / 3 // Part 8 // Part 9 // Part 10 // Mother Spore 1 /
World Building summary
Support the creators!!
Here are my Ko-fi and Maruu’s Ko-fi, for any monetary support!
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elilian-elkins · 5 months
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Lil sketch while watching BBH's live
Because some ghosties reminded me q!BBH is canonically claustrophobic, so here's the lil demon trying to deal with his current emprisonment because his kid's life is on the line.
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elilian-elkins · 5 months
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I don't have much time nor energy to draw lately because of holidays and stuff, but I wanted to play with the keyframes again so I went with something small, just q!BBH flying with his kids.
I need to make the frame bigger next time, it's so pixellised... TwT
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elilian-elkins · 6 months
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Did a lil thing- from 8am to 12pm earlier today, without sleeping beforehand, because I'm smort lmao
It was my first time using keyframes on clip studio paint to move stuff around, I'm still learning how to use it properly but I'm pretty happy with the result!
Plus I got to finally decide on a design for q!BBH.... for now (it's always changing jpp, but hey I headcanon him as a shapeshifter so *shrug*)
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elilian-elkins · 6 months
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I joined a new DND group, and picked a rp OC as my character :D I kept most of its design but did quite a few changes to fit more the dnd universe, and also because this rp OC is paired with another one, helping each other and all, so I did some necessary changes to make it work for a setting of lonely... traveler, totally not a heir who fled its kingdom, making a pact with an ancient one to help it leave, and since then trying to find its place outside, where it never went to.
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elilian-elkins · 6 months
NOTQSMP part 4
Here's a bunch of stuff I didn't include in the other parts-
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Some stuff I made up as notes from a few planets Sky visited, and made to exchange with Honey, another alien that was in the island, one thing they bonded over!
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The joy of someone (totally sane) discovering the feeling of death for the first time (as respawn isn't a common thing)
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A fit check + I somehow got three tridents completely on accident while preparing stuff for lore wearing Sky's skin, including one where I was *playing* him, I had to pause and "fall into pieces" emote for that one
(I never got a trident for my sona- wasn't searching for one, didn't want one as I never use those, but gosh, still can't believe it, I fought more drowned as Eli than as Sky but somehow my guy is blessed by the gods, is it them punishing Chaos and its host? who knows)
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notqsmp!Eli's appearance! Since they're a shapeshifter, they have their base form, which they forgot because of what happened to them leading to them being Chaos' host. They would have went back to this appearance after its defeat (purifying Eli) if it wasn't for the server dying and closing before I could do so. But whatever, it's still canon! Just, only known by me xwx
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I had some other characters planned. I played the glowing blue moth a few times, not talking, just being silly, flying around and being vaguely helpful at times while being fixated on coal, "asking" for the other to mine it so I could get it- very fun <:
And the other is a bat hybrid, sad backstory, but overall a lil bastard guy who enjoy seeing people in pain and messing with others, while trying to find a cure to his sickness (which is why he went here, as he heard death wasn't permanent here)
Ngl, it was in preparation of my sona being freed and Chaos being yeeted, very much drained of its powers, so a character to be able to be a lil parasite to others and fill a bit the hole left by my sona back to their kind self and not playing the entity at all/as much-
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Two characters, not mine, my sona's blood bro and my alien's friend bird!
And the hypothesis of "if Sky hadn't freak out and he and Karma had been able to escape", by the time he would have gone to the island, his friend would have been dead a few decades ago
That's all! I'm still so blessed to have been able to
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elilian-elkins · 6 months
NOTQSMP part 3
Blood, violence, cannibalism and death warning for this one!
After a while, I wanted to chill a bit from the heavy dark lore of my sona, as they were overtaken by Chaos, so the silliness of their personality was pretty locked between its sadism-
So, I introduced Skyriel, my lil alien! Such a silly lil being, kind and trying its best to learn more about its surroundings, including people, a nice way to encourage people to explore more their characters or even create one, if they wanted to ofc: the rp was only between people who wanted to do so, and some prefered to avoid that, completely fine!
It was supposed to be a light-hearted character... listen, their backstory is *not* the best, as they were mutilated by humans (first interaction on Earth, ended up captured, wings cut to prevent him from flying away, one leg lost and one eye slightly injured by a hybrid losing control after spending too much time in there), but they escaped and, like, a century past between then and there, time to rest and be ready to interact with people again, especially as many characters were not very human-like, if at all
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He still had phantom pain, ofc, and sometimes flashbacks, but it was mainly manageable!
But uh, something happened, and, by trying to help my sona's blood bro, who was feeling ansty by repressing his needs of violence (cough cough, might have been influenced by Chaos because of how much time they spent with Eli), Sky offered him to kill them, as 1/ death is not permanent in this island 2/ even outside, Sky doesn't die, its body made of energy that will reassemble afterwards (it's a summary of it, it's more complex than that, but it's to be easier to understand)
But um, its blood has different effect depending on the person, and for the cat, it was addiction: it was tasty, made him feel good, forget about his guilt and worries. Let's just say... it did not go well for a month or so
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So yeah :D
Anyway, thankfully, he made an underwater base to hide in (as his scent would be lost in the water, when he's not directly using the warpstone put inside)... and his old friend helped!
(Btw, I'm very proud of the two entrances I made for the base: one is an elevator disguised as a sand blood, with sea grass on top, so it would show up instead of the elevator, as we used Jade mod ; one being a 1 block high tunnel, the entrance very hard to spot, and hard to navigate, made purposefully to be hard to find and use, as it was also made to not allow the light from the base to pass)
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Am I a simp? Yeah, I admit-
Are they together? No D: not yet, rip, hopefully at some point- even if the notqsmp closed, it doesn't mean the characters are dead: Sky left with Karma, this version of my sona probably is dead tho, or went somewhere else like them, idk.
Anyway! Their story: Karma was a human already trapped in the same place Sky ended up, they were cellmates, became friends and grew close, as people do when they are almost alone in a hostile environment actively harming them where the only comfort they can get is from their cell friend-
But because the scientists grew too bold and tried to fuck with Sky's emotions directly, as in, test tube, probbing its braincells and all, he freaked out and went feral, not recognising anything or anyone, only registering others as threats, and acted accordingly. Sadly, Karma tried to go towards him, and uh, let's say it went very badly, and he only got a second chance in life thanks to Sky's energy vaguely recognising him and bringing him back to life... in a way (man went from human to monster, a creature who takes whatever appearance from the painting he's drawn as, also was trapped in a painting for a long while)
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So yeah- *fun*
They met again, as Karma was on the island, and after a bit of a hard time, as Sky wouldn't recognize him due to the highly emotional trauma and blackout that moment was + the realization he killed his closed friend, but after a bit of messing around, which was deserved since it seemed intentional from the demon's pov, plus the suffering from his new life/physical state, but it managed to get its memories back and they became friends again... kinda, it was a start, a yearn for their old, comfortable relation, and missing how they were.
Anyway, lots of angst and fluff, as Sky nails the puppy eyes, a terrifying weapon to convince his friend to cuddle (or forgives him when he makes mistakes, like, idk, leaving the bunker and ending up almost dying from the cat's hands)
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Long story short, this mess was resolved, everything was fine and well until my sona convinced the cat to play... "tag" with the alien (as the server had a mod on allowing to be knocked down three times before dying, aka safe-ish to "kill" a few times as long as you help the other up)
And ofc it was going swimmingly until Chaos tped a weak, three-times-downed alien, just to kill it :D
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*fun*, imarite.
Moving pattern -> inspired by some animals that do so to warn others to not approach, in a hypnotic, threatening way
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Back to a lab they go! Sad alien got new limbs, which they hated, as it helped Chaos influence and control them
But everything is fine now! It took care of the leg (couldn't do the same with the wings... he missed the ability to fly way too much, and Chaos was defeated by Destiny soon after, so the risk of losing control of his own body is very low to non existant now)
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He even got a kiss from his friend! (Well, because of the fear of losing him again, especially with the thought of him being experimented on once more, as they suffered through in the lab together already)
He happy now, that's all that matters <:
Not... at its best yet, but, it'll be fine!
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elilian-elkins · 6 months
NOTQSMP part 2
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The duality of my sona: between silliness of their true self and sadism of their possessed self
It was so fun to act unhinged ngl, I loved it lmao, can't wait to do it again if I have the chance-
Also idk why but at some point, when I first discovered you could put lava in a jar (supplementaries mod), I couldn't stop myself until I filled Foxo's underground with those (thankfully, fae was kind about it and made a place for those :D)
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I have so many unfinished sketches x_x UGH my brain couldn't stop jumping between drawing ideas and the actual game
First one is, idk, I became a... parental figure or something? idk, since I spent so much time on the game, I had a lot of stuff, and also a warp plate next to a pillager outpost to get a quick bad omen (which I later found a plate from a mod that gives that effect, so, faster) and kill session to get some sweet deals with my villagers, so I decided to give stuff and better enchantments o-o
Second is a sacrifice at the blood room :D which, is a room with a circle of flesh in the middle, filled with blood, and the blood bro (the cat) made a lil sacrifice as asked by Chaos :>
Third was a meetup between my second character (my alien OC, Skyriel :D) and another one, which was before we established some past lore between them, and omg I'll talk about that in my next post
Also here's some chara designs, with a v2 if I made one
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elilian-elkins · 6 months
NOTQSMP part 1
In late April, Orynemi (a ghostie on twitter) opened a minecraft server, a smp made by a qsmp fan for qsmp fans, to have a place to play between people with a common interest and from all around. Fun fact, it was my first interaction with another french mc player in so long!
It was amazing, and what was a simple fun place to hang out and play in multiplayer became a rp serv, all thanks to Liz! And she introduced her ideas to us, as I had the chance to join the OP team (also because I was non stop online, thanks to my shit sleep schedule and brainrot-), and it was SO COOL! Anyway, sadly this server is now gone, it managed to thrive for a few months, more than most smp, but it was its time to go too... I hope I'd be able to join or make a smp as cool as it was, to have fun and be able to roleplay.
I have so many good memories of my time here, and I have a lot of drawings of it!
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My sona's design, a shapeshifter! And also, in the lore, the host of the entity of Chaos, da baby who loved placing blood, flesh and bones all around the place <3 It was very funny cause it went like this:
Liz, in vanish mode, placing flesh and scaring people
Me, wanting to join on the fun, not knowing it was lore, before feeling a bit guilty because I was afraid of scaring people a bit too much, and so, my sona playing the game of "oh, I'm the Watching Entity" (again, I didn't know about Liz's ideas yet, it was EARLY on, I didn't even know there was lore), I even said there was others like me etc, my random answers were so perfect for her ideas, I'm still stimming everytime I think about all that
And after talking about that with her, she proposed the idea of my sona being the host, and I had so much fun playing my character sometimes losing their material form (aka vanishing), or being possessed, or outright playing Chaos
I also enjoyed a lot the silly company of some people, who stimmed vocally like me, ending up in minutes or even hours of making noises, just because it feels nice to do!
And omg at some point two characters had like a crush on each other, and I helped organize a date :D (I did cheat a bit and go creative mode to finalize the floating island, changing blocks *under* the flat surface on top would have taken so much more time I didn't have T_T)
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Here are the entities! Friendship, Loyalty, Chaos, Time and Destiny, the "boss" of the entities- its presence made the being we called "Kiwi" glitched owo tis was interesting to see
Also those are my interpretation of their beings, as... you know, minecraft skin, but also, most of them didn't *have* a skin, having either a host (like Chaos, so the appearance of the one they possessed) or interacting without showing any body
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elilian-elkins · 6 months
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Another batch of old-ish drawings
(the last one is not *that* old, I think I drew it soon after Cellbit's rpg?)
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elilian-elkins · 6 months
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I forgot to use tumblr... So here's my first batch of old drawings x_x
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elilian-elkins · 1 year
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i really admire the design for these stairs and how they incorporate a wheelchair access ramp. in a world were barrier free design is essential to living a full and happy life, its amazing to see landscape architect Cornelia Oberlander has taken literal steps to design stairs AROUND a ramp, instead of the other way around.
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elilian-elkins · 2 years
Don't come near him or his child ever again
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elilian-elkins · 2 years
cw: despicting of drinking, audible breathing and heart beat (feel free to mute the video!)
And my most recent animation!
Skeppy didn't place the bottle.
Badboyhalo drank where the Egg was once standing.
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elilian-elkins · 2 years
tw: gore (blood, hurt eye, open wounds...)
Also second most recent animation I made.
"I was afraid I would lose my best friend..."
"Skeppy is so protective of you, so loyal. He couldn't save you, so he came to me to make a deal."
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elilian-elkins · 2 years
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Dumping some of my ~ recent drawings since twitter is at risk and I don’t want to suddenly find myself outside fandoms I’m in-
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