dwemertech · 4 years
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                                                      tea’s multi muse.                                                   fandom & fandomless.                                                         est. 9/10/2020.                                                                [doc]
                              any pre-existing solo blogs for muses will stay.                                     in case multi muse doesn’t work out.
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dwemertech · 4 years
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                                                      tea’s multi muse.                                                   fandom & fandomless.                                                         est. 9/10/2020.                                                                [doc]
                              any pre-existing solo blogs for muses will stay.                                     in case multi muse doesn’t work out.
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dwemertech · 4 years
“ Hah hah hah HAH!! Nothing bad EVER happens to the DWEMER!! ”
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dwemertech · 4 years
tolfdir: congratulations, you are the new arch mage! kalec, who only infiltrated the college to retrieve keening: no.....no thank you
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dwemertech · 4 years
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dwemertech · 4 years
making a mini quest where you go and fetch kalec’s journals i actually have to write the journals so here u go
Middas, 26th Rain's Hand 1E 306 It almost seems quizzical how often my ideas are still considered even after multiple groans of frustration and occasional cries of fear. It takes a lot to scare a Dwemer, especially when it comes to machinery, yet I still manage to raise the bar every single time. I cannot decipher whether that is a compliment or not.
For example, the other day I proposed a horseless form of transportation that involved balancing upon two wheels and pedalling to power it. If the individual was feeling particularly lazy and preferred the ease of a horse, I also suggested that a steam powered engine could be attached to it to move the wheels for you. It was rejected, but not unanimously. I did spy the engineers at the back of the room furiously scribbling. I have yet to find a suitable name for this contraption, because the name 'horseless transporter' doesn't exactly roll off the tongue. I was also considering the name 'bicycle', but I am still undecided.
Loredas, 15th Second Seed 1E 306 I almost could not believe my eyes when I peeked through a slightly adjacent door and caught one of the council members who shot down my 'bicycle' idea trying to build it for himself! Of course, I kicked the door open and rained upon him every single swear in my vocabulary, which is ashamedly quite a lot. He couldn't escape into The Calling either, I am especially loud within our hivemind. It’s supposed to ensure that others stay away from my lab. I wish it worked.
I wish I could say I took pity on him but I most certainly did not. Upon closer inspection, I found a multitude of inaccuracies when comparing it to my original blueprints, so it did come as a relief that he didn't swipe them from under my nose as I worked. He had the right idea, but I can say with absolute certainty that my execution would have blown his out of the water. He gets a few points for trying, but I immediately subtract them for not thinking of an original idea in the first place.
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dwemertech · 4 years
alrighty so i have a little bit more info on kalec on his about page finally!!
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dwemertech · 4 years
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tonal architect kalec. celebratory / promotional wear.
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dwemertech · 4 years
hc that dwemer women could and would grow beards too
what are you gonna do stop me
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dwemertech · 4 years
playing some skyrim!
just a general stream, testing out overlays and chillin don’t expect too much i might do everything or not at all hah
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dwemertech · 4 years
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kalec’s now a master smithing trainer!!
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dwemertech · 4 years
looks like the player character struck a nerve with kalec.
wip wip!
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dwemertech · 4 years
i dont think ill upload kalec to the nexus once he’s done...im not entirely comfortable with complete and total strangers using him. he feels a little too personal for that. if im going to share kalec i want to share him with you guys here. friends, mutuals, and non mutuals alike.
besides, i dont feel like justifying my own headcanons with lore elitists.
when he is done, ill probably put a link either in my description, as a pinned post or somewhere on the blog itself. i’d rather share him with a more personal audience rather than the entirety of the nexus, ya know?
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dwemertech · 4 years
looks like the player character struck a nerve with kalec.
wip wip!
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dwemertech · 4 years
tag the oc who occasionally forgets their own age
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dwemertech · 4 years
“Manarion, but Mzchindhir is the name my father gave me.” The Altmer-Dwemer tilted his head slightly, deep golden eyes gazing intently at the smaller and slighter elf. Despite his reserved nature there was something about him that almost exuded a deep-seated joy and excitement. “I suppose, between the two of us, I would prefer Mzchindhir, or even Mzchin.” Manarion rumbled curiously, a notched ear giving a slight flick as he dredged up ancient memories of what his father did. “My father, Arnamac Staangthuumz was an Engineer as well.” The smile he gave was the epitome of bittersweet agreement.
“No problem at all.”
Kalec whips out a rag and cleans his glasses, squinting back up at Mzchindhir with a subtle, yet warm smile. He could hardly believe it. One of the descendants of his people standing before him, alive! It had been so long since he had felt so comfortable in his own skin. Even though Mzchin was clearly Altmer in appearance, the fact that he had such close relations to the Dwemer was more than anything Kalec could have asked for.
“But obviously I will switch it up when we speak in common, yes? Unfortunately I haven’t quite devised a cover name for myself but it seems like a lot of people don’t question my birth name beyond unashamedly intrusive remarks about it.”
Kalec’s eyes widened at that name. How familiar!
“Arnamac Staangthuumz? I have a feeling I may have seen his work before, please do tell me more. What clan do you hail from? I myself am from the Rourken clan.”
Oh, this was so exciting...!
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dwemertech · 4 years
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“Maybe it’s for the best he continues to believe that.”
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“You are absolutely right.”
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