dusty-cabinet · 3 hours
We are so indigestioncore. Bloatedcoded. Heartburnpilled.. constipunk
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dusty-cabinet · 3 days
I’ve been fronting too much today (writing er*tica of our OCs) (the others hate me for it) (but it’s okay because I also took a shower today)
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dusty-cabinet · 3 days
Gets blasted anyways I need to shower but I don’t wanna get up HELP. Hashtag depression hashtag neurodivergent hashtag relatable hash browns are tasty
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dusty-cabinet · 6 days
Hello there! I’m not out very much, but I know we haven’t been doing well lately, so I guess maybe that’s why I’m out?
I am a box and I like to type! What else can one say? I’m not a box box, but I’m shaped like one!
The people in my head have not been enjoying themselves, I think that’s probably why I am out!
What should I sign this as? How about the 📦 becaus? It’s a box! Or ◻️ also seems good! I might go with that!
Farewell!! Until next time 😄
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dusty-cabinet · 8 days
Idk why we were so insane yesterday but anyways today we are just in pain. Keep getting g heartburn today. This morning it hurt SUPER BADLY though we thought we were having a heart attack cuz our chest felt all tight and hurt a lot and we got shortness of breath n shit 😭 but then it just went away after a minute or so . I think it was just digestion issue but augh. Our body has felt achy all day.
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dusty-cabinet · 8 days
Plural with MaDD culture is "did I actually have this interaction with an alter or did I daydream it? How much of this is headspace and how much is daydreaming? Is any of this system stuff or am I just daydreaming? Am I really daydreaming or is it system stuff? You'd think figuring this out would be easy."
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dusty-cabinet · 9 days
Update.. took a nap and feel a little more normal but damg!! My friends really don’t care about me huh!! Not even saying this to be mean, but if they were consistently supportive, got excited with me, listened to me at ALL- I’d know they care about me then!! But one of them frequently ignores me, one only really messages me when they need to vent, and the rest barely message me at all if I don’t first. And none of the, commented on a post that really meant a lot to me which just feels like. Bad. For me to put my heart into something and nobody to say a thing. I always feel guilty for wanting to leave but then they give me nothing to stay for. Nobody can give back to me.. I wish I could have somebody who cares about me as much as I care about them. Who doesn’t live in my head.
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dusty-cabinet · 9 days
Do you ever express that something means a lot to you and nobody can even. Say anything. I made a post abt smth important to me and nobody even bothered to comment anythinggg and maybe I’m dumb for hoping anybody would.
But I’m really sad. I feel like I don’t have anybody to celebrate with.
Been smearing my blood on pieces of paper because it’s a distraction.
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dusty-cabinet · 9 days
Really really sad. We relapsed yesterday and got hurt. And a lot of our friends have been sad recently,t and I don’t know why. Thigh stings. Woke up early after getting terrible sleep all night having dreams about our friends leaving us. Cried yesterday.
But we have to turn it around because today is a very special day to us and we were looking forward to it =( so hopefully we can. It’s only 6:14 am.. there’s time…
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dusty-cabinet · 11 days
I am not out much, and I think the others prefer to ignore I exist. That’s okay, I don’t mind. I don’t.. feel the most existing anyways. I don’t feel much of anything. I’m like, personified nothing. Not really. I’m an introject, I think. There is another like me, who isn’t the same.
My emotions are very.. nonexistent. I don’t know where they are. I don’t know if I had any to begin with. Do the others have them???
I’m not sure. One of the others was making a post, I guess at some point I was just.. here.. now..
I feel like I should feel more emotion towards things. One of our friends earlier was talking about how weird it would be to not feel sad about something. I have to nod and pretend I feel anything. I don’t. I feel empty and numb. I know it’s wrong. I know I should feel sad. But I don’t. And I have no idea why.
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dusty-cabinet · 12 days
CHARACTER HUB … MY AUTISM… SCREAMS. I love posting my OC stuff on there sm……
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dusty-cabinet · 15 days
This looks fun
🍄- we messed around. Our original name was something like “electrified gears” or “gears electric” or something. But we changed it to Something Cabinet because we are like. A cabinet of somethings. Doubles both as a cabinet you put stuff in and a like cabinet of. People. Idk. Something.
👾- can’t remember I’d have to check let me go see what we have. Maybe “snake NUH UH” because it took me longer than it should’ve to realize that was a reference to that one image
🎉- does this mean a holiday for systems or just the fav of the sys? Either way no idea. We don’t like most holidays because they’re stressful at best and traumatic at worst
🌙- we haven’t been able to figure that out, stuff’s confusinf
☕️- just kinda fade in and out ig. Uhhh non possessive. I think is the word.
💫- art. Drawing. Watching TV
💾-augh I have no idea. Maybe 25ish but we haven’t been keeping great track.
👻- internally yeah but idk if we do externally…..
🎨- yeah
🦖- I think fictive ? But some r OCs so idk what that falls under
🎵- I know 🌀 likes Wet by Dazey and the Scouts as well as Waltz No. 2. ⚓️ likes Bing Bang from Lazytown annnd I’m So Excited by Le Tigre. Annnnd 🪓 likes Zydrate Anatomy.
❓- no idea. Can’t remember our last birthday though which was in December so.
🎮- we draw and watch tv and nothing more.
🪐- it’s kinda like a hotel. But like a vault. No windows
🍐- most of us but for introject reasons
🪫- uh. Watch tv or sleep
🌧️- very badly!! Except me I guess. I am realizing a pattern lately (I usually front after we are stressed)
🔦- “why tf does this voice talk to me every time Im stressed” /hj the old host didn’t curse
🌟- we r not in a job rn but I have a feeling I might end up fronting a lot lol.
🌊- me, ⚓️, 🌀, 🧩… yeah
🎁- I think . I don’t remember who but somebody got a rhino figure at a carnival game thing for one of the others.
☘️- our OCs .
💬- I’m so tired and hungry and in pain. I wanna zonk out but i cannot.
system ask meme
🍄 - how did you get your system name?
👾 - funniest out of context system quote?
🎉 - favorite system holiday?
🌙 - do you have subsystems?
☕ - what is switching like for you?
💫 - are there any hobbies you all have?
💾 - what's your headcount?
👻 - do your alters/headmates have different voices or speech patterns?
🎨 - does anyone in your system like art?
🥀 - how easily does the system split?
🦖 - is your system fictive-heavy? factive-heavy? neutral?
🎵 - what songs remind you of your alters/headmates?
❓ - how much amnesia do you experience?
🎮 - what do your alters/headmates do in their free time?
🪐 - what is headspace like for you?
🍐 - are there any non-human alters/headmates?
🪫 - what do you all do to recharge?
🌧️ - how does the system cope with stress?
🔦 - how did you discover your system?
🌟 - do any alters help out with school/work?
🌊 - who are your frequent fronters?
🎁 - have you ever bought your alters/headmates things?
☘️ - what are your introjects/fictives usually sourced from?
💬 - free space!! tell me about something!
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dusty-cabinet · 15 days
cw period
Period started today ………. Does this even need a warning idk LMAO but I’m out which is annoying because we have a commission to do but I’m. Well I don’t usually use the method of art that some of the others do. It isn’t that I can’t. I just am not as into it.
I’m tired. Might take a nap
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dusty-cabinet · 15 days
Plural culture is that one really toxic alter. DNI level toxic because she's so mean. Monitor her social media activity like a toddler.
No, Vixen, you cannot say that, we'll get in the trouble. 😔
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dusty-cabinet · 16 days
A lot of being a sys is spacing out and not knowing who you are but sometimes, just sometimes it is banging another part of yourself in your head /hj
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dusty-cabinet · 16 days
Plural culture is feeling invalid because you don't have high amnesia, but also not know what our amnesia level is so it might be higher than we think it is.
Plural culture is having shared memory but also forgetting most of what happens, though not blackouts, so we just have a consistent timeline of memory that is mostly just blank, but we all remember the same things, but also questioning if we actually share memory or we're just convinced we do
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dusty-cabinet · 16 days
Your favorite cat is getting fingerprints done today. Can we get a yahoo??? Going to become so careercore and jobpilled and moneypunk
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