dunnodontask Ā· 5 months
scott pilgrim definitely humped wallace wells thigh while he was reading the newspaper at some point in their roommate-ship.
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dunnodontask Ā· 7 months
Delivering on my promises and bringing you some smutty SecurityWaiter head-canons,
Naturally, reader discretion is advisedā€¦
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ā€¢ He likes to bite, and he likes to bite rough. On more than one occasion his poor boyfriend has been left bleeding with pretty bite marks to accompany the cherry splatters.
ā€¢ He longs to leave marks above the collar, but longing is all he allows himself. Ness, after all, keeps a secure job better than heā€™s ever been able to.
ā€¢ A particularly impatient young man. Following his hire for day-shifts at Sparkyā€™s the backend utility closet has seen more use than it has since the establishmentā€™s opening. Ness allows it to happen, allows himself to be dragged by the belt and slammed against a shabby wooden door as Mike feverishly fumbles his zipper.
ā€¢ For all his eagerness he lacks in experience; his tragic and minuscule dating track-record aside, sex with men is an entirely novel concept. Before laying his eyes upon the chirpy optimistic waiter he never fancied himself anything other than straightā€¦
ā€¢ Size hardly matters of course, any good man will tell you its all about personality- but they be damned. Something about the idea of being too small for a job sure does get Mike going. Thank god a 6 inch hight difference isnā€™t the only difference him and his boyfriend were blessed with.
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ā€¢ ā€˜Loudā€™ is a word heā€™s heard aimed at him ruthlessly since childhood. A loud talked, a loud laugher, a loud nuisance all around who lacks basic awareness of his own volumeā€¦ ā€˜loud in bedā€™ however, has never been a complaint, only a compliment. On more than one occasion during their day-shift escapades, had he needed Mikeā€™s hand to stay pressed firmly agains his lips to keep their salaries intact.
ā€¢ Loves relinquishing control to his trusted boyfriend. After their respective long days at work, he is all Mikeā€™s for the taking; in any position, in any room, for as long or as little as his lover may requireā€¦
ā€¢ Perhaps itā€™s the theatre-lover in him, but Ness is never above putting on a good show. Be that on his knees or back flat against the floor, he always keeps appearances in mind; and boy does he know how ravishing he looks.
ā€¢ Teases like thereā€™s no tomorrow. The golden ages of this endeavour were at the early stages of their relationship, when Mike was much too shy to reciprocate, and much to deprived to not give in. A slap or a pinch or a calculated brush past his crotch in the workplace were all in Nessā€™s extensive arsenal.
ā€¢ Adores making Mikeā€™s life difficult in all of the most desirable ways. Purposely sports tight fitting pants in the winter and ridiculously short shorts in the summer. The best part of it all? Acting utterly clueless when pinned against the wall and interrogated for his profane methods of attention grabbing.
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Them Together:
ā€¢ Both boys love to switch. Whatever the circumstances of the situation might call for, theyā€™re willing to rise to the occasion. Mike thinks Ness looks particularly delightful screaming his name, sweaty and positively disheveled; Ness thinks Mike looks adorable when his cheeks are flushed with want and restraint.
ā€¢ Venturing from their late twenties into their early thirties doesnā€™t prevent them from going at it like high-schoolers. Even in some beyond inappropriate places, at beyond inappropriate times.
ā€¢ Neither shies away from public displays of affection. A hand on the waist, a kiss to the cheek, the interlacing of their fingers during a stroll. Though Mike took some time getting used to it, Ness hasnā€™t kept his hands to himself for a single moment since they began dating.
ā€¢ Their conflicting schedules partially to blame, the two have never found old fashioned love-making in a sizeable bed all that appealing. The couch, the floor or the kitchen counter is much more their style.
ā€¢ Both are exceedingly careful to keep their lewd encounters far, far from Abbyā€™s eyes. Though they rarely have time to engage with each other in such manner when sheā€™s around, all doors remain locked and voices hushed (to their best abilities that is). On multiple occasions Vanessa had to impromptu babysit during her patrols to keep the boysā€™ minds at ease.
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If youā€™ve made it all the way to the end, I canā€™t thank you enough! I hope you enjoyed my self indulgent head-canons for this mildly ridiculous ship.
Some of these may snake their way into developing into full sized one-shots, though I shanā€™t make empty promises as I am absolutely terrible at delivering any kind of writing projects remotely on timeā€¦
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dunnodontask Ā· 7 months
First Time pt. 2/?
Mike Schmidt x Ness the Waiter / securitywaiter / dreamtheory
Mike is a virgin, Ness is not.
Picking up where we left off
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CW: hand stuff, dirty talk
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Ness took Mikeā€™s face in his hands as he deepened their kiss. His palms were warm and soft, like his lips, Mike observed. He wondered if they tasted like chapstick too. Probably not.
He was caught a bit off guard when Nessā€™s wiry frame found itself in his lap, blanket somewhere on the floor beside them.
ā€œWeā€™ll start slowā€¦ā€ Ness muttered as he parted from Mikeā€™s open mouth to catch his breath. His hands fell away his face and down to Mikeā€™s work pants he had neglected to change out of hours ago. Mike swallowed back a desperate sound as the other mansā€™s long fingers undid the button, then made quick work of the zipper.
Unsure what to do with his hands, Mike settled on placing them on Nessā€™s hips. The other man hummed approvingly, which fueled something in Mike. He filed it away for later, not sure he wanted to address it now.
Ness tugged at the hem of Mikeā€™s boxers, silently (and proudly) noting the small damp patch of pre-come. He managed to get them down far enough to free Mikeā€™s cock from its cotton confines. Mike drew in a sharp breath through his teeth as cool air met the heat of his member.
Ness swallowed thickly, a bit starstruck at the sight. Mike was big. Maybe not pornstar big, like the guys he saw in magazines at the convenience store down the block from Sparkyā€™s. But definitely above average. And thick too. At least as thick as his wrist. He wanted him in his mouth so badly. To feel the weight of it on his tongue, to taste that somewhat salty after work no shower taste that he should hate but doesnā€™t because itā€™s so Mike. He wanted to feel it in him, stretching him so perfectly, hitting that one spot over and over and over and overā€¦
Ness shook his head, cheeks burning. He knew they would get there, eventually. But he wanted this to be slow, for Mike. With the self control of an olympian, Ness simply took Mike his hand. He swirled the tip with his thumb, earning him a whine from the man below him. The sound went straight to his own cock, and he felt himself begin to strain against his own briefs.
Ness removed his hand, watching as Mike bucked just slightly into the space between them, missing the delectable friction. He spat onto his hand before returning it, hoping the mix if saliva and pre-come would be enough lubricant for now. He briefly wondered if this is what it felt like to be a high schooler, giving a desperate handy to their partner in the back of a borrowed vehicle on a Friday night.
Refocusing, he started with a loose grip, keeping his strokes slow and deliberate. He heard Mikeā€™s breath catch, egging him on just a bit. ā€œYouā€™re so big sugarā€¦ā€ He muttered, looking down at Mikeā€™s flushed face to gauge his reaction. Much to his delight, Mike let out a small whimper at the compliment. He knew he had him.
He leaned forward to close the distance between them, bending just enough to level his mouth with Mikeā€™s ear. ā€œIā€™d love to have you in meā€¦ā€ Ness muttered, tightening his grip just slightly at the words. Mike groaned, bringing his fist to his mouth to control his volume.
Ness continued. ā€œI think about this a lot, you know. You, bending me over, taking me whenever- wherever you want me.ā€ Mikeā€™s breathing rate increased, and Ness knew he was imagining it. He was imagining it himself.
Mike, coming into the diner and bending him over the counter, shoving his pants down and taking him right there. Or coming home after a long day at work and working out his frustration on him on the dining room table. The thoughts made his stomach flutter, and he wanted to share them, but feared overwhelming Mike. So, he kept his mouth shut for now, saving them for another time.
Mike groaned into his fist as Ness began to stroke faster. His mind was soup, unable to fish up a coherent thought at all. He let his right hand slip from Nessā€™s hip to the top of his thigh. In the process, he felt Nessā€™s own erection straining against his pants. In a flash of clarity, Mike wondered if be should do something to get Ness off as well. He thought about it for a moment, before coming up with an idea. He let his hands float to Nessā€™s forearm, than wrist. He squeezed just slightly, stilling the motions. Ness made a confused sound and looked to Mike.
ā€œHere- lemmeā€¦ā€ Mike managed, reaching forward to hook fingers into Nessā€™s waistband. He shoved down his sweatpants and briefs in one motion, and watched as the other manā€™s hard cock sprung free. Ness let out a small ā€˜ohā€™ sound, cheeks turning pink at the action. It was Mikeā€™s turn to admire now, taking Nessā€™s member into his hand. It was average, though Mike didnā€™t really have anything to compare it to. To him, it was perfect. He stroked his fingers along the shaft, causing Ness to shudder above him. Mike pulled away, spitting on his hand like Ness did earlier,m. He brought his hand back, giving him a tentative stroke. Ness moaned softly into Mikeā€™s ear. Pleased with this action, Mike repeated the action, then again, and again, until he was jerking Ness off at a steady pace.
Ness nearly lost himself in the pleasure, but remembered he had a job to do. He resumed his own task, matching Mikeā€™s own pace. He moved to press their foreheads together, looking down to watch their hands move almost in tandem. It was hypnotic.
Ness could hear when Mike was approaching his climax. His breath grew shallow and his pace became erratic. He could feel his own climax approaching as well, building in his abdomen and causing his heart to thunder in his chest.
Mikeā€™s grip began to slacken as he got closer. Ness decided to take matters into his own hands (literally), and brushed Mikeā€™s hand away, taking both of their cocks into his hand and stroking them together. It didnā€™t take long for both men to tip over the edge, Mike leaning forward to bite Nessā€™s shoulder to muffle his moan. Ness followed quickly after, pressing his free hand over his mouth. He could feel the stickiness of both his and Mikeā€™s release on his fist as he slowed his strokes, then stopped. He wondered if it would be too much to bring his hand to his mouth and lick it clean. He wanted to, but as the post-nut clarity set in, he realized it would be kind-of gross, so he decided against it.
Mike panted into his shoulder, the only sound aside from Nessā€™s own breathing. ā€œFuck.ā€ He managed after a moment, tongue darting out to moisten his lips. Ness wanted to kiss them, so he did. He felt Mikeā€™s hands meet his waist, and shivered at the touch.
Mike rested his head on Nessā€™s shoulder, rubbing nonsensical patterns into the sliver of bare skin near Nessā€™s hip with his thumb. ā€œI am so fucking tired.ā€
Ness smiled softly and kissed Mikeā€™s temple. ā€œLetā€™s get to bed.ā€ He suggested.
Mike let out a small noise of agreement. He let himself be dragged off the couch and led into the bedroom by Ness. He managed to step out of his work pants and shrug off his shirt before collapsing into the pile of sheets and blankets he rarely made. Ness climbed in beside him. He managed to free the comforter from underneath them both and draped it over them. He let out a surprised sound as Mike wrapped himself around him.
Mike made some mumbled sound into his back. Ness smiled to himself. ā€œGoodnight to you too, sweetheart.ā€
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dunnodontask Ā· 7 months
First Time pt. 1/?
Mike Schmidt x Ness the Waiter, securitywaiter, dreamtheory
Mike is emotionally stunted, its endearing and sad.
Somehow, this ended up not being smut. Just a buildup lol.
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CW: none šŸ‘
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The transition from friendship with Ness to a romantic relationship with Ness was gradual and nearly imperceptible. Mike couldnā€™t pinpoint when everything changed.
When ā€œWelcome back, sugarā€ā€™s became ā€œWelcome back, sugarā€ā€™s with a kiss on the cheek.
When sleepy ā€œgood morningsā€ stopped occurring in the kitchen and instead switched to sleepy ā€œgood morningsā€ while curled together on Mikeā€™s bed.
When opposite side of the couch movie nights became sharing a blanket movie nights, which became Mikeā€™s hand on Nessā€™s thigh under the blanket just because he wanted his hand there movie nights.
They just sort of became that way, as time passed. Not that Mike minded. It was nice. That last one did scare him a little bit though. Not because he didnā€™t want it. He did, really. He wanted more, actually. But he didnā€™t really know how to broach the subject.
Mike was a virgin. He didnā€™t really have the time or emotional preparedness for relationships much of his life. He had a lot of baggage and it wasnā€™t a secret that most people found that to be a deterrent. And Mike was fine with that. Lonely, maybe, but fine.
But now he had Ness, who had somehow seen that baggage and decided to pursue Mike anyway. Why exactly, Mike wasnā€™t sure. But he certainly wasnā€™t going to question it.
So Mike wanted to take things further with Ness. Desperately. But he didnā€™t know how. Was he just supposed to ask? Or make a move? What kind of move? What did he even want? What was the next step?
Those were the kinds of questions swirling around inside Mikeā€™s skull as he absent-mindedly rubbed circles on Nessā€™s thigh with his thumb that evening. It was late, nearly 11 pm, and some shitty late 90s horror film was playing on the tv. It served as little more than background noise to the conversations Mike was practicing in his head. Ness seemed interested in it though, so he didnā€™t have to worry about explaining his distracted silence to the other man. Not than Ness would likely mention it, if he noticed. He was pretty good at detecting when Mikeā€™s social battery was nearly or completely empty and taking over a conversation so that he could just listen. It was one if the ways Ness just got him.
Ness shifted suddenly, drawing Mikeā€™s attention towards him.
ā€œThis is so dumb, the plot doesnā€™t make any sense.ā€ Ness murmured, reaching for the remote. ā€œDo you mind it I turn it off?ā€
Mike nodded.
ā€œI wasnā€™t paying attention to be honest.ā€ He replied.
Ness hummed in response, as he powered down television. ā€œYou didnā€™t miss much.ā€
He replaced the remote on the table and sat back, leaning into Mikeā€™s sturdy frame. ā€œEverything okay, sugar? Youā€™ve been quiet all night.ā€
Mike swallowed thickly, his cheeks turning pink as he searched for a good response. ā€œJust thinkin about stuff I guess.ā€ He managed, shrugging half-heartedly.
Ness hummed again. ā€œAnything interesting?ā€ He asked, tone light, almost teasing.
Mikeā€™s brain stuttered as he tried to come up with something to say. He had the perfect opportunity, but he didnā€™t know how to use it. He felt his palms start to get clammy as his nerves got the better of him. Would Ness feel it through his pants? Mike considered pulling his hand away, but wondered if that would imply he didnā€™t want this to happen. IF anything was happening, which he wasnā€™t sure if it was.
He must have been quiet for too long, because Ness spoke up again, voice now concerned. ā€œMike? You alright?ā€
Ness placed a hand on his forearm, the touch light but excruciatingly tender. It made Mike want to scream, mostly at himself for stalling. Instead, he made a low, exasperated sound, that sounded a bit like a whine and a groan at the same time.
ā€œI canā€™t- I donā€™t know how to do this.ā€ Mike groaned, burying his head in his hands.
ā€œDo what?ā€ Ness asked, tone more concerned now. He searched for some kind of explanation to Mikeā€™s statement. ā€œAre youā€¦ breaking up with me? Or I donā€™t know- are you dying?ā€
ā€œNo!ā€ Mike protested, than cringed at his own volume. He listened for movement in the next room, fearing he woke Abby. Hearing nothing, he sighed and continued. ā€œNo, nothing like that, I promise.ā€
Ness looked somewhat relieved, but still very confused. ā€œThen what is it?ā€
Mike felt his face flush, and was thankful for the darkness of the room. ā€œI- I want to move things forwardā€¦ with us.ā€ It was the best he was going to be able to do.
Silence. Mike felt his stomach cramp as his nerves took hold again. Did Ness understand what he meant? Was he upset? Did he-
ā€œYou mean like have sex?ā€ Nessā€™s voice broke his train of thought.
ā€œI- I mean yeah. But only if you want to!ā€ Mike assured.
He felt a sudden smack to his shoulder, followed by Nessā€™s exasperated voice. ā€œMike! For the love of-ā€œ Nessā€™s own laughter interrupted him. It wasnā€™t a cruel laugh, like Mike worried it would be. (But, when had Ness ever been cruel?) ā€œI thought something was wrong! You had me worried for nothing!ā€ He scolded.
Mike smiled sheepishly. ā€œSorry. I didnā€™t mean to scare you.ā€ He apologized. ā€œI justā€¦ I really like you, Ness. And I donā€™t want to ruin this.ā€
It was excruciatingly open, especially for Mike. He had spent a lifetime building these walls, tearing them down wasnā€™t easy. But he would do it, for Ness.
ā€œOh, Mikeā€¦ā€
Mike felt arms reach around his neck as Ness leaned forward to kiss him. It was chaste, lacking the heat Mike desired so badly, but had a sweetness to it that made his heart flutter.
ā€œYou arenā€™t going to ruin anything. No matter how hard you try, youā€™re stuck with me.ā€ Ness teased, running long fingers through Mikeā€™s hair. ā€œAnd I do want to have sex with you.ā€ He continued, lowering his volume slightly. ā€œAll you had to do was ask.ā€
Mike shrugged, a bit embarrassed in hindsight. ā€œI knowā€¦ I just. Iā€™ve neverā€¦ done anything like this before.ā€
Ness paused, fingers midway through another sweep across Mikeā€™s scalp. ā€œWait- youā€™re a virgin?ā€ He asked, leaning back to gauge the other manā€™s reaction.
Mike hesitated, than nodded slowly.
ā€œOh.ā€ That was not what Ness expected at all. Though, it made sense. He wasnā€™t sure why he was surprised. ā€œThatā€™s okay!ā€ He assured as the other mans face fell. ā€œI was just curious, really, itā€™s not a big deal or anything.ā€
Mike shrugged, embarrassed. ā€œI know, itā€™s just kinda lame. But I only have myself to blame, I guess.ā€
Ness frowned. ā€œItā€™s not lameā€¦ lots of people are virgins. Like I said, it really isnā€™t that big of a deal. ā€œPluuuusā€¦ā€ He drew out the ā€˜uhā€™ sound as he tangled his fingers back in Mikeā€™s dark locks again. ā€œI can teach you.ā€ A grin spread across his face as he spoke.
Mike felt his ears become warm as imagined what Ness had in mind. ā€œOh?ā€ Was all he could manage.
Ness hummed in confirmation, before leaning forwards to kiss Mike again. There was more heat behind it than their earlier kiss. Mikeā€™s heart thundered in his chest, and he wondered briefly if Ness could hear it. If he could, he didnā€™t mention it.
Continued in part 2
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dunnodontask Ā· 7 months
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Iā€™ll take SecurityWaiter requests btw. I feel lots of feelings for them. Yeah. Send em my way šŸ‘
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smut or not smut, idgaf
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dunnodontask Ā· 7 months
- s m u t a l p h a b e t -
Mike Schmidt x Ness the Waiter
Warnings: - mentioned con dub con
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(ty @the-coldest-goodbye for the template)
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A = Aftercare
Ness: lots, if Mike will let him. He likes to give lots of praise afterwards, not necessarily on purpose I think heā€™s just like that. Heā€™s also a stickler for hydration because sex is a very labor intensive act ā€œbut thats just a theory šŸ¤“šŸ‘†ā€ At the very least he makes sure Mike has a pillow under his head so his neck doesnā€™t hurt when he wakes up <3
Mike: minimal, if he isnā€™t asleep already (see Z). He isnā€™t a very affectionate guy, not on purpose but it is what it is. Ness makes up for it for both of them. He mainly asks if Ness is good, than passes out. Its cute, kinda. Ness seems to think so.
B = Body part
Ness: He likes Mikeā€™s arms, and by extension, his hands. Theyā€™re surprisingly strong. He isnā€™t a body builder or anything, but he can lift Ness easily, if he wants to. Mike is a pretty handsy guy when theyā€™re alone, and Ness likes it when he feels him up, whether it be deliberately or desperately or lazily.
Mike: Nessā€™s ass (and legs), for sure. Theyā€™re somewhat muscular from skating at work all day, but there is still some softness to them. Mikeā€™s the kind of guy to put his hand on Nessā€™s thigh and just leave it there while watching a movie or something. Not always teasing necessarily, he just likes how it feels.
C = Cum
Ness: As much as heā€™d like to let Mike cum wherever he wants on (or in) him, cleanup can be a bitch so that is on rare occasions. Otherwise they stick to condoms to make things easy.
Mike: He likes to cum inside Ness, though like I said its on rare occasions he actually gets to. He likes to cum inside, than watch it drip out. Itā€™s pretty, in a strange way.
D = Dirty secret
Ness: He has called in late a few times because a quickie turned into a not so quickie. He feels bad about it, but it was definitely worth it.
Mike: He has jerked off to Nessā€™s voice over the phone before. Not even phone sex of anything, just during one of Nessā€™s rambling conspiracy theory at 3 am calls.
E = Experience
Ness: More than you would think. He comes off as pretty sweet and inexperienced when you first meet him, but he lived in a larger city for a few years before he met Mike and had some hookups and even a steady boyfriend or two.
Mike: None. Unless you count hand stuff in high school, which Mike does not. He hasnā€™t really had time.
F = Favorite position
Ness: When bottoming, he likes to ride Mike. He also likes missionary, if heā€™s feeling sentimental. When topping, he likes either missionary or face down ass up.
Mike: Topping, he likes being ridden or slow and lazy on their sides. Bottoming, he likes missionary and on their sides.
G = Goofy
Ness: Depends on the situation. He likes to tease Mike, in a sweet sappy way.
Bonus: He is much better at maintaining his composure than Mike, and could easily hold a conversation while fucking.
Mike: Maybe, when they are first starting. But he gets a bit incoherent closer to climax.
H = Hair
Ness: Very neat about his grooming. He has some hair on his chest and legs, very light. He either trims his pubic hair or shaves it, depending.
Mike: Somewhat neat about his grooming. He probably has about the same amount of hair as Ness, but its darker so it looks like more. He trims his pubic hair like, once a month at most.
I = Intimacy
Ness: Can be very sappy and romantic, or casual and quick, depending. He prefers a more tender lovemaking style, but is aware that that isnā€™t always possible.
Mike: As much as he would like quickies, he is terrible at them. He is much too touchy feely and soft.
J = Jack off
Ness: Occasionally, but prefers sex
Mike: Occasionally, but he rarely has time. Between work, sleep, and taking care if his sister he is a busy man.
When he finds time, though, itā€™s always to thoughts about Ness.
K = Kink
Ness: Roleplay, (specifically con dub-con.) Feminization, bondage, degradation. Honestly, heā€™ll try anything once. BUT he doesnā€™t need it to get off, just to be clear.
Mike: When first asked, he would say he doesnā€™t have any. But he has discovered he is sorts into lingerie, on Ness I mean. And he likes being praised.
L = Location
Ness: Anywhere. He has a knack for finding abandoned buildings and kinda likes fucking in them. He also likes the FANTASY (not reality) of Mike fucking him over the diner counter. (Maybe I will elaborate on these later šŸ‘€)
Mike: Private places, but can be convinced to go to more exposed locations.
M = Motivation
Ness: Any little bit of affection from Mike, honestly. Mostly because Mike saves his affection for when they are alone, so its a rare treat. Hand on his thigh, morning spooning, cuddling on the couch, all get him excited
Mike: he rarely initiates, so if Ness is turned on he is turned on. He also likes when Ness goes off on a long rant about something he is interested in. Itā€™s pretty hot to see him all passionate.
N = No
Ness: poop and puke (yuck).
Mike: same, also any kidnapping scenario when roleplaying. For obvious reasons. Daddy kinks are kinds weird for him too.
O = Oral
Ness: Likes giving, and pretty good at it. He gets shy when receiving, especially when being eaten out.
Mike: Likes receiving and giving equally. He likes eating ass, especially because its, like, the only thing that makes Ness shy.
P = Pace
Ness: When topping, he tried to keep a slow, steady pace as long as he can. He has tried to be rougher but he worries about hurting Mike (he never has, but Mike thinks its cute)
Mike: He tries to be slow and sensual, especially when they are having a lazy morning, but towards climax he can get a bit rough and erratic. Ness likes both.
Q = Quickie
Ness: Great in theory (haha), but not very plausible in practice. But he is content with a quick handie before work.
Mike: Impossible, he canā€™t do it. Heā€™d like to, but heā€™s very touch starved so a handjob before work turns into sex very quickly.
R = Risk
Ness: Hell yeah, whatā€™s life without risks? Heā€™ll try anything once.
Mike: Maybe, sometimes. He doesnā€™t love it, but for Ness he tries.
S = Stamina
Ness: Back to back? Five, tops. He has a-lot of energy. He could do a whole day of sex if he wanted (with breaks of course).
Mike: If he has slept enough, two, maybe three. Otherwise he taps out after one.
T = Toys
Ness: A few. He likes ones that vibrate. Mike likes to watch him use them. He really likes the ones he can control.
Mike: None, unless Ness buys him one. But he likely isnā€™t going to use it, he feels too self conscious about it.
U = Unfair
Ness: He loves teasing. Being teased is fun too, but not nearly fun as doing the teasing yourself.
Mike: He hates being teased (/affectionately). Its torture (/pos).
V = Volume
Ness: Not very loud, he live in an apartment so he is good at volume control.
Mike: Also good at volume control. He def whimpers
W = Wild card
Ness usually bottoms, Mike usually tops. But they do switch!
Mike likes to leave hickies on Ness.
X = X-ray
Ness: Average, 5.5 inches. Cut
Mike: slightly above average, 7.5 inches. Pretty girthy too. Also cut
Y = Yearning
Ness: Very high
Mike: Average
Z = Zzz
Ness: Unless its back to back rounds, he is pretty awake after.
Mike: Falls asleep within the hour, guaranteed. Sooner than later usually.
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