dungeon-apprentice · 17 hours
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Had this idea in my head for ages and found the time to get it out. Really wanted to focus on getting a traditional/classical look to the figure and juxtapose that with scary dystopian sci-fi elements. Think it came out alright?
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dungeon-apprentice · 19 hours
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Dungeon: Sulgien's Sulphurous Tomb
After the ancient titan of fire was snuffed out, her children and followers interred her body in a burial mound that rivaled small mountains for size. It is said the earth itself wept over this cairn, and it's tears were volcanic fire that has never since cooled.
Adventure Hooks:
Whether it be a demiplane or stretch of hostile wilderness (as your campaign might need) the charred wasteland surrounding Sulgien's tomb has come to be known as the Ashmourn. Home to pyroclastic storms and rogue elementals, to say nothing of the rivers of lava or cinderswamps, the Ashmorn is an area all but the bravest steer well clear of. This has made it the perfect home for a band of fire genasi nomads who survive by raiding other lands, then retreating where more flammable folk would never dare to follow. Their leader claims decent from Sulgien herself, and seeks a means to resurrect the mighty titan so that she may again hold dominion over all that burns.
Legends say the gods struck down Sulgien because her rampages threatened the very foundations of the world. The legends are almost right. While it's all to easy to imagine a fiery giant destroying everything in her path, Sulgien's threat lay not only in her strength and battle prowess, but also in her power as an oracle: With some effort the titan of fire could pronounce a destiny and sear it's shape upon the world, impossible to avert or contradict. It's also said that her prophecies were etched upon the inner walls of her tomb, knowledge that mystics of all kind would pay a party generously to obtain.
Stories speak of Sulgien's blade, the bane of gods and monsters alike, which struck apart foes with the violence of the rupturing earth. Someone, perhaps the party, or one of their foes, might be able to obtain a fraction of this power should they be able to reach the titan's burial chamber and touch their weapon to hers. This is easier said than done, not only would one need immunity to fire to even consider the task, it would also require swimming to the bottom of a magma flooded burial chamber as well as laying hands on a weapon that could survive the transfer of primal energy. Even adamantium melts under such pressure, but should someone manage the impossible they will be in possession of a weapon that can carve pantheons.
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dungeon-apprentice · 20 hours
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Temple Ruins [20x35]
Dear friends,What's better when casually strolling through a random forest than bumping into ancient temple ruins? I know - combat that follows because one of your light-hearted party members stepped on the wrong dry branch!
My supporters get Hi-Res maps, a total of 10 map variations, PDFs for print, and Foundry modules.
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dungeon-apprentice · 22 hours
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horror. terror. lust.
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dungeon-apprentice · 2 days
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Relentless Torment by Nino Is.
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dungeon-apprentice · 2 days
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⋆༺𓆩☠︎︎𓆪༻⋆👁One Slot taken👁⋆༺𓆩☠︎︎𓆪༻⋆
⋆౨ৎ˚⟡˖࣪ Four to go ✰
👁 Full Body Commissions
👁 Bust Commissions
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dungeon-apprentice · 2 days
WOTC is hiring a "Principal AI Engineer"
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After multiple scandals of them trying to "covertly" using AI (and denying it, when found out, up until the evidence was too big to deny), declarations from Hasbro's CEO, Chris Cocks, saying how much he loves AI, after their empty promises with dubiously worded "No, we won't use AI (in our final products)", Wizards of The Coast is now hiring a "Principal AI Engineer".
And as highlighted (the highlighted version was posted by @/SpicyEncounters on Twitter), this does include AI usage for all sorts of things- Including writing, audio, and art. (Which is an incredibly broad amount of subjects, but the wonders of AI is being able to have a single guy hitting the keyboard 'til the plagiarism machine pukes something decent)
This is no surprise to most people, I think, but it's still a great time to just boycott WOTC, and make noise about this everywhere: Social media, on your way out for your DnD Beyond subscription, amidst many others. Don't give them the money. The cents they save from not hiring artists shouldn't be worth much amidst many users refusing to use their products and bringing their money elsewhere. They already had massive layoffs- Which of course heavily hurt their artists, and this was the "natural", greedy next step.
I keep thinking about getting sent death threats over bringing up this in the past with people who were too deep in on the corporate bootlicking. Who would've thought that the same company that threw their creators under the bus with the OGL would now be looking forward to keep running them over for a measly profit.
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dungeon-apprentice · 2 days
having collaborative ocs with friends will have you saying shit like "what if scimble was bumpus wouldnt that be funny" and then like two weeks later its one of the most important pieces of lore you have
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dungeon-apprentice · 3 days
Top 5 homerules you've come up with for 5e
I've never run a 5e game. Please accept my top 5 homerules for Pathfinder, some of which could be altered for use in 5e.
Spell DCs are based on the highest level spell you can cast.
Normally, the save DC for a spell is 10+spellcasting ability modifier+level of the spell. But this means that there are a lot of 1st level spells that really lose their utility over time. Allowing the DC of all spells to go up as you gain in power let's those lower level spells still shine without really changing things too dramatically. Opponents with really high Wisdom Saves and spell resistance aren't going to be bothered anyway.
2. Rolling a 1 on a skill check is an automatic failure.
Normally in Pathfinder, critical fails are only a thing for attacks. But I don't like the idea of anyone getting to a point where they don't even need to roll the dice for important checks. So even if you have +30 to whatever the check is, there's still a chance you could fail, if only through bad luck.
3. Drinking a healing potion as a full round action will get you the maximum hit points.
It sucks when you drink a healing potion and only get like 4 hitpoints back because you rolled 1s. Especially since you paid good money for that potion! I feel like if you take the time to drink the potion carefully you should be able to get your money's worth.
4. Don't sweat the small stuff when it comes to inventory management
This is less of a house rule and more of a philosophy. But I just don't really need to be micromanaging basic inventory stuff with my players. I assume the spellcasters are refreshing their spell components whenever possible and archers are keeping tabs on their ammo and everyone is topping up their rations. Unless the PCs are in a situation which would make it particularly difficult to do these things for an extended period of time, I'm not going to bother them about it. I also don't really care about carrying capacity as long as we're not dealing with anything ridiculously large. Oh, and currency is weightless.
5. Players can opt for tactical initiative instead of traditional initiative
By tactical initiative, I mean that rather than rolling to see what order people act in, the players take their actions in any order that they want, until all actions are spent. I've tried this a few times in the past, and it's gone well. In some situations it's actually easier than a traditional initiative and allows for more flexibility. But I would only recommend it for groups that are well acquainted with the mechanics and don't struggle with decision making.
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dungeon-apprentice · 4 days
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dungeon-apprentice · 5 days
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1st level spell scars for when your DM is feeling particularly vicious :) (Cantrip scars)
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dungeon-apprentice · 5 days
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Driftwood Dragon
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dungeon-apprentice · 5 days
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Salo's Item Library - Magical/Cursed Knick Knacks
this is where things get weird. We encased a lot of flowers in crystal.
Also, fun story about the spider book. I tried to kind of emulate the really uncanny vibe that bad AI generated art has, because the spider book is supposed to be an entity that tries to be a book. So it doesn't really make sense because it doesn't really understand, how a book (or a spider) works. I'ts mostly a parasite, trapping its host. To most of the outside world, it looks like a dirty old notebook with empty pages and to its victim it looks like a special, fancy, maybe cursed, secret black magic book. I love this book, even though it only got a teeny tiny chapter within the story and then quickly disappeared.
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dungeon-apprentice · 6 days
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Failed Ascendance by EranFowler
This artist on Instagram
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dungeon-apprentice · 6 days
One thing I like to do for my players when I'm introducing them to a new game is provide them with player-kits, which I create on Google Sheets. I'm sure that others have created player-kits for their own games, but I figured I would show off some of the ones I've used in the past. If it's something folks are interested in, I might share more!
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Blades in the Dark
Thirsty Sword Lesbians
Cypher System
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dungeon-apprentice · 6 days
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Salo's Item Library - Jewelry (and similar things)
I used references for almost all of these, just letting you know. Especially the rings.
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dungeon-apprentice · 6 days
it's always so alarming looking at the notes on posts about people's cool experiences with ttrpgs and seeing the sheer number of people saying something along the lines "unfortunately this relies on the assumption that the players aren't huge shithead assholes who are actively trying to fuck each other over and make sure their gm has a bad time."
like. yeah, it sure does. that's kind of a baseline assumption for me, the same way that when I invite friends to a potluck I feel perfectly safe assuming that no one is going to spit in the food. do you guys actually like the people you're doing recreational activities with? blink if you need help.
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