duneyshit · 8 years
Fairy Tail chapter 499 Gray and Juvia
Whhhhaaaat? Please don't kill my otp, Mashima. :0 I don't want my babies to die.
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duneyshit · 8 years
@isibea corndogs? Are they tasty? 😋
Why isn’t there any new Chapter of Fairy Tail?
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duneyshit · 8 years
Why isn't there any new Chapter of Fairy Tail?
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duneyshit · 8 years
why tha fuck so many porn blogs follow me…..wtf you tryna jack off to? my depression?? naruto? kermit the frog memez???.. what yhe Fuck
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duneyshit · 8 years
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Sensei seems to be having fun with these XD
Hiro Mashima
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duneyshit · 8 years
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        “If you do not rid yourself of that naivete, you will never defeat Acnologia.”
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duneyshit · 8 years
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“I shall be taking my leave now.”
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duneyshit · 8 years
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duneyshit · 8 years
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duneyshit · 8 years
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Oh my god mashima sensei outdid himself with this!Its beautiful and of course i noticed the matchy gruvia and nalu tickets:3
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duneyshit · 8 years
What episode is it?
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Ash goes straight to Serena, even though Bonnie is closer. Could it be that subconsciously he has more confidence and comfort with her?
[Ash va directo hacia Serena, aun cuando Bonnie está más cerca. ¿Será que inconscientemente él tiene más confianza y confort con ella?]
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duneyshit · 8 years
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So i was watching this show .. 😻🐞
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duneyshit · 8 years
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Monkey Business: Gray has been feeling uneasy ever since his unfortunate encounter with the monkey, and so he and Juvia come back so that Gray could “face his fears” and end his restlessness. 
Fan-made gifs by me, based on OVA7’s “Fairy’s Punishment Game” filler! ^_^
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duneyshit · 8 years
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Anonymous asked ⇥
“Favourite blue haired character from Fairy Tail?”
Well it’s my Water Waifu, Juvia Lockser !! 
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duneyshit · 8 years
[someone brings up a thing i love]
me: haha, yeah
me: but seriously, do you have six hours to talk about this because I have Some Thoughts-
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duneyshit · 8 years
OmG Its been 3 Years. :O
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Is it illegal, If I find me cute? :3
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duneyshit · 8 years
Juvia is the TRUE villain of FT
Yeah, that’s right, I said what everyone else was thinking, but didn’t have the guts to say. You’re welcome.
Maybe you didn’t even know you were thinking it, like I didn’t until today. I just woke up this morning, and had this epiphany (or maybe it was gas, it’s hard to tell). I didn’t even have to think too hard about it, to know it was true.
Juvia is evil incarnate. That just sounds right, doesn’t it? It makes sense.
Let’s face it, she stalks, she threatens, she’s violent, aggressive, harassing, obsessive, and extremely selfish. How anyone could not see her for the awful character she is, is beyond me.
Now, I’m sure those naive few (you poor, poor souls) who would take issue with my immensely factual statements, would like to see me clarify my claims. No problem. I don’t usual go looking for facts to back up my truths, because my gut tells me they are undeniable, and completely supported by manga events. But for you? I’ll make an exception, because unlike Juvia? I’m a good person.
Man, where to even start, right? There are so many incidents involving the awfulness of this character. 
I know! Let’s start with the Avatar arc. That arc was basically an advertisement for how problematic Juvia truly is. Thanks for that, Mashima. ^__~
So, Juvia was living with Gray. And we all found out the truth of that little scenario:
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EXPOSED JUVIA. That’s right, this little stalking, obsessive brat actually forced herself into Gray’s home and refused to leave! And then you expect us to feel bad for her when Gray goes off for six months? Please. So deserved. HE DIDNT EVEN WANT HER THERE. Look at her face in the background. She’s LAUGHING at Gray’s suffering!
Despicable! People try and brush this off as Gray being embarrassed about the public teasing, but we ALL know the tru-
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Ok, well that? Means nothing. We all know how nice of a guy Gray is. He probably felt SORRY for her ( I don’t know why, though. She deserves none of your pity, Gray!!!). It’s obvious this moment is incredibly forced and completely OOC! I’m sure Mashima was holding an illustrated gun to Gray’s head to get that bit of dialogue out of him. As for that “answer,” IF it’s about Juvia’s feelings (which I DOUBT), we all know what he’ll say already, because he’s said it once before (and of course the ball of crazy ignored him):
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That’s right! So I personally look forward to his “answer.” Bring on the Juvia tears mwahahaha!
Anyway, back to Avatar, where Gray left Juvia behind for 6 months without a word (LOL!).
So now she’s all depressed, and making it rain all over the village, driving everybody else away. So typical. So selfish. Thanks for ruining everyone else’s lives as usual, Juvia! Just cause you have an unhealthy obsession with some guy, doesn’t mean everyone else around you needs to suffer for it, jeeze.
And what did Juvia do during this time Gray was away? Absolutely nothing, obviously, which just goes to show how unhealthy this “relationship” is. Juvia became a depressed mess, and a shell of herself. Clearly she wasn’t working, let alone eating for those six months, and how she survived is anybody’s guess (ZombieJuvia?!). But what’s worst, is that she claims to “love” Gray, but she just sat around waiting for him! What a joke! If you’re really so worried, like you claim, why don’t you go out and sear-
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Oh… so she wasn’t just waiting around, and wasting away, but actually looking, but this just goes on to prove my next point instead! If Juvia had been searching for him every day, surely once Gray finally pops up, she will be FURIOUS. Because as we all know, Juvia’s biggest weapon is INTIMIDATION.
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Ah ha! What did I tell you?! Look at Gray’s face! He’s terrified! And as usual, what does Juvia do?! That’s right, ATTACKS a woman for DARING to get near Gray. No love rivals allowed!!! She is so insane! Surely Gray will be devastated that Juvia hurt this new friend and potential lover-
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Ok, so she was a villain, who Gray also attacked. BUT! My point still stands, as we are about to see here, where Juvia is aggressively keeping Lucy away from Gray:
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I know that it looks like they are just chatting normally, but that’s just Juvia being shrewder than usual in her approach. Besides, even the arrow is pointing at the next victim of her madness!
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We still don’t know if Frosch is a girl or a boy, but it makes no difference! Juvia hates all love rivals equally! Gray hugging Frosch? No way is Juvia going to put up with that, and of course she doesn’t! She has already declared it a love rival! So typical, so Juvia. But now we must fear for poor Frosch!
Look how genuinely terrified Frosch is at Juvia’s reaction. Look as the little exceed flees from Gray at Juvia’s intimidating stare-
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Oh… well, I’m sure both Frosch and Gray felt Juvia’s wrath in the very next panel that Mashima forgot to draw in his haste. It’s a weekly series after all. Things get mistakenly left out all the time. We forgive you, Mashima!
In any case, the moment of truth is upon us. So, what did Juvia do when she found out Gray left her for 6 months on a secret mission under Erza’s orders? Surely she was furious! Surely she was declaring Erza as her love rival! Surely she was forbidding Gray to ever leave her side agai-
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Huh… W-well, it doesn’t matter! I’m sure Juvia gave Gray an earful when they got back to their home!  That’ll teach Gray from daring to ever leave Juvia’s side  to go off with other females without Juvia’s permission! Not that he has any other female friends left, of course. Juvia saw to that ohohoho…
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WHAT ARE YOU DOING GRAY?!!!!!!! Leaving again with your team?! With Erza, Lucy, and Wendy in company?! You should know better than that!!!!!
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You can even see Juvia’s anger is boiling just below the surface at being stuck with people who aren’t Gray!
I don’t even know why Juvia logically reacts like this. I guess it’s just her crazy obsession that makes her so possessive! Otherwise I see no other reason why she would want to be near Gra-
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Ok, so what if Gray’s father wanted Juvia to take care of Gray?! And so what if that’s hard to do if Gray keeps mysteriously disappearing under dangerous circumstances! That means NOTHING! Juvia doesn’t think about anyone but HERSELF. That’s a FACT.  
And Juvia will surely terrorize all those girls, and give Gray a piece of her mind when he gets back-
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Mashima, why must you off-panel all of the things that prove my points?! This is very vexing!!!! >_<
No matter! Juvia has forced herself on Gray LOADS of times before. Gray has his own team, sure, but Juvia is a stalker, remember? She doesn’t need to join Gray’s team to keep an eye on him. Not that she lets Gray go on missions with his team anymore, of course. That’s the whole point of Juvia isolating Gray from all of his female friends. He’s not allowed to be alone with any of them ever since Juvia joined the guil-
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Gray is away on another mission without Juvia, surrounded by his team of potential love rivals, and people Juvia has surely already isolated Gray from?! What is this sorcery?!  I’m sure we will see Juvia following closely behind at some point. Hold on while I peruse the manga so that I can find those panels of Juvia stalking Gray, that so often appear….
*five minutes later*
Oh, they are in here. That arc went on for over three months. I’m pretty sure she popped up at some point…
*ten minutes later*
Ok, I see the arc is winding down… where are you hiding, Juvia?!
*15 minutes later*
Ah ha! A hot springs scene with Gray surrounded by naked love rivals?! I don’t think so! Bitches about to get water sliced. Where you be, Juvia?!
*arc finishes*
…. That’s fine. You know why? Because I’m sure I remember that when Gray got back to the guild, Juvia went off on all of them! That’s what it was! Just you wait-
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Doesn’t matter. considering how flushed Gray is I bet those breads were poisoned (Juvia has tried to drug Gray before. Remember that very canon love potion episode? BECAUSEI DO). I’d be worried if I were you, Elfman. Just saying…
In any case, forget about Juvia not letting Gray socialize with other women, and no longer having any female friends. We know that’s true, because I said so.
(And Cana doesn’t count. With all those boobs she gropes she’s practically one of the guys.)
Also, can we talk about Juvia’s selfishness. because she IS. Incredibly so. Especially when it comes to Gray. She constantly dismisses his feelings time and time again. Remember that creepy 413 Days Omake? *shiver* That was a prime example of Juvia’s selfish behavior. Gray is feeling down on the anniversary of Ur’s death, and Juvia DARES trying to impose some bullshit anniversary on him, and expecting him to be happy? WOW. And then when she found out why Gray rejected her stupid gift (a scarf? For an ice mage? Seriously? As if anyone would ever give an ice mage a gift like tha-
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The point is. Juvia clearly didn’t care the least about Gray’s own feelings, as we can see he-
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I’m sure that was just her trying to save face. That’s all! Can’t look bad in front of Erza. Juvia is so two-faced. Anyway, the fact is, Juvia ruined Gray’s day. Thanks, Juvia, for making Gray even more miserabl-
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Well…He’s FROWNING, isn’t he?! And I’m sure that smile afterwards is just to cover up his frown on the inside. Poor Gray. You’re not even allowed to be sad when in mourning because of Juvia.
And this wasn’t the last time Juvia tried to rain on Gray’s sadness parties. Oh no, because after the GMG, when Gray was upset about Ultear, guess who had a problem with it again? Oh that’s right. JUVIA. 
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And of course she didn’t care how he was feeling. I’m sure her worried expression is just her frustration over Gray not speaking to her OBVIOUSLY.
Sorry we all can’t be happy in other people’s misery like you, Juvia! Thankfully, Gray gave her a piece of his mind this time…
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Man, Gray is such a nice guy. Putting a smile on his face, and lying to spare Juvia’s feelings like that.You are so lucky, Juvia. No one else would put up with your crap!
And Gray has put his life on the line multiple times for Juvia! And how has she repaid him? By being horribly selfish, of course. that’s the point I’m making, after all. It’s not like she’s ever really done anything of value for him-
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Ok, so she may have protected him/saved his life a couple of times. But big deal? Who hasn’t saved lives in this series? That’s nothing special!
The point is, Juvia doesn’t really care about Gray. As we saw at the end of the Tartarus arc. She knows Gray just lost his dad. And she knows it’s her fault (MURDERER). And yet, she follows (stalks, stalks, stalks) him all the way to his parents grave, where he’s in mourning, and tries to saddle him with her guilt. How self-absorbed can one person get, I ask you?! She doesn’t care that he’s hurting. All she thinks about is her own feelings for him -
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Ok, so she’s giving up on him because she feels she has no right to love him any more after the pain she just caused him. And that’s supposed to make me feel what, exactly? Please. Spare me, Juvia. And yeah, she killed off Keith, thinking Gray will hate her forever for doing it, but she did it anyway because Silver assured her it was what was best for Gray. But so what? 
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You can keep your “sorries” Juvia, we know you don’t really mean it! At the end of the day, she still hurt Gray knowingly. Thankfully Gray is about to go off on her AT LAST.
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Poor Gray, he’s far too upset to even think straight! Don’t stick your face there (the phrase is a shoulder to cry on, not a boob!)! You were almost rid of her forever!!!! Ugh! >_<
Whatever, she’s so selfish that she doesn’t even attempt to console Gr-
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Ok, that scene doesn’t really give the full effect of how terrible Juvia can be. Let me go back to Juvia’s jealousy. As I said, Gray is not allowed to be in contact with other females, but having PHYSICAL CONTACT with another girl is ESPECIALLY PROHIBITE-
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Gray is carrying Erza ( a woman who Gray is clearly no longer friends with thanks to Juvia isolating him from the female population) on his back?! Unforgivable! Juvia will surely never allow that!!! Watch as she… 
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…does …
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Oh. Well, I mean, surely she has already expressed her extreme displeasure, and threatened her unconscious figure with retribution, wishing her wounds never heal in a panel that Mashima forgot to include. No matter! We know the truth!!!
Plus, there were plenty of other moments where Juvia showed her violent anger over Gray touching another female that wasn’t her.
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Gray dove to catch Lucy?! How dare he!!!! How dare he put his hands on her?! Oh, we are about to see some intense Juvia anger oho! Lucy better watch out, because she thinks she’s in pain now, but wait until Juvia gets done with h-
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Well, I’m sure Juvia’s look of concern, and being one of the first people trying to run to Lucy’s aid means nothing! It’s just for show! We know the true feelings lying just below the surface! She was seething with jealousy on the INSIDE Surely Juvia spent the rest of the day privately celebrating Lucy’s misfortune, and wishing her further ill. I bet she didn’t even go visi-
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That’s fine. Juvia being the first from Team B to rush into Lucy’s hospital room is MEANINGLESS, do you hear?! She was probably laughing raucously at Lucy’s suffering moments before she rushed inside! You are not fooling anyone, Juvia!!!
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Lucy and Gajeel about to be attacked by Keith. Yes! two false friends, and her greatest love rival about to get taken out in one fell swoop. Excellent! Juvia will be celebrating to-
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NO!!! What are you doing?! Juvia!!! 
Ugh, honestly, Juvia doesn’t have friendships, ok? I get she wants to look good to manga readers, but this is just too hard to swallow. As if Juvia would show any care, connection or try and protect someone that’s not Gra-
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Ok… you know what? Who cares if Juvia’s done the most unison raids, which is a magic attack that is supposed to show a close bond between two people? Who cares if she’s had important “moments” with other people? Plus, a lot of those things happened a LONG time ago, so obviously they don’t matter any more.  If it didn’t happen in the most recent chapters, it’s null and void. Simple as that! Everyone knows character development has an expiration date. She obviously hates these people now, and is no longer friends with any of them. DUH! 
Anyway, Mashima, you can keep trying to make us believe Juvia isn’t a heartless, selfish stalker, who’s goal in life isn’t to isolate Gray from all of his friends, and heap harm upon all love rivals. But I’m not buying it.
Because I, and MANY others, know the truth. It doesn’t matter if the actual manga doesn’t support my claims, because I think it’s obvious what Juvia’s true character really is. So, no matter how many times you show Juvia “caring” about other people, and no matter how often we see her “selflessly” sacrificing her own well being and interests for the good of others, I know how things TRULY are.
There’s a darkness lurking just below the surface.
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We’re all on to you, Juvia.
Zeref? Acnologia? You ain’t got NOTHING on Juvia, The True Face of Darkness (forget E.N.D., it’s all about T.F.D.).
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Taking down Fairy Tail from the inside, one love rival at a time.
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