dukechoijiwoo · 1 year
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"It almost time, nii-san" He muttered softly as he look at the gang symbol. Daruma Ikka, no matter how many times they fall down they will always get up.
It's been two years, two years since the police imprison his older brother. To them Hyuga Norihisa is too brutal, crazy and unstoppable. The only way for them to stop him is to put him in the prison.
Hyuga Shiranami also supposed to be imprison. Shiranami is brutal just like his older brother, if the older brother prefer to use his fist than the younger brother prefer to use knives. That night the police plan to catch both Hyuga Brothers but Norihisa had order the Totettsu Brothers to drag Shiranami away so he wouldn't be caught.
For two years he had lead Daruma Ikka as a leader replacing his brother temporarily. The members respect Shiranami just like how they respect his older brother. The younger Hyuga is protective of the gang, he would do anything to keep them safe.
"Shira, everyone's waiting" The grayish white hair male called out to the younger Hyuga. He chuckled and grab the knife that he stuck on the ground. Shiranami face all the member of the Daruma Ikka
"Let the festival begin!!" He laugh as Shu Kato lead the cheering. They all punching the air feeling the mood that lighten up by their leader.
Soon, Daruma Ikka will rise and show those idiotic fools what a true typhoon is. They will destroy everything and create havoc everywhere.
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dukechoijiwoo · 1 year
Hyuga Shiranami
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"No one apologize when they the one who made me become a monster"
Hyuga Norihisa
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"Win or lose is another matter. What important is we make them feel suffer"
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"What I know is monster is not born, they are created by the evil of someone wrongdoing"
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"One thing you should know, not all woman are monster. Only some of them"
Murayama Yoshiki
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"Nee, Shira-chan we should fight each other next time! Your durability match mine!"
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"I understand what Hyuga feel when Shiranami is in dangerous situation"
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