driftveil-city · 9 months
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Sebastian Stan as The Winter Soldier/James Buchanan “Bucky” Barnes in Captain America: The Winter Soldier
credit on twitter: (causelenator)
don’t repost or claim as your own.
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driftveil-city · 2 years
 “Rough night, mate?” Ron asked after seeing Harry’s bloodshot eyes, dark purple bags under them. 
 “Fine,” he mumbled. He carefully stepped out of bed, his mind a wreck of half-formed thoughts. 
 The boys made their way into the common room, where Hermione sat waiting, books gathered in her arms. “What took you two so long? I almost left without you!” 
 “It’s ‘Arry, he’s acting weird.” 
 The two sets of eyes moved to Harry, and sat staring at him for minutes as he slowly blinked, in a daze. 
 “What’re you looking at?” He asked in surprise, as if just now finally noticing them. 
 Hermione shook her head. “Harry has anything happened?” 
 Harry shook his head. 
 That’s a lie. He thought. Malfoy happened. Again. 
 A look of unease passed between Ron and Hermione, but soon they let it drop. After brushing it off as simple fatigue from lack of sleep, Hermione led the way as they exited the common room.
 They entered the potions classroom. Ron and Hermione sat next to each other, and Harry was left alone in the back of the room. Not a moment after he sat he was startled out of his daze. Malfoy sat down next to him, out of breath and just barely on time for class.
 Harry started at him. He’d never been more interested in this boy and silver eyes. 
 “Expecting a kiss, Potter?” He hissed.
 “From a roach like you? Disgusting.” Harry responded. Liking Malfoy was somewhat painful.
 “You fuck roaches often?” 
 “You fuck heroes often?” 
 “Few times.” Malfoy answered with a sly grin and a look from the corner of his eye. That one completely asinine look that Harry hated and yet was astoundingly drawn to.  
 Burying his head in his potion book, Harry tried to ignore the blood rushing through his ears. Just being this close to Malfoy seemed to be wreaking havoc on his body. Couldn’t breathe right, couldn’t talk right, couldn’t read right. He couldn’t process anything except for the slow, calm breathes of the blonde boy sitting next to him. 
Draco obnoxiously slammed down a small brown bottle. "You forgot the tormentil tincture." he said, words sharp.
 “Fucking intellectual,” 
 “Oh can it, Chosen One”
/ / /
“Sorry for abandoning you in potions mate, but I’d be failing without Hermione’s notes” 
 “‘S fine.” Harry said distractedly, watching the flurry of owls glide in from the ceiling. A bright white one fluttered down towards the golden trio. Harry’s face lit up at the sight of the Hedwig. 
 Though his face fell again when she simply dropped a letter for Ron from his Mother, who wanted to tell him that Errol was sick and couldn’t deliver anything for a while. 
 After sitting in between Ron and Hermione’s constant bickering, he finally stood and left the Great Hall early. Nobody at the Gryffindor table seemed to notice. 
 He stopped in the common room and grabbed his invisibility cloak, hoping to sneak into the restricted section to see if he could find anything about this "half blood prince".
“Potter,” A sly voice said right behind him. He startled, nearly falling over in surprise. His invisibility cloak wasn’t fully unfolded, only a chunk of his elbow looked invisible. 
“What’s this?” Draco asked, snatching it up and spinning it on his fingers. “It’s smooth like silk,” he smiled devilishly. “Thought you were too poor for silk, hanging out with the Weasels all the time.”
 “Give that back!” Harry shouted. He whipped out his wand at the same moment that Draco did. 
 “Malfoy.” Harry said, rage building in his voice. “Give. It. Back.” 
 A beat of silence. 
 “Make me,” Draco spat. He shoved the invisibility cloak in his robes as Harry fired a wild expelliarmus (which was dodged narrowly)
His face began to screw up, this was the closest thing he had to his family, and now it was rustling in Malfoy's cloak pocket, just a piece of silk to him. 
"H-How did you even get in here?!"  Harry threw his hands out, exasperated.
Malfoy unnoticeably took a step closer, face mirroring Harry's sour expression. The only difference was their eyes, burning green on a cool, indifferent silver. Wands tense but low, a shallow half-trust on the brink of shattering. 
"None of your business, Chosen One," Draco gave him a glance up and down, nose pinched with disdain. 
"My cloak, Malfoy." Another step froward, wands back up, trust not yet earned. "Or I tell that you've broken into the common room,"
 "And who says I broke in? Isn't a special little golden boy always sneaking me in? What's one more time,"  His eyes glistened, waiting for a reaction. 
And he got one. 
Wands launched off at the same time all sorts of spells mixing and clashing in the air, petrificius totalus, expelliarmus, Harry's mind flew with his feet, dancing away from beams of green and red alike. 
His mind whirled, what to do, what to do?! He couldn't hurt Malfoy, not with this new pro-blonde hair gray eyes side, but he was not about to let him run off with the only thing he has of his father. 
The book!! The spell in the book, maybe now was the time to try it!
In a flash, Malfoy was sprawled across the floor, red already seeping through his shirt. 
"Shit holy shit!" Harry ran over, heart racing, shooting bullets into his eardrums. He pressed his hands down on the cut across Malfoy's chest, blinking hard as if it would help him remember the right healing spell. 
"E-episkey!" Harry shot the tip of his wand towards the wound, yet nothing happened. Blood continued to pour out of Malfoy like water, red on the floor, on his hands on his shirt. 
"No no no," he wiped Draco's hair off his forehead and lifted his head, leaning to check his breathing. A gentle breeze hit his ear, Malfoy, alive. But not for long, not like this. Harry never meant to do this, not something this harsh or dangerous.
He didn't want to lose him.
Thought to thought, his breath hung thick in the back of his throat, choking out any sense but blackout panic. Help, he needed to get help. Hermione would know how to fix it, but the blood was coming out so fast, and he had no way into the girls dormitory. He needed a sure fix, and fast, now! His breath scratched at his throat like a wild cat, sending shocks of fire up and down his spine, wild trepidation buzzing into the end of his fingertips. The sight of him on the ground, the pool of blood, the smell of his blood, Harry had to hold down his dinner. How can he get Hermione if there's no way into the girls dormitory for Christ's sake when will this school come to the next century! 
 It was up to him, alone, to save Malfoy, to fix what he'd done. Tears dug into his cheeks, hot with regret. His wand hovered over Draco's body again, a plan starting to come out of the fog that had taken Harry's mind. A plan to save Malfoy. 
The platinum blond's rapid breaths, quivering body ceased to move. To Harry's delight his plan had worked; the blood pouring from his chest had frozen in place. He let a breath out in shaking bursts, forgetting all else for a moment and taking the boy in his arms. He looked towards the door with new resolve. 
 "Lumos," he whispered into his wand like a lighter, sparking a small flare of white light. He let it guide the way, struggling to hold the deadweight of an entire 16 year old boy in his arms, but making due. A half lift half drag half crawl, to Madame Pomfrey to anyone to anything that could help in the slightest. 
 He cast a glance down to Malfoy, stomach roiling at the sight of his paling face. He never meant to do something like this to him, never. He was such an idiot! How could he let this happen how could he so mindlessly cast a spell he'd never heard of before on a boy he maybe didn't hate, a boy he maybe even liked. He cringed away, a bit sour. You don't have to like someone to want them to live. To not bleed out because of something you've done. 
 "I'm sorry," he whispered to the stiff body, face hard. 
 "Sorry for what, hm?" A voice seemed to sneer behind him. 
 Harry startled, eyes wide as he came face to face with the one and only Severus Snape.
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driftveil-city · 2 years
 “Oh fuck you Malfoy,” Harry finally retorted while he sat at the Gryffindor table. He’d been trying to keep his cool, but it didn’t take long for his anger to bubble over. “Shut your weasel-ass with all this stupid-“ 
 Draco stood up on the table, flashing his wand. “Say one more thing Potter, and I’ll glue your mouth shut.” 
 And with that, the fight was over. Draco stalked off with his gang, Harry was left stewing in his anger, his friends clearly fed up with the constant fighting. 
 “Why don’t you ever threaten him like that?” Ron asked, mouth full of food. “Yknow, with your wand n stuff, or your creepy snake talk,” 
 Hermione shot him a glare. “That’s certainly not the only solution to this problem, Ron. We could have a truce or something, make a deal,” 
 Ron laughed. The food sputtered out of his mouth. “As if that would work! Ha! A treaty with Malfoy!”
 Harry rolled his eyes and rested his head against the table. Things with Malloy were a lot more complicated than most thought. 
 See, if Harry didn’t make such a angry fuss over Malfoy’s jeering, it’d be quite obvious that he liked him. 
 As for Malfoy, he’d always been an unknown. Harry wasn’t sure what he could really do, except for defend himself in any way possible. 
 That was until last night. 
 Draco and Harry, in the corridor fighting again. Only this time they turned into a broom closet and, looking back, had quite an interesting encounter to say the very least about what happened. 
 Harry didn’t remember the very least though. He remembered all of it, every single second. The worst part so far was eating, he couldn’t get the taste of Malfoy off his lips. 
 He thought maybe the next day he’d be shown a little respect by Malfoy but no. No acknowledgement of the night in the broom closet. Of who started it or if it was even real or just a moment of human weakness. 
 And that made Harry genuinely mad.
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