And thats everything posted! Thanks for another great exchange!!
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some cute bookdad ship for chaparu on discord for the drakenier holiday exchange!
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a gift from twitter!
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my gift for the 2023 drakenier holiday exchange!! (for @/twofacedangels on discord)
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Happy holidays @canmom!! I was your Drakenier secret Santa (belated santa heh) Hope you had and still having a great time in the new year!
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It's @drakenier-holiday-2023 time, and this year I was assigned @tmasc-bunnygirl-swag! I hope you like it!!
This was a really fun chance to try my hand at drawing A2, as well as trying something new stylistically. It's not perfect, but I like the little imperfections; they make the piece feel human (which is kinda ironic considering the subject... anyway). There were some ideas that were scrapped in the creation process - such as drawing the flowers the Resistance members involved in the Descent were named after - but I'm still really happy with the final result!
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First Snowfall in a Long, Long Time
“Snow… Kainé, look! It’s snowing!”
The woman looked up from the fire she tended to, glancing about her. At first, her expression was that of slight annoyance, but as she gazed upon the round, skeletal face of Emil, she quickly realized she couldn’t keep up the façade for more than those few, precious moments. After all, from the beginning, the annoyance wasn’t real, anyway.
Until that moment, it hadn’t yet snowed for the season near Nier’s village. As always, Emil stared up at the starry sky—a vast, endless expanse that held seemingly uncountable hopes and dreams—with a child-like wonder that spoke of his innocence. Even after melding his body and soul with those of his sister, Emil didn’t lose such innocence; in fact, Kainé had half the thought to think that such an experience only served to make him more innocent. He still held such a pure perspective on life—radically different from Kainé’s weirdly hopeful nihilistic view.
Would she be considered a realist or a pragmatist? She didn’t really care for either of those words; all she knew was she was not as idealistic as Emil—who became a living weapon and still shined bright, in all his newfound freedom and glory.
Emil had always loved the snow. Kainé knew this because every time it snowed in the past, he had told her… Yes, every single time. She had always let him finish his rambling, then she would chide him for repeating himself. For some reason, these exchanges gave her a sense of déjà vu, but like with all feelings that were vague memories, she could never place her finger on the exact reason.
The snowflakes, fat and heavy, fell from the sky lackadaisically, as if they were gifts from the very stars themselves. It was moments like these were Kainé felt like she could really relax, watching as the flakes peppered the grassy, rocky landscape of the plains, just a little further than where the pair had set up camp. A log in the fire collapsed, and sparks flew haphazardly through the air. For a moment, the warmth of the embers and the chill of the snow danced in tandem with one another, upon an ephemeral stage.
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This was written for @drakenier-holiday-2023, for @thewyllowetree! Hope you enjoy; I don't get to write Kainé too often, even though she's a fav!
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Leonard, in the dust
A weary Leonard returns to bury his brothers. A fairy needs to be entertained. An unexpected confrontation.
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My submission for the Drakenier Holiday Exchange 2023 (@drakenier-holiday-2023). I asked for the weird spicy requests, and I got exactly that.
For @blindedguilt, a story about Leonard. ~3.5k words.
[web] [AO3]
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And finally, Zero, the oldest of the Intoner sisters and a traitor to them all. She was a savage woman. Riding atop a pure white dragon, she sliced her way through countless battlefields, aiming to take the lives of her five sisters. A blood-soaked Intoner.
happy holidays from your secret santa, @capriciousvisage! hope you have a wonderful new year ~ here's some zero + michael content! (part of @drakenier-holiday-2023)
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Hohoho and Merry Christmas @6amcoffe!
I was your Drakenier Secret Santa 👀✨
I hope you'll have a wonderful day with all you love and that you will appreciate this little gift of mine -
Btw, I checked your art before doing anything for you and wow you're so good -! ✨
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Just a few more days to finish up and send out your gifts! Please message me if you require an extention!
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All assignments have been sent out! Please contact me if there are any issues. Most importantly, have fun! 💖
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...And forms are CLOSED!
Thank you to everyone who signed up, I will work on organizing assignments very soon!
Assignments might be sent out before the set date (December 5th) in order to give people more time to work on their gifts. I will be sure to announce when they are all sent!
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10 more days to sign up! Don't miss out!
Sign up for the 2023 drakengard/nier holiday exchange here: [LINK]
Join our drakenier discord server here: [LINK]
Form will close November 25 at 23:59 EST. Assignments are sent out Dec. 5. Gifts due by 2024 January 1. Your creations are to be posted with the tag #DrakenierHoliday2023 !
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It's been a while, but it's time for another Drakenier git exchange!
This is a Secret Santa style gift exchange centered around the Drakengard/NieR series! Anyone with any skillset can join. 💖Please fill out the form if you are interested in participating!
Form will close November 25 at 23:59 EST. Assignments are sent out Dec. 5. Gifts due by 2024 January 1. Your creations are to be posted with the tag #DrakenierHoliday2023 !
I have missed hosting these, let's hope for another great event! Join my Drakenier Discord server for more updates (it's a quiet server!): [LINK]
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It's been a while, but it's time for another Drakenier git exchange!
This is a Secret Santa style gift exchange centered around the Drakengard/NieR series! Anyone with any skillset can join. 💖Please fill out the form if you are interested in participating!
Form will close November 25 at 23:59 EST. Assignments are sent out Dec. 5. Gifts due by 2024 January 1. Your creations are to be posted with the tag #DrakenierHoliday2023 !
I have missed hosting these, let's hope for another great event! Join my Drakenier Discord server for more updates (it's a quiet server!): [LINK]
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hey, sorry to bother you, but have all people exchanged gifts? I haven't seen mine yet, was afraid I might have missed it in my mentions somewhere 🤔
There is one person who needed an extension! So don't worry, you'll recieve yours soon! 😄
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